Loe raamatut: «Chocolate Busters: The Easy Way to Kick It!»

The Simple Way
to Stop Eating
Jason Vale

Title Page
1 The Truth, The Whole Nut Truth And Nothing But The Truth!
2 The Food Of The G.O.D.S.
3 A Mars A Day Helps You Work, Rest And Play
4 Licking The Taste!
5 Sweet, Sweet Surrender
6 The Milky Way
7 Fat Lies!
8 Mood Foods
9 PMS – Pre-Minstrel Syndrome
10 A Little Bit Of What You Fancy Does You Good
11 Not Worth A Bean
12 There Is No Such Thing As A Chocoholic
13 The Chocolate Wagon Wheel
14 Where There’s A Will – There’s No Way
15 Lead Us Not Into ‘Temptations’ – But Deliver Us From Evil!
16 Have A Break … And Not Have A Kit Kat!
17 Thinking Chocolate
18 Chocolate Addicts Everywhere
19 One Nibble And You’re Nobbled!
20 The Guidelines
21 The ‘Ripple’ Effect
Also by the Author
About the Publisher
1 The Truth, The Whole Nut Truth And Nothing But The Truth!
Ahhh, chocolate. Just the word is enough to make the average person melt faster than the cocoa butter itself, which explains why just the thought of giving it up is usually enough to fill the average chocolate lover with a slight degree of apprehension, and for others, out and out panic! However, it doesn’t matter how much of the dark stuff you eat, how often you eat it or whether you believe life just wouldn’t be worth living without it; the beautiful truth is anyone can find it easy to kick chocolate – even you!
All that’s needed for this minor miracle to manifest itself is an extremely open mind, the promise that you will read some of this book every day, to keep the momentum going, a willingness to follow my guidelines at the end – oh, and plenty of chocolate! Yep, contradiction in terms though it is, please ‘feel free’ to continue to eat as much chocolate as your little heart desires until you finish the book (and, no, that doesn’t mean taking 20 years to finish the book!). If you do that, if you are willing to really open your mind and put your beloved chocolate on the rack, then your break to freedom from one of the most heavily advertised junkie foods in the world is as good as guaranteed.
The truth is, once we have slowly stripped away the many different layers from this cunning chocolate wolf and unwrapped the cold hard truth lurking beneath the glamorous advertising, product placements and seductive glossy packaging – you will never be able to see chocolate in the same light again. Let me make myself clear here: I don’t mean you will go off it slightly and cut down a little, no, no, no – I mean once you are able to see this hyped up, sugar-infested drug food for what it really is and not as you’ve been conditioned to see it, settling down to a bar of the stuff will be about as appealing as plucking your nasal hairs with a fish fork.
For the first time ever the whole business of chocolate is going to get the licking it deserves and by the time you finish this book, unlike with a ‘no-chocolate diet’ or going on the ‘chocolate wagon’, you will not only be happy not to eat it (a miracle in itself), but also, when you see other people consuming the stuff, far from envying them (or wanting to hurt them severely!) you will actually feel sorry for them.
However, for this seemingly impossible feat to happen, your current perception of this emotionally driven ‘food’ needs to take a massive shift. Fortunately, this will be a piece of cake (not chocolate obviously!). All we need to do is see through the years of brainwashing we’ve all been subjected to, explode the myths, shatter the illusions, and discover the correct knowledge and unique way of thinking that will make the whole process of kicking the choccie habit as easy as organic pie!
Now in case you’re a ‘virgin’ to my world of thinking and have yet to indulge in my first book Slim 4 Life: Freedom from the Food Trap, I need you to know from the start exactly where I’m coming from. I’m not into doom and gloom, I don’t do willpower, I speak plain English and I tell it like it is. Let me be clear, I’m not here to win any literary awards, by golly gosh no, I’m simply here to shake the chocolate world and provide you with the correct knowledge which will enable you to be free to have a non-chocolate break if you so choose! And when I say, ‘correct knowledge’ I don’t mean the usual nonsense you get from what I describe as the ‘State the Bleeding Obvious Brigade’. You know, the amazing, mind-blowing and life-changing info they come out with, like:
‘Chocolate is full of sugar, it’s fattening and it’s bad for you – ifyou stopped eating it, you would feel better.’
