Lugege ainult LitRes'is

Raamatut ei saa failina alla laadida, kuid seda saab lugeda meie rakenduses või veebis.

Loe raamatut: «Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H», lehekülg 128


principal 394.

Edinburgh, Alfred, duke of b. 1844, shot by O’Farrell 99,

Hokilika theatre named after him 1611.

Education, act of 1870 col. 423,

aid soc. formed 423.

Eglinton tournament, accounts of 30, 912,

knights at 102, 752, 970, 1533,

lord Eglinton 971,

page at 893,

pictures of 1034.

Egremont, George, Third Earl d. 1837, Carew’s claim on his estate 544.

Egypt, explorers in Belzoni 237,

Bonomi 334 and Hay 1394,

obelisk in New York 1186,

student of its antiquities 781.

Elections, agents for 1096,

large sum spent in 255.

Electricians, Cooke 705,

Cumming 784,

Harris 1351,

Hearder 1409,

Henley 1429,

Wheatstone 705.

Electricity, applied to machinery 578,

applied to medical purposes 1409,

apparatus for registering progress of ships 130,

automatic method of transmitting signals 130,

clocks invented 130,

discoveries in 1020,

earth batteries constructed 130,

electro-chemical telegraph 131,

electro-dynamics 784,

electric telegraph co. 835,

experiments in 835,

experiments on the Serpentine 130,

induction coil 1409,

playing keyed instruments at a distance 131,

stratification of discharge discovered 1130,

used for organs 1131.

Electro biology 378.

Electro crystallization 772.

Electro platers and electro gilders 974.

Elephants, Chunee shot 770,

hunting of 1377,

in harness 1571.

Elgin marbles, account of 492,

removed from Athens 1307.

Elginshire, lord lieutenant of 924.

Eliot, George i.e. Mary Ann Cross 771,

her books 300.

Ellenborough, Edward Law d. 1871,

first earl of 878.

Ellipses, machine for drawing 1020.

Elliptograph, an invention 952.

Ellis, Edward Shipley d. 1879,

railway chairman 932, 983.

Elliotson, John d. 1868,

mesmerist 979,

a founder of Spiritual Athenæum 1519.

Elocution, professor of, Hows 1561.

Elphin, bishops of 443, 560.

Elphinstone, George W. Keith d. 1842 general, his entire army destroyed 456.

Embalming bodies 1298.

Embroideress, Dolby 890.

Emmett, Robert executed 1803 in Ireland, brother in law 1516,

friend of 868,

his rebellion 51.

Enamellers, Bone 332,

Bott 346.

Enamelling of womens faces, the 770.

Encyclopædia Britannica 292, 742.

Encyclopædia Metropolitana published 794, 1243, 1244.

Engineers, Brunel 453,

Davies 825,

De Bergue 845,

Downing 909,

Doyne 913,

Errington 995,

Evans 1002,

Exall 1009,

Fairbairn 1014,

Fairlie 1016,

Falshaw 1018,

Farey 1020,

Field 1042,

Fitz-Gibbon 1060,

Forster F. 1084,

Forster T. E. 1085,

Fouracres 1091,

Fowler 1092,

Fox 1094,

Fraser 1102,

Fuller 1111,

Fulton 1112,

Gisborne 1154,

Glynn 1161,

Godwin 1164,

Gooch 1171,

Gordon 1182,

Grant 1204,

Grantham 1208,

Gravatt 1210,

Greaves 1221,

Green 1224,

Griffiths 1245,

Griffiths 1247,

Guppy 1259,

Hall 1290,

Harding 1327,

Harrison 1356,

Havilland 1383,

Heinke 1417,

Hemans 1419,

Heppel 1436,

Highton 1465,

Hodges 1491,

Howe 1556,

Humber 1582,

Hunter 1598,

Husband 1602.

Engineering, dumpy the 1211,

level staff 1211,

nadir a 1211,

slide rule 1392.

Engines see Steam engines.

England, Regent of, Albert 38.

English channel, designed iron tunnel across 583.

Engravers, Archer 81,

Artlett 92,

Bell 231,

Brandard 381,

Bentley 249,

Garter 561,

Cooke G. 706,

Cooke W. B. 705,

Cooke W. J. 706,

Cousen 734,

Cousins 734,

Davenport 822,

Doo 897,

Dudley 923,

Edwards 967,

Fairholt 1015,

Finden E. F. 1046,

Finden W. 1046,

Forrest 1082,

Freeman 1104,

Garner 1124,

Golding 1166,

Goodall 1171,

Grainger 1200,

Graves 1212,

Hall 1285,

Harvey 1368,

Hawkins 1389,

Hinchliff 1479,

Holl 1507,

Hooper 1527,

Horsburgh 1541,

Humphreys 1587,

Lines 1124,

Mitan 1046.

