Loe raamatut: «The Vice President Directive 17 The Origins», lehekülg 2


“Don’t talk nonsense. I loved her! You son of a beast!”

“Exactly! Loved her! Not now!”

“Shut up! I love her.”

“What! Do you really love her? Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say you love her?”

“That’s right! I love her?”

“You are getting me worried and upset now because you are lying. We both know you have no love for her. Do you walk away from people you love?”

“Shut up!”

Jonathan lowered the gun down and looked at Karolina.

“I just don’t know what happened but whatever it is I bet you had everything to do with it.”

“Please! She just chose a better man.”

“Better man? You? Ha! You mean bloody heart-thief.”

“If it wasn’t for Karo, I could have shot you. She is pregnant and stay away okay. Go now and stay away from my girlfriend.”

Karolina walked toward Jonathan and held his arm pushing him away.

“Go. I am with Nick now. If you love me, you will respect my wishes.”

“No! Stay away from him. I don’t know what he is after but whatever it is it is not good.”

“We are expecting a baby now okay so go?”

Jonathan stopped and looked at Karolina.

“He is not good for you. I just know it?”

Nick started walking toward them.

“And you are good for her? How can you be? You left her alone crying herself to sleep? Tell me right now how you are better? Right now, you just said it yourself that you have no love for her. So how can you say that?”

“You stole it.”

Nick leaped forward and punched Jonathan so hard that he stumbled and fell backward. He got up and turned around and aimed the gun at Nick. Nick with an angry face looked at Jonathan with piercing eyes, unmoved nor afraid. Karolina screamed in desperation as soon as she heard a click made by the cocking up of the gun.


A loud scream woke up the neighbors. Instantly a dog barked hysterically miles away. Karolina sat on the bed frightened. Nick lifted his head and looked at his chest with an agonized face. He screamed in pain. He touched his heart and lifted his head again before slumping on the bed.

“Ah my chest. Oh my God!”

Karolina sobbing looked at Nick for a split second before getting up and getting the phone.

“Come on pick up!” she whispered.

The phone rung for a while before a voice answered on the other end.

“Come quickly,”

The person on the other end didn’t say anything. As soon as he heard the stress patterns in Karolina’s voice, the doctor Dr. Hughes knew it straight away that it was an emergency call.

“The doctor is on the way. Hang in there, darling. Everything will be okay.” said Karolina beside Nick who was wriggling in pain on the bed. The look on his face said it all. He was in agony. He clutched his chest and looked at Karolina. Sweat droplets trickled down his face and neck before disappearing on the bed-sheets. His eyes instantly closed as he squinted in pain. Karolina simply watched not knowing what to do. Instantly Nick snapped open his eyes. He looked at Karolina before looking on his chest. The sound of a car engine outside caught Karolina’s attention. Instantly she got up and ran toward the door. Soon afterward Karolina and the doctor entered the bedroom. Nick had stopped moving. Sweat beads formed on his forehead before rolling down his face. He had an abnormal heart beat. The doctor looked at him and then at Karolina before kneeling next to him. He started checking his vitals. Karolina looked at him with asking eyes. He looked at her and nodded his head. The pair looked at Nick. He lay there without moving but his eyes were moving rapidly under the closed eyelids. His eyes were moving very quickly. His side temple veins had a high pressure that they could easily see the veins' movements as the blood thumbs past. The doctor looked at his chest. He was hyperventilating. His heart beat was beating very fast making his whole body, stomach and ribs to react to the vibrations.

“Is he going to be alright?”

The doctor continued checking Nick first.

“I guess so I have to stabilize him first,” replied the doctor.

Nick’s eyes instantly stopped moving underneath the closed eyelids. The doctor looked at Karolina first before looking at Nick. He lowered his head to Nick’s chest level. He lifted his head and checked inside his bag. He touched Nick’s chest and instantly Nick breathed faintly before his eyes started moving again underneath the closed eyelids.

Later Nick lay peacefully on the bed. Karolina sat next to him on the bed. She looked at him.

“What’s happening darling?”

She sobbed rubbing her stomach.

