Loe raamatut: «Tradition against communism. Explanation of the defeat»


© Almaz Braev, 2023

ISBN 978-5-4498-5036-2

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The peasant Thermidor showed real evolution to the conformists, not Marx’s class evolution.

Why the left idea now is marginal. Because the left idea, as conformists understand it, is the idea of landless peasants who were promised land and factory proletarians who were promised factories. This is the stage before industrial re-equipment, as far as the peasants are concerned, or the post-factory stage, when everything depended on literal physical strength and the working majority. Those who had nothing began to struggle for material happiness. But the same proletarian who in the interpretation of Ancient Rome had nothing but himself had to “have the whole world” in the interpretation of Karl Marx’s Manifesto. Having acquired material values, even in the reduced form of the Stalinist regime, the proletariat does not need anything else, as it turned out, except vodka. And the Soviet regime got the workers drunk to solve the problems of the next Congress and the state’s economic problems. Only following the tradition and putting down roots, the smartest men began to teach their children to get a certificate. Peasant sharpness! Only in the traditional world with a certificate is any person actually a person. Although the further, the more these crusts have become a fiction about knowledge, especially on the periphery of the Soviet Empire and more of the same piece of paper in the form of a pass to the elite. But it’s too late. The smartest proletarians and residents of the bottom took root, climbed up, and privatized all state property. This strategic carelessness of the Soviet regime, and even more precisely of Marxism, showed that Marx, followed by his friend Engels, although Engels seems to have studied the “Origin of the family, private property, and the state”, turned out to be weak dialectics of human nature, and even more precisely did not know anything about tradition.

What is tradition, why is tradition?

But it is a tradition that explains that a peasant before he becomes a nobleman or an official, needs to start roots get seeds into the right soil. Also, it is the crowd of the physical majority of peasants and post-proletarian peasants in the Soviet system. First thanks to ideas about social justice, then thanks to knowledge and experience have made their way to the very top of power, they to diced in there. And then put down roots. Privatize all property. Then egghead analysts are even looking at this as a conspiracy of the West. But for the correct treatment of the patient, you need a correct diagnosis. Eggheaded analysts who fool heads with the conspiracy of the West and Trotskyists are just a reflection of private egoism, the same as that of the Soros grant-eater. These are the ends of one stick. One wants to get a grant and go to a restaurant, and the other wants to sell his books and be known as a patriot and guru of Russia.

So, why are there no leftists today, and shouldn’t there be? If you look at the world through the eyes of the beginning of the last century.

Because there is no more Karl Marx proletariat, in such numbers as Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky saw them. This is the completed stage, along with the production cycles. Today there are and will be only statists. Or the patriots. Who are also very similar to the fascists.

Suppose you look at the world again with old eyes. It’s just that if the private property has been abolished by law in the state, then this is left-wing statism. In this case, the state manipulates the property because the people have not had the property for centuries. If the property in the state is immutable and has been for a long time because many generations have lived like this and passed the inheritance from generation to generation, then this is right statism. You can also call it something else. And there are many shades of right now because the property has taken root all over the world. And all these people want more property. Including the so-called proletarians. Modern proletarians are no different from ordinary citizens. They have the same property, the same rights as everyone else. They carry the same goals and needs as the population.

The so-officially called leftists today have such leaders as that peasant boy from the village of Mymrino, who grew up, unlearned, penetrated the party, and now began to lie publicly. This is the same oligarch. But an unusual oligarch. He is not selling oil or gas, but faith and an idea. Why they do this, you will learn from this book. Unless, of course, there were never factories in the area where they were born. The same fate, the creeping peasant Thermidor, awaits all the world’s leftists.



Whether he is a revolutionary or Jesus Christ himself, any pioneer should know. Before him, many inert masses used this road. From year to year, the crowd went back and forth from century to century. This is called tradition. It never occurred to anyone that the path could be used in any other way. Walk with other thoughts. All sorts of left-wing thoughts only get in the way of any habit. Like an obstacle in the way that any team member has walked many times. And here is an obstacle… Any sighted person will certainly bypass the new adventure and go on the path again, even with a blindfold.