Engravings, publishers of 1497,

Rembrandt’s portrait of Tholinx 1247,

steel improvements in 706.

Engravings, collectors of, Burke 482,

Cousins 734,

Edwards 967,

Griffiths 1247,

Hope 1530.

Entertainers, Carpenter 554,

Carter 561,

Cowell 735,

Cumming-Gordon 785,

Distin quintet 882,

Douglas troupe 903,

Du Val 944,

Fisher 1052,

Fitzwilliam 1065,

Hudson 1567,

Parry 425,

Reed 425,

Ward, Artemus 443.

Entozoa 659.

Envelopes, first used in stationery office 645,

folding machine for 1470.

Epigrams, analytically arranged 544.

Epsom races, a visitor to for sixty four years 1112,

perpetual steward of 1412.

Equestrian performers,

Cooke 702,

Delevanti 853,

Ducrow 328,

See also Circus proprietors col. 1631.

Essex, Dunmow flitch of bacon 33,

nonconformists in 822,

silk throwing introduced 733.

Ethnological collection, Christy 618.

Eton montem suppressed 1392.

Europe, Alison’s History of 47.

Evangelical alliance founded 488.

Evans, W, C. d. 1855,

music hall proprietor 1224.

Evaporation in vacuo invented 182.

Everest, Mount, on Himalayan range 1007.

Everett, James d. 1872, expelled Wesleyan minister 939, 1007.

Exchequer, baron of the, office declined 1540.

Exchequer, chancellors of, Bexley 268,

Goulburn 1191,

Herries 1446,

Hunt 1590,

Wood 1281.

Exchequer court, clerk of the errors 959.

Excise, stamps and taxes amalgamated with 191.

Executioner, Calcraft 513.

Executions, last public execution Barrett 178.

Exeter, Boyd’s bequests to the diocese of 365,

commissioner of bankruptcy, the last 68.

Exeter Change a brochure 424.

Exhibition of 1851,

The Great, Cole sir H. 671,

construction of 779,

erected 1094,

glass used for 1361,

official publications of 655,

organisers of 39,

original idea of the 36,

promoters of 1111,

specimens of imports 81,

See also Crystal palace col. 1635.

Exhibition of 1862,

The, Cole sir C. 671,

designer of the building 1092,

dome decorated 476,

iron work for 180.

Exmouth, Edward d. 1833 viscount, expedition to Algiers 875.

Eye, London ophthalmic hospital founded 1025, ophthalmology, congress on 762,

ophthalmology, modern 785.


Barnes 850,

Bickerton 270,

Cooper 713,

Critchett 762,

Delagarde 850 and Estlin 999.


Facial measurement, a system of 1535.

Fairs, Richardson’s theatre 564.

Faith healing 472.

Families, large, nineteen children 704,

twenty 290,

twenty two 41,

twenty four 903, 918,

thirty nine 225.

Farmers, Angas 69,

Arkwright 83,

Grey 1242,

Hall 1284,

Hobbs 1488,

Hope 1530.

Fashion, leaders of, See Dandies col. 1635.

Fasting man, Moore 1421.

Fat man, Campbell 535.

Fenianism, Burke J. F. murdered 481, 545,

Cavendish Lord F. murdered 545,

Invincibles 481,

Kilclooney wood, fight in 776,

Knockadoon coast guard station, attack on 776.

Fenians, Barrett 178,

Carey 545,

Crowley 776,

Duffy 925,

Harris 1350,

O’Donnel 545.

Ferns, collections of 1211.

Ferrar, Nicholas d. 1637, of Little Gidding 1535.

Field marshals, Albert 38,

Anglesey 71,

Blakeney 304,

Burgoyne 480,

Clyde 657,

Combermere 689,

Fitzgerald 1059.

Field names 54.

Fines and recoveries abolished 409.

Fire arms, improvements in 1385.

Fires, Braidwood 379,

Cotton’s wharf 379,

Covent Garden 1268,

Cubitt’s factory 779,

engines and apparatus for extinguishing 379,

fire brick makers 736,

fire damp indicator 72,

fire proof constructions 1095,

firemen, training of 379,

Hadley’s flour mills 1268,

London establishment transferred to Metropolitan board of works 447,

London fire engine establishment 379,

portable cistern for fire brigade 121,

steam fire engine invented 379.

Fireworks, maker of 726,

at Surrey gardens 770,

at Vauxhall 726.

