
A Synopsis of the Birds of North America

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Bill longer than the head, opening beyond the eyes, straight, elongated, conical, moderately compressed; upper mandible, with the dorsal line, straight and declinate, at the end convex and a little decurved; the ridge very broad, convex, with a slight median carnia, and separated on each side from the sides, which are perpendicular, slightly convex, and have an additional narrow-jointed piece below the eye; edges sharp, direct, irregularly serrate with numerous slender cuts directed backwards, tip compressed, a little decurved, rather acute; lower mandible with the angle extremely long and narrow, the dorsal line straight, ascending, the sides erect, convex, the edges sharp and serrated, the tip compressed, acute. No external nostrils. Head large, neck of moderate length, and very thick; body of moderate bulk, rather elongated. Feet short, strong, placed rather far behind; tibiæ concealed; tarsus very short, rounded before, sharp behind, scaly, with three lines of small transversely oblong scutella, which run down the toes, the latter long and slender, all united by membranes having their margins straight; first toe rather small, directed inwards and forwards; middle toe longest, the outer almost equal. Claws of moderate size, slightly arched, that of the third toe pectinate. Plumage generally close, rather compact, on the head and neck blended. Wings very long, narrow, acute; first quill longest. Tail rather long, cuneate, of twelve or fourteen feathers. Gular sac small, with a small median portion bare; tongue extremely small, blunt; œsophagus extremely wide; proventricular glands forming a broad belt partially divided by intervals; stomach extremely small, its muscular coat thin, the inner soft; intestine of moderate length, slender; cœca very small; cloaca globular.

425. 1. Sula Bassana, Linn. Common Gannet

Plate CCCXXVI. Adult Male, and Young.

Adult with the bill pale bluish-grey, tinged with green towards the base; bare space about the eye, lines on the bill and gular membrane blackish-blue; tarsi, toes, and webs, brownish-black, the scutella light greenish-blue, claws greyish-white; general colour of plumage white; upper part of head and hind neck buff-coloured; primary quills brownish-black, their shafts white toward the base. Young at first covered with very soft white down; when fully fledged, with the bill light greyish-brown, the bare space around the eye pale greyish-blue; feet dusky, the narrow bands of scutella pale greyish-blue; head, neck, and upper parts, chocolate-brown, each feather with a terminal narrow triangular white spot; lower parts greyish-white, spotted with greyish-brown, each feather having a broad terminal margin of that colour; quills and tail-feathers brownish-black.

Adult, 401/2, 75. Young fledged, 38, 72.

Ranges southward off the coast at all seasons as far as the Gulf of Mexico. Breeds on rocks on the Gulf of St Lawrence, and off the coast of Labrador. Abundant. Migratory.

Sula bassana, Bonap. Syn. p. 408.

Gannet, Sula bassana, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 495.

Common Gannet, Sula bassana, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iv. p. 222.

426. 2. Sula fusca, Linn. Booby Gannet

Plate CCVII. Male.

Bill and naked parts at its base bright yellow, the former flesh-coloured toward the end; a dusky spot before the eye; tarsi, toes, and webs pale yellow, claws white; head, neck all round, upper parts in general, and lower surface of wings dusky brown, tinged with grey; breast, abdomen, and lower tail-coverts, pure white. Young when fledged of a greyish-brown colour all over, the breast and abdomen being merely a little lighter than the rest; bill and claws dusky; tarsi and toes with their membranes dull yellow.

Male, 31, 491/4.

Gulf of Mexico, and as far east as the coast of Georgia. Breeds on the Fortugas Keys, south of Florida. Abundant. Migratory.

Sula fusca, Bonap. Syn. 408.

Booby, Sula fusca, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 500.

Booby Gannet, Sula fusca, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 63.


Bill as long as the head, stout, very much compressed, slightly curved, tapering, acute, opening to beneath the eye; upper mandible with the dorsal line slightly arched, the ridge narrow, rounded, the sides sloping and slightly convex at the base, nearly erect towards the end, the edges sharp, direct, irregularly broken, the tip acuminate; nasal groove short, near the ridge, lower mandible with the angle long, and extremely narrow, the dorsal line straight and ascending, the sides erect and slightly convex, the tip acuminate. Nostrils basal, linear, very small. Head rather large, ovate; neck short and thick; body rather full. Feet very short; tibia bare for a considerable space; tarsus extremely short, roundish, covered with small round scales; toes rather small, placed in the same plane, and connected by reticulated webs; first very small, third a little longer than fourth, all scutellate above. Claws small, arched, compressed, rather sharp, that of the third toe with a thin entire inner edge. Plumage soft, blended, on the back rather compact. Wings long, acute, the first quill longest. Tail of twelve feathers, tapering, the two middle feathers extremely elongated, narrow, and tapering. This genus appears to be intermediate between Sula and Sterna.

