Maht 380 lehekülgi
If force is equal to right, nations will exhaust each other and will finally find the lasting peace in the big grave that covers the atrocities of violence with their creators. Therefore, victory by force on an unlawful way cannot compromise or nullify the meaning of rights got on a lawful way. (Immanuel Kant)
The situation had further deteriorated and the front of resistance against the whites and the occupational forces had further hardened in the black population. The number of casualties went up from week to week. Koevoet had not changed its rude and brutal behaviour against the people. Paramilitary squads mowed down the kraals with their heavy Casspirs, if there was a suspicion of a hiding Swapo-fighter. Since koevoet squads consisted mainly of black recruits, the tortures, deportations and killings of their brothers and sisters happened every day.
Old people became physically so weak that they passed away before the time, this mostly because of starvation and infectious diseases. Old people were maltreated by their sons in koevoet, because they did not speak badly or kept quiet about the sons and daughters who left the kraal and went into exile to take part in the liberation struggle. Koevoet continued the nightly raids inconsiderately toward the patients and frightened the sleeping people and mothers with their children on the concrete passage in front of the outpatient department building. The distracted people had to show their IDs. Koevoet beat men who had no ID.
"The soul is the color of your thoughts. Our life is what our thinking makes it. The best way to get revenge: Do not reward like with like. The ability to live happily comes from a power inherent in the soul. Despair inevitably afflicts those whose souls are out of balance. If you knew the source of human opinions and interests, you would cease to seek people's applause and praise." (Marc Aurel) It is the roots from which the thought grows, it is the soil that supports and nourishes the roots.