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Loe raamatut: «A Mother's Secret», lehekülg 3


Chapter Three

“It’s getting late,” Mrs. Thompson said as she set her coffee cup in the sink. “Here I’ve been, talking your ear off, and you’re probably tired from all your traveling today.” She set her hand on Chase’s shoulder as she took his dirty plate. “You should head on down to the carriage house and get some sleep.”

The sooner he was out of the mansion, the better. Joy stood and took her plate to the sink. The kids were watching TV in the front parlor while Mrs. Thompson and Chase had visited. Over the past thirty minutes, she had discovered that Chase graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, the year after he left Timber Falls, had gone on to work with his father directly after college and was now living in Seattle. When Mrs. Thompson had asked if there was a special lady in his life, he had evaded the question and changed the subject.

Was there someone else in his life now? Did that someone know he was in Timber Falls with the mother of his children at this very moment?

Joy checked her thoughts and forced herself to stop thinking about Chase’s love life.

“Let me help clear the table,” Chase said.

“Nonsense.” Mrs. Thompson took a dirty glass out of his hand. “I’ll call the kids back in and they can help with the dishes. You should go with Joy and she’ll show you around the carriage house.”

The sun had already set, so the last streaks of daylight were splayed against the sky in pinks and purples. If she wanted to get him settled before it grew completely dark, they’d need to hurry. She’d prefer to send him there alone, but she still didn’t know how his conversation had gone with his father and she hadn’t wanted to ask in front of the children or Mrs. Thompson. If it hadn’t gone well, she’d find a way to tell them herself.

“I’ll grab the keys to the carriage house, if you want to drive your car down the hill,” she said to Chase.

He nodded and cleared another plate off the table, despite Mrs. Thompson’s protests. “Thank you for the delicious meal.”

The older lady’s cheeks glowed at the praise. “Anytime.”

While Chase went out to his car, Joy grabbed the keys from a drawer in the foyer.

Stepping outside, she inhaled the fresh scent of early summer. Ducks quacked in a nearby pond, birds chirped from the treetops and squirrels pranced around the lawn. Deep green foliage filled in the space between branches, offering lushness to the great outdoors.

She walked down the hill to the white carriage house at the bottom and waited for Chase to park his rented Jeep Wrangler. The canvas top was down and he looked every bit the carefree son of a millionaire.

What would he think of her silver minivan, with dried french fries and cheesy fish crackers littering the floor? They were definitely living in two different worlds.

He jumped out of the Jeep and took his suitcase from the back seat.

“It’s amazing how little this place has changed,” he said as he followed her up the steep set of stairs outside the carriage house. The apartment was on the upper level, while the original carriages were stored in the garage on the main level. When Uncle Morgan had lived here, they had installed a chair lift to take him up and down the stairs, though he didn’t leave the house often.

“Why change something that’s already perfect?” she asked.

“I couldn’t agree more.” His voice had dropped an octave and Joy forced herself not to assume a deeper meaning behind his words.

When she reached the top of the steps, she unlocked the door and pushed it open. The apartment was dark, but she knew her way around. She and the kids had visited Uncle Morgan often, and he was always ready to hear about their lives. The place wasn’t the same without him.

She flipped on the light switch as they stepped into the kitchen.

“Here are the keys.” Joy turned and found Chase right behind her—much too close. She took a step back and handed him the keys. Their fingertips brushed against each other and she pulled away quickly. She remembered his touch all too well. “You should have everything you need,” she went on. “We didn’t move anything out after Uncle Morgan died, so you’ll find all the necessities.” Joy started to step around him to leave the apartment.

“Are you going?” he asked, setting his suitcase on the tile floor. “I had hoped to talk to you about the conversation with my dad.”

How had she forgotten so quickly? “Okay.”

He pulled one of the chairs out from the table. “Why don’t you sit down?”

Joy did as he asked and took the seat. Unease crept into her stomach as she watched him settle into the chair opposite her. Why didn’t he just get it over with? Tell her what she was dealing with.

“My father agreed to let you stay until the end of July.” Chase’s forehead wrinkled in dismay as he spoke to her. “I told him what you said about Uncle Morgan’s wishes, but he won’t budge.” He swallowed and reached across the table to touch Joy’s hand.

She pulled away, like she had just been burned.