Not being funny, but ‘cover me in cocoa and lick me all over – you don’t say!’ Or, my favourite expression at times like this, ‘No shit, Sherlock!’ Please name me one chocolate eater, one ‘chocoholic’, nay, one living breathing person on this planet who doesn’t know that mass-market junkie chocolate is full of sugar and fattening and I’ll eat my creme egg. I think it’s safe to say that, in terms of ‘stripping this chocolate wolf and helping you to free yourself, members of the ‘State the Bleeding Obvious Brigade’ banging on about how bad chocolate is for you – or you saying it to yourself – are about as effective as a state of the art cooker at a raw food convention! In reality this kind of approach often has the opposite effect. One of the times people reach for things like chocolate is when they’re feeling down, so if someone tells you how ill or fat you can get (or are) because of chocolate, that can make you feel even worse, so what do you do? You say, ‘Sod it’ and eat more CHOCOLATE!
Everyone and their mother knows that mass-market commercial chocolate is bad for you, you don’t have to be Inspector Morse to work it out, do you? The problem is, although everyone knows that chocolate is bad and fattening, they also strongly believe it’s blooming lovely and has the amazing power to lift our emotions. So what we are dealing with here is what amounts to the ultimate love/hate relationship; the David and Goliath of mental battles. This is why at this stage you will not be entirely sure whether or not you do want to stop eating chocolate altogether. In all probability, you picked up this book to find a way to cut down a little, go on the chocolate wagon for a while – but kick it altogether, like forever? You’ve got to be off your rocker! This is also why I realize at this stage I’m half your friend and half your enemy:
‘Hooray this guy’s going to help me kick chocolate!’ ‘Damn this guy’s going to take away my chocolate … forever – NO WAY!’
It is also why many people who bought the infamous Atkins Diet book only read a small section of it before discarding it to gather dust on the shelf. They were fine up until he pointed out that chocolate was a dreaded carbohydrate and therefore a no-go area. No white bread is fair enough but no chocolate – BOG OFF, ATKINS! Of the millions of Atkins books sold it is estimated that only about 5% of people actually read the whole book and only a small percentage followed it for longer than a week (Jennifer Aniston being one – and don’t we know about it!). This is why if you really want to bust your chocolate love/hate affair, it is essential that you do something that most people who buy books of this nature fail to do – read the whole of the book. Every word has been written for a reason and the book is designed, unlike ‘pointing out the obvious’ methods, to remove this love/hate chocolate tug-of-war by gradually stripping the chocolate industry bare to reveal the truth. Once you see the truth you will find it very hard, if not impossible, to have any desire for chocolate again.
You will notice that in order to achieve this I will be playing the chocolate industry at their own game by repeating certain points over and over again to make certain they stick in your conscious and sub-conscious mind. So if when you’re reading this you come across a similar point or you think ‘He’s said that already’, I know – it’s on purpose! Repetition is the key to their advertising and emotional hooking success and it is also key to unhooking the emotional attachment to chocolate. It’s about time someone used this same approach of repetition to burst the chocolate bubble. Until the chocolate bubble is burst, you’ve got more chance of finding true freedom from chocolate as you have making a cup of hot cocoa using a chocolate kettle!
The fact that you are reading this book tells me you probably already know this and are fully aware that willpower alone isn’t going to cut the cocoa, and lectures on the evils on chocolate are about as helpful as devices such as chocolate patches. (Yes, you haven’t misread, there really are chocolate patches, just like nicotine patches, and I’ll be covering these beauties in depth later!) The idea behind the willpower method is to give yourself a good talking to about chocolate; make a mental list of all the reasons why you shouldn’t have eat it, then take a deep breath and hang on in there until the craving goes away. There is one slight flaw with this approach:
And this is why the last thing you need is a lecture on the evils of why you shouldn’t eat commercially made chocolate. YOU KNOW THAT! What you need is a full understanding of why you do eat it. You need a simple, yet highly effective approach which will not just allow you to see this stuff in its true light; you also need a unique way of thinking that will allow you to Kick The Chocolate … and be happy about it. After all, anyone can stop eating chocolate and be miserable about it – I pulled that off on many occasions and I’m sure you’ve been pretty good at this yourself in the past; all you need is willpower, determination, positive thinking – oh, and being blooming ratty and miserable to boot!