Fish, Fisheries and Fishing, Buckland 462,

Couch 731,

Ffennell’s act 1040,

fish, collection of 1530,

fish hatching apparatus 462,

fisheries exhibition 462,

fossil fish 871, 970,

national fish culture association 1097,

oyster culture 1097,

Thames right defence association 1097.

Fishermen, Blakey 306,

Breadalbane 388,

Ffennell 1034,

Fitzgibbon 1061.

Fives players, Clarke 636,

Felix 1032.

Flaxman, John d. 1826, his sculptures completed 1479.

Flax spinner, Brown 440.

Fleetwood, Lancashire, town and port built 1067, 1452.

Floor cloth manufacturer 1334.

Floors, inlaid 1138.

Flora, collection of 871.

Florence, Lord Burghersh’s operas at 640.

Florin, design for the 946.

Florist, Baptist 155.

Flour mills, Catt’s mills 571,

Hadley’s mills burnt 1268,

on the disintegrator principle 557,

steam mills 1284.

Flower, Sarah d. 1848, writer of poems and hymns 19.

Flying machine, Howell 1557.

Foley estate, Worcestershire, sold for £900,000 col. 923.

Folk lore, books on 857.

Foreign affairs, secretaries of state for, Aberdeen 6,

Clarendon 623.

Forfarshire, lord lieutenant 803.

Forster, John d. 1876, author 1084,

his friend 1591.

Fort Augusta, Gordon-Cumming’s exhibition at 785.

Foscolo, Ugo d. 1827, his Essays on Petrarch 798.

Fossils, bones 860,

palæozoic in Cornwall 1165.

Fountains, optical chromatic 811.

France, Cobden’s commercial treaty 659, 737,

domicile of Englishmen in 672,

Franco-German war, Chesney’s report on 603,

methodism 700,

national guard in London 1528,

prohibition of trade with 105,

Sunday schools 700.

France, Paris, Ambulance Anglaise 720,

Hope’s residence in 1532,

hospital for indigent English 1117,

Paris, first news of surrender 1350,

salon, Mrs. Hollond’s 1511.

France. The Rhone, improved engines for steam boats

on 496.

France. Tours, death and funeral of sir J. F. Fitzgerald at 1059.

France. Vezere, remains in the caves of 618.

Frankincense tree 812.

Frankland, Edward b. 1825, professor of chemistry 941.

Franklin, Sir John d. 1847 arctic explorer, expeditions in search of 434, 1099,

See also Arctic explorers 1622.

Free chant, a system of recitative 774.

Freemasons, freemasons’ hall, London 664,

Hugenot lodge founded 1153,

India, Western, grand master 485,

Orange lodges 709,

Scotland, grand masters 1082, 1298,

Scottish lodge in India, grand master 485.

French, teachers of, De Beauvoisin 844,

De Porquet 862,

Fauvet 1027.

Frias, Duke of 143, civil governor of the province of Madrid, d. Spain May 1888.

Friction wheel, invention of a 382.

Frith, William Powell b 1819 painter, his Railway Station 1506.

Froude, Rev. Richard Hurrell d. 1836, resigned fellowship 1388.

Fruit dealer, Hanson 1322.

Fuel, Grant’s patent 1206.

Fungi, collection of 790.

Furniture, collection of 255.

Fust, Sir Herbert Jenner d. 1852, judge of court of arches 1185.


Gaelic, dictionary 86,

lexicographer 86.

Galvanism used to explode gunpowder in blowing down Round Downcliff 779.

Galway, bishop of 443.

Gambler, Ball-Hughes 147.

Games and gaming, law on 383.

Gardeners, Dale Jas. 801,

Dale Joseph 802,

Forbes 1077,

Fortune 1088,

Gordon 1179,

Harrison 1354.

Garibaldi, Giuseppe d. 1882 patriot, British volunteer officers with 944.

Garston near Liverpool, coal drops at 800.

Garter, knights of the, Aberdeen 7,

Ailesbury 31,

Albert 38,

Anglesey 70,

Camden 521,

Canning 537,

Cleveland 647,

Derby 863,

Derby 863,

Devonshire 869,

Exeter 1010,

Fitzwilliam 1064,

Fortescue 1088,

Hanover, king of 1321,

Hertford 1449.

Garter, a knight of, allowed to retain the Thistle 7.

Gas, coal gas manufacture 643,

engineers 1002,

gas light and coke co. 1002,

lime purifiers 643,

oxide of iron used for purification 1002,

polytechnic gas fire 119,

portable gas 1176,

system of compressing 1176,

water meter 643.

Gasses, absorption of by charcoal 1596,

law of diffusion of discovered 1198,

transpirability of 1198.

