They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood and Learning

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Dr Alex Richardson, one of the UK's leading authority on how nutrition affects behaviour and learning, exposes the truth behind the foods we are feeding our children and offers simple, practical solutions all parents can use. An empowering book that will transform the lives of children and help them reach their full potential.Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University and former school teacher, Dr Alex Richardson is one of the UK's leading expert on how what we do and do not feed our children impacts their learning, concentration, co-ordination and behaviour.Empowering and extremely practical, this book sorts out food fact from food myth and shows parents how to bring the best choices into their children's everyday diets. Includes simple meal plans and recipes as well as practical guidance on other lifestyle factors, such as time spent in front of TV and computer screens.A highly influential book that offers concerned parents concrete information and real solutions.

Täpsemad andmed
Lisatud LitResi:
30 juuni 2019
500 lk. 16 illustratsiooni
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