Lugege ainult LitRes'is

Raamatut ei saa failina alla laadida, kuid seda saab lugeda meie rakenduses või veebis.

Loe raamatut: «Every Day Life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony», lehekülg 17


Rev. Samuel Skelton's Accompte (1629-1630)

Rev. Samuel Skelton, the rector at Sempringham, England, came over under appointment of the Massachusetts Bay Company to minister to the spiritual needs of the little colony at Naumkeag, afterwards named Salem. He sailed in the ship George arriving in the summer of 1629. During the voyage and until the end of the following year the minister and his family were furnished with the following supplies from the Massachusetts Bay Company storehouse.

Coppie of An Accompte of monies Mr. Skelton is Creditor viz.95

Mr. Skeltons account wth. the Companie

Mr. Skelton is D. pr. viz.

An Abstract of the Inventory of Contents of the Shop of Capt. Joseph Weld of Roxbury, made February 4, 1646-7

48 yds. greene cotton at 22d.

85 yds. red cotton at 2/1.

1¾ yds. kersey at 5s.

11 yds. do at 3/2.

52 yds. yellow cotton at 22d.

8 yds. white cotton at 20d.

21 yds. red cloth at 7/9.

39 yds. broad cloth at 8/8.

21 yds. broad cloth at 9/7.

8 yds. do do at 15/4.

42 yds. greene tamie at 2/1.

5 yds. red do at 2/1.

3 yds. flannel at 2/2.

12 yds. scarlet broad cloth at 16/6.

41 yds. course at 3/2½.

24 yds. frize at 4/7.

31 yds. penniston at 2/7.

38 yds. do at 2/11.

44 yds. grey Kersey at 5/6.

66 yds. fustian at 1s.

15 yds. Holland at 5/9.

7 yds. do at 4/1½.

7 yds. Slezie lawne at 4/.

8 yds. blue linen at 1/4.

29 yds. lane at 6/9.

3 pr. bodies at 3/2.

11 belts @ 3/2.

15 do @ 3/.

23 bandeliers at 2/.

14 pr. Stockings at 1/6.

41 pr. do at 1/3.

15 pr. Jecs at 2/9.

10 doz. points at 2/.

61 combs at 3½d.

14 doz. thimbles at 1/9.

18 pr. pads at 6d.

1 spectacle case 1/.

26 gro. thread buttons at 9d.

29 primers at 2d.

8 lb. thread at 12/3.

10 pces. tape at 1/1.

5 gro. buttons at 2/.

5 gro. do at 1/.

6 doz. great buttons at 1/2.

17 silk buttons at 2/.

14 yds. lace at 2d.

64 yds. lace at 3½d.

3 pces. binding at 1/2.

80 yds. ribboning at 2½d.

21 doz. tape at 1/.

43 lb. ginger at 1/.

6 pr. slippers at 2/.

20 1b. whalebone at 10¾d.

17 1b. pepper at 2/1.

2 1b. worm seed at 8/.

5 1b. cinnamon at 8/4.

7 hat bands at 4d.

2 1b. nutmegs at 1/9.

½ lb. blue starch at 1/8.

Cloves, 10d.

3 yds. buckram at 1/2.

Pack needles and tainter hooks, 15/.

40 lb. sugar at 10d.

3 lb. powder at 2/2.

26 lb. raisins at 4d.

A barrell of fruit, £5.11.3.

4 lb. starch at 4d.

1 counter, £1.

4 pr. scales, 8s.

48 lb. Lead weights, 9s.

1 file of brass weights, 5s.

12 lb. yarn, £1.13.0.

A net 24 yards [no value].

2 sconces, a melting ladle, a hitchell, 8/.

– Suffolk County Probate Records, Vol. II, p. 52

Robert Turner of Boston, shoemaker, died in 1651. In his shop were children's shoes at 9d. per pair, No. 7 shoes were valued at 3s., No. 10 at 4s., No. 11 at 4/4, No. 12 at 4/8, No. 13 at 4/10. Boots were 14s. per pair, and wooden heels were 8d. per doz. He also sold hats. Black hats were valued from 5 to 14 shillings, each; colored hats from 5 to 10 shillings; black castors were 14s. each, black coarse felts, 3s. each, children's colored, 3/6, and children's black castor with band, 4s. —Suffolk County Probate Records, Vol. II.

Abstract of an Inventory of the Goods of Capt. Bozone Allen, Shopkeeper, of Boston, Deceased, made Sept. 22, 1652, by Edward Hutchinson and Joseph Rock

Broadcloth at 18s. per yard.

Red broadcloth at 15s.

Red ditto at 15s.

Tammy at 20d.

Grogram at 3s.

Silk mohair at 3/6.

Blue grogram or cheney at 3s.

Blue paragon at 3s.

Black satinisco (½ ell) 2s.

Calico at 15d.

Buckram at 14d.

Bengal tafety at 3s.

Silk grogram at 7/6.

Satinisco at 3/4.

Noridge stuff at 2/10.

Hair color satinisco at 3/3.

Colchester serge at 2/8.

Cotton cloth at 2/10.

3 Couerlids at 15s.

Packitt Lawn at 6/6.

4 papers Manchester at 5s.

1 pr. stockings at 4s.

10 pr. cotton gloves at 22d.

5 pr. ditto at 14d.

Tapes white & colored, 11s.

5 gr. briches clasps at 2/2.

2 packetts pins at 2s.

Small clasps, 3/8.

Dutch thread (per lb.) at 6s.

Feathers (per doz.) at 3s.

2 doz. Collars & belly pieces at 2/3

Stomachers at 12d.

7 gr. thread buttons at 7s.

8 masks at 8d.

7 gr. Chaine & other silk buttons at 34s.

7½ gr. flatt cassacke at 6s.

4 gr. small coat at 6/6.

4 gr. large cloak at 14s.

3 gr. silver buttons at 9s.

2 doz. gold cloake buttons at 3s.

7 doz. Jacks at 2s.

25 oz. Silver & silver & gold lace at 5/10.

34 yds. silver lace at 16d.

37 yds. silk & silver lace at 5d.

9 doz. silk lace at 20d.

Green ribbon (per doz.) at 9s.

22 yds. ditto at 3/4.

Silk & gold fringe (per yd.) at 15s.

344 yds. looped lace at 18d.

Colored silk (per oz.) at 2s.

30 yds. loom lace at 14d.

12 yds. ditto at 2/4.

10 yds. ditto at 22d.

17 yds. black galloon at 2½d.

Band strings (per lot) £2.0.0.

2 pr. eastailes (sic) at 5d.

1 doz. side hinges (per doz.) at 7s.

1 doz. lamb heads (per doz.) at 7s.

23 sm. Key rings & 10 large 4/10.

Latches (per doz.) at 8s.

1 smoothing iron, 2/8.

1 doz. steeles, 2/3.

8 padlocks at 5d.

Cupboard locks (per doz.) at 12s.

4 gimletts at 2d.

2 handsaws at 18d.

4 files at 6d.

22 hour glasses (per doz.) at 7/6.

4 bells at 13½d.

57 scales (per doz.) at 16d.

1 doz. wire candlesticks and 5 bigger, 6/4.

6 doz. taylor's thimbles at 8d.

5½ doz. waistband clasps at 20d.

14 pr. snuffers at 11d.

12 doz. neck buttons at 6/8.

Little glasses & twists & small ribbon, 1.02.06.

8 doz. sissers at 3/4.

13 pr. tobacco tongs (per doz.) at 3s.

4 doz. combs at 2/6.

A parcell paper, 11.0.0.

10 bush. pease at 4s.

Weights, scales & Counters & the graite, 3.5.0.

– Suffolk (Co.) Judicial Court Files, No. 1389.

Manufactures and Other Products Listed in the Rates on Imports and Exports Established by the House of Parliament, June 24, 1660 96

Imports of Merchandise

Andirons or Creepers of Lattin, of Iron


Apples, the barrell conteyning 3 bushell


Argall, white & red, or powder

Arrows for trunkes

Aule blades

Auglers for carpenters

Axes or hatchets

Babies or Puppets for children

Babyes heads of earth

Toys for children

Baggs, with locks, and with steel rings without locks

Ballances, gold Ballances, ounce Ballances

Balls. Tennis balls, Washing balls

Bands. Flanders bands of bone lace

Cut worke of Flaunders

Barbers aprons of checkes, the piece not above tenn yards

Barlings, the hundred

Baskets, hand baskets or sports

Basons of Lattin

Bast, or straw hats knotted and plain

Bast ropes

Battry Bashrones or Kettles

Bayes of Florence

Beades, of Amber, Bone, Box, Corrall, Christal, Glass & Wood, Jasper square

Beaupers, the peece conteyning xxv yards

Bells. Hawkes bells French making, Norembrough making, Horse bells, Doggs bells, Morrice bells, Clapper bells


Bitts for Bridles

Blacking or Lamp black

Blankets. Paris mantles coloured, and un-coloured

Boards. Barrell bords, Clapbords, Past boords for books, Pipe bords or pipe holt, White boords for shoemakers


Boratoes or Bumbazines, narrow, broad, or of Silke

Bookes, unbound, the basket or maund

Bosses for Bridles

Botanoes, per piece

Bottles, of Earth or Stone, of Glass covered with Wicker, of Glass with vices covered with leather, of Glass uncovered, of Wood, sucking bottles

Boultell, Raines, and the baile

Bowe staves

Boxes. Fire or Tinder Boxes

Nest Boxes

Pepper Boxes

Spice Boxes

Round Boxes or French Boxes for Marmalade or Jelly

Sand Boxes

Sope Boxes

Touch Boxes covered with leather do covered with velvet do of Iron or other Metall guilt

Tobacco Boxes

Braceletts or Necklaces, Red or of Glass

Brass, Laver Cockes, Pile weights, Trumpets, Lamps


Brouches, of Lattin or Copper

Brushes. Bearde brushes of Heath course of Heath fine or head brushes of Hair, called head brushes of Heath, called rubbing brushes of Hair, called comb brushes of hayre, called weavers' brushes of hair, called rubbing brushes


Buckrams, of Germany, fine, of the East countrey, of French making, Carricke buckrams

Buckles, for Girdles, for Girths

Buffins, Mocadoes & Lille Grograms, narrow and broad

Bugasines or Callico Buckrams

Bugle. Great, small or seed Bugle, Lace

Bullions for purses


Burr for Milstones

Buskins of Leather


Buttons, of Brasse, Steel, Copper, or

Lattin, of Crystall, of Glass, of Thred, of silke, of fine damaske, of Bugle, for Handkirchers, of Hair

Cabinets or Countores, large and small

Caddus or Cruel Ribbon

Camaletto, half silk, half haire

Candles of Tallow

Candle plates or Wallers of Brasse or Lattin

Candlesticks, of Brasse or Lattin or of wyre


Callicoes, fine or course

Canes of wood



Capp hookes or hooke ends

Capps, double turfed or Cockered Capps for Children

Night Caps of Sattin, Velvet

Night Caps of Silke Knitt

Night Caps of Woollen

Night Caps of Linnen

Cards. Playing Cards, Wool cards

Carpetts, of Tonny, of Scotland, of Cornix, Brunswicke Carpets, China of Cotten, course, Gentish, Turkey or Ventice, of Persia


Cases for looking glasses guilt for spectacles guilt do unguilt for Needles or Pin cases for Needles French guilt

Casketts, of Iron, of Steele


Cawles of Linnen for women, of Silke

Cesternes of Lattin

Chafing dishes of Brasse, Lattin, or Iron

Chaines for Keys or Purses, for Doggs

Chairs of Walnutt tree

Chamblett, unwatered or Mohaire, watered, half silke halfe haire



Chesse boards


Chests, of Iron, large & small of Cipresse wood, the nest of 3

of Spruce or Danske, the nest of 3


Chimney backs, small and large

China Pease

Chizells for Joyners


Clapboord, the small, the great & the Ring

Claricords, the payre

Clokes of Felt

Cochaneile, Silvester or Campeache

Coles of Scotland

Coffers, covered with gilt Leather covered with Velvett with Iron barrs, the nest of 3

plaine, the nest painted, the nest

Comashes out of Turkey

Combes, for wool, of bone, of box, lightwood combes, of horne for Barbers, of Ivory, Horse Combes


Compasses, of Iron for Carpenters, of brasse for Ships

Copper, unwrought brickes or plates, round or square, chaines, purles or plate

Copras, green

Cordage, tard or untard

Corke tackles, of Iron and Steele

Cork for Shoemakers

Corne, wheat, rye, beanes, barly, mault

Coverlets of Scotland

Counters of Lattin

Crosbows, of Lathes, Thred and Rackes

Cruses of Stone, without covers, & with

Cushons of Scotland

Cushon cloths, course, and of Tapestry

Cuttle bones

Daggs with fire lockes or Snap-lances

Daggers. Blades, for children, of bone for children, blacke with velvet sheathes, gilt, with velvett sheathes

Deales, Meabro, Norway, Burgendorp, Spruce

Desks or stayes for bookes for women to worke upon covered with wollen

Dialls of wood and bone


Doggs of earth

Dornix, with caddas, silke, woll, thred, and French making


Durance or Duretty, with thred or silk

Druggs – a great variety listed including Bezor Stone of the East India, Holliworsles, white and red Corall, Fox lungs, Guiny pepper, Hornes of Harts or Staggs, Lapis Lazuli, mummia, Musk Codds, Nutmegs, oyle of Scorpions, oyle Petrolium, Red Lead, Sanguis draconis, Scorpions

Earthen Ware, Brickstones, Flaunders Tile to scower with, Gally Tiles, Paving Tiles, Pann Tiles etc.

Elephants teeth

Emery stones

Fanns, for Corne, of Paper, for Women and Children, French making

Feathers for bedds, also Ostridge Feathers

Felt for Cloakes, French making

Fiddles for Children

Fire shovells

Figuretto, the yard


Fish, Codd, Cole, Eeles, Haddockes, Herrings, Lamprells, Linge, Newland, Salmon, Scale fish, Stock fish, cropling, lubfish and titling, Whiting


Flaskes, of horne, covered with leather, with velvett

Flax, Spruce Moscovy, undrest and wrought

Fleams to let blood


Flutes, course

Freeze of Ireland

Frizado, the yard

Furrs, Armins the Timber, Badger, Bare skins, Beaver, Budge, Calaber, Catts, Dokerers the Timber, Fitches the Timber, Foxes, Foynes, Grays, Jennets, Letwis, Leopard, Lewzernes, Martrones, Miniver, Minkes, Mole skins, Otter, Ounce, Sables, Weazell, Wolfe, Wolverings

Fustians, Amsterdam Holland or Dutch


Cullen fustians

Holmes and Bevernex



Naples, tript or velure plain

Wrought or Sparta velvett

Osbro or Augusta fustians with silk of Weazell

Gadza, without gold or silver, the yard stript with gold or silver

Gally dishes

Gantletts, the pair

Garters of silk, French


Gimlets for vinters

Girdles, of cruell, or leather, of silk, of velvett, of woollen, of counterfeite gold & silver

Glasse for Windows, Burgundy white and coloured

Normandy white and coloured

Renish, the weigh or webb

Muscovy glasse or slude

Drinking Glasses, of Venice, Flanders, Scotch and French, course drinking glasses, Burning glasses, Balme glasses, Vialls, Water glasses

Looking Glasses, Halfe penny ware, Penny ware, of Steele, small and large, of Christall, small and Middle

Hower Glasses, of Flaunders making, course, of Venice making

Glass stone plates for spectacles, rough

Glass plates or sights for looking glasses unfiled

Glass pipes


Globes, small and large

Gloves, of Bridges or French making, of Canary, Millane or Venice unwrought, of Vaudon, of silke knit, of Spanish plaine

Gold and Silver thred counterfeite

Bridges, gold & silver

Cap, gold & silver

Copper gold & silver upon quills & rolls or in skaine

Cullen gold & silver

French copper gold & silver

Lyons copper gold & silver double gilt

Gold & Silver thred right

Venice, Florence or Millane gold & silver

French and Paris gold & silver

Gold foile

Gold paper

Granies, French or Guiny

Graines or scarlet powder of Sevill in berries & granies of Portugall or Rotta

Grindle stones

Grocery wares: Almonds, Anniseeds, Cloves, Currans, Dates, Ginger, Licoras, Maces, Nutmegs, Pepper, Cinomom, Raisins (great, and of the Sun), Raisins of Smirna, Figgs, Prunes, Sugar (candy brown, candy white, Muscovadoes refined double & single in loves, St. Thome & Panneils, white)

Grogrames, Turkey

Guns. Calervers, Muskets

Gunpowder. Serpentine, Corne powder

Halberds, guilt & unguilt

Hammers, with and without wooden handles, Horsemens hamers


Harness Roses

Harness, Corslets complete, Curatts, Morians or headpeeces graven, ditto plaine

Harp strings or Catlings


Hatts, of beaver, wool or hair, of Bridges, Dutch felts or hatts made of wool, Spanish or Portugall felts, of silke French making, of straw, see Bast, of Venice, of wool or worsted trimd

Hawkes, Falcons, Goshawkes, Jerfalcons, Jerkins, Lanners, Lannarets, Tassels of all Sorts

Hawkes hoods

Hair bottomes for sives

Haire, Camells, Elkes haire for saddles, Goates

Heath for brushes

Hemp, short drest, cullen & steel hemp, Spruce, Muscovia & all rough hemp

Hides. Buffe hides, Cow hides of Barbary & Muscovia, Cow or horse hides, India hides, Losh hides, Red or Muscovia tanned, coloured & uncoloured

Hilts for swords or daggers


Hoopes of Iron for pipes or hogsheads, for Coopers


Horses or mares

Hose of Cruel made in Mantua


Jews Trumps

Inke for Printers

Imperlings blew or red

Ink horns

Incle, unwrought and wrought Rowles (36 yards)

Indico, of Turkey, of the West Indyes or rich Indico

Instruments for Barbers & chirurgeons, Bullet scrues, Incision sheeres, Setts (the bundle), Paices or Tooth drawers, Plulicanes, Trepans

Iron, Amis Spanish Spruce and Swedish

Backes for chimneys, small and large,

Bands for Kettles

Fire irons



Juice of Lemons (the pipe)


Key knops

Knives, Almanie, Bohemia & other course knives, Butchers, Carving, Collen knives, French knives, Glover's knives, Penknives, Sker knives, Stock knives (gilt and ungilt)

Lace, bone lace of thred, Brittaine lace, Cruell lace, Gold & Silver, Pomet, Purle or antlet, Silke bone

Ladles, Melting

Lapis magnata

Lattin, black & shaven

Leade oare

Leomons, Pickled

Lemon water

Leather, Bazill, Spanish or Cordivant, Hangings, Spruce or Dansk leather, Leather for Maskes, Turkey & East India Cordivant

Leaves of Gold

Lewers for Hawkes

Lime for Dyers

Lines of Hambrough for ships


Linnes blew or red

Linnen Cloth

Callicoes, fine or course

Cambricks, fine or course

Canvas, Dutch Barras & Hessens, French or Normandy & lyne narrow browne or white,

French & line broad for tabling, Packing canvas guttings & spruce canvas, poledavies, Spruce Elbing or Quinsbrow, Stript or tufted canvas with thred, stript tufted or quilted canvas with silke, stript canvas with copper, Vaudolose or Vittry canvas, working canvas for cushions (narrow and broad)

Damask, Tabling of Holland, Towelling & napkening of Holland, Tabling or Silesia

Diaper, Tabling of Holland and Silesia

Lawnes, Callico lawnes, French & Silesia lawnes

Flaunders, Holland cloth: – Flemish, Gentish, Islingham, Overisils, Rowse, Brabrant, Embden, Freeze, Bag Holland, Browne Holland

Cowsseild cloth or platts

Drilling & pack duck

Elbing or Danske cloth double ploy

Hambrough & Silesia cloth broade & narrow

Hinderlands, Headlake & Muscovia linnen narrow

Irish cloth

Lockrums, Treager (great & narrow) or common dowlace, Broad dowlace

Ministers, the roll

Ozenbrigs, the roll


Polonia Ulsters, Hanovers, Lubecke, narrow Silesia, narrow Westphalia, narrow Harford, plain napkening & narrow cloth from high Dutchland & the East Countrey (brown and white)