Gentlemen at arms, a dignity to be had by purchase 473,

corps of gentlemen at arms 1585.

Geographers, Findlay 1047,

Laurie 1047,

Purdy 1047,

Van Kenlen 1047.

Geologists, Ansted 73,

Boase 322,

Buckland 462,

Clarke 636,

Daintree 800,

Davidson 824,

De La Beche 849,

Evans 1001,

Gray 1219,

Greenough 1229,

Hawkins 1390,

Henland 1428,

Henwood 1435,

Hunt 1592,

Turner 1428.

Geology, geological museum 849,

geological soc. Bigsby’s gold medal 275,

geological survey 849,

mineral veins, electrical phenomena in 1592.

George III. d. 1820,

compared to a German hog butcher 1498,

dau. Mary duchess of Gloucester 1158,

his boot maker 1490,

master of chapel royal to 114,

pistol boy to 829.

George IV. d. 1830,

Carlton house alterations at 1536,

coronation at 948,

coronation, cupbearer at 8,

coronation, pugilists engaged to act as pages 224,

Croly’s life of 766,

his bonds not paid 1308,

his friends 1515,

his jockey Chifney 608, 609,

libels on 1364, 1591,

visit to Ireland 463.

Germany, Francis II. at Catau Cambresis 1207,

Kissingen, fashion set of drinking its waters 1208.

Ghosts, micrometer 494,

origin and nature of 459.

Giants, Bethune 264,

Cross 762,

Hales 1279.

Gilbert, William Schwenck b. 1836 dramatist, as an illustrator 1146.

Gillray, James d. 1815,

his caricatures 777, 1005.

Gipsies, advocate 745,

Borrow’s books about 342,

friend 745,

kings of 320 bis.,

school for at Yetholm 134.

Giraffes exhibited 770.

Girtin, Thomas d. 1802 panorama painter, drawings by 1283.

Gladstone, William Ewart b. 1809, action for libel against 963,

election committee at Oxford 1271,

election committees 1238,

his friend Hope-Scott 1532.

Glasgow, Anderson’s univ. 778, 1000, 1009,

Anderston incorporated with 1548,

Chalmers and the Tron ch. 681,

churches, scheme for building twenty 534, 681,

Dollar institution 755,

Dunlop st. theatre 43,

Fir park 1009,

John st. ch. built 66,

manufactory of pure bread at 369,

provident bank the first 1009,

royal exchange 1009,

sabbath sch. 681,

statue of lord Clyde 657,

temple of magic 63.

Glasgow University, Buchanan bursaries 459,

Buchanan prizes instituted 459,

Clark scholarships 626,

lord rectors 426, 803, 863, 971, 973, 1027.

Glass, crown glass made with sulphate of soda 1361,

cylindrical, machine for cutting 638,

French glass 638,

German sheet glass 1361,

glass blower, a 392,

Hartley’s rolled plate 1361,

thimble used instead of iron bar in blowing 1361.

Glass, designers and painters on, Baillie 128,

Clarke 632,

Cottingham 727,

Heaton 1414.

Glass manufacturers, Glazebrook 1156,

Hardman 1329,

Hartley 1361.

Gloucester, British ragged schools founded 361,

eye institution founded 1611,

Sunday sch. the first 24,

tea total soc. founded 361.

Gloucester, William Frederick d. 1834, duke of 1158.

Gloucestershire lord lieutenant 1062.

Glovers, Allcroft 49,

Dent 861.

Glue, method of drying 557.

God save the king, the anthem of 627.

Goddard, Arabella b. 1836, pianist 833.

Godwin, William d. 1836, his wife 621.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von d. 1832, poem by 1554.

Goffres sold in the streets 1130.

Gold, automatic weighing machine for 730,

bullion robbery 1396,

cause of high price of 701,

chemically pure made 1042,

dust robbery 1396,

gold thread manufacture 377,

gold medal specially struck 550.

Golfers and golfing, Glennie 1157,

Hay 1395,

score of 88 col. 1157.

Gorham, Rev. G. C. d. 1857, his case 121, 1185.

Gothic architecture, revival of 886, 953.

Governesses, An appeal on behalf of, a poem 3.

Grace, For these and all thy mercies 1487.

Grahamstown, bishop of 727.

Grant, Mrs. Anne d. 1838, of Laggan 1140.

Granton harbour constructed 457.

Graphitic acid discovered 409.

Gravesend town pier 630.

Gray, Sir John d. 1875, M.P. 1216,

his trial 1061.

Greece, coins of discovered 341,

committee for in London 427,

Englishmen who fought in 1049,

swimming across Hellespont 1611.

Greenock, Comet steamboat boiler exploded 432.

