
Robert Falconer

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‘That’s as muckle as to say, accordin’ to Cocker, that I’m no to speik a word against him. But I’ll say what I like. He’s no my maister,’ said MacGregor, who could drink very little without suffering in his temper and manners; and who, besides, had a certain shrewd suspicion as to the person who still sat in the dark end of the room, possibly because the entrance of Mr. Lammie had interrupted the exorcism.

The chairman interposed with soothing words; and the whole company, Cocker included, did its best to pacify the manufacturer; for they all knew what would be the penalty if they failed.

A good deal of talk followed, and a good deal of whisky was drunk. They were waited upon by Meg, who, without their being aware of it, cast a keen parting glance at them every time she left the room. At length the conversation had turned again to Andrew Falconer’s death.

‘Whaur said ye he dee’d, Mr. Lammie?’

‘I never said he was deid. I said I was feared ‘at he was deid.’

‘An’ what gars ye say that? It micht be o’ consequence to hae ‘t correck,’ said the solicitor.

‘I had a letter frae my auld frien’ and his, Dr. Anderson. Ye min’ upo’ him, Mr. Innes, dunna ye? He’s heid o’ the medical boord at Calcutta noo. He says naething but that he doobts he’s gane. He gaed up the country, and he hasna hard o’ him for sae lang. We hae keepit up a correspondence for mony a year noo, Dr. Anderson an’ me. He was a relation o’ Anerew’s, ye ken—a second cousin, or something. He’ll be hame or lang, I’m thinkin’, wi’ a fine pension.’

‘He winna weir a cotton sark, I’ll be boon’,’ said MacGregor.

‘What’s the auld leddy gaein’ to du wi’ that lang-leggit oye (grandson) o’ hers, Anerew’s son?’ asked Sampson.

‘Ow! he’ll be gaein’ to the college, I’m thinkin’. He’s a fine lad, and a clever, they tell me,’ said Mr. Thomson.

‘Indeed, he’s all that, and more too,’ said the school-master.

‘There’s naething ‘ull du but the college noo!’ said MacGregor, whom nobody heeded, for fear of again rousing his anger.

‘Hoo ‘ill she manage that, honest woman? She maun hae but little to spare frae the cleedin’ o’ ‘m.’

‘She’s a gude manager, Mistress Faukner. And, ye see, she has the bleachgreen yet.’

‘She doesna weir cotton sarks,’ growled MacGregor. ‘Mony’s the wob o’ mine she’s bleached and boucht tu!’

Nobody heeding him yet, he began to feel insulted, and broke in upon the conversation with intent.

‘Ye haena telt ‘s yet, Cocker,’ he said, ‘what that maister o’ yours is duin’ here at this time o’ the year. I wad ken that, gin ye please.’

‘How should I know, Mr. MacGregor?’ returned the factor, taking no notice of the offensive manner in which the question was put.

‘He’s no a hair better nor ane o’ thae Algerine pirates ‘at Lord Exmooth’s het the hips o’—and that’s my opingon.’

‘He’s nae amo’ your feet, MacGregor,’ said the banker. ‘Ye micht jist lat him lie.’

‘Gin I had him doon, faith gin I wadna lat him lie! I’ll jist tell ye ae thing, gentlemen, that cam’ to my knowledge no a hunner year ago. An’ it’s a’ as true ‘s gospel, though I hae aye held my tongue aboot it till this verra nicht. Ay! ye’ll a’ hearken noo; but it’s no lauchin’, though there was sculduddery eneuch, nae doobt, afore it cam’ that len’th. And mony a het drap did the puir lassie greet, I can tell ye. Faith! it was no lauchin’ to her. She was a servan’ o’ oors, an’ a ticht bonnie lass she was. They ca’d her the weyver’s bonny Mary—that’s the name she gaed by. Weel, ye see—’

MacGregor was interrupted by a sound from the further end of the room. The stranger, whom most of them had by this time forgotten, had risen, and was approaching the table where they sat.

‘Guid guide us!’ interrupted several under their breaths, as all rose, ‘it’s Lord Sandy himsel’!’

