
Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H

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HUNLOKE, Sir Henry John Joseph, 6 Baronet. b. 29 Sep. 1812; succeeded 19 June 1816; formed a menagerie of rare animals at Wingeworth hall, Derbyshire, which was sold by auction after his death. d. Grafton st. London 8 Feb. 1856.

HUNNUM, Robert (son of Fenwick Hunnum, purveyor to the Lambton kennel). b. Durham 1795; second horseman to Mr. Ralph John Lambton of Merton house, Durham 1809 and known by name of ‘Mr. Ralph’s Great Coat’; second whip 1818; first whipper-in 1829 till the Lambton hounds were sold to Lord Suffield; a man of great courage and endurance; huntsman to Sir Matthew White Ridley in Northumberland 1843, whose hounds were sold by auction in London 30 June 1845 for £773, after which the hunt was kept up by subscription. The Book of Sports, ii, 42–6 (1843), portrait; New Sporting Mag. v, 4–5 (1833), portrait.

HUNT, Andrew. b. Erdington near Birmingham 1790; pupil of Samuel Lines the engraver; landscape painter and teacher of drawing at Liverpool; member of Liverpool Academy and exhibitor there. d. 31 Oxford st. 22 July 1861.

HUNT, Edward (son of Thomas Hunt). b. Hammersmith, Middlesex 29 Sep. 1829; ed. at Univ. coll. London, B.A. London 1850; assistant to Crace Calvert, royal institution laboratory, Manchester 1851; discovered process for distilling resin without decomposition 1857; took out patent for treatment of resin in making soap 1858; partner with Samuel Barlow and H. D. Pochin as Samuel Barlow & Co. in bleaching and dyeing works Stakehill near Middleton, Lancs. 1861 to death; F.C.S. Dec. 1851. d. Whalley range, Manchester 12 Aug. 1883. Gillow’s English Catholics, iii, 476–7 (1887).

HUNT, Ellen St. John. b. Norwich 27 Nov. 1837; a contributor to The Bible class mag. and to The Sunday school teachers’ mag. under pseudonym of Ion; author of Thoughts of sunshine in sorrow. By E.S.J.H. 1862, Second series 1866. d. Norwich 11 March 1864. Memoir pp. v-xlvii in Thoughts of sunshine (1866).

HUNT, Frederick Knight. b. Buckinghamshire, April 1814; employed in printing office of Morning Herald 1830; clerk to a barrister in the Temple 1830; sec. to London Anti-Corn-law league 1836; studied medicine at Middlesex hospital, M.R.C.S. 13 Nov. 1840; projected the Medical Times which he edited 28 Sep. 1839; surgeon of a union in Norfolk; sub-editor of Illustrated London News; sub-editor of Pictorial Times; edited Hunt’s London Journal 1844; assistant editor Daily News Jany. 1846, and editor 1851 to death; author of The book of art 1846; The Rhine, its scenery and associations 1845; The fourth estate, contributions towards a history of newspapers 2 vols. 1850. d. Forest hill, Sydenham 18 Nov. 1854. John Francis, publisher of the Athenæum. By J. C. Francis, i, 224, 226, 410–13 (1888); Diprose’s St. Clements, i, 245 (1868).

HUNT, Rev. George (son of Nehemiah Augustus Hunt of Plymouth). b. 1789; ed. at Trin. coll. Ox., B.A. 1810, M.A. 1813; V. of Egg Buckland near Plymouth 26 May 1818 to death; F.R.S.; edited Specimens of lithography as applied to eastern literature 1819; translated The book of Job 1825; Himyaric inscriptions of Hisn Ghoráb 1848. d. Egg Buckland 20 Feb. 1861.

HUNT, George Ward (eld. son of Rev. George Hunt of Buckhurst, Berks.) b. Buckhurst 30 July 1825; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1848, M.A. 1851, D.C.L. 1870; barrister I.T. 21 Nov. 1851, bencher 23 May 1873; contested Northampton 1852 and 1857; M.P. for North Northamptonshire 16 Dec. 1857 to death; chairman of quarter sessions for Northamptonshire, April 1866; financial sec. to treasury, July 1866 to Feb. 1868; chancellor of the exchequer 29 Feb. to Dec. 1868; P.C. 29 Feb. 1868; first lord of the admiralty 21 Feb. 1874 to death. d. Homburg 29 July 1877. bur. Homburg 30 July. C. Brown’s Life of Beaconsfield, ii, 93, 162 (1882), portrait; Graphic 4 Aug. 1877 pp. 99, 113, portrait.