She looked at Nick and instantly tears rushed out from her eyes. Tear drops soaked the bed-sheets near him.

“I love you very much. I just don’t know what I will do if something bad happened to you.”

She sobbed and took out her handkerchief and blew her nose. She lay on top of Nick’s half-naked body. She lifted her head and looked at him.

His eyes were still moving very fast underneath the closed eyelids. He seemed to have stabilized as he was breathing normal. She planted kisses on his forehead, the cheeks and lips. She lay her head on his raised hairy chest and she closed her eyes. She could hear his heart beat rate. She remembered the first days they met. It was magical. The more she thought about it the more the tears trickled down her cheeks onto his rigged chest.

In her subconscious mind she felt Nick’s chest movements and heartbeat instantly stop. She opened her eyes and lifted her head from Nick’s chest and looked at him. The eyes were moving very fast under the closed eyelids. He had somehow stopped breathing, or she thought. Instantly Nick’s eyelids snapped open. He looked at Karolina with wide-opened eyes, haunted and disoriented. He instantly lifted his head and with a creased agonized face he looked at his chest and touched it. He breathed heavily and loudly before slumping on the bed. He breathed out air and instantly looked calm as his eyes met Karolina’s. He smiled as he saw her gorgeous face. He lay calmly looking at her.

Karolina looked at him before quickly hugging him lying on top of him kissing him everywhere.

“I am glad you are okay darling.”

She planted kisses on his lips when he tried to talk she placed her index finger on his lips. She kissed him on his cheeks, neck and rigged chest passionately. She pulled her dress up and jumped on top of him sitting on his crotch.

“What happened!”

He asked disoriented for a while. He touched his chest and looked at the inside of his hand.

“It’s going to be alright. The doctor said that you were probably having a nightmare. Everything is going to be alright.”

She rubbed herself on his well-defined body kissing him everywhere passionately. She pulled her dress up to her head level and removed it.

“I love you.”

She looked at him.

He still looked worried and disoriented.

“The doctor said that everything is going to be okay. Just a nightmare or something but nothing to worry about.”

Nick scanned the whole bedroom and then looked at Karolina.

“Just a nightmare. I thought...”

“Shh don’t talk darling.”

Karolina unfastened her bra and took it off before rubbing her body onto Nick's.

Nick breathed heavily.


Karolina paused and got up and looked at him. That somehow sounded very strange. She hadn’t heard Nick call her by her first name for a very long time. It was always darling, sweetheart, honey, my-better-half, etc. She looked at him. She noticed something for the first time. His face was emotionless. He looked dull, unloving and frightened. After a quick thought she looked at him and kissed him.

“You are going to be alright darling. Okay. Nothing to worry about.”

“I know Karo. Just a nightmare.”

“I love you Nick. Very much. Even more than I did before. At one point I thought you suffered a heart attack or something. I was very scared. Never scared that way before. I thought I was going to lose you.”

“I know,” replied Nick trying to get up while touching his heart area.

“No. The doctor said you need to lie in bed for more time to gather back your strength.”

“I need to get up I am feeling aches for lying down for too long.”

Nick struggled to get up but eventually managed to sit down. He looked at Karolina for a while before planting a kiss on her forehead. He breathed heavily and staggered out of the bedroom. Karolina slumped on the bed half-naked. She lay there peacefully. She looked at the bedroom dressing table and all that she could hear was the ticking of the dressing table clock. She looked at the time and somehow found the clock very beautiful.

“Darling don’t forget today we are visiting my parents. I think it’s a great opportunity to get away from all this. Time to relax and wind down for a few days.”

“Oh, it’s this week, yes?”

“Yes darling.”

“Karolina, I don’t think I want to travel...”

“But we planned this a long time ago darling.”

“I know Karo. I just think I am not ready to travel far away.” He paused and touched his chest and looked at Karolina.

“Ooh I see. But darling there is nothing to be afraid of. It was just a horrible nightmare.”

Nick walked in the bedroom before sitting on the bed.

“What if that happens again, away from home?”

