Tsitaadid audioraamatust «Железный король», lehekülg 2

"Then I made a stupid mistake and looked up at him. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, his face was open and vulnerable in the moonlight. I caught a hint of wonder there as we stared at each other. Slowly, he leaned forward. I caught my breath, a tiny gasp escaping. He stiffened, and his expression shuttered closed, eyes going hard and frosty.


'This is getting old,' he said in a voice that matched his eyes. "

"Knock, knock!" he called in a high, singsong voice.

For a moment, silence. Then a thud and a crash, as if something heavy had been hurled at the door. "Go away!" snarled the voice from within.

Ah, no. That's not how the joke goes," called Rob. "I say 'knock, knock', and you're supposed to answer with 'who's there?'"

F*** off!"

Nope, that's still wrong." Robbie seemed unperturbed. I, however, was horrified at Ethan's language, though I knew it wasn't him. "Here," continued Rob in an amiable voice, "I'll go through the whole thing, so you'll know how to answer next time." He cleared his throat and pounded at the door again. "Knock, knock!" he bellowed. "Who's there? Puck! Puck who? Puck, who will turn you into a squealing pig and stuff you in the oven if you don't get out of our way!" And with that, he banged the door open."

Сзади послышались шумны ахи и охи, истеричный смех и неприятный шепоток, - такой, что сразу понимаешь: сплетничают о тебе.

Грималкин, шерсть его развевалась на ветру. – Я ваш верный слуга. – Взаправду глупо было бы верить лестным словам кайт ши. – Оберон откинулся назад, его лицо снова приняло безучастное выражение. Ветер стих, солнце вернулось, и все снова стало нормальным. – Ты получишь свою услугу. А теперь иди. Грималкин склонил

натравлю на нее гончих. Я предельно

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