HUNT, Henry. Educ. at St. Bartholomew’s hospital and Paris; M.R.C.P. 1840, F.R.C.P. 1859; fellow of Royal Med. Chir. Soc.; practised at 68 Brook st. Hanover sq. London from 1840; phys. to Dispensary for Children; author of On the nature and treatment of tic-douloureux, sciatica and other neuralgic disorders 1844; On the severer forms of heartburn and indigestion 1854. d. 25 May 1877 aged 75.

HUNT, Sir Henry Arthur (son of James Hunt of Westminster). b. 1810; consulting surveyor to H.M. commissioners of works and buildings 1856–86; receiver-general for dean and chapter of Westminster to 1886; partner in firm of Hunt, Stephenson and Jones, surveyors, 45 Parliament st. Westminster; A.I.C.E. 4 March 1851; C.B. 5 Aug. 1871; knighted at Osborne 21 July 1876. d. The Lees, Folkestone 13 Jany. 1889.

HUNT, Holdsworth (youngest son of Wm. Chollwill Hunt, M.D. of Dartmouth). b. Dartmouth 1806; ed. at Crediton and in Paris; barrister I.T. 12 June 1833, bencher 1865 to death, reader 1879, treasurer 1880; member of council of legal education; member of French Institute 1851. d. 20 Park crescent, Portland place, London 26 April 1883.

HUNT, James (son of Thomas Hunt 1802–51). b. Swanage, Dorset 1833; Ph.D. of Giessen 1855 and M.D. 1867; succeeded his father as a specialist in curing stammering, had a house at Hastings where he received many patients; member of Ethnological soc. of London 1854, hon. sec. 1859–62, hon. fellow 1862; founded Anthropological soc. of London 1863, president 1863–8, director 1867; edited Anthropological Rev. 1863; agitated for making Anthropology a department at British Assoc. meetings which was done in 1883; F.S.A.; F.R.S.L. 1854; author of A manual of the philosophy of voice and speech 1859; Stammering and stuttering, their nature and treatment 1861, 7 ed. 1870 and 7 other books. d. Ore Court near Hastings 29 Aug. 1869. Reg. and mag. of biog., ii, 198–200 (1869).

HUNT, James Henry Leigh (son of Rev. Isaac Hunt, d. 1809 aged 57). b. Southgate, Middlesex 19 Oct. 1784; ed. at Christ hospital 1792–99; started with his brother John, The Examiner a weekly paper 1808, editor 1808–21; edited a quarterly mag. called The Reflector which ran to 4 numbers 1810; tried for a libel in The Examiner on the prince regent, and imprisoned in Surrey gaol 3 Feb. 1813 to 3 Feb. 1815; great friend of Byron, Shelley, Keats, C. Lamb, T. Moore, J. Forster and T. Carlyle; edited The Indicator, Oct. 1820 to 1822, 77 numbers; was in Italy 1822–5; edited The Liberal 1822–3, 2 vols.; The Literary Examiner, 27 numbers; The Companion 1828, 28 numbers; The Chat of the Week 1830, 13 numbers; The Tatler a daily sheet entirely written by himself 4 Oct. 1830 to 13 Feb. 1832, 59 numbers; Leigh Hunt’s London Journal 1834 to 26 Dec. 1835, and The Monthly Repository July 1837 to March 1838; produced A Legend of Florence at Covent Garden 7 Feb. 1840; civil list pension of £200, 4 Oct. 1847; published Leigh Hunt’s Journal 1850 to March 1851; author of Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries 1828; The Town 2 vols. 1848; The autobiography of L. Hunt 1850, 3 vols. new ed. 1860; Table talk 1851 and very numerous other books. d. at res. of Charles W. Reynell, Chatfield house, (now 84) High st. Putney, Surrey 28 Aug. 1859. bur. Kensal Green cemet. Sep., monument by Joseph Durham, A.R.A. placed on the spot 19 Oct. 1869. The Correspondence of Leigh Hunt 2 vols. (1862); Leigh Hunt’s Lord Byron, 2 ed. (1828) 55–408, portrait; W. Howitt’s Homes and haunts of British poets, ii, 347–67 (1847); T. H. Ward’s English poets, 2 ed. (1883) iv, 340–7; J. A. Langford’s Prison books (1861) 316–33, portrait; Maclise Portrait Gallery (1883) 242–56, portrait; L. Hutton’s Literary landmarks of London, 4 ed. (1888) 144–9; F. E. Baines’ Hampstead (1890) 358, portrait.