427. 1. Phaeton æthereus, Linn. Common Tropic Bird

Plate CCLXII. Male and Female.

Bill, tarsi, and hind toes yellow, the rest of the foot black; general colour of plumage pale pink, or white tinged with carmine, the two middle tail-feathers redder; a curved spot before the eye, and a short band behind it, black; a band of the same colour across the wing from the flexure, running narrow along the middle coverts, much enlarged on the inner secondaries and their coverts, and including the extremities of the scapulars; outer webs, shafts, and a portion of the inner webs of the first four primary quills, also black; and a spot of the same on some of the primary coverts; shafts of two middle tail-feathers black, unless toward the end; some of the elongated feathers on the hind part of the sides greyish-black in the centre. Female less tinged with red, and having the tail-feathers less elongated.

Male, 291/2, 38. Female, 26, 34.

Rare on the coast of Florida. Migratory.

Phaeton æthereus, Bonap. Syn. p. 409.

Tropic Bird, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 503.

Tropic Bird, Phaeton æthereus, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 442.


Bill of moderate length, straight, compressed, acute; upper mandible with the dorsal line generally straight until toward the end, when it is decurved, the ridge convex, the nasal groove rather long, the edges sharp, direct, overlapping, the tip rather acute and declinate; lower mandible with the angle long and very narrow, the dorsal line ascending and nearly straight, with an angular prominence at its commencement. Nostrils submedial or basal, oblong. Head of moderate size, ovate; neck of moderate length; body rather stout. Legs short or of moderate length; tibia bare at its lower part; tarsus anteriorly scutellate; toes four, the first very small, free, the third longest; anterior toes connected by webs. Claws small, arched, compressed, rather acute. Plumage full, soft, blended, somewhat compact on the back and wings, the latter long and pointed; tail of twelve feathers, even, rounded, or emarginate. Tongue long, slender, pointed; œsophagus very wide; stomach rather small, moderately muscular, with a dense, longitudinally rugous epithelium; intestine of moderate length and width; cœca small; cloaca globular. Trachea simple, with a single pair of inferior laryngeal muscles. Nest on the ground, rudely constructed. Eggs few, not exceeding four, spotted. Young covered with down.


Bill longer than the head, nearly straight, tetragonal at the base, suddenly extremely compressed and continuing so to the end; upper mandible much shorter than the lower, its ridge sharp, the sides erect but a little convex, the edges approximated so as to leave merely a very narrow groove between them, the tip a little rounded, when viewed laterally; nasal groove rather short, near the margin; lower mandible with the angle extremely short, the dorsal line straight or slightly decurved, the sides erect, obliquely grooved, the edges united into a very thin blade, which fits into the narrow groove of the upper mandible, the tip rounded or abrupt, when viewed laterally. Nostrils linear-oblong. Head rather large, oblong, considerably elevated in front; neck rather short, thick; body short, ovate. Feet short, moderately stout; tibia bare below, with narrow transverse scutella before and behind; tarsus short, anteriorly covered with broad scutella; toes very small, the first extremely short and free, unless at the base; middle toe slightly longer than outer; anterior toes united by deeply emarginate webs. Claws long, compressed, slightly arched, rather obtuse. Plumage moderately full, soft, and blended; wings extremely long, and very narrow; primary quills excessively long, the first longest; secondaries short. Tail of moderate length, deeply forked, of twelve feathers. Tongue short, triangular, tapering; œsophagus wide; stomach rather small, oblong, muscular, the cuticular lining dense, with nine broad longitudinal rugæ; intestine rather long, narrow; cœca very small; cloaca large, globular, the digestive organs are precisely similar to those of the Terns and smaller Gulls.


428. 1. Rhynchops nigra, Linn. Black Skimmer

Plate CCCXXIII. Male

Bill rich carmine in its basal half, the rest black; feet carmine; upper plumage deep brownish-black; secondary quills and four or five of the primaries tipped with white, the latter on the inner web chiefly; tail-feathers black, broadly margined on both sides with white, the outer more extensively; the middle tail-coverts black, the lateral black on the inner, and white on the outer web; a broad band of white over the forehead, extending to the fore part of the eye; cheeks and throat of the same colour; the rest of the neck, and lower parts in spring and autumn of a delicate cream-colour; axillary feathers, lower wing-coverts, and a large portion of the secondary quills, white, the coverts along the edge of the wing black. Female smaller, similar to the male, but with the tail-feathers white, excepting a longitudinal band including the shaft. After the first autumnal moult, there is on the hind part of the neck a broad band of white mottled with greyish-black; the lower parts pure white, the upper of a duller black; bill and feet less richly coloured.