‘I thank you, gentleman,’ he said, with a mixture of irony and contempt, ‘for the interest you take in my private history. I should have thought it had been as little to the taste as it is to the honour of some of you to listen to such a farrago of lies.’

‘Lees! my lord,’ said MacGregor, starting to his feet. Mr. Cocker looked dismayed, and Mr. Lammie sheepish—all of them dazed and dumbfoundered, except the old weaver, who, as his lordship turned to leave the room, added:

‘Lang lugs (ears) suld be made o’ leather, my lord, for fear they grow het wi’ what they hear.’

Lord Rothie turned in a rage. He too had been drinking.

‘Kick that toad into the street, or, by heaven! it’s the last drop any of you drink in this house!’ he cried.

‘The taed may tell the poddock (frog) what the rottan (rat) did i’ the taed’s hole, my lord,’ said MacGregor, whom independence, honesty, bile, and drink combined to render fearless.

Lord Sandy left the room without another word. His factor took his hat and followed him. The rest dropped into their seats in silence. Mr. Lammie was the first to speak.

‘There’s a pliskie!’ he said.

‘I cud jist say the word efter auld Simeon,’ said MacGregor.

‘I never thocht to be sae favoured! Eh! but I hae langed, and noo I hae spoken!’ with which words he sat down, contented.

When Mr. Cocker overtook his master, as MacGregor had not unfitly styled him, he only got a damning for his pains, and went home considerably crestfallen.

Lord Rothie returned to the landlady in her parlour.

‘What’s the maitter wi’ ye, my lord? What’s vexed ye?’ asked Miss Napier, with a twinkle in her eyes, for she thought, from the baron’s mortification, he must have received some rebuff, and now that the bonnie leddy was safe at Captain Forsyth’s, enjoyed the idea of it.

‘Ye keep an ill-tongued hoose, Miss Naper,’ answered his lordship.

Miss Napier guessed at the truth at once—that he had overheard some free remarks on his well-known licence of behaviour.

‘Weel, my lord, I do my best. A body canna keep an inn and speir the carritchis (catechism) at the door o’ ‘t. But I believe ye’re i’ the richt, my lord, for I heard an awfu’ aff-gang o’ sweirin’ i’ the yard, jist afore yer lordship cam’ in. An’ noo’ ‘at I think o’ ‘t, it wasna that onlike yer lordship’s ain word.’

Lord Sandy broke into a loud laugh. He could enjoy a joke against himself when it came from a woman, and was founded on such a trifle as a personal vice.

‘I think I’ll go to bed,’ he said when his laugh was over. ‘I believe it’s the only safe place from your tongue, Miss Naper.’

‘Letty,’ cried Miss Napier, ‘fess a can’le, and show his lordship to the reid room.’

Till Miss Letty appeared, the baron sat and stretched himself. He then rose and followed her into the archway, and up an outside stair to a door which opened immediately upon a handsome old-fashioned room, where a blazing fire lighted up the red hangings. Miss Letty set down the candle, and bidding his lordship good night, turned and left the room, shutting the door, and locking it behind her—a proceeding of which his lordship took no notice, for, however especially suitable it might be in his case, it was only, from whatever ancient source derived, the custom of the house in regard to this particular room and a corresponding chamber on the opposite side of the archway.

Meantime the consternation amongst the members of the club was not so great as not to be talked over, or to prevent the call for more whisky and hot water. All but MacGregor, however, regretted what had occurred. He was so elevated with his victory and a sense of courage and prowess, that he became more and more facetious and overbearing.

‘It’s all very well for you, Mr. MacGregor,’ said the dominie, with dignity: ‘you have nothing to lose.’

‘Troth! he canna brak the bank—eh, Mr. Tamson?’

‘He may give me a hint to make you withdraw your money, though, Mr. MacGregor.’

‘De’il care gin I do!’ returned the weaver. ‘I can mak’ better o’ ‘t ony day.’

‘But there’s yer hoose an’ kailyard,’ suggested Peddie.

‘They’re ma ain!—a’ ma ain! He canna lay ‘s finger on onything o’ mine but my servan’ lass,’ cried the weaver, slapping his thigh-bone—for there was little else to slap.