Greenwich hospital, Bellot’s monument 235,

estates 1242,

governors 13, 799, 1180,

sixpenny revenue 1048.

Gretna green post boy 1198.

Griffith, Rev. William d. 1883, expelled Wesleyan ministry 939, 1245.

Groves, Anthony Norris d. 1853, missionary 1252,

preacher in Dublin 691,

tutor in his family 749.

Guano islands, monopoly of 1138.

Guernsey, bailiff of 546.

Gunpowder manufactories 610, 793.

Guns, breech loading 914,

castings for 1051,

cores 1051,

discharged by percussion powder 875,

Fraser gun 1102,

gun of 100 tons 1051,

gun to carry a 50lb ball 2 miles 422,

Monstre 22 tons 641,

percussion caps adapted to flint guns 1284,

Woolwich gun 1102.

Gun cotton, Crum’s formula 778.

Gunpowder, monster charges 779.

Gunter, a ten foot 382.

Gymnastics, gymnasia 611,

polymachinon 611.

Gymnastics, professors of, Chiosso 611,

Clias 647,

Hanlon 1317.


Hainault forest, Essex drained 1093.

Hair, electric brush to prevent greyness 1247.

Hales place near Canterbury, nunnery 1279.

Halifax, Crossley almshouses 773,

Crossley orphan house and school 773,

foundation of carpet manufacture 3,

people’s park 773.

Halkett, Samuel d. 1871, librarian 1282, 1352.

Hallé, Sir Charles b. 1819 composer, his chorus master 1416.

Hamel, Joseph Von d. 1862 M.D., ascent of Mont Blanc 899.

Hamilton palace, mausoleum at 1298.

Hammersmith suspension bridge 630.

Hampden, John d. 1643 patriot, collections for life of 1310.

Hampden, Renn Dickson d. 1868, bp. of Hereford 1311,

opposed in Bow ch. and in queen’s bench 1600.

Hampshire, Andover union, iniquitous practices 4,

New forest, Girlingites in the 1153.

Hampton court, tennis court at 252.

Handel, George Frederic d. 1759 composer, festivals in London 725 and originator of 360.

Handloom enquiry commission 1070.

Handsworth, convent of Our Lady of Mercy at 1329.

Hanging, drawing and quartering, the last sentence of 1110.

Hanover incorporated with Prussia 1321.

Hanover, Ernest Augustus d. 1851, king of 1320.

Hanover, George, F. A. C. E. A. d. 1878, king of 1321,

created one baron only 1362.

Hanwell asylum in Middlesex 694.

Handwriting, expert in, Chabot 579.

Harlequins, Byrne 506,

Howell 1557,

harlequin’s dress 506,

Sam Spangle, history of a harlequin 745.

Harpists, Bochsa 322, 871,

Chatterton 600,

Chipp 611.

Harris, A. V. D. lieutenant, ill-treated by Hort 1543.

Harvest homes, originated at Brooke 205.

Haslam, Rev. William, his converts 857.

Hastings, Warren d. 1818 statesman, his Persian secretary 835.

Hats, cocked hat, last wearer of a 254,

hints on hats 900,

straw made in London 851,

the Petersham 1344.

Hawking, Berners 257.

Hawks and owls, collection of 860.

Haydon, Benjamin R. d. 1846 painter, his assassination of Dentatus 1368,

his widow 1396,

his sons 1396.

Hayne, Joseph called Pea-Green Hayne, Maria Foote’s action for breach of promise 1344.

Hazard player, Cotton 729.

Head, turning round on without holding 1571.

Hear the church. A sermon 1526.

Heat, polarisation of 1078.

Hebrew scholars, Boys 370,

Duncan 929,

Harrison 1352, 1369.

Heligoland, lieut. governor of 1482.

Helminthology 659.

Hemans, Felicia Dorothea d. 1835, poet 1419.

Herbarium in univ. of Aberdeen 930.

Heralds’ college, portcullis pursuivant 676,

report on 233,

rouge croix pursuivant 733,

Somerset herald 733.

Hereford, Ledbury hospital 1599.

Hertford, Richard S. C. d. 1870 marquis of, his factotum Croker 764.

Hertfordshire, flora of 673.

Hesse-Darmstadt, Alice d. 1878, grand duchess of 46.

Hesse-Homburg, Princess Elizabeth d. 1840 landgravine of, her physician 909.

Hewley, Lady Sarah, her charities 1272.

Hexham, bishops of 581, 1501.

High Cross, Herts., St. Giles’ ch. founded 1148.

High treason, persons accused of, Bamford 149,

Binns 281.

Hindustani scholars, Dowton 910,

Elliot 979,

Forbes 1076,

Goldsmid 1167.