Chase nodded, as if he understood that he had no right to touch her anymore. “He wanted to give you a week, but I talked him into letting you stay for two months.”

Joy couldn’t sit. Standing, she walked over to the counter and turned to face him. Had he fought hard for them, or simply given in to his father again? “I love Bee Tree Hill.” She looked down at the floor, afraid she might cry. It was the last thing she wanted. She’d told herself years ago she would never let someone else see her pain. They just used it to hurt her. “I’ve lived here longer than I’ve lived anywhere in my life—and the kids—” She couldn’t continue.

Chase rose from his chair and crossed the room. “I’m sorry, Joy. If I had a choice, I’d let you and the kids stay here forever.”

His words and voice were so genuine, she almost believed he cared. But she knew better.

She moved away from him again and stood by the sink. “There has to be a way we can keep Bee Tree Hill.”

“I wish there was, but I have no choice. I have to put it up for sale.”

“Why can’t I buy it?”

He frowned. “You?”

Indignation rose in her gut. “Why not?”

“Joy, it’s worth millions of dollars. Do you have that kind of cash?”

“Of course not—but it’s not impossible.” Her mind started to race with possibilities. “I can apply for grants, ask service organizations for donations, hold fund-raisers and apply for a loan.” If she’d learned anything in life, she had learned how to fight for what she wanted. “If you give me enough time, I can come up with the money.”

“I don’t know...”

“Just give me a chance. I have to try.”

He didn’t look convinced, but he nodded. “If you think you can do it...”

“I know I can.” She crossed the room and turned when she got to the door. Desperation tinged her voice, but she didn’t care. She had to fight for Bee Tree Hill. If she didn’t, she couldn’t face her kids. “I’ll do everything in my power to raise enough money.”

“I still have a job to do here,” Chase said. “My father is expecting reports, so I’m going to have an appraiser come in and let me know what everything is worth. I’m also going to make all the necessary repairs and go through Uncle Morgan’s personal items.”

“I know.” She didn’t care what Chase had to do. All she cared about was raising the money. “And I’ll meet with you tomorrow to go through the house and grounds to make a list of repairs.” She needed to reassure him that she wouldn’t be a hindrance to him, but would cooperate. If she was amiable and easy to work with, maybe he could convince his father to lower the price for the property—or give her more time. Anything would help.

“Okay.” His smile looked sad and it made his blue eyes soften at the corners. “I hope you raise the money, Joy. I wouldn’t want anyone else to own Bee Tree Hill.”

His words brought a lump to her throat and she turned to leave. She was going to cry and she couldn’t let him see.

The next afternoon, Chase sat in the Jeep outside the mansion as he waited for Joy. Sunshine warmed his shoulders, while the breeze off the river was just enough to keep him from getting too hot. Up above, the tops of the pine trees swayed in the wind, while white cumulus clouds drifted by in the bright blue sky.

He had forgotten how much he loved Minnesota in the summer, especially here in Timber Falls, where life had a slower pace and neighbors still took the time to visit one another. Back in Seattle, he hardly knew the names of the people who lived in his apartment building, and he never visited with them. It was strange if they shared more than a brief hello in the hallway.

“Sorry.” Joy stepped out of the house and came to the Jeep, her purse over her shoulder. “I had a harder time than usual putting Kinsley down for a nap. I try not to leave all five children with Mrs. Thompson, unless the girls are sleeping.”

She grabbed the roll bar and pulled herself into the Jeep. He was astonished all over again that this young, attractive woman was the mother of five children. She was trim, stylish and had more energy than anyone he’d ever met. Her dark blond hair was a little longer than he remembered, but still as silky and thick. She tucked one side of it behind her ear like she used to, and let the rest fall over her shoulders.

A memory from their summer together hit him like it was yesterday. They had taken a picnic basket to the riverside and spent hours lying on a blanket, watching the water flow by, talking about what they wanted out of life. Chase had run his fingers through her hair as it lay splayed on the blanket and she had smiled up at him, love, trust and hope in her beautiful brown eyes. And that’s when he knew he had wanted to marry her. Later that evening, he had called his father to tell him he wouldn’t be returning to Seattle after graduation that year. He had wanted to marry Joy and move to Timber Falls.

But Dad had other plans, and he was in Timber Falls less than twenty-four hours later, giving Chase the ultimatum.

