Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life

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The essential guide to teaching children of all ages manners, respect and the social skills to get ahead in life.This first hand guide filled with humour and anecdotes will explain how to teach your children to behave at home, in restaurants, airports, trains and public places.Even if you think your children's behaviour in public leaves you in need of psychological help, this book explains how to turn bad behaviour into good in a matter of weeks. Imagine actually receiving compliments on your children's behaviour and manners. Yes, it is possible and no, it's not difficult. You will be happier and less stressed and your children will be happier, more respectful, more popular with their friends and teachers (oh yes that helps) and dare I say, exactly what you thought having a family should be like.The good news is it's never too early to start or too late to learn.

Täpsemad andmed
Lisatud LitResi:
30 juuni 2019
250 lk. 46 illustratsiooni
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