Life is an interesting thing. Someone’s old and proven skills are immediately passed on to the new generation. This new generation may not care at all and not check the experience of fathers. On the contrary, the young always say that their ancestors were great. They always praise their ancestors. For land, for shelter, for being born into a strong people. In other words, they praise both modernity and old experience. If the old experience were bad, there would be no land or shelter. A person who does not support this patriotism will be met with suspicion. If ordinary people watch in silence, then the nobles or the elite will persuade ordinary people to beat the scoundrel. And he will be banished. These noble people-elders (Zerots) adopted the old experience and the status of their parents. Any modern elite spent a lot of energy with their ancestors to lead their people in the old way. They say their ancestors drove the enemies and aggressors, and now my heirs will remain in charge. We are talking about the traditional elite (Zerots) and traditional peoples. This is the history of many centuries.

And then there is a strange person who says that you are not thinking correctly, that you’re not standing right, that you’re turning the wrong way. Oh, the horror! You are all living wrong. And anyway, you believe the wrong gods.

Now you must imagine the Sanhedrin’s reaction to the appearance of Jesus Christ. The greatest man who called himself the son of God. The Council of elders or the Jewish Zerots were most indignant at this unheard-of impudence. They were on the trail of their fathers, and then this upstart came along. The Pharisees made the main effort to have this rebel crucified. Not the king of the Jews. Not the Procurator of Judea. He just washed his hands of it. Namely, the high priest of Caiaphas and his colleagues for the coveted walking trails managed to kill the prophet.

What do I want to say?

I want to say that in a place where they have walked the same way for centuries, moved by inertia, and observed all the rites, expecting nothing and obeying inertia, suddenly someone will appear. This someone will say, here you go back and forth, back and forth for many centuries, maybe even a thousand years, and now the earth will fall under you. Well, not literally, of course. A figuratively meaning. You are blind, you are deaf, you are inert, like pets that go back and forth with you, and you are no different from them. Well, not directly, of course. But the hint of resemblance to cattle will be obvious. The pagan old gods just love life. Pagan gods or spirits produce this life for life. They just give it to a person, a bird soaring in the sky and a reptile crawling on the rocks. The snake also has a use. Even dung flies are needed in nature. In nature, everything is harmonious, and there is not a single superfluous detail. All this good and evil, good and bad, just and unjust, equality and hierarchy were invented by man himself. And nature just loves life. It does not matter what you think about the way of life, the regime of the dictatorship of the ruler. But all the Zerot or medieval elite will certainly be outraged as it should be for the priests, as it is determined by human nature and by feudal laws. Pharisees spent significant eff and went back and forth a lot: a great-grandfather went, a grandfather went, and a father went. All these people created a caste of Pharisees, a kind of high priest. And here, some upstart, troublemaker, and rebel want to ruin the whole system, knock out the dynasty, break the Pharisees’ career. What will your reaction be, for example, if you are a Pharisee? How do you look at an upstart who knows what you need better than you?

But this is a rebel and a revolutionary, as well as a prophet and a pioneer.

He appeared for a reason. Soon there will be more of them. Turmoil is inevitable. And they will win because it will be supported from below. But these rebels will still lose because nature loves order. It creates quiet people, people of law and ceremony more than rebels. And people of the rite do not need anything. Only to go here and there, even though all my life and fulfill the covenants ancestors’.



Where people of the right come from. The Pharisees are not only actors of the distant past in Judea. Pharisaic is a common definition of double standards and hypocrisy in simple terms. All earthly Pharisees are pre-attributed dishonesty and hypocrisy, and a Pharisee doesn’t need to be a noble and respected person in society. A Pharisee can be defined as anyone who pretends to be righteous or honest. For example, an official observes the law, but at the same time, there is interest in this ostentatious hypocrisy. He is formally executing the law, but in reality, he is stealing. And in any cult and rite, there are Pharisees; in the state, there are Pharisees. Pharisees are needed to maintain the system, and they are even more necessary than principled truth-seekers. In a corrupt state, the Pharisees are more important than the conspirators. And many people can be conspirators. How did the Pharisees get there if there were so many corrupt officials in power? Why are there no honest and principled people in power? And around all only shout Corruption! Corruption! Nothing like screaming does change. These cries of corruption are even boring.

