How to excite a man. What words and phrases bring guys

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How to excite a man. What words and phrases bring guys
Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

© Christian Bernard, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-1477-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

For each man a set of particularly exciting words of his own. It is important to catch the moment of conversation. And smoothly translate it into the right direction. So, for example, one man will be delighted with female coarseness, another will need modest babbling, the third will need passionate revelations with dirty details.

However, most often on the sexual overtones of the next character, men react unequivocally…


The secrets of seduction and seduction of men are important and necessary for every woman, because this is the most secret weapon that helps to destroy on the spot “with a slight movement of the hand.” And one of them is that the man is also important compliments and various kinds of exciting speech. Yes, yes, in addition to the visual picture, which is important for a man to excite the most, he is also pleased to hear about the sexual desire he causes. Here the main thing is unerringly create an individual combination of words, visual and tactile sensations, so that this particular man it worked.

It is clear that often in the process of communicating with a woman, a man arises or does not have sexual desire. That is why it makes sense to think about exactly what words and phrases pronounced by a woman will allow a man to understand that he is desired, and also will stir up his arousal. This method does not require any special effort, except as little work of the brain.

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