Meg, at the moment, was taking her exit-glance. She went straight to Miss Napier.

‘Willie MacGregor’s had eneuch, mem, an’ a drappy ower.’

‘Sen’ Caumill doon to Mrs. MacGregor to say wi’ my compliments that she wad do weel to sen’ for him,’ was the response.

Meantime he grew more than troublesome. Ever on the outlook, when sober, after the foibles of others, he laid himself open to endless ridicule when in drink, which, to tell the truth, was a rare occurrence. He was in the midst of a prophetic denunciation of the vices of the nobility, and especially of Lord Rothie, when Meg, entering the room, went quietly behind his chair and whispered:

‘Maister MacGregor, there’s a lassie come for ye.’

‘I’m nae in,’ he answered, magnificently.

‘But it’s the mistress ‘at’s sent for ye. Somebody’s wantin’ ye.’

‘Somebody maun want me, than.—As I was sayin’, Mr. Cheerman and gentlemen—’

‘Mistress MacGregor ‘ll be efter ye hersel’, gin ye dinna gang,’ said Meg.

‘Let her come. Duv ye think I’m fleyt at her? De’il a step ‘ll I gang till I please. Tell her that, Meg.’

Meg left the room, with a broad grin on her good-humoured face.

‘What’s the bitch lauchin’ at?’ exclaimed MacGregor, starting to his feet.

The whole company rose likewise, using their endeavour to persuade him to go home.

‘Duv ye think I’m drunk, sirs? I’ll lat ye ken I’m no drunk. I hae a wull o’ mine ain yet. Am I to gang hame wi’ a lassie to haud me oot o’ the gutters? Gin ye daur to alloo that I’m drunk, ye ken hoo ye’ll fare, for de’il a fit ‘ll I gang oot o’ this till I hae anither tum’ler.’

‘I’m thinkin’ there’s mair o’ ‘s jist want ane mair,’ said Peddie.


A confirmatory murmur arose as each looked into the bottom of his tumbler, and the bell was instantly rung. But it only brought Meg back with the message that it was time for them all to go home. Every eye turned upon MacGregor reproachfully.

‘Ye needna luik at me that gait, sirs. I’m no fou,’ said he.

‘’Deed no. Naebody taks ye to be,’ answered the chairman. ‘Meggie, there’s naebody’s had ower muckle yet, and twa or three o’ ‘s hasna had freely eneuch. Jist gang an’ fess a mutchkin mair. An’ there’ll be a shillin’ to yersel’, lass.’

Meg retired, but straightway returned.

‘Miss Naper says there’s no a drap mair drink to be had i’ this hoose the nicht.’

‘Here, Meggie,’ said the chairman, ‘there’s yer shillin’; and ye jist gang to Miss Lettie, and gie her my compliments, and say that Mr. Lammie’s here, and we haena seen him for a lang time. And’—the rest was spoken in a whisper—‘I’ll sweir to ye, Meggie, the weyver body sanna hae ae drap o’ ‘t.’

Meg withdrew once more, and returned.

‘Miss Letty’s compliments, sir, and Miss Naper has the keys, and she’s gane till her bed, and we maunna disturb her. And it’s time ‘at a’ honest fowk was in their beds tu. And gin Mr. Lammie wants a bed i’ this hoose, he maun gang till ‘t. An’ here’s his can’le. Gude nicht to ye a’, gentlemen.’

So saying, Meg set the lighted candle on the sideboard, and finally vanished. The good-tempered, who formed the greater part of the company, smiled to each other, and emptied the last drops of their toddy first into their glasses, and thence into their mouths. The ill-tempered, numbering but one more than MacGregor, growled and swore a little, the weaver declaring that he would not go home. But the rest walked out and left him, and at last, appalled by the silence, he rose with his wig awry, and trotted—he always trotted when he was tipsy—home to his wife.