What is it?

But here’s the thing. For example, everyone wants to get something quickly. Steal it, get your hands on it dishonestly, or privatize it and make a lot of money out of it. For traditional people, it is also important to have elite status to be respected people. Status is significant for traditional people. The faster this status is obtained, the more realistic the tradition will be. Ancestral precepts. Status people also have more opportunities. Everyone goes to them with their interests. This is culture. Traditional people are interested in becoming respected or achieving success, especially when market relations come.

The USSR collapsed. Maybe you stole, maybe you were a smart broker on the stock exchange, maybe you sold cars on the market. Maybe he was a servant, a sycophant to a former Communist boss, maybe a hypocrite, maybe even openly robbed the common people. The output is valued only the results of your work. Therefore, traditional people always remain a hostage of their culture. For people who value hierarchy, everything else is not a hindrance to the goal. And the goal is always the status of the Zeref. That’s how Zerefs are raised. They are raised in respect. For them, the respect for the elders in the first place.

There is nothing shameful about it. But, as always, all the excess occurs on the norm and the bad increases on the good. An over-respectful person takes a big step forward if the subject they over-respect has a weakness. Any official likes flattery. And flattery is a false status. Let it be at least some, but the status! Then it becomes a habit not to respect itself but to work with someone else’s weakness. The young servant is doing better. Therefore, in the traditional world, they dislike an independent and strong personality at all. By the way, where did it come from? How could it even be here? The dislike of a strong nature created all the conditions for breeding servants, outwardly very respectful, in fact, passers-by professionals. The people do not know Pharisaic, but they already want hypocrites to be the elite.

The traditional people even come together to choose the most suitable hypocrite.

How do they do this? Completely without the proverbial democracy and secret elections in voting booths. They do it without saying a word. Completely instinctive solidarity. They don’t even teach it specifically. This comes from traditional culture. This is culture. All the weak unite against the bright personality. Another question is, why do they do this? After all, traditional people like the relationship. In this case, the kinship of blood passes into a new kinship of souls. In this new world, all together, they can play the hypocrite: praising each other, ascribing non-existent feats, and enjoying friendship with the owner. No one here will prevent them from acting pharisaically, although they and I do not know. However, it turns out again the shortest path to the cherished goal.

Thus, Pharisaic or ostentatious hypocrisy is a quality of the traditional world and a trait of traditional people. They value their time and save their effort. What could be easier than a faithful (pathetic, even heroic fanatic) face? You don’t even need to perform any feat for this. You just have to flatter your boss. Perform the rite properly. The ancestors performed rites. This is also a rite of passage. Clap, perform, March in the square. There is one phenomenon, but this is essential.

As long as you don’t actually take the risk, the rite people gather at the rite mass not to sacrifice their bodies, but only their means. They agree to perform the rite so that they are not suspected of disloyalty and thought hostility. And already first rebellion traditional parents can squeeze out of their children drop by drop. An affectionate calf will suck two mothers (You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar). Here, such heifers or Pharisees seep up (get up, become elite) like sand in a cage. And then the most remote and most common goal comes within arm’s length of all the infiltrating hypocrites. They are trying to fulfill their traditional task: build a house, breed similar heirs, and pass on all their wealth to them, including through sheer hypocrisy and opportunism. And if there are only twins from the traditional culture around, then no one asks unnecessary questions at all. The raven does not peck eyes at other ravens. Everyone understands that tradition comes first. Because of the time limit of great competition, the entire top is overflowing with such Pharisees. They fill the space with their quantity. And the mode doesn’t hold up. Collapses under their weight and falls. At this moment of collapse, I assure you that new hypocrites have already matured. They are already waiting, waiting for their turn. They also humbly affectionate like calves sucked two mothers to take over the baton.