Note.—He is drawn in Bleak House 1853 as Harold Skimpole and in A. W. Pinero’s play Lady Bountiful 1891 as Roderick Heron. His dau. Julia Trelawney Leigh Hunt was granted civil list pension of £75, 19 April 1861 and d. Hammersmith 3 Feb. 1872.

HUNT, Rev. John Higgs. b. 1780; ed. at Charterhouse and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1801, M.A. 1804; edited The Critical Review, reviewed Byron’s Hours of Idleness in it Sep. 1807; V. of Weedon Beck, Northamptonshire 20 March 1823 to death; published Tasso’s Jerusalem delivered, with notes and occasional illustrations 2 vols. 1818, reprinted in E. Sanford’s The works of the British poets, vols. 48, 49 (1819); said to have written a work upon Cosmo the Great. d. Weedon Beck 17 Nov. 1859.

HUNT, Joseph. Kept a tavern in London; a public singer at Naval Coffee house, St. Martin’s lane, London; William Probert and John Thurtell murdered William Weare at Gill’s hill lane near Elstree, Herts. 24 Oct. 1823, Hunt was found guilty as an accessory before the murder and sentenced to death 7 Jany. 1824 but eventually transported for life; court keeper of assize court, Bathurst, N.S.W. 1839–59; living at Bathurst 1859; father of a famous female singer living in 1864. Narrative of murder of Mr. W. Weare, the confession of Hunt and the execution of Thurtell (1824), portrait.

Note.—John Thurtell was hanged at Hertford 9 Jany. 1824, Wm. Probert escaped by turning King’s evidence, but was hanged at the Old Bailey 20 June 1825 for horse-stealing; Thurtell’s gig used by him in going to Gill’s hill lane, was exhibited in a piece called The Gamblers produced at the Surrey theatre, Jany. 1824.


HUNT, Robert (son of Robert Hunt lost in H.M.S. Mocheron 1807). b. Plymouth Dock (now Devonport) 6 Sep. 1807; studied medicine in London; chemist and druggist Chapel st. Penzance 1833–4; sec. of Royal Cornwall Polytechnic soc. 1840–5, pres. 1859; keeper of the mining records office 1845 till it was abolished 1883; lecturer on mechanical science in Royal school of mines 1851–3, lecturer on experimental physics 1853; F.R.S. 1 June 1854; The Miners’ Assoc. of Cornwall and Devon was instituted at a meeting called by him 1859 and opened 1861; a comr. on inquiry on quantity of coal remaining 1866; made researches on solar rays, electrical phenomena in mineral veins and photography; edited Ure’s Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines 1859, 1867 and 1875, three editions; author of A popular treatise on the art of photography 1841; Researches on light 1844, 2 ed. 1854; Elementary physics 1851, new ed. 1855; Popular romances of West of England 2 vols. 1865; British mining 1884, 2 ed. 1887; compiler and editor of annual blue books on Mineral statistics 1855–84. d. 26 St. Leonard’s ter. Chelsea 17 Oct. 1887. Boase and Courtney’s Bibl. Cornub. 259–60, 1238; Athenæum 22 Oct. 1887 pp. 541–2; Times 20 Oct. 1887 p. 5.

HUNT, Thomas. b. Dorset 1802; ed. at Winchester and Trin. coll. Cam.; invented a method of curing stammering, which he practised at 224 Regent st. London 1827 to death; Sir John Forbes sent him pupils 1828–51; his pupils subscribed for his bust in marble which was modelled by Joseph Durham and exhibited in the R.A. 1849. d. Godlingstone near Swanage, Dorset 18 Aug. 1851. James Hunt’s Treatise on stammering, with memoir of T. Hunt (1854) 27–69, portrait; Fraser’s Mag. July 1859 pp. 1–14, By Charles Kingsley.

HUNT, Thomas Newman. b. 1806; merchant of firm of Newman, Hunt & Co. 12 New Broad st. city of London; a director of Bank of England 1856–83, deputy governor 1866–7, governor 1867–9; chairman of Public works loan commission. d. 79 Portland place, London 17 Jany. 1884.