“Do you remember how to find the hardware store?” Joy asked, looking over the list they had compiled earlier.

Chase pulled his mind out of the past and nodded. “I went there almost every day with Mr. Thompson.” He put the Jeep in Drive and pulled out of the estate. The top of the vehicle was still down and the wind pushed and tugged at them.

“Thanks for inviting me to come with you and help choose the paint.” Joy held her hair back with her right hand. “I know you didn’t have to.”

Several of the rooms in the house hadn’t seen a fresh coat of paint in years, so Chase had invited Joy along to pick out the colors she liked. If it was up to him, he would have chosen white for everything. Even if they were only there for a couple more months, he wanted Joy and the kids to feel at home.

“I don’t know what color to get for Kinsley and Harper’s room,” she said with a sigh. “Kinsley insists on pink and Harper on purple.”

Chase couldn’t help but smile. It was easy to tell the girls apart that morning when he’d joined them for breakfast, because they were dressed the same as the day before, except this time, they weren’t wearing overalls, but matching sundresses. Pink for Kinsley, purple for Harper.

“You can’t change the color of their clothes, or I’ll never get them straight.” Chase took a left onto Main Street, the sight of the stately brick buildings bringing back even more memories.

“I’ve bought everything in those two colors.” Joy’s hair continued to blow in the wind, giving her a wild, carefree look. “If one of them decides to like yellow or green, I’ll be in trouble.”

Chase was quiet for a moment as he thought about the twins. Of all the things that had surprised him these past couple of days, Joy’s twin daughters were the biggest shock. They had her brown eyes and her heart-shaped mouth, but those were the only features they shared with their mom. Yesterday, he hadn’t thought too much about their father, but today, the thought had crossed his mind several times. Was Joy still in a relationship with him? If she was, no one had mentioned it. Had the dad skipped out on her? Was he still part of their lives?

It wasn’t his place to ask her such a personal question, especially if the breakup was painful, but he couldn’t help but wonder. Would she open up about it, if he asked?

Joy waved at several people along Main Street and one older gentleman shouted a hello as they turned onto Broadway. The sun reflected off the large plate glass windows on several buildings. A bakery, a bookstore, a woman’s clothing store and more filled the charming downtown. Colorful flower baskets hung from historic streetlights and cast-iron benches were positioned along the tree-lined street.

At the hardware store, it took them over an hour to select paint and find all the necessary supplies to make repairs on their list. They carried doorknobs, hinges, light switches and plaster out to the Jeep when they were finished.

“Is the West Side Café still open?” Chase asked Joy after they secured their purchases in the back seat.

“Of course.” She repositioned a can of paint. “It’s the most popular restaurant in town.”

“I have been craving their stuffed hash browns and biscuits and gravy for years.” Just the thought of them made his stomach growl. “How about an early supper?”

She paused as she climbed into the Jeep. Her face grew serious and she shook her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Chase.”

He got into the driver’s seat, but didn’t put the keys in the ignition. “Why not?”

She sat and clasped her hands on her lap. “It’s too complicated.”

Chase put his hands on the steering wheel and studied the bricks on the building ahead of him. He didn’t want to go another step further until he apologized to her, but how could he put into words the regret he felt? There was no way to explain his actions—or any excuse that could possibly make up for the heartache he was sure she had endured. The only thing he could think to say was, “I’m sorry.”

She didn’t respond, but stayed motionless in the seat next to him.

He faced her. “There’s nothing I can say—”

“No.” She swallowed. “There’s not, so please don’t even try.”

“But I have to. I was young and stupid—not to mention scared.” His words sounded flat, even to himself. “I know that’s not an excuse, but it’s the truth. If I could go back—”

“What?” She finally looked at him. “What would you do differently? Stay? Stand up to your father?” She put up her hand. “No. Don’t answer me. I don’t want to know. I’d prefer to just focus on the present and what I need to do to keep Bee Tree Hill for my children.”

“Joy?” A tall man approached the Jeep wearing a black pinstripe suit and a red tie. He wore shiny black shoes and dark sunglasses, and carried a briefcase.

“Tom.” Joy got out of the Jeep and met him in the parking lot. They embraced and when Joy pulled away, she had a beautiful smile on her face. “When did you get back?”