Let me give you a quick but simple analogy to explain why so many people struggle using this approach. Imagine a house fly trying to get out of a room through a closed window. What chance does it have? Ummm, not a jot. But what if the fly had just returned from a positive thinking fly seminar, would it have a better chance then? Of course not! Physics will tell you that no matter how positive, determined or strong-willed the fly is, it will never break the glass. Equally, I will tell you and your past experiences should tell you also, positive thinking, determination and a strong will is not enough to kick the chocolate – and be happy about it! It is, however, always enough to kick the chocolate – temporarily – and be blooming miserable about it!
What you need is not a pocket full of willpower, a dose of positive thinking or a lecture; all you need is a mind open enough to help remove the many, many layers of conditioning relating to what can only be described as the king of drug foods.
So, without further ado, let us begin our journey into the world of chocolate by stripping off the first layer. I have called chocolate the king of all drug foods, but king wasn’t the title it was first given, in fact the title ‘king’ would almost be an insult. The truth is that from the dawn of time and even today in many societies, chocolate is still widely regarded as …
2 The Food Of The G.O.D.S
Michael Jacobson was the first person to coin the phrase ‘junk food’ back in 1972. It rocked the ‘sweet’ world and, just like the tobacco industry, the chocolate industry hit back with claim after claim of why its product wasn’t ‘junk’, but indeed one of the best food sources on the planet (a point I will shatter in depth later). Well, I will agree with them in one respect, commercially made chocolate isn’t junk food at all – no, it’s ‘DRUG FOOD!’ If you think the term ‘junk food’ played havoc with the industry back in 1972, with sweet sales dropping a massive 25%, just imagine what my term of ‘Drug Food’ will do.
Let’s face facts, chocolate is a massive global business and there is just no way the chocolate industry will let this lie. Please don’t be surprised if you start to see scientific paper after scientific paper being produced ‘proving’ why their product is not addictive (in exactly the same way that tobacco companies did for years). After all, they have a lot which needs protecting. In the United Kingdom alone we spend a whopping £4 billion a year on chocolate. That’s £65 for every man, woman and child, or to put it another way, 312 oz a year or, to really bring it home, over 22 lb of chocolate per head per year! Now bear in mind this is the ‘average’. Many people are consuming far more than this and the figure doesn’t include what we buy from duty free airports and when we are away abroad. An article in the Daily Mail a few years ago ran the headline:
They were referring to Maureen Young, a self-confessed ‘chocoholic’ who ate 200 chocolate bars every week for 6 years. If my calculations are correct that is a cost of over £20,000 in just six years! And that’s just one person. Maureen, although clearly more ‘addicted’ than most, isn’t the only one bringing in massive revenue for the chocolate industry. Even the average chocolate addict will get through a whopping £10,000 on chocolate in their lifetime. That figure shouldn’t really come as any surprise since in Britain at Easter alone we will get through 100 million eggs; that’s nearly two chocolate eggs for every person in Britain – ’Jesus!’ (well, quite). But, as you may have guessed, we don’t lead the world in chocolate consumption, that title is held by the Swiss, who manage just under 28 lbs a year! The US aren’t to be left out either – they spend a staggering $14 billion a year on the dark stuff. M&Ms now rank as the world’s most popular confection bringing in an amazing $2 billion a year. Let me emphasize that in case you just skipped over it, that is:
M&Ms, although first made in 1940, were virtually unknown in Britain until a few years ago. When we wanted some round brightly-coloured sweets with chocolate centres it appeared that only ‘Smarties had the answer’ – which is quite funny as Smarties were first produced in 1937, three years before the now mighty M&Ms. M&Ms are owned by one of the biggest drug-food giants in the world – Mars Inc – a true superpower in the world of chocolate.
