
Simple Truths of Life

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Another strange point is that when realizing that D was most likely a fraudster, I completely forgot about the need to check people when online dating by taking selfies with my codes on a piece of paper. That is the way it should be under capitalism!

Having been scammed out of money for the first time in my life, I decided to check how dangerous things were in the case of D. So, I found the very beauty salon where she allegedly got a job. In it, a young woman told me that they had not looked for new employees for many weeks. D lied about her work – which was not surprising since that beauty salon works from 9:00 to 19:00, and we approached it only at 18:00 – who comes to work at the end of the working day?

Just in case, I secretly and carefully checked the address and the name of the beauty salon with D, and she confirmed the data. And then she quickly mentioned that she had only been there once and never worked there again, contradicting her early words that she stayed home to get ready for work.

Having all these facts on hand, it is foolish to doubt the decency of D…

And she did not talk about work to get rid of me. We were in a crowded area right outside the park entrance when D said she needed to go to work. And then she took me to the beauty salon, located about 400 meters from the park, by walking with me in a very uncrowded place, and then we walked through an almost deserted forest – and this despite the fact that D told me that she knew that park very well… If she wanted to get rid of me, she could have just hinted at this in a gentle, polite manner at the crowded entrance of the park, and not lead me to a deserted place. In addition, she herself sent me her voice message almost immediately after we said goodbye at her “work” – she clearly wanted to stay on my radar, so to speak.

I also remembered her hair, which she could not have washed in her town near Moscow, given that some time ago she walked in the park on a working day, and a 38-year-old man who lived with his parents followed her around… and was there that 38-year-old man? Most likely, she deliberately told this fictional story to me so that I had more desire to meet her, because otherwise she was ready to get to know someone herself so that that most likely fictional person does not come near her. So, she either was in her city when she sent me an audio message about the man, and then she washed her hair and immediately went to Moscow, or she washed her hair at someone’s place in Moscow – one way or another she was lying. Here I recall how in the cafe I told D about the girl whom I fell in love with at first sight, and who slept with a married man along with her friend, and D still tried to justify the actions of that married man…

As for her story about how in one firm lawyers put an innocent person behind bars, I think D, knowing a thing or two about psychology, just threw a fishing rod with a tasty bait that was supposed to show her generosity to me… or maybe she herself deceived someone for the sake of a huge amount of money – after all, now it becomes clear why she told me about the supposedly one-year long lack of sleep, which could not be true because of her completely healthy appearance and more than cheerful state after ten in the evening. If I had not sensed something was wrong and continued to meet with her, the next step for her would have been to mention something about how she needed several hundred thousand rubles for treatment. If she did not lie when she said that she had visited different countries of the planet, then it becomes clear to me where she got the money from for such trips.

I looked for similar stories on the Internet, and many people really collected money even from their friends in order to give it later to scammers with fictitious problems…

When I asked to tell me in a message what D thinks of me in terms of appearance and general behavior – for an additional incentive to self-sober up from the habit of sitting in myself – she refused this, and in a brief correspondence it became clear that she did not think much good about me. This proved once again that she wanted to meet me for the third time not because she liked me.

Earlier I tried to accept her shortcomings, but after it became clear that D was deceiving me, I began to feel a slight disgust for her. This feeling passed after a while.

I will allocate a little time to D's refusal to say what she saw in me, as it reminded me of people going to extremes. In my question to D, I told her that I knew about my problems and how to solve them – I just wanted to have an additional impetus to throw off the remaining bad habits. Consequently, D had nothing to fear, but she chose not to write anything at all – even in a light form. This is important, since the nature of being lost in oneself is such that over time the states accompanying such a life become habitual, and a person may simply not understand that he is doing something wrong, or that something is wrong with him; in other words, a person does not know how he appears in the eyes of others. If no one tries in a friendly way to hint to him about his erroneous behavior, then the person will continue to make mistakes, believing that he is doing the right things. And sometimes this can lead to anger of a person towards other people who shy away from him, if that person does not understand that for the most part it is them who is wrong, and not others…

In general, I do not hold a grudge against the scammers, because I know that sooner or later they will be punished by the Universal Law, when it will be their turn to be the ones to learn what it is like to live on the other side of the barricades. I myself also learned something new from this rather expensive lesson – I would not become a victim of deception if I had the necessary knowledge. This way I again saw the importance of psychology in the decisions we make in our lives.

I kept working on the book, but I also wanted to spend as much time outside as possible in order to keep meeting girls – and just to have a good time outside during the warm summer season, as I could not do it last summer due to my mistake.