“Last night.” He took off his sunglasses and grinned at Joy. “I was going to call when I got home, but it was too late. And then this morning, I had an early hearing. I was just entering the courthouse when I saw you.” He held her at arm’s length. “You look great.”

Joy dipped her head and continued to smile. “You look good yourself. The Florida sun agrees with you.”

Chase stepped out of the Jeep, tired of being ignored, and extended his hand to Joy’s friend. “I’m Chase.”

“I’m sorry.” Joy motioned to Chase. “Tom Winston, this is Chase Asher—Morgan Asher’s great-nephew.”

Tom’s eyebrows came up. “This is Chase?”

Chase clenched his jaw at the question, but Joy simply nodded.

“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Tom shook Chase’s hand with a steel-like grip. “What brings you back to town?”

Chase hated to say why he came, but he had little other choice. “I’m here on behalf of the Asher Corporation to sell Bee Tree Hill.”

Tom’s smile fell and he looked at Joy. “Did you know this was going to happen?”

She shook her head. “I thought Uncle Morgan made his wishes known to the corporation, but apparently he didn’t.” Her mouth thinned. “And, if he did, I doubt his wishes would be honored.”

It was a dig to Chase’s family, but it was probably true.

“Do you want me to check and see if there’s anything you can do from a legal standpoint?” Tom asked. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes for you and the kids.”

Joy put her hand on Tom’s arm and smiled. “I know you are, but I don’t think there’s much you can do this time.”

Tom’s face was serious as he looked deep into Joy’s eyes. “If you’d only give me the word, I’d be by your side. You know I’d go to the moon and back for you and the kids.”

Chase narrowed his gaze as he studied Tom’s face. Was there a resemblance between him and the twins?

“Tom.” Joy glanced at Chase, her cheeks turning pink. Was she embarrassed that Chase heard Tom?

“I ask her to marry me about every six months since she told me she was pregnant with the girls.” Tom pulled Joy to his side and put his arm around her, but he looked at Chase. “Maybe you can convince her to say yes to me.”

She put her hand on Tom’s chest and playfully pushed him away. “You only ask me because you feel sorry for me.”

“Your words hurt, Joy.” Tom grinned, but then he grew serious again. “And you know that’s not true.”

An awkward silence came between them and Chase stepped over to the Jeep to open the door for Joy. “We should probably get back. Mrs. Thompson will be wondering why we’ve been gone so long.”

“Are you staying at Bee Tree Hill?” Tom asked Chase.

“In the carriage house,” Joy supplied as she got into the Jeep and closed the door. The window had been rolled down, so she put her elbow on the ledge and reached out to take Tom’s hand. “Come by sometime soon. The kids miss you.”

Tom wrapped both his hands around Joy’s. “I will. And I’ll see if I can do something about the estate.”

“Thanks.” She waved as Chase jumped into the Jeep and started the engine.

For some reason, knowing who possibly fathered Kinsley and Harper didn’t fill Chase with relief. Instead, it made him more uneasy than before. But why wasn’t Joy with Tom? He seemed like a nice, successful kind of guy. He was clearly interested in marrying her. So why did she remain single?

They didn’t speak the entire way back to Bee Tree Hill.

Chase pulled into the circle drive and parked the Jeep near the front door. When he turned off the engine, they sat in silence for a heartbeat before they spoke at the same time.

“Who is Tom?”

“Tom is an old friend.”

Again, silence.

“How long have you known him?” Chase asked.

She shrugged. “Since I was in high school. We dated on and off, but then the summer you came...” Her words trailed away.

“Did you connect with him after I left?”

Joy’s fists rested on her knees and she let out a sigh. “I would rather not discuss it.”

She opened the door and reached into the back to grab a couple gallons of paint, and then went into the mansion.

Chase sat in the Jeep for another minute wishing he could turn back the clock and do everything differently. He wanted to ask Joy if Tom was the father of her twins, but he suspected he already knew the truth.

They looked just like the overly friendly lawyer.

Chapter Four

Early morning sunshine streamed through the multipaned window of Joy’s small sitting room. It connected to the master bedroom and served as her private office, as well as a place for her morning devotions. The window was cracked just enough for her to feel the fresh air and hear the birds singing in the basswood trees just beyond the mansion. In July, they would bloom and their fragrance would fill the air with the sweetest perfume. The trees also attracted honeybees, which was how the estate had been named.