Historical eminence, gold medals for 1293.

Historical MSS. commission founders 1347.

Hobart, Augustus C. d. 1886, admiral 1486,

took Harvey to Crete to advise on international law 1367.

Hogarth, George d. 1870, musical critic 1501,

dau. m. C. Dickens 873.

Hogarth, William d. 1764 painter, his house 1461,

Sarah Malcolm 58,

Sigismunda 58,

sketches by 1283.

Hogg, James d. 1835,

Ettrick shepherd, his widow 1502.

Holden should be Holder, Henry 1505.

Holland, Haarlem lake drained 1602.

Holloway college and sanatorium 1512.

Home department, sec. of state for, Estcourt 999,

Goulburn 1191,

Graham 1197,

Grey 1241,

Herbert 1438.

Homœopathic doctors, Epps 994,

Hall 1290.

Homœopathists, persecution of 1426.

Hone, William d. 1842 publisher, Every day book 482,

his pamphlets illustrated by Cruikshank 777.

Hooper, Robert, M.D., his pathological museum 28.

Hope, Rev. Frederick W. d. 1862,

F.R.S. 1530,

collection of early newspapers 482.

Hops, excise duty taken off 120,

hop merchants Gibbons 1137 and Wood 1376.

Horse breaker, Greenwood 1229.

Horse breeders, Blenkiron 312,

Garrett 1126.

Horse corn, dealer in 1476.

Horse tamer, Hengler 1428.

Horse trainers, See also Jockeys, Day J. 840,

Day J. B. 841.

Horses, Anderson’s steppers 63,

Anderson’s horses sold 63,

bearing reins 1071,

bits 625,

bots 625,

driving thirty two in hand 1571,

feet of 625,

gag bits 1071,

horse shot and ear buried in master’s grave 829,

race horse worked in a cab 1248,

riding schools 1145,

shoes, machine for making 476,

trotting horses of America 1089,

weight of a horse utilised on a moving platform 382.

Horses sold for large sums, Blink Bonny 312,

Blair Athol 312,

Gladiateur 312.

Horsman, Charles actor 1543, d. 5 Aug. 1886. cf. E. L. Blanchard’s Life ii 594, 708 (1891).

Hose frames, circular invented 83,

See also Stocking frames.

Hot blast, invention of 134.

Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes d. 1885, first baron 1547,

befriends D. Gray poet 1214–5.

Houlton, Sir George d. 1862, knighted 1835 or 1836 but objecting to pay the fees for registration he was never registered. There was an erroneous impression in existence that members of H.M. household were exempt from paying fees.

Hounds, masters of, Arkwright 83,

Barnett 173,

Beaufort 212,

Bedford 218,

Bentinck 248,

Berkeley 254,

Bessborough 261,

Chaplin 591,

Cope 714,

Drake 915,

Ducie 922,

Farquharson 1023,

Fenwick-Bisset 1034,

Fitzhardinge, Earl of 1062,

Fitzhardinge, Baron 1062,

Fitzwilliam 1066,

Foljambe 1073,

Forester 1081,

Galway 1118,

Grant 1204,

Greaves 1221,

Guilford 1255,

Hall 1286,

Harris 1346,

Harvey 1366,

Hastings, marquis of 1372,

Hastings, baron 1372,

Hawke 1384,

Heathcote 1412,

Hicks 1461,

Hobson 1489,

Hodgson 1498,

Holyoake-Goodricke 1519,

Honywood 1523,

Hood 1525,

Howe 1556,

Huntingdon 1598,

Lambton 1588,

Ridley 1589,

Suffield 1589.

House decorators, Garrett 1125,

Hay 1393.

Huddersfield, Convalescent home founded 414.

Hudson bay co., secretary 1102.

Hull, adventures of James Acland at 10,

convent of our Lord of Mercy 679,

grammar school founded 1612.

Hulsean lecturer, the first, Benson 245.

Hume, Joseph d. 1855, M.P. 1586,

his private secretary 679,

speech wilfully misreported 677.

Humming birds, Gould’s collection of 1191.

Hungate family estates 1588.

Hunter, John d. 1793 surgeon, his coffin 462.

Hunting, D’ ye ken John Peel, a song 1212,

on foot 1373, 1523.

Hunting parsons, Anderson 65,

Honywood 1523.

Huntsmen, Ayris 114,

Bartlett 186,

Carter 561,

Christian 615,

Davis 829,

Goodall 1172,

Head 1405,

Hills J. 1477,

Hills T. 1478,

Hunnum 1588.

Huskisson, William killed 1830 statesman, person present at his death 1516.