HUNT, Thornton Leigh (eld. son of J. H. Leigh Hunt 1784–1859). b. London 10 Sep. 1810; studied drawing and painting; sub-editor of The Constitutional, morning paper 15 Sep. 1836 which lasted to 1 July 1837; edited the North Cheshire Reformer at Chester; The Argus at Glasgow to 1840; one of chief contributors to Spectator 1840–60; one of founders of Leader 1850; one of chief contributors to Globe; on the Daily Telegraph as acting editor 1855–72; author of The Foster Brother 1845; The rationale of railway administration 1846; Unity of the iron network, the argument for the break of gauge 1846; edited his father’s Autobiography 1860, Works 1860, and Correspondence 1862. d. 41 Victoria road, Kilburn, Middlesex 25 June 1873. Athenæum 28 June 1873 p. 825; Bourne’s English newspapers, ii, 98, 235, 241, 267 (1887).

HUNT, Vere Dawson De Vere (son of Vere Hunt). b. 7 July 1829; captain inland transport corps; author of The horse and its master, with hints on breeding, breaking, etc. 1859; England’s horses for peace and war 1874. d. 9 Dec. 1878.

HUNT, William. b. 1766; ed. at Rugby and King’s coll. Cam., scholar 1784, fellow 1787 to death; B.A. 1789, M.A. 1792; barrister L.I. 27 June 1794; went Norfolk circuit, leader of it long time; assessor to the vice chancellor in the university courts 1805 to death; recorder of Tamworth (the last) 1817–42. d. King’s college, Cambridge 6 Jany. 1852.

HUNT, William (son of Thomas Hunt). b. Bath 1801; in business with his brother at Bath; a great supporter of Reform 1832; one of first members of Bath reformed corporation 1836, alderman 1841–7, 1848 to death; mayor of Bath 1840, 47, 54, 67 and 73; presented with a silver salver and his portrait 16 June 1869; J.P. for Bath 2 Sep. 1847 to death. d. 72 Pulteney st. Bath 17 Sep. 1885. Keene’s Bath Journal 19 Sep. 1885 p. 4.

HUNT, Very Rev. William. b. East Hendred, Berks. 15 June 1803; ordained priest 1830; professor at St. Edmund’s coll. Ware 1830–2; missioner at Southampton 1832–41; minister St. James’ chapel, Spanish place, Manchester sq. London 1842, resigned 1883; provost of the chapter of Westminster 1865. d. 6 Spanish place 9 Jany. 1889.

HUNT, William George Lennon. b. 1842; a baritone; before he was 21 he had appeared in 20 different operas in Madrid; musical composer, dramatist, author; director of Philharmonic soc. of Madrid; consul at Loanda, South Africa 10 June 1878 to death. d. Loanda 30 Aug. 1879. Illust. sp. and dr. news, xii, 101, 102 (1879), portrait.

HUNT, William Henry (son of John Hunt, tinplate worker). b. 8 Old Belton st. (now Endell st.), Long Acre, London 28 March 1790; apprenticed to John Varley, artist 1804–11; painted in oils 1807–24, in water colours 1824–63; associate exhibitor of Watercolour soc. 1824, member 1826; member of Amsterdam royal academy 1856; exhibited 14 pictures at R.A., 6 at B.I. and 1 at Suffolk st. 1807–29; his Roses in a Jar in the Wade collection 1872 sold for five hundred guineas. d. 62 Stanhope st. Hampstead road, London 10 Feb. 1864. Redgrave’s Century of painters, ii, 502–9 (1866); Fraser’s Mag. lxxii, 525–36 (1865).

HUNTER, Adam. b. Greenock 20 June 1791; ed. at Glasgow and Edin. univs., M.D. Edin. 1813; physician Edin. 1815 to death; F.R.S. Edin. 1839; made a report to Scottish national insurance co. on the lives insured; author of The fruits of amalgamation exhibited in the correspondence of a Palladium policy holder with C. Jellicoe. Edin. 1865. d. 18 Abercromby place, Edinburgh 24 June 1870. Proc. Royal Soc. of Edin. vii, 240–2 (1872).

HUNTER, Sir Claudius Stephen, 1 Baronet (younger son of Henry Hunter of Beech hill, Berks., barrister 1739–89). b. Beech hill 24 Feb. 1775; student, of the Inner Temple; solicitor in London 1797 to Jany. 1811; alderman of ward of Bassishaw, Sep. 1804 to 1835; alderman of ward of Bridge without 1835 to death; lieut. col. of Royal east regiment of London militia 1806 and col. of royal west regt. 10 Jany. 1810 to death; sheriff of London 1808–9, lord mayor 1811–12 when he revived ancient ceremonies; created baronet 11 Dec. 1812; hon. D.C.L. Ox. 23 June 1819; president of London Life association 1835 to death. d. Mortimer hill, Berkshire 20 April 1851. European Mag. lxii, 177–84 (1812), portrait; G.M. xxxvi, 88–90 (1851); Thornbury’s London, i, 116, 329–30, (1872).