In general, I traveled and walked around a lot of places that I wanted to see in Moscow, and the summer turned out to be very saturated and long in terms of my sensations of time flow – everything that I wanted. And I managed to talk with a lot more people than in previous years.

Sometimes I wonder if the many weeks of self-isolation had stimulated people to be more open to communicating with other people – which, of course, does not make forced self-isolation correct, since it goes against the Law of the Universe regarding the free will of people and animals.

Although I continued to actively approach girls, I did it in such a way as to have a minimum chance of contracting COVID-19, the cases of which, fortunately, decreased to several hundred per a day during summer.

Also, writing in my book everything that I thought about in one form or another over the years helped me to let go of all those thoughts and fantasies, and I began to focus more on reality. The feeling of not speaking out, of lack of fulfillment, and of uselessness began to disappear, as I directed my life experience into helping other people. Along with the weakening of the onslaught of thoughts, my entire physical body relaxed too, which probably also played a role in why during this long, by the feel of it, summer I was able to speak with many people.

So, once I talked for a few minutes with a woman in Yekaterininskiy Park; she told me that she and her children had had the coronavirus. The illness felt like pneumonia. They did not call doctors because they did not feel there was a threat to their health.

Then there was a case when a girl called out to me in one of the parks where I often go for walking. She was with a stroller, and therefore I did not immediately understand that she wanted to get acquainted. It seemed relatively strange, but then I realized that the girl had certain problems which were clearly reflected in her face and speech. Whether the reason lies in the psychological or in the physical body – I do not know.

Still not quite understanding why the girl with a newborn child wants to meet herself, I asked her this specific question. She said that she was getting acquainted for texting.

Seeing the girl's child, seeing the state of the girl herself, and knowing full well that she has neither a boyfriend nor a husband since she herself tries to get to know people, I had the thought that some guy who may never have had sex decided to use mental disabilities of the girl for his own selfish ends. And when she got pregnant, he dumped her. But that was just a fleeting thought, and I never asked her for details.

I was not against texting and gave her my phone number – I do not mind learning something new, if the process does not harm me. We said goodbye and went our separate ways. I thought I would just give her a link to my free Thiaoouba Prophecy translation. Who knows, maybe the knowledge of that book will somehow help her.

I also realized that I myself did not know how to tell the girl about my knowledge of psychology… If the reason for her torment is in the physical body – I cannot help her, if everything is in order with the physical body and the reason for her problems lies in the psyche – then maybe I can. If the matter is in the psyche, I decided that after writing my book I will give her a link to the file, and then it will depend on her whether she reads the book or not, and if she reads it, then whether she wants to self-educate and work on herself or not…

Walking in the park and thinking about the whole situation, I realized that when I am lost in my imagination, I probably look about the same as that girl with psychological problems. If I, a person who wants so badly to find a girlfriend, was not at all drawn to the girl with the child because of the psychological reflections on her face (and also because of some other reasons), then it is not surprising that many girls refused to meet a stranger with somewhat strange expressions on his face, which are such due to him being lost in his head.


It was another sign to me that I need to stop being in my head once and for all when life does not require it. As I said, this is ridiculously easy to do, because you just need to focus your attention on what is happening in the present. For example: when I eat, I eat; when I wash, I wash; when I watch a video, I watch a video; when I write a book and remember the details of life, I remember the details of life; when I write a computer program and I need to imagine the operation of some instrument, I imagine its work, but when the phone rings, my attention switches to getting out of bed, walking to the phone, picking up the receiver, and then to the pronunciation of “hello?” – this is the only way to function with full efficiency; Being lost in our heads when it is not required will reduce our productivity in the real life.

Without straying far from the topic of imagination and talking with oneself in one’s head, many people, when reading to themselves, “pronounce” the text they read in their head – that is, they “hear” the words in their minds, as if they are reading aloud. So, this approach is not entirely correct. I used to have trouble breaking this habit of saying readable text to myself, which made me rather tired after several hours of reading books. But in the end, I was able to make progress. When you are focused on reality, during reading you simply scan the text with your eyes, and your brain interprets the incoming data into mental “pictures” in your mind. With this approach, you also read faster, and your unloaded brain practically does not get tired of such reading. In general, it is logical that you do not need to pronounce words to yourself in your mind – not only no one (except telepaths) will hear you, but you yourself already know the meaning of the spoken word even before you pronounce it in your head (otherwise, without the presence of data in consciousness, you could not pronounce it). By the way, learning also becomes easier and more effective when you do not say the readable text to yourself in your mind.