Hussars, The Eleventh, crack regiment 542.

Hydraulic engineer, Beardmore 209.

Hydropathy, practiser of 1257.

Hydrostatic beds invented 90.

Hygrometer, a self registering 1183.

Hymns, ancient and modern, originator of 136,

ancient and modern, writers in 948,

hymns as a substitute for Dr. Watts 684,

invalids hymn book 981,

Just as I am without one plea 981,

Much in sorrow, oft in woe 685,

My God and Father while I stray 981.

Hymn tunes, Burnham 628,

Joyful 276,

Kilmarnock 901,

Pembroke 628,

Queenborough 628.

Hymn writer, Havergal 1380–81.

Hypnotism 378, 1260.


Ice merchant, Gatti 1130.

Iceland, Iceland and its volcanoes, large picture of 770,

Icelandic dictionary 643.

Ilford, pleistocene mammalia found at 376.

I know a bank, a duet 1537.

I’ll hang my harp on a willow tree, a song 1254.

Illuminated manuscripts, Bragge’s collection 378,

copying of 725.

Impostors, Ady 25,

Aitken 36,

Fletcher 1069.

Imprisoned eight years for refusing to give up deeds 1564.

Income tax introduced 1124.

India, Arnold medals in the Punjab 88,

commander in chief 73,

cinchona cultivation 1553,

Delhi princes shot 1500,

Euphrates route 604,

flora of 66,

fossil mammalia 574,

Ganges canal 574,

governors general Amherst 56,

Canning 537,

Dalhousie 803,

Elgin 973,

Ellenborough 975 and Hardinge 1328,

Great Indian peninsular railway 592,

Hobson-Jobson a glossary of colloquial words 485,

Hodson’s horse 1500,

irrigation scheme 592,

Indian church aid association founded 412,

Kutcherry technicalities 553,

land revenue of N.W. provinces 286,

Mhow court martial 756,

Nagpore annexed 803,

Nilagiris, collection of their arms, dresses, etc. 388,

order of star of 537,

Oudh annexed 803,

Pathan companies raised 1610,

Pegu annexed 803,

Punjaub annexed 803,

railway system initiated 254–55,

Sanscrit proverbs 557,

sec. of state Cranborne, afterwards marquis of Salisbury, 954 and Wood 1281,

Sikh regt. the first 1496,

Syrian route to 604,

Telegu proverbs 557,

tea plant introduced 1088,

vernacular characters passing through post office 1605.

India, Bangalore, Cubbon park and statue 778.

India, Bengal, middle class schools 728,

stud department 873.

India, Bombay, conservator of forests 1139,

Elphinstone coll. 989,

gas introduced 792,

reformatory school of industry founded 468.

India, Calcutta, bishop Cotton 728,

cathedral 1079,

Calcutta journal established 461,

drainage and water works 629,

mint 1079, 1610,

schools for native females of higher class established 264.

India, Madras, army commander of 73,

female school of industry 612.

India rubber, manufacturers 1528,

masticator invented for 1315,

vulcanised india rubber 1315,

waterproof garments 1315.

Initialism, See also Names and Pseudonyms.

A., H. A. S. i.e. Henry Adams Sergison Atwood 106.

A., S. A. i.e. Alexander Stewart Allen 48.

B., A. C. i.e. Arthur Coke Burnell 485.

B., B. H. i.e. Bertha H. Buxton 503.

B., A. E. i.e. Andrew Edmund Brae 377.

B., C. i.e. Cordelia Georgiana Budd 466.

B., E. i.e. Mrs. E. Babington 981.

B., E. S. i.e. Edwyn Sherard Burnaby 483.

B., F. C. i.e. Francis Capper Brooke 415.

B., G. C. i.e. George Clement Boase 321.

B., J. a friend of the Aborigines Protection Soc. i.e. John Burtt 495.

B., W. i.e. William Borrows 343.

B., W. i.e. William Brinton 402.

B., W. C. i.e. William Corbett Burder 476.

C. i.e. James Crossley 773.

C., C. i.e. Charles Chorley 614.

C., E. J. M. i.e. Edward James Mortimer Collins 680.

C., F. i.e. Frances Collins 679.

C., F. D. i.e. Frances Dorothy Cartwright 565.

C., F. L. i.e. Frederick Leigh Colvile 687.

C., F. P. i.e. F. Percy Cotton 679.

C., J. i.e. James Clay 640.

C., R. H. i.e. Robert Henry Clive 653.

C., W. L. i.e. William Lucas Collins 682.

D. i.e. Charles Dyson 949.

D., J. N. i.e. John Nelson Darby 813.

D—. G—. i.e. George Daniel 811.