HUNTER, Sir Claudius Stephen Paul, 2 Baronet. b. Ghazepore, East Indies 21 Sep. 1825; ed. at Eton and St. John’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1849, M.A. 1850; student of Inner Temple 1848; succeeded his grandfather 20 April 1851; captain royal London militia 1846–50; founder of 1st Berkshire volunteer regt. and capt. commandant 31 March 1860, lieut.-col. 2 Nov. 1872 to Dec. 1885; sheriff of Berks. 1860. d. Mortimer hill near Reading 7 Jany. 1890.

HUNTER, George. Entered Bengal army 1800; colonel 1 European regt. of light infantry 1843 to death; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851; C.B. 26 Dec. 1826. d. Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire 11 Nov. 1854.

HUNTER, Ven. James (son of John Hunter). b. Barnstaple 1817; clerk to Charles Roberts, solicitor, Barnstaple; a master in Tavistock sch.; ed. at Ch. Miss. coll. Islington to 1843; archdeacon of Cumberland, Rupert’s Land 1854–67; V. of St. Matthew, Bayswater, London 1867 to death; M.A. 1855 and D.D. 1876 by Archbishop of Canterbury; author of The Book of common prayer, Translated into the language of the Cree Indians 1859; The gospels of St. Matthew, St. Mark and St. John in Cree; The faith and duty of a Christian in Cree; with J. Mason and others The Bible translated into the language of the Knisteneaux or Cree North American Indians 2 parts 1861–2. d. 52 Leinster sq. London 12 Feb. 1882. bur. Highgate cemet. 18 Feb.

HUNTER, James. b. Muirkirk, Ayrshire 1818; manager Coltness iron works 1839 and then a partner (Houldsworth & Co.), retired 1885, increased the works from 2 to 12 furnaces; the Coltness brand of iron became known all over the world; D.L. for Ayrshire; A.I.C.E. 4 April 1854. d. Newman’s House by Motherwell, Edinburgh 5 Oct. 1886. Min. of Proc. I.C.E. lxxxix, 494–5 (1887).

HUNTER, Rev. John (youngest son of Rev. Andrew Hunter, minister of Tron ch. Edin., d. 1809). b. Edin. 1788; presbyterian minister of Swinton, Berwickshire 1814–32; assistant minister of Tron ch. Edin. after a contest with the kirk session which was decided in house of lords Oct. 1832, minister of Tron ch. to death; D.D. of univ. of Edin. 29 May 1847. d. 9 Regent ter. Edinburgh 21 June 1866. Crombie’s Modern Athenians (1882) 27–8, portrait; Scott’s Fasti, i part i, p. 61.

HUNTER, John (son of professor Andrew Hunter). In a writer’s office copying law papers at 3d. a page; a writer to the signet 1826; auditor of court of session to 1866; author of Miscellanies in verse. By N.R. i.e. J. Hunter 1843. d. Craigcrook 3 Dec. 1869. Journal of jurisprudence, xiv, 42–5 (1870).

HUNTER, John (only son of John Hunter, physician). b. Belfast 23 March 1843; ed. at Queen’s coll. Belfast and Queen’s univ., B.A. 1863, M.A. 1864; assistant professor of chemistry Queen’s coll. 1865–70; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy King’s coll. Windsor, Nova Scotia 1870–1; accompanied the Deep Sea dredging expedition in H.M.S. Porcupine 1869; made researches on the absorption of gases by charcoal, the absorption of mixed vapours, pressure of absorption and the composition of sea water. d. Enniscrone, Mayo 13 Sep. 1872. Proc. of royal soc. of Edin. viii, 322–4 (1875).

HUNTER, John (2 son of John Hunter, d. 3 Dec. 1869). Advocate 1857; sheriff substitute of Peebleshire 1868 to death; member of Speculative soc. d. Kingsmuir, Peebles 29 Sep. 1872. Journal of Jurisprudence, xvi, 603–5 (1872).

