
Notes on Philippine Birds Collected by Governor W. Cameron Forbes

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Remarks. – Birds from Java are small and appear to be quite like those from Singapore and the southern Malay peninsula. The Borneo bird is a little larger and the one female before me is gray above as in the Philippine form.


Lalage niger mitifica Bangs.

Lalage niger niger (Forster).

Aegithina tiphia aequanimis, subsp. nov

Nine specimens, both sexes, from Palawan and Dumaran Islands, June, July, August, and September.

Type. – M. C. Z. 64,334 adult ♂, Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island, 4 August, 1913. W. Cameron Forbes.

Characters. – Similar to A. tiphia tiphia (Linné) and A. t. viridis (Bonaparte) of Borneo, but bill longer and heavier; the upper parts much more yellowish olive-green and the forehead, including the lores, broadly bright yellow.


Remarks. – The Palawan and Dumaran bird represents a very good form, easily separated from A. tiphia tiphia or A. t. viridis by its larger bill and much brighter upper parts. The series shows no individual variation, and no tendency to ever become dusky or black above.

Orthotomus ruficeps nuntius, subsp. nov

Three specimens from the Sulu Archipelago; an adult ♂ Sibutu, 23 August, an adult ♂ Cagayan de Sulu, 2 July, and an immature ♀ Jolo, 2 August.

Type. – M. C. Z. 57,529 adult ♂, Cagayan de Sulu, 2 July, 1911. W. Cameron Forbes.

Characters. – Similar to O. ruficeps ruficeps (Lesson), (specimens from Borneo), but slightly larger, with longer bill; upper parts clearer gray; crown slightly deeper brown.


Remarks. – There are, in the U. S. N. M., three skins from Sibutu similar in all respects to ours.

Birds from Palawan and Clulion Islands are somewhat smaller than those from Sulu, but agree in color more nearly with them, than they do with true ruficeps of Borneo.

Zosterops forbesi, sp. nov

Two adult males from Camiguin Island, 2 August, 1921.

Type. – M. C. Z. 86,369 adult ♂, Camiguin Island, 2 August, 1921. W. Cameron Forbes.

Characters. – Similar to Z. basilanica Steere, but larger; upper parts much brighter and yellower, – yellowish citrine rather more strongly yellowish on head and upper tail coverts; yellow of under parts brighter and clearer – bright yellow chrome.


Remarks. – This new form which is well marked and quite distinct, belongs in the group characterized by possessing a wide stripe of yellow along the median under parts and gray sides and flanks. In the Philippines this group is represented by: