Maht 70 lehekülgi
'Diff'Rent' is a two-act play about married life written by Eugene O'Neill. The story unfolds in the parlor of the Crosby home, located on a side street of a seaport village in New England. It was mid-afternoon of a day in late spring in the year 1890. Bright sunlight streams through the windows on the left. Through the window and the screen door in the rear the fresh green of the lawn and of the elm trees that line the street can be seen. Stiff, white curtains are at all the windows. Emma Crosby and Caleb Williams are sitting at the parlor. Emma is a slender girl of twenty, rather under the medium height. Her face, in spite of its plain features, gives an impression of prettiness, due to her large, soft blue eyes which have an incongruous quality of absent-minded romantic dreaminess about them. Her mouth and chin are heavy, full of a self-willed stubbornness. Although her body is slight and thin, there is a quick, nervous vitality about all her movements that reveals an underlying constitution of reserve power and health. She has light brown hair, thick and heavy.