Strawsbrough or Hambrough

Twill & Ticking of Scotland

Lockers or Chapes for Daggers

Lockes, Budgets or hanging lockes, small & large

Lutes, Cullen & Venice making

Lute strings, Catlings & Minikins


Madder, Crop and all bale Madder, Fatt & Mull madder


Maskes, of velvett & sattin

Match for Gunns

Matts of Russia

Medlers (the baskett)

Mallasses of Rameales

Messelanes (30 yds. to piece)



Mocado ends

Morters & Pestells, brass

Muster seed

Mittens of Wadmul

Nailes. Chaire nailes, copper nailes, rose nailes, Sadlers nailes, Head nailes, Harness nailes, spring nailes, Tenter hookes

Napkins of French making

Neats tongues, of Russia

Neckerchirs of Flanders making

Needles, Pack & sale needles

Nutmegs, pickled

Nutts, small & walnutts




Oyle, Rape & Linseed

Sivile, Marjorca, Minorca, Apuglia Province, and Portugall

Sallat oyle

Traine oyle of Greenland

Traine oyle of Newfoundland

Fish oyle




Oranges & Lemons (the hogshead)



Panns, Dripping & frying pans, warming pans

Paper. Blew, Browne, Cap, Demy

Ordinary printing & copy paper

Painted paper (the ream)

Pressing paper, Rochell paper, Royall paper


Past of Jeane

Peares or apples, dryed


Petticoates of silke


Percer bitts

Pike heads

Pikes, with and without heads

Pinns (the thousand)

Pincers & plyers

Pintadoes or Callecoe cubbard clothes

Pipe staves

Pipes, for Tabors, and for children

Pitch Pipes, small band, great band

Plaister of Paris

Plaine irons

Plankes of Ireland

Plate, silver white or ungilt, of silver parcell gilt, of silver gilt

Plates, single & double white or blacke, Harnesse plates or iron doubles

Playing Tables of walnut tree (the paire)

Pointe, of thread, of Capiton and of fine silke



Potatoes (the hundred weight)

Potts, of Earth or Stone, covered and uncovered

Gally pots

Melting potts for Goldsmiths

Of Iron, French, or Flemish making

Pullies, of Iron, of Brasse, of Wood

Punsons & Gravers for Goldsmiths

Quills, Goose

Quilts, of French making, of Callico, of Sattin or other Silke


Rape of Grapes

Rape seed

Rashes, Bridges or Leyden Rashes, single & double, Cloth Rashes

Rattles for Children, and with Bells


Recorders (the set)

Ribbon, of Silke



Rugs, Irish and Polish

Rims for Sives

Rings, for Keyes, for Curtaines, of Wyre, of Brass, Copper or St. Martins gilt, of Haire


Saddles of Steele



Salt, white or Spanish Salt, Bay or French Salt, Salt peter

Saws. Hand sawes, Tenant sawes, Whip sawes, Legg sawes

Says. Double Sayes or Flaunders Serges

Double Say or Serge

Mild sayes

Honnscot say

Scamoty (the yard)


Sea holly rootes

Sea morse [horse] teeth

Serge, of Athens, of Florence

Sheares, for Shearmen, for glovers, for Seamesters, for Taylers, Forceps,

Sheets of Callaber


Shruff or old Brass


Silke. Bridges silke, Ferret or Floret silke, Fillozell or Paris silke

Granado. Silke black & colours

Naples. Silke, black & colours

Orgazine, Pole & Spanish, Raw China, Raw Silke, short and long, Raw Morea, Satin Silke, Sleave Silke, Silke Nubbs or Husks, Throwne silke

Skins. Buckskins (in the Haire & drest), Calves (of Ireland), Cordivant (of Turkey, East Indies, or Scotland), Dog fish skins for Fletchers, Fox skins, Gold skins, Goate skins, of Barbary or the East Country, of Scotland or Ireland