Male, 20, 48. Female, 163/4, 441/2.

During winter, in vast multitudes on the coast of Florida. In summer dispersed in large flocks from Texas to New Jersey, breeding on sand beaches or islands. In the evenings and at night ascends streams sometimes to the distance of one hundred miles.

Black Skimmer or Shear-water, Rhynchops nigra, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. vii. p. 85.

Rhincops nigra, Bonap. Syn. p. 352.

Black Skimmer, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 264.

Black Skimmer or Razor-billed Shear-water, Rhynchops nigra, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iv. p. 203.


Bill longer than the head, rather stout or slender, nearly straight, compressed, very acute; upper mandible with the dorsal line slightly arched, the ridge rather broad and convex at the base, gradually narrowed toward the end, sides convex, edges sharp and direct, tip acute; nasal groove short; lower mandible with the angle very narrow, acute, extending to the middle, the dorsal line straight, the sides slightly convex, nearly erect, the sharp edges inflected, the tips very acute. Nostrils basal, lateral, linear, direct. Head rather large, oblong; neck of moderate length and thick; body slender. Feet short, moderately stout; tibia bare for a considerable space; tarsus short, roundish, covered all round with small scales; first toe very small, third longest, fourth a little shorter; anterior toes connected by emarginate webs. Claws slightly curved, compressed, acute. Plumage soft, close, blended, rather compact on the back and wings. Wings extremely long, narrow, and pointed, the first quill longest, the rest rapidly graduated. Tail long, generally forked, of twelve feathers. Tongue very slender, tapering, with the point slit; œsophagus extremely wide; proventricular belt complete; stomach rather small, moderately muscular, with the epithelium dense and longitudinally rugous; intestine of moderate length, rather narrow; cœca small.

429. 1. Sterna Cayana, Lath. Cayenne Tern

Plate CCLXXIII. Male.

Bill longer than the head, stout; wings longer than the tail, which is moderately forked; bill carmine; feet black; upper part of the head and occiput greenish-black; back and wings light greyish-blue; primary quills bluish-grey on their outer webs, darker on the outer part of the inner, their inner part white, as are the ends and inner webs of the secondaries; upper tail-coverts and tail greyish-white; all the other parts pure white.

Male, 19, 44.

From Texas, in spring, to the Floridas, where it breeds on the Tortugas. Labrador, but not observed in the intermediate parts of the Atlantic coast. Abundant. Migratory.

Sterna cayana, Bonap. Syn. v. ii. p. 353.

Cayenne Tern, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 208.

Cayenne Tern, Sterna cayana, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 505; v. v. p. 639.

430. 2. Sterna Anglica, Montagu. Gull-billed Tern. – Marsh Tern

Plate CCCCX. Male.

Bill about the length of the head, stout; wings longer than the tail, which is moderately forked; bill and feet black; upper part of the head and occiput greenish-black; sides of the head, fore neck, and all the lower parts, white; upper parts pale greyish-blue, edges of the wings whitish; primaries hoary on the outer web, deep grey on the inner, their shafts and those of the tail-feathers white; the tail of a paler tint than the back, and the outer feather nearly white.

Male, 14, 34.

Cosmopolite. In America, breeds from the mouth of the Mississippi to Connecticut. Not abundant. Migratory.

Marsh Tern, Sterna aranea, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. viii. p. 143.

Sterna aranea, Bonap. Syn. p. 354.

Marsh Tern, Sterna anglica, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 269.

Marsh or Gull-billed Tern, Sterna anglica, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 127.

431. 3. Sterna Cantiaca, Gmel. Sandwich Tern

Plate CCLXXIX. Adult.

Bill considerably longer than the head, rather slender, black, with the tips yellow; inside of mouth deep blue; feet black; wings longer than the tail, which is deeply forked; upper part of head and hind neck bluish-black; sides of head, neck all round, and the rest of the lower parts white, the sides and breast tinged with pink; fore part of back, scapulars, and upper surface of wings pale greyish-blue; the tips and greater part of the inner webs of the scapulars and quills white, as are the rump and tail; the four outer quills blackish, but covered with light grey down on the outer webs, and over a considerable extent of the inner, their shafts white. Young, after the first moult, of a light greyish-blue on the upper parts, the feathers tipped and banded in an undulating manner with brownish-black; the upper part of the head and hind neck brownish-black mottled with white; quills as in the adult; tail grey, with irregular blackish markings towards the tips of the feathers; lower parts of a much lighter pale grey; bill and feet black.