“Don’t let that stop you living your life.”

“I know babe, but I am comfortable here at home. We can postpone and go later when I am feeling better.”

“No, we have to go as planned darling.”

“Maybe go on your own. It should be alright.”

Karolina stopped and realized that maybe she was being selfish. She breathed heavily and sat on the corner of the bed.

“I thought ...”

“I am just not feeling myself. Maybe go on your own. We can always go together in the future.”

“No darling we have to go together. We need to deliver the great news together too.”

Karolina touched her stomach and smiled before landing a smacker on Nick’s cheek.

A sport utility vehicle [SUV] left a mansion and turned into the main road before speeding away. Nick looked at his wife-to-be on the passenger seat. It was a very beautiful sunny day. It was hot. They both wore sunglasses. Karolina was wearing a thin lovely pink maternity dress. She looked fabulous even in the maternity dress. A small bulging stomach was protruding. Every time Nick looked at the pregnant stomach he smiled. Every time they looked at each other it was all smiles. Very romantic. Karolina’s face suddenly sunken. Nick looked at her and instantly looked ahead as he was driving. He put his hand on her lap and gently stroked her and smiled. He looked at the dashboard and played the Carolinadeivid song Seductive Beauty.

“You like this song very much. Very sweet and romantic. I remember the first days.”

“That’s the reason I bought this album. Reminds me of the best days we had.”

There was silence but only the background song Seductive Beauty.

“Just like in the song the first time I saw you I knew I had to make you mine. Somehow my wish fulfilled. Very romantic.”

Nick smiled.

Karolina smiled too.

“I know. That first night, it was very nice.”

“I remember whisking you away from all the others. Great dancer I must admit.”

The couple listened to the song for a while.

“If it wasn’t for the dancing, we might not have clicked.”

“I agree but I think it was just meant to be anyway.”

“I am glad you said that.”

“Don’t you still feel the same?”

“I love you I am just saying...”

She looked at Nick and sighed.

Nick sensed the tension and worries.

“You can tell me. What is it?”

“I was afraid you no longer feel the same way.”

“Don’t be silly how on earth can you even think like that? I love you and will always do. Are you confusing me with your crazy ex, Jonathan?”

Karolina removed the sunglasses and looked at Nick.

“You know why I loved you at first sight?”

“Go on.”

“You were different. You were romantic and very passionate and considerate.”

“Hang on, stop there. You are using past tense.”

“You changed Nick. You have never called me by my first name before. What happened? What happened to; Darling? Sweetheart? Honey? Babes?”

Nick as a reflex stepped on the gas and the SUV roared moving faster, all they could hear was the sound of the engine eating away the sound of the background song. He panted.

“I haven’t changed darling. That day changed everything. I thought I almost died. I was just worried that has nothing to do with my love for you. You know I love you and will always do.”

Nick reached for Karolina’s hand and touched her passionately.

“I am glad to hear that. I was worried.”

It was not long before the SUV turned into a narrow road that took them through the surrounding trees until they reached a beautiful house on its own surrounded by beautiful botanic gardens.

“It’s beautiful. Great atmosphere. A breath of fresh air and exciting scenery.”

“Great place to wind down. You will love it. Come.”

A limousine parked outside one of the buildings in the city center. The usher walked out swiftly from the building to the limousine and instantly opened the door. A man dressed-to-kill in an expensive suite got out of the limousine. The usher stopped and admired him for a while. The man stopped and straightened his suite jacket and tie and with his saliva moistened his smartly styled hair. He smelled, looked and walked a million dollars. He was the best there can be. Rich and flamboyant. He was no ordinary man. The usher got lost for a while admiring this man. He looked at his suit and then the shoes and thought. Probably the shoes alone were worth more than the usher was wearing and if not including himself. He thought briefly.

“Those must be expensive shoes,” he whispered.

“Sorry this way,” he shouted.

The man walked with style toward one of the buildings. A swift knock and the huge door opened.

“I was expecting you glad you finally came.”

“It must be very important requesting my services at such a short notice,”

“Please come in.”