Husse skins for Fletchers

Kidd skins, Portugall skins, Seale skins, Shamway skins, Sheep skins, Spanish Civill or Cordivant skins, Spruce skins

Skeets for Whitsters

Slip (the Barrell)



Soape, Castle or Venice, also Flemish

Spangles of Copper

Spectacles without cases

Spoones of Horne

Standishes, of wood, Brasse & covered with Leather, also Pocket Standishes

Steele. Long steel, Wisp steel & gad steele

Stockings of Wadmol

Stone birds or Whistles

Stones. Blood stones, Cane stones, Dogg stones, Mill stones, Querne stones (small and large), Slick stones


Stuff of all sorts made or mixed with Wool

Succade wet or dry

Sword blades, of Venice, Turkey or other fine blades, Course blades of Flaunders

Table bookes, course and fine

Tables, playing Tables of Wainscott

Tackes of Iron


Tannets of Cruell

Tapistry, with Haire, Caddas, Silke, Gold or Silver & Wool

Tarras (the Barrell)

Tarr (small & great Band)



Thred, Bridges, Crosbow, Lyons or Paris, Outnall, Peecing, Sisters, whited browne

Thrums, of linnen or Fustian, also of Woolen

Tikes. Brizel Tikes & Turnall Tikes, also of Stoade

Tiking of the East countrey




Tinsell, copper, right Gold & silver


Tobacco, Spanish & Brazill in pudding or role

St. Christophers, Barbadoes, Virginia & Somer Islands

Tooles. Carving Tooles


Trayes of wood (the shocke)

Triacle, of Flaunders, of Jeane

Trenchers, white (commen sort)

and red or painted

Treene nailes


Tweezes of France

Twine of Hambrough

Twist for bandstrings

Vallances of Scotland


Verders of Tapistry

Vellum for Table bookes


Vice harps

Vice tongues or hand vices






Whale fins



Whistles Cockes or Bellows

Whistles, Cockes or Birds of Stone

Woad, Islands or green woad, also Tholose

Worme seeds

Worsted, St. Omers narrow ½ worsted

Russells worsted or broad worsted

Wood. Boxwood for Combs, also Brazill or Farnumbuck wood

Braziletto or Gemeaco wood



Lignum vitae

Plankes of Ireland

Red or Guiny wood

Speckled wood

Sweet wood of West India

Wool. Beaver wool, Cotton wool, Estridge wool, Irish wool, Lambs wool, Polonia wool, Spanish wool, Spanish felt wool, Red wool

Wrests for Virginalls

Wyer. Dagger and quarter wyer, Iron wyer, Lattin wire, Steel wyre, Strawsbrough wyre, Virginall wyre

Yarne, Cable, Camell or Mohaire, Cotton, Grograine, Irish, Raw Linnen, Saile, Spruce or Muscovia, Scotch wollen or bay yarne

Exports of Merchandise


Allom, English

Apothecary and Confectionary wares



Apples called Pippins


Ashes of English wood






Beere Egar

Bell metall



Birding pieces

Bird lime

Bodyes, stitched with Silke, also with Whalebone


Brushes, English, of Heath


Buttons of Haire

Bays. Barnstaple course, Manchester or Barnstaple fine and other single bayes, Double bayes, Minikin bayes



Canvas, English tufted, also Shropshire

Capps, Monmouth plain and trimmed, buttoned English, of wool blacke

Cards, Stocke, Tow, Woll

Playinge Cards


Carpets, Northern

Catlings or English Hatt makers strings

Cloke baggs

Coaches and Chariots

Coals. Sea Coles, the Chalder, New Castle measure, Sea Coles of Wales or the West Country

Combes of wood, bone, or horn

Cobwebb Lawnes


Cony haire or wool, blacke or white

Cordage, tard or untard

Coverletts, of wool & haire, of Caddice


Cushons of Yorkshire

Cottons, Northerne, Manchester, Tanton and Welch, also Welsh plaines

Corne, Barley, Mault, Beanes, Oates, Pease, Wheate, Rye, Buck wheate

Darnix, of English making, also Coverlets



Doublets of Leather

Dust of Cloves and other Spices

Emery stones

Earthen Ware, Brickes & Tiles and also sorts of Earthen & Stone ware made in England

Fennell seed

Figuretto, with silke or copper, narrow and broade

Filozelles, broad of silke

Fire lockes


Flasks of Horne




Gartering of cruell

Garters of worsted

Girdles of Leather for men, & for children, of Norwich

Glasse for windowes, and bottles & other sorts


Gloves, plaine of Sheepe Kidd or Lambes leather fringed & stitched with silke furd with Cony wool of Buckes leather

Goose quills



Haberdashers ware – Packthred, Inkle, Tape, Filleting, Buttons, Hookes & Eyes, etc.