By the way, fantasies and conversations in the head are quite different. The fantasies themselves (without words) do not strain the muscles of the face, but when you start to “voice” imaginary characters in your head, then the facial muscles begin to be tense. Why do you need the ability to “speak” in your head (when you seem to “hear” the words)? Reading? I already wrote that we better perceive readable information when we simply scan the text with our eyes, and our brain interprets the received data into mental images in our mind. One of my speculations is that this voice in the head might have meaning for telepathy. Otherwise, how could Thao project her voice into my mind while sending me two telepathic messages? Thao's voice in my head sounded completely different from the “voice” that occurs when speaking in my head; her voice was very clear and “loud”, while my own voice in my head is muffled and distant. There was also a feeling that the telepathic message from Thao sounded in my head, but my voice, when talking to myself, sounds more in the imagination – that is, telepathy has a clear difference from our own voice in our head (we can have such a voice when reading books to yourself, or during fantasies). Perhaps, when a person transmits a telepathic message, he speaks in this way in his mind, and the receiving party hears a clear and loud sound of the transmitted words in his head?

This is all very interesting (at least for me), but we need to get back to my summer pastime and what I learned during those summer months…

When I got home, I gave the girl a link to my free translation of Michel Desmarquet’s book.

Then the girl found me on social networks, adding me as a friend.

Although she said that she was getting acquainted with me for texting, apart from wishing me a happy birthday, she never wrote me anything.

Then, on July 19, I decided to go with a camera to Ostankino, the last time I visited it I was with a friend and our mothers – I was still in school back then. My main goal, however, was to take a good walk around VDNKh and approach young women there.

By the pond, I saw a girl who was squatting next to a dog. Usually I passed by girls with animals, but that time I decided that I should not miss the chance to meet and asked her if it was possible to meet her. She told me her name (I will call her E to keep her identity anonymous) and then she mentioned that she was a volunteer at a local dog shelter where she comes every weekend to walk the dogs.

She got up and went to walk the dog further. My brain quickly noticed that her figure was not exactly to my taste, but having my experience of losing the looks, and having the knowledge that what counts most is not appearances, but what is behind them, I followed E with great eagerness, and we started our conversation.

It should be clarified that having the experience of telling my life story with Thiaoouba to D, as well as to the laconic girl, I wondered if I should talk about my somewhat non-standard spiritual experience on the very first day of meeting, or if it is better to postpone it for the next meetings, when the girl and I know each other better.

And so I thought that I would not talk to E about spirituality, Auras, telekinesis, etc. But since dating usually starts with questions about what the person does, I had to say that I am currently writing a free e-book about my life and what I learned in it.

I think E asked for details, and I gave her as an example information about the true cause of stuttering. After her new questions and her pointing out that only a small number of people would benefit from that information, I was forced to briefly say about Auras and telekinesis.

In the case of the latter, I mentioned that I can prove its reality, since at one time I learned to telekinetically move the tip of the suspended thread. Here E mentioned that this means that I had a lot of [free] time.

I did have a lot of time to self-study the vision of Auras, telekinesis and so on. But it was a very important experience for me, which saved my life, and then managed to direct it along the right channel, even though the channel is strewn with numerous bends. I briefly told the girl about this, and about the fact that the practice of telekinesis took only about ten minutes every day; but even that was too much for her…

Then I mentioned about my knowledge of reincarnation, to which E said that she did not believe in it [reincarnation] at all. I clarified my point by telling her about my experience of leaving the physical body, which proved to me the real existence of the soul and, albeit indirectly, reincarnation. The girl asked if I could have just invented it. After my puzzled look at her, she corrected herself, saying that maybe I misunderstood my experience – no, I have no doubts at all that I experienced the Astral projection (separation of the soul/Astral body from the physical body).

D also said that she believed in my telekinesis experience, but she was not interested in all this. To be honest, I was a little surprised that such things might not be interesting to people at all, given that we are talking about the dormant and forgotten abilities of our own bodies. But then there really are people who do not want to improve themselves and learn something new… Of course, I am not talking about devoting your whole life to Auras and other things. But it is more than reasonable to take a few minutes or hours of your life to learn the truth about the purpose and functioning of the Universe and life, and how you can improve your life using that new knowledge in your everyday existence.

I also mentioned that one of the reasons for me writing this book was that I want to let go of all those almost constant thoughts, memories, and fantasies that I have had over the years. In fact, by that time, I had already made tremendous success in eliminating my habit of being in my head, focusing much of my attention on reality.

One way or another, I wanted to talk on completely different topics anyway. Remembering this, I said that I was interested in a lot of things, and we can talk about something else.

Between words, and, to be honest, not quite on the subject, I very briefly mentioned about D and how I do not go to restaurants and cafes until I know the girl, since D may have been a fraudster, since she not only lied about her work and stopped communicating with me after my refusal to go to a cafe, but she also said various things that were a little strange.