Meantime Robert was seated in the parlour at the little dark mahogany table, in which the lamp, shaded towards his grandmother’s side, shone brilliantly reflected. Her face being thus hidden both by the light and the shadow, he could not observe the keen look of stern benevolence with which, knowing that he could not see her, she regarded him as he ate his thick oat-cake of Betty’s skilled manufacture, well loaded with the sweetest butter, and drank the tea which she had poured out and sugared for him with liberal hand. It was a comfortable little room, though its inlaid mahogany chairs and ancient sofa, covered with horsehair, had a certain look of hardness, no doubt. A shepherdess and lamb, worked in silks whose brilliance had now faded half-way to neutrality, hung in a black frame, with brass rosettes at the corners, over the chimney-piece—the sole approach to the luxury of art in the homely little place. Besides the muslin stretched across the lower part of the window, it was undefended by curtains. There was no cat in the room, nor was there one in the kitchen even; for Mrs. Falconer had such a respect for humanity that she grudged every morsel consumed by the lower creation. She sat in one of the arm-chairs belonging to the hairy set, leaning back in contemplation of her grandson, as she took her tea.

She was a handsome old lady—little, but had once been taller, for she was more than seventy now. She wore a plain cap of muslin, lying close to her face, and bordered a little way from the edge with a broad black ribbon, which went round her face, and then, turning at right angles, went round the back of her neck. Her gray hair peeped a little way from under this cap. A clear but short-sighted eye of a light hazel shone under a smooth thoughtful forehead; a straight and well-elevated, but rather short nose, which left the firm upper lip long and capable of expressing a world of dignified offence, rose over a well-formed mouth, revealing more moral than temperamental sweetness; while the chin was rather deficient than otherwise, and took little share in indicating the remarkable character possessed by the old lady.

After gazing at Robert for some time, she took a piece of oat-cake from a plate by her side, the only luxury in which she indulged, for it was made with cream instead of water—it was very little she ate of anything—and held it out to Robert in a hand white, soft, and smooth, but with square finger tips, and squat though pearly nails. ‘Ha’e, Robert,’ she said; and Robert received it with a ‘Thank you, grannie’; but when he thought she did not see him, slipped it under the table and into his pocket. She saw him well enough, however, and although she would not condescend to ask him why he put it away instead of eating it, the endeavour to discover what could have been his reason for so doing cost her two hours of sleep that night. She would always be at the bottom of a thing if reflection could reach it, but she generally declined taking the most ordinary measures to expedite the process.

When Robert had finished his tea, instead of rising to get his books and betake himself to his lessons, in regard to which his grandmother had seldom any cause to complain, although she would have considered herself guilty of high treason against the boy’s future if she had allowed herself once to acknowledge as much, he drew his chair towards the fire, and said:


‘He’s gaein’ to tell me something,’ said Mrs. Falconer to herself. ‘Will ‘t be aboot the puir barfut crater they ca’ Shargar, or will ‘t be aboot the piece he pat intil ‘s pooch?’

‘Weel, laddie?’ she said aloud, willing to encourage him.

‘Is ‘t true that my gran’father was the blin’ piper o’ Portcloddie?’

‘Ay, laddie; true eneuch. Hoots, na! nae yer grandfather, but yer father’s grandfather, laddie—my husband’s father.’

‘Hoo cam that aboot?’

‘Weel, ye see, he was oot i’ the Forty-five; and efter the battle o’ Culloden, he had to rin for ‘t. He wasna wi’ his ain clan at the battle, for his father had broucht him to the Lawlands whan he was a lad; but he played the pipes till a reg’ment raised by the Laird o’ Portcloddie. And for ooks (weeks) he had to hide amo’ the rocks. And they tuik a’ his property frae him. It wasna muckle—a wheen hooses, and a kailyard or twa, wi’ a bit fairmy on the tap o’ a cauld hill near the sea-shore; but it was eneuch and to spare; and whan they tuik it frae him, he had naething left i’ the warl’ but his sons. Yer grandfather was born the verra day o’ the battle, and the verra day ‘at the news cam, the mother deed. But yer great grandfather wasna lang or he merried anither wife. He was sic a man as ony woman micht hae been prood to merry. She was the dother (daughter) o’ an episcopalian minister, and she keepit a school in Portcloddie. I saw him first mysel’ whan I was aboot twenty—that was jist the year afore I was merried. He was a gey (considerably) auld man than, but as straucht as an ellwand, and jist pooerfu’ beyon’ belief. His shackle-bane (wrist) was as thick as baith mine; and years and years efter that, whan he tuik his son, my husband, and his grandson, my Anerew—’

‘What ails ye, grannie? What for dinna ye gang on wi’ the story?’