Brayden a very handsome and masculine man in his early thirties with short and sleek hair walked in and sat comfortably on the sofa in the office. He instantly lifted one of his legs onto the other and straightened his tie. He looked a million-dollars even Tyler knew Brayden was not cheap. Whatever it was it must be big to require Brayden services.

“Have you been addressed regarding this project?”

“You can say that,” replied Brayden confidently.

“Well then without wasting your time let’s get down to business. Shall we?”

Tyler a man in his late forties struggled to open the safe and not because it was difficult. No. Brayden had put pressure on him for he wanted to feel important and special as well. He took his time trying to make his job feel important to Brayden. He finally opened the safe and took out a shoe box and placed it on the table. Inside was a rolled letter like item. A quick pull of the flaps of the ribbon and all were smiles. Tyler removed the item from the cloth slowly and carefully and gave it to Brayden. The item rolled open in Brayden’s hand.

“What is this?” asked Brayden.

“The list Sir.”

Brayden wore a troubled face.

“Why do I need a list for? They told me I am here to pick a file for one person.”

Tyler did not reply but instead shrugged off his shoulders. Brayden looked at the list before his face creased with confusion. He walked out of the office building. He jumped back in the limousine before the limousine disappeared.


“I can’t believe you even said that?”

There was silence in the room.

Oliver’s face blushed and creased with anger and rage. He appeared to be choking with rage as his eyes turned red.

“How can you say that? Did you see how they slaughtered innocent women and children.”

There was a brief silence.

“I am just saying don’t be too quick to judge.”

“Don’t make me angry. Don’t just say things for the sake of it. I know what I am talking about. They ripped open pregnant women and children. You heard the General, they have fallen below standards.”

“The General has no tangible evidence to support his remarks. I am just saying it will be hard to prove.”

“Hard to prove or not! This is below standards. I have watched them for the past seventeen years. It can never be lower than this. What are you waiting for? They were swift to attack for lesser crimes than this. I say we should reciprocate. Swift and ruthless and match their actions.”

“Oliver! Listen! We need tangible evidence. We need to convince everyone or else tomorrow it will be our turn.”

Oliver punched the table with the side of his hand very hard that papers flew in the air before landing on the office carpet.

“Don’t talk nonsense. They are just going to destroy all the evidence just like before. I say to hell with the evidence. We have seen a lot for the past seventeen years. Just look! All the data erased, just a few days ago. I say we contact the others and invade.”

Bryson looked scared for a while. He had never seen Oliver that upset before. Surely something big was on the cards. It seemed the table had turned. The world before today had turned a blind-eye, but it seemed time was catching up with them. This was the worst for the past seventeen years. They had become so complacent and arrogant that things had fallen way below what was expected. Oliver had seen the attack. It was like yesterday. It was so vivid in his mind that at times he had panic attacks just thinking about this. Even though he was young when it happened. It was a day he will never forget. Even now, more often he would look inside the palm of his hands and can still see the blood. It was horrific, worse for a kid like him to see people being slaughtered that way. Even now it hasn’t sunk in. How all his small-town people ended up the sheep for the slaughter. He had no idea who the General was. He had no clue how his small-town people ended up dead because of the General’s crimes. He remembered all the people talk badly about this General. Honestly even they, they disliked this General. He was even mean to them. Stealing the little they had before killing the men in their town. It was like a double edged-sword piercing them when they got attacked because of this General. A person they despised. It was horrific. For Oliver it was the worst day in his life. He lost all his family. He remembered seeing people begging for mercy only for bullets to be lodged in their temples.

“I say we invade. An eye for an eye. Remember? We should revenge. This is the only way to heal the pain and anguish suffered those days.”

“Oliver. I am with you. I know you are hurting but I think we need a diplomatic solution.”

A big bang was instantly heard and papers on the table flew in the air in slow motion. Bryson looked at them before they landed on the ground. Oliver’s face bloated with rage. His once blue eyes had instantly turned to blood-red color.

“Diplomatic solution! Why they didn’t do the same! They were swift to invade and slaughter our people. I say we do the same. A cheek for a cheek. You must get out!”