At that moment E asked if I did not consider it strange to talk about Auras – I thought about it. But in general, no, from my point of view, I do not see anything strange in these topics, especially considering that they were almost impossible to avoid during the writing of my book, since all people asked about the details when I mentioned my book to them.

Then E did become curious after all and asked me about the benefits of Auras. I told her about the diagnosis of mental and physical health. To this E noted that this has little effect on the daily life of most people. Here I could say that matching the colors of clothes and our surroundings with the colors of the Aura has a beneficial effect on our health, but for some reason this fact completely flew out of my head on that day.

I tried to change the subject, and we chatted a bit about relatively trivial topics. She was not very verbose, and for some reason the topics concerning the spending of free time were met by her with a slight breeze of negativity. She said that I live a richly saturated life, but I did not understand why she could not choose to devote her weekends not only to dogs, but also to herself?

E told me that it is easier for her with animals than with people… I also have problems, but I try to work on myself to make my life better.

There was also a negative moment on my part, when the girl said that she was renting an apartment in Moscow, and for a moment the thought about having sex with her in her rented apartment arose in my head. I tried to get that thought out of my head.

Another negative point, which I realized only a few weeks later, when its consequences had already manifested themselves, is that I barely took a good look at the girl. In fairness, it can be noted that E wore a medical mask around her neck which hid a good part of her face, but the fact that I immediately averted my gaze from the lower part of E when she cut off my path, following on the heels of the curious dog, was more of a mistake than respect for girls – there must be a balance in everything.

We were walking under the oak grove and I could hear dogs barking. I knew that soon it would be necessary to say about my desire to meet with E again.

But we still had some time for a short conversation.

I need to clarify that on the eve of my meeting with E, I was thinking about the fact that since only spiritual and material knowledge is recorded in our soul, this means that both faith and knowledge are encoded as material knowledge in the Astral body!

So, what is the difference between knowledge and faith, if both are material knowledge?

Both knowledge and faith are recorded as material knowledge in our soul (Astral body), and this material knowledge creates a mental picture for us in our consciousness. The difference is whether this mental picture exists outside our mind, whether it exists in reality.

For example, when someone talks about the shape of the Earth, I imagine a spherical object with continents, oceans, and an atmosphere, and this mental picture really exists outside my mind – this material knowledge is knowledge. Then I can imagine three turtles holding the Earth on their backs – if someone said that such a mental picture really exists, that our planet, on which we live, stands on three turtles, then that would be faith for that person; but if a person were talking about the Earth standing on three turtles, which he actually saw in a toy store, then that mental picture of a toy in the store would be knowledge.

But then there is such a moment when sometimes we think that we know about the existence of something outside our mental image, but in fact that mental picture does not exist outside of our mind. I encountered this myself when I thought I was using a free video in my project. As it turns out, the person had uploaded someone else's video to a website with free photos and videos from where I downloaded it. How do I know this to be so? For starters, the stolen video was uploaded in 2018, but the original was uploaded in 2016 to a popular stock photo and video site where the author also had a very large number of other videos from the same collection – while the thief did not have others similar videos in his uploads. Then the thief's other uploaded content was of a completely different nature, and not as high in quality. The names of the two people did not match. Last but not least, I have uploaded some of my own photos to sell on stock websites, and I know you cannot upload the file you are selling to a website where it can be downloaded for free – I think the person who has uploaded over a thousand videos to the stock website also knows about it. All these factors allow us to make a logical conclusion that I downloaded the video from a person who is not its author.


It turns out that what I thought was knowledge was actually not knowledge. But can we say that my mental picture of a free video which I can safely use in my projects, was faith – even though when I downloaded that video, I would say that I know that it is free? Considering my description of faith and the description of faith on Wiktionary – yes. One can also say that I had the “best judgment” that I downloaded a free video that does not belong to anyone and can be used by all people.

Here we come to the thoughts about what is the ultimate Knowledge with a capital “K”? Such Knowledge is when people know all existing things in the Universe, including the Laws of the Universe. People can determine that they know everything there is to know in this Universe when they no longer have any questions about why this or that exists or is happening. Everything is interconnected, and any vibration in the Universe manifests itself in one way or another somewhere – this reminds me of Jesus’ saying about how nothing is hidden. People from Thiaoouba have such Knowledge – which they have repeatedly said to Michel Desmarquet.