HUNTER, John Charles. b. 20 Aug. 1799; L.S.A. 1821; M.R.C.S. 1821; L.R.C.P. 1863; inspector National Vaccine establishment; author of 63rd vol. of the Family library Sketches of imposture, deception and credulity 1837. d. 30 Wilton place, Belgrave sq. London 19 Dec. 1871.

HUNTER, John Kelso. b. Dunkeith, Ayrshire 15 Dec. 1802; a herd boy; shoemaker at Kilmarnock; removed to Glasgow; painted and exhibited portrait of himself at R.A. London 1847; author of The retrospect of an artist’s life 1868; Life studies of character 1871, containing facts about Robert Burns; Memorials of west country men and manners. d. Pollokshields near Glasgow 3 Feb. 1873. Times 6 Feb. 1873 p. 7.

HUNTER, Rev. Joseph (son of Michael Hunter of Sheffield, cutler 1759–1831). b. Sheffield 6 Feb. 1783; minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Bath 1809–33; a sub-comr. of public records in London 1833, an assistant keeper of the first class 1838 to death; F.S.A., mem. of council and vice pres. 1855; author of Hallamshire. The history of the parish of Sheffield 1819, new ed. by Rev. A. Gatty 1869; South Yorkshire. The history of the deanery of Doncaster 2 vols. 1828–31; The diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. 2 vols. 1830 and 30 other books; his library was sold at Sothebys, Dec. 1861 for £1105; his MS. collections were purchased by Br. Museum 1862. d. 30 Torrington sq. London 9 May 1861. bur. Ecclesfield near Sheffield 15 May. A brief memoir [by Sylvester Hunter] 1861, privately printed; Proc. of Soc. of Antiquaries, ii, 106–8 (1861).

HUNTER, Joseph. b. Scarborough 21 Oct. 1857; became known in the match County Eleven v. Surrey at Sheffield 15 July 1878; member of Yorkshire Eleven 1881; played against Australian team in 1883; member of Shaw’s English team in Australia 1884; had no superior as a wicket keeper; wicket keeper to the Yorkshire Eleven to 1889. d. at his residence the Wheat Sheaf hotel, Rotherham 4 Jany. 1891. Illust. S. and D. News, xxiii, 661, 662 (1885), portrait.

HUNTER, Robert (only child of an East India merchant, d. 1793). b. near Edinburgh 8 July 1791; ed. at High sch. Edin. to 1804 and at Edin. univ.; member of Scottish bar 1814; sheriff of Buteshire 1837 to death; sheriff of Dumbartonshire 1853 to death; author of A treatise on the law of landlord and tenant. Edin. 1833, 4 ed. 2 vols. 1876. d. 67 Northumberland st. Edinburgh 23 Dec. 1871. Crombie’s Modern Athenians (1882) 16, portrait; Journal of Jurisprudence, xvi, 93–6 (1872).


HUNTER, Robert Hope Alston (3 son of Rev. William Hunter). b. 1805; hospital assistant in army 10 Jany. 1827; surgeon of 57 regt. at Madras 1843–47; surgeon major 30 July 1847; placed on h.p. 10 Feb. 1852; author of Statistical review of the climate of the principal stations for European troops in the Bombay presidency; The medical history of the queen’s royal regiment during the campaign in Afghanistan. d. Dollar 22 June 1867. Medical Times 3 Aug. 1867 pp. 135–6.

HUNTER, Rowland, b. 1774; extensive bookseller at 72 St. Paul’s churchyard (where he succeeded his uncle Joseph Johnson) 1815–36. d. the Charterhouse 18 Jany. 1864.

HUNTER, Walter. b. parish of Newbattle near Edin. 1772; worked as a millwright under Watt and Rennie; adapted steam power to move dredging buckets and ladders; partner with Wm. English as millwrights and engineers at 28 High st. south, Bow, London 1807 or 1808 to death; M.I.C.E. 1827. d. Bow 8 Feb. 1852. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xii, 161 (1853).

HUNTER, William (son of Andrew Hunter of Bury St. Edmunds). b. Bury St. Edmunds; of 76 Coleman st. City of London; member of ward of Coleman st. London 1823 and alderman 1843 to death, sheriff 1844–5, lord mayor 1851–52. d. 13 Westbourne terrace, Hyde park, London 22 Sep. 1856 aged 75. I.L.N. xix, 605 (1851), portrait.