Bryson breathed heavily.

“We don’t want others to be in this situation. When will this stop? We invade with swiftness and tomorrow someone will raise your issues too. People will keep dying.”

“I don’t care. What about the blood that was spilled? Who will quench the wailing souls? The spirits haven’t rested. There is restlessness. Too much evil still going on. We need a conclusion to all this and that can only be achieved if we match evil with evil.”

“I understand. I feel your pain too.”

“No! You don’t!!”

Bryson kept quiet for a while whilst Oliver raged.

“Did you see innocent women and kids die?”

Bryson did not answer. He could only look down.

“I saw women beg for their lives. I saw helpless kids being shot at point-blank. So, don’t tell me you feel my pain. Everyone knows they have fallen below standard.

“I am doing my best.”

“Your best? You think this is a joke. You should have listened to me. Invade! A test of their own medicine. We could be in a better position now. All your fault. Look seventeen years now and they have only become more devious and cleverer and manipulating. Just imagine the pain and suffering for the past seventeen years. Still no change. You should have listened. If you hadn’t stepped in today, things could be for the better. You cost us lives and precious time. There are some things not to negotiate and this is one of them. There is no room for negotiations. So, don’t waste more of our time and lives. You leave now. Escape as planned.”


“Listen this is not negotiable. They will never change.”

“Sir. With all due respect the main idea behind me negotiating was for us to gather enough evidence so we bring them to the international court.”

“Seventeen years! What do you have?”

Bryson stood up and walked toward the window.

“You are right there. Nothing, but I think we can still bring them to the court.”

“You know that can be another ten years? Who has that time? You saw it yourself they erased the documents submitted just a few days ago.”

Bryson breathed heavily before sitting down.

“You know I have a point. Time for negotiations is over. Send the word. Leave now. Once you are out, we will invade swiftly and ruthlessly. Like I have been saying evil can only breed evil.”

“But I sent all the documents to the court can we at least wait for the court’s decision.”

“You haven’t heard!”

“Heard what?” asked Bryson.

“Judge Kaden died of blood-sugar this morning?”

Bryson sunk in his chair and looked at Oliver.

“Excuse me I have to make a phone call.” said Bryson getting up.

Miles away a couple were watching the news.

Seth a man in his forties was in the lounge area with his girlfriend Jacqueline.

“Just in. Armed men have entered the bank in broad daylight and ordered everyone down before leaving with hundred thousands of dollars if not millions. Surprising no one called the authorities until after the robbers had long gone. The manager of the bank is under criticism today and many hope and wish that he should lose his job over the incident. The men are believed to have ordered everyone to cooperate at gunpoint. Even if this is the case it took minutes for those involved to have called the authorities. No one was shot. Often most expected someone to have called the authorities soon after. This is one of the strange occurrences that have hit the cities across the country. Susan reporting for Touchladybirdlucky Studios.”

Jacqueline sat up straight and looked at Seth.

“Have I heard correctly? I find that very strange. How can the bank staff get robbed and no one alert the authorities soon after the robbers had left?”

“Odd but there could be a lot of reasons to explain that?”

“Seth! What reasons?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they threatened them?”

“But they said that they alerted the authorities long after the robbers had gone.”

“I don’t know babe.”

A knock at the door of the bank manager’s office startled Mr. Trenton the bank manager.

The door suddenly opened, and Mr. Trenton came face-to-face with Detective Braden. A young detective late twenties with well shaven face with dark long hair.

“Don’t worry it’s just me.”

Mr. Trenton's face changed from a haunted face to a welcoming face.

“Come in Detective. What a relief. I have been through a lot. Just don’t think I can go through that again and survive. They nearly blasted me at point-blank.”

The detective walked in and looked around. He looked at the bank manager and retrieved a small pager like device. He retracted a pen attached on the side and pointed at the screen.

“Don’t get me wrong. I understand what you have been through but....”

He paused and sat down.

“Yes, go on Detective.”