E., J. C. i.e. John Caillard Erck 994.

G., A. i.e. Alexander Gardner 1122.

G., E. i.e. Edward Grubb 1252.

G., J. i.e. Joseph Gurney 1262.

G., R. P. i.e. Robert Pierce Gillies 1150.

H., A. i.e. Abraham Hayward 1402.

H., A. i.e. Algernon Herbert 1438.

H., C. i.e. Chambers Hall 1283.

H., C. i.e. Charles Hardwick 1330.

H., C. i.e. Charles Heavysege 1414.

H., E. i.e. Elizabeth Hadfield 1272.

H., E. S. J. i.e. Ellen St. John Hunt 1589.

H., F. i.e. Francis Hessey 1453.

H., F. C. i.e. Frederick Charles Husenbeth 1602.

H., F. T. i.e. Frederic Thomas Hall 1284.

H., H. i.e. Herbert Haines 1275.

H., J. D. i.e. James Dibden Hubbarde 1564.

H., M. i.e. Matilda Heron 1445.

H., R. i.e. Richard Harvey 1366.

J., E. i.e. Miss E. Jolly 886.

N., R. i.e. John Hunter 1596.

O., J. i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Ink, an inerasable 369,

printing 851.

Innocent person condemned, Barber 157.

Inquests, 4000 held by De Lasaux 852.

Inquiry agent, Field 1040.

Insane, Conolly’s system of treatment 694,

moral control of 594,

new system of treatment adopted in Scotland 446.

Insect life in metallic solutions, discovery of 772.

International exhibitions, original idea of 705.


Actuaries founded 438, 1332,

president 1048.

Albert originated 436.

Anglo Biblical founded 294.

British architects, president 848.

British philosophical and literary founded 697.

Cholera orphan house commenced 436.

Chronological of London founded 294.

Civil engineers founded 97, 1042.

Glandular founded 41.

Home for convalescent women patients 590.

Home for servants out of place started 436.

Institution of Irish architects, president 843.

Inventors’ institute, president 376.

Iron and steel, foreign sec. 1076.

Law projected 1513.

Licensed victuallers’ sch. founded 441.

London infirmary for disease of the skin closed 9.

London university founded 741.

Manchester mechanics founded 1457.

National hospital for paralysed and epiplectic opened 590.

National orphan home founded 436.

National philanthropic, president 660.

Naval architects founded 1208.

North London eye infirmary founded 713.

North of England instit. of mining engineers, president 1085.

Philosophical, Edinburgh, founded 1352.

Plymouth eye dispensary originated 502.

Polytechnic opened 118, 609.

Royal General theatrical fund founded 781.

Samaritan society founded 590.

Solicitors’ benevolent founded 67.

Insurance, fire policies 836,

life insurance for £300,000 col. 923,

life policies, fifty six on earl of Aylesford’s life 112,

life tables 961,

Northampton tables 1048,

positive life insurance, a form of life policy 201,

union policy for tariff offices devised 348.

Insurance offices.

Albert, great losers in 211.

Alliance, British and foreign, actuary 1169.

Amicable life actuary 1118.

Atlas fire office built 1536.

British foreign and colonial founded 201.

Clergy mutual, founded 1040.

Consols life started 201.

English and Scottish law founded 201.

Equity society tables 826.

Equity and law life offices built 485.

Hope founded 441.

Law life projected 67.

Liverpool fire and life founded 348,

became Liverpool and London 348,

became Liverpool, London and Globe 348.

London life, actuary 1048.

Mutual, actuary 1332.

Mutual life founded 447.

National provident, bonus investigation 72.

New equitable life founded 206.

Positive life founded 229.

Unity general life commenced 201.

Universal life founded 344.

Westminster and general life founded 447.

Inventor’s claim on the government, Clare 623.

Inverness, St. Andrew’s cathedral founded 958.

Ipswich, Cobbold’s bank 658,

Cobbold’s brewery 658,

first mayor 379.

Ireland, alnager the great 845,

amnesty association 502,

Arian separation from synod of Ulster 1550,

benefactors to 62,

Bianconi’s cars 268–9,

catholic univ. at Drumcondra 781,

Celtic soc. 501,

church, disestablishment of the 1216,

coast guard introduced 891,

congregation of the Oblates 703,

constabulary, head of 390,

Emmett the patriot 992,

famine 667,

famine, money raised in Calcutta for relief of 524,

famine, relief commission 479,

fasti ecclesiæ Hibernicæ 729,

flora 69,

Griffith’s valuation 1245,

home rule party 502,

hot air baths instituted 184,

institute of Blessed Virgin Mary introduced into 145,

institution of civil engineers 479,