After a somewhat lengthened pause, Mrs. Falconer resumed as if she had not stopped at all.

‘Ane in ilka han’, jist for the fun o’ ‘t, he kneipit their heids thegither, as gin they hed been twa carldoddies (stalks of ribgrass). But maybe it was the lauchin’ o’ the twa lads, for they thocht it unco fun. They were maist killed wi’ lauchin’. But the last time he did it, the puir auld man hostit (coughed) sair efterhin, and had to gang and lie doon. He didna live lang efter that. But it wasna that ‘at killed him, ye ken.’

‘But hoo cam he to play the pipes?’

‘He likit the pipes. And yer grandfather, he tuik to the fiddle.’

‘But what for did they ca’ him the blin’ piper o’ Portcloddie?’

‘Because he turned blin’ lang afore his en’ cam, and there was naething ither he cud do. And he wad aye mak an honest baubee whan he cud; for siller was fell scarce at that time o’ day amo’ the Falconers. Sae he gaed throu the toon at five o’clock ilka mornin’ playin’ his pipes, to lat them ‘at war up ken they war up in time, and them ‘at warna, that it was time to rise. And syne he played them again aboot aucht o’clock at nicht, to lat them ken ‘at it was time for dacent fowk to gang to their beds. Ye see, there wasna sae mony clocks and watches by half than as there is noo.’

‘Was he a guid piper, grannie?’

‘What for speir ye that?’

‘Because I tauld that sunk, Lumley—’

‘Ca’ naebody names, Robert. But what richt had ye to be speikin’ to a man like that?’

‘He spak to me first.’

‘Whaur saw ye him?’

‘At The Boar’s Heid.’

‘And what richt had ye to gang stan’in’ aboot? Ye oucht to ha’ gane in at ance.’

‘There was a half-dizzen o’ fowk stan’in’ aboot, and I bude (behoved) to speik whan I was spoken till.’

‘But ye budena stop an’ mak’ ae fule mair.’

‘Isna that ca’in’ names, grannie?’

‘’Deed, laddie, I doobt ye hae me there. But what said the fallow Lumley to ye?’

‘He cast up to me that my grandfather was naething but a blin’ piper.’

‘And what said ye?’

‘I daured him to say ‘at he didna pipe weel.’

‘Weel dune, laddie! And ye micht say ‘t wi’ a gude conscience, for he wadna hae been piper till ‘s regiment at the battle o’ Culloden gin he hadna pipit weel. Yon’s his kilt hingin’ up i’ the press i’ the garret. Ye’ll hae to grow, Robert, my man, afore ye fill that.’

‘And whase was that blue coat wi’ the bonny gowd buttons upo’ ‘t?’ asked Robert, who thought he had discovered a new approach to an impregnable hold, which he would gladly storm if he could.

‘Lat the coat sit. What has that to do wi’ the kilt? A blue coat and a tartan kilt gang na weel thegither.’

‘Excep’ in an auld press whaur naebody sees them. Ye wadna care, grannie, wad ye, gin I was to cut aff the bonnie buttons?’

‘Dinna lay a finger upo’ them. Ye wad be gaein’ playin’ at pitch and toss or ither sic ploys wi’ them. Na, na, lat them sit.’

‘I wad only niffer them for bools (exchange them for marbles).’

‘I daur ye to touch the coat or onything ‘ither that’s i’ that press.’

‘Weel, weel, grannie. I s’ gang and get my lessons for the morn.’

‘It’s time, laddie. Ye hae been jabberin’ ower muckle. Tell Betty to come and tak’ awa’ the tay-things.’