But her mind wasn’t on the honeybees, or even the beautiful morning. From her vantage point, she had a view of the carriage house, distracting her and causing her to think about Chase.

The previous afternoon, when they’d returned from the hardware store, they had gone their separate ways. He had started to fix some of the minor, more bothersome issues around the house, and she had gone into the girls’ room to start clearing out the furniture for Chase to paint the walls. The boys had followed Chase around for the remainder of the day, and though she had tried to call them away from him several times, he’d insisted that he didn’t mind. Instead of grow impatient, he had taught them how to use a hammer and screwdriver, showed them how to replace a hinge and water faucet and even did a little math with them using his measuring tape.

And they didn’t even complain about adding when they were on summer break.

While Chase had put blue painters tape around the trim in the girls’ room, and Mrs. Thompson had entertained the girls with some gardening, Joy had begun working on the grants and fund-raising efforts to buy Bee Tree Hill. She hadn’t gotten far, though, since the girls’ room was close to her office and she could hear Chase talking with the boys. They hung on his every word and told him things they’d never told her. She’d tried not to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t help it. She’d learned things about the boys’ past that made her want to weep for them—but throughout the conversation, Chase had been a pillar of support for the boys, never pressuring them to talk, or making them feel unimportant.

Now, as she sat in her office, researching possible grants online, her gaze drifted to the window, searching for a glimpse of the man who still made her heart gallop, despite her best efforts.

“How about a cup of coffee and a friendly face?” Mrs. Thompson asked, entering the room with two steaming mugs.

The smell of freshly-brewed coffee made Joy turn her attention away from the window. “Always,” she said with a smile.

Mrs. Thompson handed Joy one cup and took a seat on the lounge chair near Joy’s desk. She settled back and put her feet on the ottoman, a satisfied smile touching her lips just before she took a sip of the coffee. “The first sip is my favorite.”

Joy leaned back in her chair and did the same. “You make the best coffee.”

Mrs. Thompson held her cup between her two palms and studied Joy. “When are you going to tell him?”

With a sigh, Joy set her cup on her desk and crossed her arms and legs, not ready to face this topic.

“When you became pregnant,” Mrs. Thompson said, “Morgan wanted you to call Chase—”

“And I did—he just didn’t answer.”

“If you remember correctly, Morgan said he’d find a number that would work, but you said you weren’t ready and made us promise not to tell him.”

“You know how devastated I was when Chase left.”

“Yes.” Mrs. Thompson took another sip of coffee. “And that’s why we didn’t pressure you to say anything until after the girls were born. But at that time, you were just trying to keep yourself afloat and finish college.”

“That wasn’t a good time to tell him, either.” Indignation rose in Joy’s chest. “I had as much as I could handle just surviving. I didn’t need the added emotional stress of telling Chase about the girls.” Or worrying that he might take them from her.

“And when you finally had a handle on being a single mom and you finished college,” she patted Joy’s knee, “—which I’m so proud of you for—then you were busy trying to find a job.”

“I couldn’t handle telling Chase when I was dealing with everything else.”

“But then you found a job,” Mrs. Thompson continued, “and I told you it was time to tell Chase, but then you learned about the boys and decided to start fostering them.”

“And I couldn’t have done it without you and Uncle Morgan.”

“We were happy to help,” she said, “but, honey, it’s time to tell Chase.”

Joy shook her head. “Not now, not when we’ve just learned that we might be homeless.”

Leaning forward, Mrs. Thompson leveled her gaze on Joy. “Life will never be perfect enough to tell Chase the truth. Something will always come up. We’re either in a crisis, just past a crisis or about to enter one. If you wait too long, and he learns the truth some other way, it will just cause more pain.”

Lifting her mug off the desk, Joy couldn’t deny Mrs. Thompson’s wisdom. When was the last time her life was uncomplicated? When might everything be perfect enough for her to tell Chase he was a father?

Joy lowered her cup to her lap. The brown liquid was more hazelnut creamer than coffee. She was quiet for a moment as she took stock of her real fear. “What if he tried to take them?”