Mars Inc is a company that produces enough Fun Size Milky Way every year literally to reach the Milky Way. In fact, the huge amount of those little, sorry, I mean ‘fun-size’ choc bars, made every year are enough to circle the globe – TWICE! In the UK we buy 17 million Bounty Bars annually, once again a bestselling confectionery made by – yep, you guessed it – Mars Inc. It is no wonder then that the Mars Inc company are the largest sweet manufacturer in the world. What may come as a surprise though is that Mars, in financial terms, are now bigger than McDonald’s with an unbelievable $20 billion a year in sales from various interests.
Chocolate, like most products these days, has big guns globalizing the industry. In 1945 there were roughly 6,000 firms producing the stuff. It is estimated that by 2010 that the number will be as low as 150 worldwide. Mars Inc, in my opinion, are the McDonald’s and Marlboro of the chocolate world. And just like the fast-food and nicotine trades, the chocolate industry also has its Burger King, Silk Cut, Wendy’s, Benson and Hedges, and Wimpy in the forms of Cadbury, Nestlé, Rowntree, Green & Blacks, Lindt, Thorntons and, in the US, Hershey. In fact, in the US if you mentioned Cadbury they would wonder which planet you’re from, but say, Hershey and they immediately know what you mean. That’s because in the US Hershey are a very big player in the chocolate world – it even boasts its own town! The battle between Mars and Hershey has been going on for years and it echoes that of Pepsi and Coca-Cola, each company battling for number-one spot. At last count, Hershey was winning the US battle, but, by the time you read this, in the cut-throat, back-stabbing, idea-pinching world of chocolate, that could have easily changed. However, whatever the chocolate company, just like their nicotine, caffeine and fast-food cousins, each, on a financial front, are doing just fine and dandy thank you very much. And this is why chocolate is now one of the most traded commodities in the world, and to the villagers on small farms in places such as West Africa, and on plantations owned by wealthy land barons in other parts of the world, cocoa is as important to the economies of these countries as oil is to the Middle East.
Cadbury, Britain’s leader in the land of the chocolate, aren’t too far behind. Despite their ‘local brand’ impression – Cadbury are a major global player. Two billion bars of Cadbury’s chocolate are bought every year. If just the creme eggs it produces each year were stacked on top of each other they would be 900 times higher than Mount Everest, and if the Crunchies eaten in the same length of time were lined up they would stretch from Birmingham to Bangkok. On top of that, just like Hershey in the States, Cadbury even has its own town – Bournville, or as they like to describe it, Cadbury World.
Chocolate has also been written about in some of the most famous children’s stories ever told, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the modern day phenomenon which is Harry Potter. Major blockbuster films have not just featured it but have even been based on and named after it – Chocolat being the obvious example. There are few items in the world that do not have a chocolate version of them somewhere. You can get chocolate televisions, chocolate typewriters, chocolate hats, chocolate houses, chocolate cigarettes, chocolate body paint, chocolate love toys (I didn’t say all chocolate was bad!) and there is even a place that will make an exact replica of your good self carved entirely from chocolate!
It has been linked to every emotion we possess and the Global Organization of Drug-food Suppliers (GODS) have managed, through clever advertising, to make us believe it can genuinely help our moods, act as a catalyst to the land of the bliss and, more recently, that it is actually good for us (this point will be covered in depth a little later). They have also managed to make it perfectly normal to start children on this stuff from an extremely early age. In fact, they have so brainwashed and conditioned us that if we don’t give children chocolate, especially if they have been ‘good’, we are the ones who are seen as the bad guys!
So how have we reached the stage where so many people believe that life wouldn’t be the same without a mass of drug-like substances entering their bloodstream on a regular basis? Why do we automatically think of chocolate when Valentine’s Day comes around, or Mother’s Day, or Christmas Day, or Easter Day, or a birthday – or, let’s face it, any day? Why do we continue to eat this stuff even though we nearly always feel sick and ‘Oh, I wish I hadn’t done that’ afterwards? Why is it so strongly linked to love, comfort, joy and, of course, PMS? Why does it seem to take such an emotional hold unlike any other ‘food’ on the planet?
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