HUNTER, William Frederick. b. 1841; ed. at Edin. univ., M.A., LL.B.; at Heidelberg and Berlin univ., D.C.L.; examiner in law, Edin. univ.; advocate in Scotland 1865; barrister L.I. 30 April 1875; inherited Hafton estate, Argyleshire on death of his brother; wrote article on Canon Law in Encyclop. Brit. v. 15–22 (1876). d. Madeira 28 April 1880. Journal of Jurisprudence, xxiv, 320–1 (1880).

HUNTER-BLAIR, Sir David, 3 Baronet. b. Edinburgh 1777; midshipman H.M.S. Hyacinth; succeeded his brother 24 May 1800; col. of Ayrshire militia during the war; convener of Ayrshire 1822 to 1855; vice lieut. of Ayrshire 1822 to death. d. Blairquhan, Ayr 26 Dec. 1857.

HUNTER-BLAIR, James (1 son of preceding). b. Milton, Ayrshire 22 March 1817; ensign Scots fusilier guards 24 April 1835, captain 31 March 1848 to death; M.P. Ayrshire 22 July 1852 to death; killed when commanding his battalion at Inkerman 5 Nov. 1854.

HUNTINGDON, Francis Power Plantagenet Hastings, 13 Earl of (eld. child of 12 Earl of Huntingdon 1808–75). b. Gaultier cottage, Waterford 4 Dec. 1841; styled Lord Hastings 1841–75; matric. from Ch. Ch. Ox. 20 Jany. 1860; succeeded 13 Sep. 1875; master of harriers at Whitechurch, Waterford 1867–8, of fox hounds 1868–71; master of the Ormond and King’s county hunt 1872–5 and of the King’s county alone from 1875, the Land League ultimately mobbed his hounds and he sold the pack to a Canadian; speculated in land in Florida and visited that country. d. Shanavogue, King’s county 20 May 1885. Baily’s Mag. xxxi, 63–4 (1878), portrait, xliv, 295 (1885).

HUNTINGFORD, Rev. Henry (son of Rev. Thomas Huntingford, master of Warminster school, Wilts.) b. Warminster 19 Sep. 1787; ed. at Winchester and New coll. Ox., fellow 1807–14; fellow of Winchester 5 April 1814 to his death; B.C.L. 1814; prebendary of Colwall in Hereford cath. Dec. 1817; R. of Hampton Bishop, Herefordshire 1822 to death; canon residentiary of Hereford cath. 1822 to death; master of Ledbury hospital, Hereford 1867; published Pindari Carmina juxta examplar Heynianum…et Lexicon Pindaricum ex integro Dammii opere etymologico excerptum 1814, another ed. 1821; translated Romanist Conversations [By B. Pictet] 1826. d. Goodrest, Great Malvern 2 Nov. 1867. bur. Hampton Bishop. F. T. Havergal’s Fasti Herefordenses (1869) 61.

HUNTLY, George Gordon, 9 Marquis of (only son of 4 Earl of Aboyne 1726–94). b. Edinburgh 28 June 1761; ensign 1 foot guards; lieut. col. 35 foot April 1789 to 15 June 1789; captain Coldstream guards 15 June 1789 to 1792 when he sold out; col. of Aberdeenshire militia 1798 to death; succeeded his father as 5 Earl of Aboyne 28 Dec. 1794; a representative peer of Scotland 1796–1815; cr. baron Meldrum of Morven, co. Aberdeen in peerage of the U.K. 11 Aug. 1815; K.T. 10 May 1827; succeeded as 9 marquis of Huntly by decision of House of Lords 22 June 1838 on death of his kinsman the 8 Marquis 28 May 1836. d. 24 Chapel st. Grosvenor sq. London 17 June 1853.

HUNTLY, Charles Gordon, 10 Marquis of (eld. child of the preceding). b. Orton near Peterborough 11 Jany. 1792; styled Lord Strathaven 1792–1853; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., M.A. 1812; M.P. East Grinstead 1818–30; M.P. Hunts. 1830–31, contested Hunts. 1831; lord lieut. of Aberdeenshire 14 Feb. 1861 to death. d. Orton Longueville near Peterborough 17 Sep. 1863.

