A magical world where rivers flow upward. Children’s adventures

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A magical world where rivers flow upward. Children’s adventures
Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Illustrator Playground ai

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

© Playground ai, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-2380-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1: The mystery of the Upside-Down River

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where the whispers of the ancient trees told stories of old, there flowed a river unlike any other. It was known to the woodland creatures and the whispering winds as the Upside-Down River, for it defied all reason and flowed from the valley to the mountaintop, its waters dancing merrily against gravity.

Eliot, a young and curious boy with a heart full of adventure, stood at the edge of this watery enigma. His eyes sparkled with wonder as he watched the fish swim skyward, their scales glinting like tiny stars against the current. The river’s song was a gentle hum, a lullaby that seemed to call out to him, urging him to uncover its secrets.

With a deep breath, Eliot stepped forward, his boots sinking slightly into the soft earth at the riverbank. He had always believed that magic was more than just the stuff of bedtime stories – it was real, tangible, and it flowed through this very river.

As he began his journey alongside the curious current, the forest watched in silent anticipation. The trees leaned in closer, their leaves rustling with excitement, and the birds perched high above sang a chorus that seemed to cheer him on.

Eliot’s path would be one of discovery and wonder, a path that would lead him to understand the true nature of the Upside-Down River. But little did he know, his adventure was about to take an even more extraordinary turn, one that would reveal the heart of the magic world where rivers flowed upward.

Chapter 2: The Forest of Mirrored Lakes

Beyond the Upside-Down River, Eliot found himself in a part of the Enchanted Forest he had never seen before. Here, the trees stood tall and proud, their trunks wide and leaves shimmering with a silver sheen. This was the Forest of Mirrored Lakes, a place where the water mirrored not the sky above but rather worlds beyond.

Eliot approached the first lake with cautious steps, his reflection meeting his gaze. But as he looked closer, he realized that the image staring back at him was not his own. It was a reflection of another boy, similar yet different, with eyes full of stars and a smile that held secrets of distant lands.

The boy in the reflection beckoned Eliot to come closer, and as he did, the surface of the lake rippled, and the image changed. It showed a city of crystal spires and floating gardens, a place of beauty and tranquility that seemed to exist in another dimension.

Eliot touched the surface, and the vision vanished, leaving behind only his own reflection. He knew then that these lakes were portals to other worlds, each one a gateway to a place as magical and mysterious as the last.

With a heart full of questions and eyes wide with wonder, Eliot continued his journey through the Forest of Mirrored Lakes. Each step took him

deeper into the magic, and with every reflection, he saw a new world, each more captivating than the last.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Eliot found a lake that reflected the night sky, but with constellations he had never known. He realized that the Forest of Mirrored Lakes was not just a place of reflection but a crossroads of worlds, and he was the traveler destined to explore them.

Chapter 3: The City in the Clouds

As Eliot ventured deeper into the Enchanted Forest, the trees began to thin, and the air grew lighter. A gentle mist enveloped him, and with each step, he felt himself ascending. The ground beneath his feet seemed to dissolve, and soon he was walking on clouds, soft and billowing like cotton.

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