Haire, Harts haire, Horse haire, Oxe or Cowe haire


Harts horne

Hatbands of Cruel


Hatts, Beavers & Demicasters, Felts, etc.

Hawkes hoods





Hornes, Blowing hornes (small), of Buckes, Inkhornes, Hornes with Lanthornes, Oxe hornes, Powder hornes, of Rames, of Sheepe, Shooing hornes, Stags hornes, Tips of hornes

Horselitters & Sedans

Horse tailes with haire

Horse collers

Hoopes for barrells

Iron wrought, viz., Axes, Adzes, Hoes, Armour, Bitts, Knives, Lockes, fowling peeces, Muskets, Pistolls, Cissors, Stirrops, Carpenters & Gravers tooles, Jack work, clock work, & Ironmongers wares

Old Iron

Iron Ordnance

Irish Mantles

Knives, Shoemakers, paring knives, Sheffield knives, Cutting knives, London knives

Lace of gold & silver, of velvet, Statute lace

Letherage or Lead


Loome work


Linnen, made of Hemp or Flax


Linsey woolsey

Lists of cloth

Lead, cast and uncast

Musterd seed

Malasses or Rameales




Oyle, Traine oyle


Oker, yellow and red


Paste board


Points of Leather

Purles of Broadcloth

Rape cakes

Rape seed

Rugs, Irish Ruggs for beds, and by the yard

Russetting for painters

Rashes, silk Rashes, broad and narrow


Saddles, and saddle trees

Sack cloth


Salt peter

Sea morse [horse] teeth

Scabbords for swords

Shag, with thred

Shovells, shod and unshod

Shoes, Bootes and Slippers

Skins, Cony, Kid, Lambe, Otter, Sheepe & Lamb, Rabbit, Hare, Cats, Fox, Swans, Dogs, Elke, Wolfe, Badgers, Squirrell


Spanish sattins, English making


Steel, Gad steele

Stockings, Irish, Kersey long & short, Leather, Silk, Wollen men & children

Stones, Hilling stone, Slate

Stuffs, Perpetuanoes & Serges

Sugars, refined & made into loaves in this kingdom

Tapistry or Dornix Hangings made in England

Thred, Black, Brown, Blew



Tiffany, made of thred

Tobacco pipes

Tuff Taffates, broad and narrow, with thred

Tynn, unwrought and wrought, i.e. Pewter

Velure, single and double

Vingiger of wine

Virginalls, the payre



Wast Coates, of Wadmoll, Cotton, Kerseys of Flannell, Worsted knit and Wollen knit



Whalebone cut or wrought

Whale finns


Woad nets

Wood, Redwood, Gambray, Boxwood

Worsted, narrow and broade

Yarne, Grograine yarne

Wollen Cloths

Dorset & Somerset dozens rudge washed

Cardinalls, Pinwhites, Strayts, Statutes, Stockbridges, Tavestocks

Tauntons, Bridgewaters & Dunsters, Deven dozens

Ordinary Pennistons or Forrest Whites, Sorting Pennistones

Narrow Yorkshire Kerseys whites & reds, Hampshire ordinary Kersies, Newbery whites and other Kersies, sorting Hampshire Kersies

Northern Dozens single sorting Pennistons

The new sort of Cloth called Spanish Cloth

Cloth Rashes, alias Cloth Serges

95.Suffolk County Court Files, Vol. I.
96.The list here printed, is in abstracted form in the order as printed and does not include the rates imposed, deemed immaterial for the present purpose. For complete data consult The Statutes of the Realm, London, 1819, Vol. V, pp. 184-202.