HUNTLEY, Sir Henry Vere (3 son of Rev. Richard Huntley of Boxwell court, Gloucs. 1776–1831). b. 1795; entered navy 10 March 1809; accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena in the Northumberland 8 Aug. to 15 Oct. 1815; employed in suppressing slave trade 1826–37; commander 28 June 1838; lieut. gov. of settlements on river Gambia 23 Dec. 1839; lieut. gov. of Prince Edward’s Island 20 Aug. 1841 to 26 Oct. 1847; knighted by patent 9 Oct. 1841; consul at Loanda, Aug. 1858; consul at Santos, Brazil, May 1862 to death; author of Peregrine scramble, or thirty years’ adventures of a bluejacket 2 vols. 1849; Observation on free trade policy in connection with the Sugar act 1846; Seven years’ service on the Slave coast 2 vols. 1850; California, its gold and its inhabitants 2 vols. 1856. d. Santos, Brazil 7 May 1864.

HUNTLEY, John. b. London 25 March 1805; a packer of bale goods; went to U.S. America 1832; prompter Richmond hill theatre, New York; acted in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Richmond, Cincinnati and Pittsburg, when he first undertook old men characters; stage manager for Ludlow and Smith at St. Louis 1848–53; travelled in America as an actor, prompter and manager 1853–63. Brown’s American stage (1870) 190.

HUNTLEY, Rev. Richard Webster (brother of Sir H. V. Huntley). b. 1793; ed. at Oriel coll. Ox., B.A. 1815, M.A. 1819; fellow of All Souls 1815–31, proctor 1824; V. of Alderbury, Salop 20 Jany. 1829 to death; R. of Boxwell and Leighterton 3 Dec. 1831 to death; one of the 3 priests who opposed Dr. R. D. Hampden’s election to bishopric of Hereford, both in Bow ch. 11 Jany. 1848 and in the queen’s bench 1 Feb.; rural dean of Hawkesbury and Bitton 1840–51; author of A letter to the archbishop of Canterbury on the ecclesiastical commission and the suppression of a bishoprick in North Wales 1843; A glossary of the Cotswold dialect illustrated by examples from ancient authors. Gloucester 1868. d. Boxwell court, Gloucs. 4 April 1857. The Year of the Church. By R. W. Huntley (1860). Memoir pp. vii-xviii.

HURDIS, James Henry (elder son of James Hurdis, poet 1763–1801). b. 1800 probably at Bishopston, Berks.; ed. at Southampton; spent a few years in France; articled to Charles Heath the engraver; lived at Newick near Lewes; etched many portraits of local notabilities and views of buildings in Sussex, some of which are in the Sussex Archæological Society’s collections; a friend of George Cruikshank. d. Southampton 30 Nov. 1857. M. A. Lower’s Worthies of Sussex (1865) 170.

HURDLE, Sir Thomas (son of James Hurdle). b. 1797; 2 lieut. R.M. 24 April 1812, lieut. col. 15 Aug. 1853; served at Navarino 1827, in Greece 1828, commanded brigade of R.M. in Crimea 1854–6; aide-de-camp to the queen 1855–7; col. commandant 20 Feb. 1857; retired on full pay 17 Nov. 1859; hon. major general 2 Dec. 1859; C.B. 5 July 1855, K.C.B. 2 June 1877. d. Porchester, Fareham, 7 June 1889.

HURLSTONE, Edwin Tyrrell. b. 1806; barrister I.T. 31 Jany. 1834, went South-Eastern circuit; a revising barrister to death; author with John Gordon of Exchequer Reports 1854–56, 2 vols. 1855–56; with J. P. Norman of Reports of cases in the courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber 1856–62, 7 vols. 1857–62; with F. J. Coltman of Reports of cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber 1862–65, 3 vols. 1863–66 and other Reports. d. Thanet place, Temple, London 29 Sep. 1881.

HURLSTONE, Frederick Yeates (1 son of Thomas Yeates Hurlstone a proprietor of the Morning Chronicle). b. London 1800 or 1801; pupil of Sir W. Beechey and Sir T. Lawrence; student of the R.A. 1820, silver medallist 1822, gold medallist 1823; exhibited 37 pictures at R.A., 19 at B.I. and 326 at Suffolk st. 1821–70; member of Society of British artists 1831, president 1835 and 1840 to death; awarded a gold medal at Paris exhibition 1855; 11 of his best works were re-exhibited at Soc. of British Artists 1870; author with others of Protest against the Report from the committee of the National gallery 1855; (m. 1836 Jane Coral an artist, who exhibited 6 pictures at R.A. and 23 at Suffolk st. 1846–56 and d. 2 Oct. 1858); he d. 9 Chester st. Belgrave sq. London 10 June 1869.