Robert went to the kitchen, got a couple of hot potatoes and a candle, and carried them up-stairs to Shargar, who was fast asleep. But the moment the light shone upon his face, he started up, with his eyes, if not his senses, wide awake.

‘It wasna me, mither! I tell ye it wasna me!’

And he covered his head with both arms, as if to defend it from a shower of blows.

‘Haud yer tongue, Shargar. It’s me.’

But before Shargar could come to his senses, the light of the candle falling upon the blue coat made the buttons flash confused suspicions into his mind.

‘Mither, mither,’ he said, ‘ye hae gane ower far this time. There’s ower mony o’ them, and they’re no the safe colour. We’ll be baith hangt, as sure’s there’s a deevil in hell.’

As he said thus, he went on trying to pick the buttons from the coat, taking them for sovereigns, though how he could have seen a sovereign at that time in Scotland I can only conjecture. But Robert caught him by the shoulders, and shook him awake with no gentle hands, upon which he began to rub his eyes, and mutter sleepily:

‘Is that you, Bob? I hae been dreamin’, I doobt.’

‘Gin ye dinna learn to dream quaieter, ye’ll get you and me tu into mair trouble nor I care to hae aboot ye, ye rascal. Haud the tongue o’ ye, and eat this tawtie, gin ye want onything mair. And here’s a bit o’ reamy cakes tu ye. Ye winna get that in ilka hoose i’ the toon. It’s my grannie’s especial.’

Robert felt relieved after this, for he had eaten all the cakes Miss Napier had given him, and had had a pain in his conscience ever since.

‘Hoo got ye a haud o’ ‘t?’ asked Shargar, evidently supposing he had stolen it.

‘She gies me a bit noo and than.’

‘And ye didna eat it yersel’? Eh, Bob!’

Shargar was somewhat overpowered at this fresh proof of Robert’s friendship. But Robert was still more ashamed of what he had not done.

He took the blue coat carefully from the bed, and hung it in its place again, satisfied now, from the way his grannie had spoken, or, rather, declined to speak, about it, that it had belonged to his father.

‘Am I to rise?’ asked Shargar, not understanding the action.

‘Na, na, lie still. Ye’ll be warm eneuch wantin’ thae sovereigns. I’ll lat ye oot i’ the mornin’ afore grannie’s up. And ye maun mak’ the best o’t efter that till it’s dark again. We’ll sattle a’ aboot it at the schuil the morn. Only we maun be circumspec’, ye ken.’


‘Ye cudna lay yer han’s upo’ a drap o’ whusky, cud ye, Bob?’

Robert stared in horror. A boy like that asking for whisky! and in his grandmother’s house, too!

‘Shargar,’ he said solemnly, ‘there’s no a drap o’ whusky i’ this hoose. It’s awfu’ to hear ye mention sic a thing. My grannie wad smell the verra name o’ ‘t a mile awa’. I doobt that’s her fit upo’ the stair a’ready.’

Robert crept to the door, and Shargar sat staring with horror, his eyes looking from the gloom of the bed like those of a half-strangled dog. But it was a false alarm, as Robert presently returned to announce.

‘Gin ever ye sae muckle as mention whusky again, no to say drink ae drap o’ ‘t, you and me pairt company, and that I tell you, Shargar,’ said he, emphatically.

‘I’ll never luik at it; I’ll never mint at dreamin’ o’ ‘t,’ answered Shargar, coweringly. ‘Gin she pits ‘t intil my moo’, I’ll spit it oot. But gin ye strive wi’ me, Bob, I’ll cut my throat—I will; an’ that’ll be seen and heard tell o’.’