All the Narodniks and socialists are always shouting: People!

The people are poor, the people suffer, the people are sad.

I will say right away, and the people do not even know they are suffering. Inert people fulfill the covenants that are called life. I would compare these people with the biblical first man Adam. He lived quite happily in the garden of Eden and did not know that he was suffering from ignorance. And many centuries, the ancient peoples also lived in ignorance. And then a particular serpent creeps up and persuades the second person – Eve to eat an apple from the tree of Paradise. Eve ate an Apple and found out that she and Adam were suffering from ignorance. What if the socialist serpent had not crawled up and agitated the progenitors of all mankind, that is, of all peoples?

On the one hand, it seems that the serpent is right. He is a well-wisher to people, not as this notorious owner of the garden of Eden. On the other hand, he condemned the first couple of people to eternal earthly torment. In this conflict-to enlighten Adam and eve or not, the conflict of conservatives and socialists is laid. I’m not on the whose side but in the middle. Adam and eve produced so many people that the endless suffering of the people also produced a crowd of socialists. They are now shouting: People! The people are poor, and the people are suffering. Did the people ask them? Well, they are still as stupid as the first Adam. You should eat the Apple of knowledge for it. And all socialists like snakes crawl out of different holes and push apples directly into the mouths of inert people. What does this mean?

The previous chapter spoke of the sacrifice of socialists and Narodniks for the bright ideals of the revolution. Well, that’s it. All socialists proclaim ideas with a long-term plan for their implementation. They promise a lot to the people and take them on a remarkable fantasy journey. But if the people who carefully listen to them resemble the primitive Adam? These are primitive people, for example, who live in the desert or in the far North graze herds of reindeer. What can they see in the drawn future? They don’t see it. They don’t want it at all.

Furthermore, they like the pictures themselves. This is the promised land. In all promises, people will find the most important thing for themselves. This will be important, substantive, and material. They will wait for a bright future, in short, but will settle down already heading to a bright future. After all, heading to the new Eden of socialism, no one forbade implementing the tradition: building houses, starting families, and producing offspring. So, they do not see in any pictures of revolutionaries only tradition. What the ancestors did yesterday from below, they will see today at the top. Yes, these revolutionaries promise to give the land. What else does a peasant need? If the revolutionaries promise to livestock, the nomads will see many cattle. That’s all they need. Each Zeref has its Eden in mind. If the population is made up of Zerefs, they can only really be attracted by traditional fairy tales. But in these fairy tales, everyone will see their own fairy-tale end.

But when Zerefs get into a fairy tale, Zerefs rid of the storytellers and leaves his fellow – Pharisees. Of course, they will understand that they no longer need storytellers socialists. Ordinary people do not prevent the Pharisees from removing the revolutionaries from the hill. Inert people are always busy with themselves, their work, their family, in general, they are busy with old things. And, of course, they will choose the right leaders. They do not need long-term tasks; for example, they do not need socialism in the whole world when they do anything in the village. Pharisees perform their rites. Thus, the revolutionary socialists are dangerous for them, not traditional people. Dangerous for revolutionaries are their comrades; they are also Pharisees who came to perform the rites out of habit immediately from the village. As long as there was a common enemy, the Pharisees were in the ranks of heroes. Even they performed feats for a bright future. Of course, as real Zerefs, they also saw their prospects in the future.

Heading to their cherished dream, they recognized the socialists as their friends. But as soon as the Zerefs received the first harvests from the victory, they quickly grouped even without a team. They saw their goals. To carry on the tradition is all that is needed to Zerefs. That’s all the Zerefs need. This is how new dynasties of “tadpoles” began, which at first waved their tails quite correctly and revolutionarily. From a tadpole, as we know, will be a frog. Just as a traditional person is not stuffed with stories about the big ocean, he will still dream of a swamp.

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Ilmumiskuupäev Litres'is:
01 aprill 2020
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