As long as we, people from Earth, do not have all the Knowledge, we often have the better judgment about whether something really exists, or how something functions. Of course, there are things about which we can say that “we know they exist”. For example, I can say that I know that the name in my passport reads “ЕВГЕНИЙ” – this is not faith and not the best judgment, but a fact. Another fact is that the shape of our planet is mostly like a sphere (but it is not an ideal sphere); the light of the stars is deflected when it passes close to a very massive celestial body (like the sun, for example); bodies with a lower density than the liquid into which they are thrown will float to the surface, and bodies with the density exceeding the density of the liquid will go to the bottom; etc.

Of course, unknowingly, we could have made a mistake in our theories, which will prevent us from seeing the truth until we see our mistake. I will say frankly that I am talking about gravity here; and about speeds exceeding the speed of light; and about Auras; and some other things that I know really exist from Thiaoouba Prophecy and from my life experience. I know about the truthfulness of the book itself thanks to my personal experience with Thiaooubians and the knowledge gained from that experience.

This is a great moment to explain why I consider my experience with Thiaooubians to be genuine, and why what I was experiencing could not have been caused by something, or someone, else. I will note that I am thinking about this purely because I am writing this book about my life, and I understand that I should probably explain better about my experience with Thiaooubians – something that can, and to some extent should, raise questions from the readers of my book. I myself knew right away what was what and who was who.

I will start with an example of the shape of the Earth. I know that the Earth has the shape of a slightly flattened sphere (spheroid), due to the centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the planet around its axis. At the same time, I have never been in the orbit around Earth (neither physically nor astrally) to look at the planet and make this inference. So why do I say “I know” and not “I believe”? This is all about common sense and logic.

I will not paint all the details, since one could write a whole book on this topic, but I will briefly say only that: I studied physics and astronomy, and from the knowledge I gained, I understand that the Earth is spherical – and common sense tells me that numerous researchers from all over the world cannot be mistaken in such an obvious question; common sense says that humans have actually been sending humans into Earth's orbit for several decades; as a child, my mother and I watched in my father's apartment a small “star” passing through the whole sky – it was the “Mir” station, as my mother explained to me then; people can buy themselves a telescope, or a camera with a large zoom, and take a photograph of the ISS to prove to themselves not only the real existence of the International Space Station, but also the reality of space flights; then people could watch the planets of the solar system, for example, Mars, and then they would also realize that Mars has a spherical shape – why should the Earth be different? And there are many other examples of why we can make a logical conclusion about the existence of something without having personal experience. By the way, the book Thiaoouba Prophecy also contains hints that the Earth has a spherical shape.

So, here is the piece my experience with the inhabitants of the planet of the ninth category – Thiaoouba.

Someone might think that it was all in my imagination. I know for sure that when a person is focused on reality, the “haze” inherent to the mind which is strongly absorbed in fantasies or abundant thoughts, dissipates, and everything that actually happened becomes very clear and distinct in our mind. I had cases when my attention was fully focused on the present moment, and I recalled the most insignificant details of my life from my distant childhood, and at the same time my memory was so clear that it felt like the events that had surfaced to the surface of my memory happened no more than 48 hours ago.

So, there is a very clear difference between real events and imagination.

Then I know perfectly well that I myself generate my fantasies – I realize what I am doing, and I realize that the fantasies in my head happen according to my choice, and not just like that – nothing happens just like that in the Universe since at first there was the Superior Intelligence, and it was only after his decision that the material world appeared, which he created (and it cannot be otherwise. A material thing can only be created following the decision of the mind, and not vice versa). All those visions were not generated by me; in most cases I did not expect to get those visions at all.

Could my visions of Thao be hallucinations? (By this I mean a hallucination that I myself generated: consciously or unconsciously. I do not know the exact working principle of such visions, and from what I know, they could very well be hallucinations that were created for me – for example, by Thao.) Luckily for me, I had one single experience with a hallucination when I saw the clown monster “It”. I am glad for this, as from that experience I gained some knowledge about hallucinations. Firstly, I myself generated that hallucination (or vision) – albeit not on purpose. Secondly, after I realized this, I began to do the opposite action, concentrating on the present moment, on what data was coming from my five senses. It helped, and the vision dissolved as the logical result of such choice and action. In this episode, I am absolutely certain that I generated that vision of It myself. This is logical, considering everything that preceded that vision: my frequent thoughts about It, which for some reason I kept bringing back to my mind; and my slight unrest about those thoughts. Having removed both extraneous thoughts and excitement, the vision was never seen again. As for the visions from Thiaooubians, I never expected them (for example, if we talk about the vision of Thao's face in the middle of the day, I was developing a website at that moment, and I thought only about my work, which concerned the payment system), and there was nothing that could have made my body generate those visions.