Adult, 153/4, 333/4.

From Texas, during spring and summer, to the Floridas, where it breeds in great numbers. Never observed in any other part of the coast of America. Migratory.

Sandwich Tern. Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 276.

Sandwich Tern, Sterna cantiaca, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 531.

432. 4. Sterna fuliginosa, Lath. Sooty Tern


Bill slightly longer than the head, rather slender, and with the feet black; tail very deeply forked, much longer than the wings; forehead white; lores, upper part of head, hind neck, and all the upper parts deep black, tinged with brown, on the head glossed with blue; edges of wings and lateral tail-feathers white, the latter with the inner web toward the end dusky; lower parts and sides of head and neck pure white. Young with the lower parts and forehead white, the upper parts greyish-brown, the feathers edged with brownish-white, the primary quills greyish-black.

Male, 161/4, 343/4.

From Texas to the Floridas, in spring. Breeds in immense multitudes on the Tortugas. Migratory.

Sterna fuliginosa, Bonap. Syn. p. 355.

Sooty Tern, Sterna fuliginosa, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. viii. p. 145.

Sooty Tern, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 284.

Sooty Tern, Sterna fuliginosa, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iii. p. 263; v. v. p. 641.

433. 5. Sterna Hirundo, Linn. Common Tern

Plate CCCIX. Male.

Bill about the same length as the head, rather slender, bright coral-red, towards the end black, the tip light yellow; feet coral-red, lighter than the bill; wings slightly shorter than the tail, which is very deeply forked; upper part of head and hind neck half-way down, deep bluish-black, anteriorly tinged with brown; sides of head, fore neck, and all the lower parts white, with a slight tinge of greyish-blue on the breast; back, scapulars, and wings light greyish-blue; edges of wings, rump, and upper tail-coverts white, slightly tinged with grey; first primary with the outer web deep black, the shaft white, on the inner web a greyish-black band running along the shaft, narrow at the base, and widening, so as to occupy the whole breadth of the web for an inch at the end, where it is hoary; the next five with the outer web, and a varying portion of the inner in nearly their whole length hoary, but with a dusky shade, becoming more apparent at the end; the rest of the quills like the back, but margined and tipped with white; tail-feathers with the inner webs white, the outer of the colour of the back, paler on the middle feathers, gradually deepening outwards, and on the outer feathers dark grey. Young, in first plumage, with the bill dull greenish-black, its tip yellowish, feet greenish-yellow; upper parts chiefly light brown. In winter, the bill black, with the base pale orange, the tip yellowish, the feet orange-yellow; the colour of the plumage as in the adult, the forehead white, the rest of the head dusky, the upper parts having the feathers slightly margined with lighter.

Male, 16, 311/2.

Breeds from Galveston Islands along the shores of the Atlantic to Labrador, and as far north as Lat. 57°. Returns southward in autumn, passing beyond the Texas. Extremely abundant.

Great Tern, Sterna Hirundo, Wils. Amer. Orn. v. viii. p. 76.

Sterna Hirundo, Bonap. Syn. p. 354.

Sterna Hirundo, Great Tern, Swains. & Rich. F. Bor. Amer. v. ii. p. 412.

Great or Common Tern, Nutt. Man. v. ii. p. 271.

Common Tern, Sterna Hirundo, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. iv. p. 74.

434. 6. Sterna Havellii, Aud. Havell's Tern

Plate CCCCIX. Fig. 1. Adult.

Bill about the length of the head, rather stout; wings a little shorter than the tail, which is deeply forked. In winter, the bill black, towards the base brown, and a small portion of the tip yellowish; feet orange; a broad band of black surrounding the eye, and extending toward the nape; fore part of head, cheeks, and all the lower parts pure white; hind head and nape dusky grey, mixed with white; the rest of the upper parts light greyish-blue, excepting the rump, which is white; the primary coverts and quills, as well as the tail-feathers and their coverts, hoary, with the shafts white, but five of the quills dusky on the outer web, on the inner along the shaft, and on the inner margin toward the end. Young, in winter, with the bill somewhat shorter, and more tinged with brown, the lower parts, rump, outer web of lateral tail-feathers, and sides of neck, white; wings as in the adult, but the primaries internally margined with white, and the secondaries tipped with the same; upper part of the head, and the rest of the upper parts, light yellowish-brown, intermixed with greyish-blue; a band of black on the sides of the head, as in the adult.

Adult, 151/2, wing, 108/12.

From Texas to South Carolina. Common. Migratory.

Havell's Tern, Sterna Havelli, Aud. Orn. Biog. v. v. p. 122.