“I know that’s the real reason you haven’t told him.” Mrs. Thompson set her coffee on the desk and scooted forward to place her hands on Joy’s knees. “But you can’t let that keep you from telling him the truth. I know he left, and I know he hurt you, but I also know that those two baby girls need to know who their daddy is—and he needs to know them.” She put one hand under Joy’s chin and tilted her face up. “God’s got this, honey. He’s not surprised by any of it. He’s not surprised that Chase is back, or that he came to sell the estate or that you’re afraid to say something.”

“But how do I know it will come out okay in the end?”

“You don’t. All you can hope is that God will use this for your good and His glory, no matter how things turn out.”

Joy took a deep breath and tried to nod. She realized Mrs. Thompson spoke the truth—she just had a hard time believing it. “What if—” She paused, almost more afraid of the alternative thought that had plagued her all these years. “What if he doesn’t want anything to do with them?”

“Kind of like your daddy didn’t want you?” She spoke gently, but the words dug into Joy like a knife.

She couldn’t even respond.

“I wish I could promise you that Chase will do the right thing—but I can’t. I also wish I could promise you that he’ll be a good daddy—but I can’t. What I can promise you is that God will always be the Father you and those girls need—and, God willing, I’ll be here to help as much as I can.”

Joy set her coffee on the desk and leaned into Mrs. Thompson’s embrace. The older woman was as dear to Joy as a real mother—something Joy had not had since she was nine years old.

“I love you,” Joy said to her surrogate mama. “I’m so happy you’re a part of my life.”

“I love you, too, honey.” Mrs. Thompson sat back and took her coffee again. “And I’ll be praying for you and Chase and those children.” She winked and nodded. “You’ll see—God has a plan and everything will turn out exactly how He wants it to turn out.”

Joy clung to Mrs. Thompson’s confidence, even though she didn’t have any herself. Life had taught her to expect and prepare for the worst, and though she hated that about herself, she didn’t know how to change.

She would continue to fight for her children—and she would do what was best for them, even if what was best was also what was hardest.

“You know what we should build?” Ryan asked with his eyes big and bright.

“What?” Chase set the first board against the trunk of the tree and held it in place until he could pound a nail through the wood.

“A skylight, so we can look out at the stars. Then, we can have a sleepover in the fort to watch them.”

“You can’t watch the stars while you sleep, silly,” Jordan said, shaking his head.

“No!” Ryan rolled his eyes. “We’ll watch the stars until we fall asleep.”

Kodi cheered at the idea, but Chase simply nodded, as if he was considering the request. “We’ll have to see. I’m not sure I can build such a fancy fort.”

“You can build anything,” Kodi said with awe in his voice.

Chase grinned and started to hammer the nail into place. “Could you fill my tool belt with a few more nails, Jordan?”

Jordan jumped to help and pulled several nails out of a box, then he put them in the tool belt around Chase’s waist.

The warm June weather was as perfect as it could get without the addition of mosquitoes or other pesky bugs. Those would come later in the summer, if Chase’s memory was correct. For now, the bright blue skies, warm breezes and occasional thunderstorms made this his favorite month of the year.

“We’ll put a few boards on the tree for a ladder and then we’ll start on the platform,” Chase explained to the boys. “Hopefully we can get a good start on that before suppertime.”

“Are you going to eat with us again?” Ryan asked. “I heard Mama tell Mrs. Thompson it was awkward to have you eat with us and she wished you didn’t.”

Chase paused as he put another nail in place. Joy didn’t want him eating with her and the children? He tried not to feel offended or embarrassed by the revelation, but he shouldn’t be surprised.

“Ryan!” Jordan said. “That’s not nice.”

Ryan just shrugged. “I didn’t say it—she did.”

Jordan put his hand on Chase’s shoulder. “I want you there.” He smiled. “I like you.”

“So do I,” said Ryan, defensively.

“And me,” agreed Kodi.

“I like you guys, too.” Chase hammered the second nail in place and then tried to wiggle the first board. It didn’t budge. “But if your mom doesn’t want me eating with you, then I should probably start eating in the carriage house.”

“No!” the boys cried in protest.

“See?” Jordan pushed Ryan with his shoulder, a frown on his face.

“It’ll be okay,” Chase tried to assure him, taking another board and placing it above the first. “I’ll still see you all the time.” His phone started to vibrate in his back pocket. He’d turned the ringer off, because it felt like too much of an intrusion into this idyllic place. “I need to take this call,” he said to the boys. “Ryan, do you want to try to nail the next board into place like I just did?”

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