All this time, save during the alarm of Mrs. Falconer’s approach, when he sat with a mouthful of hot potato, unable to move his jaws for terror, and the remnant arrested half-way in its progress from his mouth after the bite—all this time Shargar had been devouring the provisions Robert had brought him, as if he had not seen food that day. As soon as they were finished, he begged for a drink of water, which Robert managed to procure for him. He then left him for the night, for his longer absence might have brought his grandmother after him, who had perhaps only too good reasons for being doubtful, if not suspicious, about boys in general, though certainly not about Robert in particular. He carried with him his books from the other garret-room where he kept them, and sat down at the table by his grandmother, preparing his Latin and geography by her lamp, while she sat knitting a white stocking with fingers as rapid as thought, never looking at her work, but staring into the fire, and seeing visions there which Robert would have given everything he could call his own to see, and then would have given his life to blot out of the world if he had seen them. Quietly the evening passed, by the peaceful lamp and the cheerful fire, with the Latin on the one side of the table, and the stocking on the other, as if ripe and purified old age and hopeful unstained youth had been the only extremes of humanity known to the world. But the bitter wind was howling by fits in the chimney, and the offspring of a nobleman and a gipsy lay asleep in the garret, covered with the cloak of an old Highland rebel.

At nine o’clock, Mrs. Falconer rang the bell for Betty, and they had worship. Robert read a chapter, and his grandmother prayed an extempore prayer, in which they that looked at the wine when it was red in the cup, and they that worshipped the woman clothed in scarlet and seated upon the seven hills, came in for a strange mixture, in which the vengeance yielded only to the pity.

‘Lord, lead them to see the error of their ways,’ she cried. ‘Let the rod of thy wrath awake the worm of their conscience that they may know verily that there is a God that ruleth in the earth. Dinna lat them gang to hell, O Lord, we beseech thee.’

As soon as prayers were over, Robert had a tumbler of milk and some more oat-cake, and was sent to bed; after which it was impossible for him to hold any further communication with Shargar. For his grandmother, little as one might suspect it who entered the parlour in the daytime, always slept in that same room, in a bed closed in with doors like those of a large press in the wall, while Robert slept in a little closet, looking into a garden at the back of the house, the door of which opened from the parlour close to the head of his grandmother’s bed. It was just large enough to hold a good-sized bed with curtains, a chest of drawers, a bureau, a large eight-day clock, and one chair, leaving in the centre about five feet square for him to move about in. There was more room as well as more comfort in the bed. He was never allowed a candle, for light enough came through from the parlour, his grandmother thought; so he was soon extended between the whitest of cold sheets, with his knees up to his chin, and his thoughts following his lost father over all spaces of the earth with which his geography-book had made him acquainted.

He was in the habit of leaving his closet and creeping through his grandmother’s room before she was awake—or at least before she had given any signs to the small household that she was restored to consciousness, and that the life of the house must proceed. He therefore found no difficulty in liberating Shargar from his prison, except what arose from the boy’s own unwillingness to forsake his comfortable quarters for the fierce encounter of the January blast which awaited him. But Robert did not turn him out before the last moment of safety had arrived; for, by the aid of signs known to himself, he watched the progress of his grandmother’s dressing—an operation which did not consume much of the morning, scrupulous as she was with regard to neatness and cleanliness—until Betty was called in to give her careful assistance to the final disposition of the mutch, when Shargar’s exit could be delayed no longer. Then he mounted to the foot of the second stair, and called in a keen whisper,

‘Noo, Shargar, cut for the life o’ ye.’

And down came the poor fellow, with long gliding steps, ragged and reluctant, and, without a word or a look, launched himself out into the cold, and sped away he knew not whither. As he left the door, the only suspicion of light was the dull and doubtful shimmer of the snow that covered the street, keen particles of which were blown in his face by the wind, which, having been up all night, had grown very cold, and seemed delighted to find one unprotected human being whom it might badger at its own bitter will. Outcast Shargar! Where he spent the interval between Mrs. Falconer’s door and that of the school, I do not know. There was a report amongst his school-fellows that he had been found by Scroggie, the fish-cadger, lying at full length upon the back of his old horse, which, either from compassion or indifference, had not cared to rise up under the burden. They said likewise that, when accused by Scroggie of housebreaking, though nothing had to be broken to get in, only a string with a peculiar knot, on the invention of which the cadger prided himself, to be undone, all that Shargar had to say in his self-defence was, that he had a terrible sair wame, and that the horse was warmer nor the stanes i’ the yard; and he had dune him nae ill, nae even drawn a hair frae his tail—which would have been a difficult feat, seeing the horse’s tail was as bare as his hoof.