“All the people I asked said there was no struggle at all. Most didn’t panic as they might have had in other robbery situations. To put it in one of the witnesses’ words it was like a collection if you know what I mean rather than a bank robbery. What do you say to that?”

Mr. Trenton’s face creased as his eyes squinted.

“What are you implying Detective?”

“I am just saying there was no struggle at all. Lets’ see...”

“Do you struggle with people holding guns Detective? They were armed. They said cooperate and live, struggle and die.”

The detective coughed slightly clearing his throat.

“Even in the given circumstances it took you more than twenty minutes to call for help.”

“We did what we can do in the given circumstances. Maybe that’s why also that no one was shot or killed for that matter. We were just afraid.”

“It seemed also that no emergence buttons were activated when the robbers were still in the vicinity why is that? Isn’t it your job to alert the authorities as soon as possible?”

“It happened so fast my main concern was with the safety of the people.”

“But still you have a duty to alert the authorities so that we try to trace these robbers as soon as possible.”

“Not trying to be funny Detective I did what I can in the given circumstance.”

“Have they threatened your family, threatened to come back for you, threatened you personally?”

Mr. Trenton looked surprised for a while.

“No Detective. They just walked in with guns and demanded that we cooperate.”

“But still you should have followed protocol. Increase the chances of these robbers getting caught by alerting us quickly.”

“That I will leave to you Detective. They did not destroy any CCTV cameras, and they were recording the time they robbed us. That’s why I did not panic I know it was only a matter of time before you get them.”

The detective looked surprised and confused.

“Are you sure the cameras were working? What kind of robbers are they? Stealing all that money? Leaving clues behind?”

“There you go that can explain also my reactions. I thought they were bluffing.”

The detective retrieved his cellphone and dialed a number.

“Okay, Mr. Trenton. I think I must watch the CCTV footage first. I will be in touch.”

The detective walked to the door and was about to go outside the bank managers’ office.

“One last thing. Are you sure they did not threaten you personally? Not related? Do you know any of them?”

“What are you implying Detective? Like I said they did not threaten me directly.”

Detective Kristy a tall slim attractive and fit woman with long but nicely tied blonde hair entered the office. She sat down before her cellphone started ringing.

“Yes Braden. What’s up. What did you get?”

“You won’t believe it. Either they are amateurs or very cocky. They left the CCTV untouched.”

“Yeah. I still recall all witnesses saying they were wearing masks! So, no big deal. Give me something I can use Braden.”

“This is something. Surely, we must watch the footage. We might get clues. A tattoo or something. I don’t know. Get the evidence processed quickly. I have a gut feeling that there must be something we can use.”

“Come on Braden. What did the others get? Didn’t they have the CCTV footage? I need something I can use. An electronic-Fit or a witness statement or something.”

“I am on my way there.”

Soon after the line went dead.

Detective Kristy was startled by her pager.

“Sugar!! Son of a beast,” she cursed.

She looked at the pager and soon left the office. She walked in the long corridor ignoring Detective Paxton’s taunting. A brief knock at the door and the door was swayed wide open. Inside were two other detectives.

A man smartly dressed opened the parked car door and got out as soon as another car approached from the other side. He pulled down the suite jacket and straightened his bow tie. He moisturized the tips of his fingers and slightly stroked his hair. He had a sleek clean shave. He felt a million-dollars as evidenced by the way he walked. The look on his face said it all. This was no other day. It was a very important day in his life. At sixteen he had dropped out of college. This was his first job interview. He was excited, very excited at the prospects of becoming a working-class citizen. He worried if he had made the right decision; dropping out of college. The car stopped and Cynthia, a very attractive lady got out of the car dressed-to-kill in a short dress. The couple were in each other’s hands in no time.

“Thanks for coming. This means a lot to me. I am ready.”

Cynthia smiled and landed a kiss on his lips before they walked toward the office blocks. Bradley opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a luxurious hotel room. He could hear the shower water. Ever since getting his new job life had never been the same again. His job could mean him in a different city every weekend the main thing he loved the most. He knew this was very healthy for their relationship with Cynthia. Dynamic and different. The company paid for everything. He knew he had made the right decision dropping out of college. The past three years had been the best he had had. Suddenly the shower water stopped running, and he heard Cynthia’s shouting something from the bathroom.

“What did you say darling?” asked Bradley.

Cynthia entered the hotel bedroom with a towel round her body.

“I said I want to go shopping.”

“You know I have to do my job first.”

“I know. I can go on my own. I need to stretch my legs anywhere.”

“That’s alright darling.”

Cynthia left the hotel room and headed to the city center for shopping leaving Bradley doing his work.

Bradley got out his laptop and started typing. He connected an external hard drive and kept typing. He paused and looked around thinking. He noticed Cynthia’s bra under the bed. He smiled and pondered his life with Cynthia. He remembered the day of the job interview. She had stood by him. Life had been a blessing since then. She had trusted him from the very first day they met. She was completely different from Sienna. Sienna was the most beautiful girl he had laid eyes on. She was very beautiful and a perfectionist. She was like an angel with everything small, a small nose that made her accent sound sweet and sexy with small perfect lips as compared to Cynthia’s. She wanted everything to be perfect. All she talked about was getting married first before even contemplating sleeping together. To Bradley she was the ultimate dream girl for him but to be honesty getting married was a very remote idea for him. He had dropped college at sixteen with no prospect of finding a job or any concrete plans of how he was going to support himself let alone miss-angel-Sienna. Even the talk of marriage at that age made him resent the idea. Later he found his love for Sienna changing with every date they had. He had a lot to deal with and Sienna kept pushing and comparing their relationship to others. The day he met Cynthia was after one of their burst-ups. He had walked away. He knew, or should I say he hadn’t anticipated to be as successful as he ended up being. Sienna was a high maintenance lady with a huge taste of the best life had to offer. Too much pressure. Complains after complaints had driven him mad. He knew he had to let her go and let her have a man who she deserved. Someone rich enough. Someone who understood her. He knew he had to let her go. It wasn’t easy though. He truly loved her. In fact, he loved her very much to let her go. He knew it that he was never going to make her happy. They loved each other no doubt. It’s just the pressure that was too much for him. The expectations were very high. He remembered crying himself to sleep the day he walked away from her. But somehow, he found solace in her complaints that he never really felt how much he loved her until years later. I guess her complaints had suppressed his feelings for her that it was easy to walk away but he truly loved her. He remembered the look in her eyes that one afternoon. She was the woman of his dreams. The love of his life yet he managed to walk away from her leaving her standing there in tears. It was such a traumatic day for both. They had just quarreled. He had no job. He had just dropped out of college. She had thrown the million-dollar question. How was he going to provide for them let’s say if he got her pregnant? He knew she had a point. It was a question he had no answers to. It was a question he had been asking himself. He looked at her. He saw the passion in her eyes. He could read that face like a book. He knew he had to leave her. He had nothing to offer. In life sometimes, there are situations when just love is not enough. She was like an angel. She deserved the best life had to offer. She had cried numerous times in his arms. All the tears and complaints were starting to show. He knew he would dislike himself if that angelic face was to change for the worse because of him. He knew to love her was to let her go. To love her was to exchange happiness for her for his selfish dreams. Another day another cry was to leave scares on that gorgeous face of hers something he never wanted to associate himself with. Bradley although he struggled during his early years he understood and valued beauty, probably the main reason Sienna loved him in the first place. He knew God created some on days when he had a lot of energy and very enthusiastic that he ended up showing off and that was one of the days he created Sienna. Everything about her was in perfect detail. He remembered the first time he laid eyes on her. He could see God himself. The way she was brought up had a lot to do with her attitude as well and probably the main reason behind her complaints. To Bradley the things she considered as basic, a huge house, a car, a good education and all the best life has to offer were dear things you must sweat for. Now that he had everything even though that seemed distant those days. He sometimes wondered what if he had stayed with her through thin and thick? He knew she was right but at the same time he never really regretted it. He had put her happiness first something he would not trade for even today. It was the ringing of the phone that startled him and woken him up from this dream.

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