
God Surprise

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Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Supernatural healing!

This part of my story is the most incomprehensible section of my testimony, which seems to be a fantasy at a first glance, but is based on a statement of fact.. Once you read it you feel through your skin the presence of the Lord.

I can’t but emphasize on dreams given by God to make sure the God given dream no matter what, ultimately it comes true. As you might be aware of God’s plan for Joseph, that God revealed it in his dream. He was one of the patriarchs to be a model of faith. He was chosen to help fulfill God’s plan for His chosen people. Although he had been sold by his brothers into slavery, he did not mention to them what evil they had done. When he told his dream, his brothers laughed at him, but his father kept the matter in mind. Gen 37:10-11 Joseph could have taken revenge on his brothers, but he did not do that.

Do you know why? In my opinion, he did not go for it, because he firmly believed in the promise of God. In fact, he had no doubt that God would exalt him, as he showed him in a dream.

Hence we can draw the following conclusion that dream may come from God. How do we know whether it is from God or not? Well, it’s simple the dream that comes from God contains a profound meaning and His hidden plans.

Thus, we must keep the dreams and visions from God to the end, until they are fulfilled. This is what Joseph believed and held on to. Therefore everything that God shows inaccessible not to everyone should be appreciated! Therefore dreams and visions given by God should be valued as a treasure of spiritual heritage. No matter how difficult it is and no matter how it seemed impossible to fulfill, keep and take care of them, in the end they will come true.

If you live with a dream, sooner or later you will achieve the desired result you were striving for. In addition, through dreams, God will bless you so that everyone will be surprised at! I am a living example. I was able to have a breakthrough in the midst of difficulties because God constantly reminds me of the vision he showed me back in 1995. With such a vision, I could be sure that God would never leave me and let me down. I went through many difficulties and a valley of lamentation, which I lost track of. I have seen many people who find themselves in a similar situation, like me, but their hope was instantaneous and unproductive. Almost all of them gave up on their lives, because they did not understand that the difficulties and pains that God placed on their shoulders were not in order to destroy, but to bring them to a different level of life. I hope you understand what I meant by that.

As I mentioned, God has always been, is and will be with me, no matter what happens, and on my part all that is required is to hold on to Him. For He is leading me by the hands, along the rocky and thorny paths to a bright future.

I believe that you can do anything as long as you can dream it. Sooner or later you will achieve what you have been striving for. I am a living example. I was able to have a breakthrough in the midst of difficulties because He reminds me of the vision He showed me back in 1995. With such a vision, I could be sure that God would never let me down. I have gone through many difficulties of lamentation, which I lost track of. I have seen many people who find themselves in a similar situation, like me, but their hope was instantaneous and unproductive. ,

In 2000, I accidentally find out that I am sick with something.

One day during a sermon, when I was translating the message of the senior pastor, all of a sudden I started to feel dizzy. At first I thought it would pass, on the contrary, these signs became more frequent every time, and I realized that this was no accident. Those Thoughts did not leave me for a minute that something had happened to me. Then I came to the conclusion that I was seriously ill, so I needed to come to terms with this and have a medical examination. Therefore, I turned to a well-known doctor to check me up and take a blood test. The outcome of the medical examination was terrible as might have been expected. I was not afraid of the result, because I was firmly prepared for it. As expected, after a while I find out that the hepatitis C virus has been detected in my blood. He feels sorry to tell me but there is no way to escape out.

Back then I did not know what hepatitis was, I thought it would probably like jaundice, and therefore I was not scared. But my assumptions exceeded my expectations.

Therefore, I requested my church friends to pray for my illness. As soon as I told my Canadian friend John, he found the data about these diseases on the internet. The information on it was various and found to be new one. This disease is very rare and cannot be cured overnight, like the other types of Hepatitis. In my case, the virus is in the blood, so it cannot be easily removed.

Thus my torment and suffering began, which lasted more than ten years. There was a day went by when I did not have headaches and some discomfort. At first, I began to self-medicate, hoping to soon get rid of the disease, taking expensive drugs, such as bionormalizer, herbs, but nothing helped, on the contrary, self-medication made me worse. Then I had to go to the doctor of the famous Kosin hospital. Examination of my liver revealed that I have an extremely high level of hepatitis C. Then I was forced to be hospitalized. There the doctors first took a biopsy, and then prescribed me a very expensive injection – interferon. A very unpleasant injection, it somehow reminded me of an injection that I got ever since I was teenager in Sakhalin. When I got injected with interferon, I felt hot steam in my mouth. The nurses taught and trained me for a week on how to properly and independently give injections. After this intensive training, I was discharged from the hospital. Since no one could help me with the injection at home, I myself had to give the injection for six months, at home. For the first two weeks it had been painful and stressful to endure, but then I got used to it. I was depressed at that time because it drove me crazy. At night I could not sleep, so I had to sleep with the TV on. I suffered all night, but only in the morning I began to fall asleep. Everyone told me that I looked bad. At work, my acquaintances began to talk too, which made it seem to me that I was out of my mind. Therefore, while I was on the interferon treatment, I somehow had to avoid meeting people. After a long battle with this injection, I began to feel better, the headaches and discomfort disappeared, but it did not last long.

After a while, I had this hepatitis again; everything returned to the former – malaise, headaches and discomfort. Again because of this illness, as before, again I began to quickly get tired and exhausted, and lost all hope of continuing to fight this illness.

I remember when I came home after work, by that time everyone was asleep, I was left alone with myself, in a secret room, which was specially separated for prayer. Especially I felt loneliness at night, when everyone was asleep, although I was not alone, but the illness brought me to such a degree that it seemed to me that I was alone. During the day, I somehow did not notice, because I was surrounded by people and kept forgetting that I was sick. You are surrounded by familiar people who constantly show sympathy for you.

I knew that the Lord was with me, no matter how terrible I felt because of illness.

Once I remember I came home from a mission as dog tired although I did not work to such an extent to be tired, but I was so tired, as if I had been working all day at a construction site.

Actually, I am a builder by profession; I studied at the construction school as a bricklayer-assembler and graduated from it. After graduating from it, I worked at a construction site for a long time. Not only did I erect the walls and corners of the building, but sometimes I have had to stay late at work because of the concrete, especially when we were doing the floor screeds. Then we have had to take the puff up late, carry concrete on a stretcher and pour it in the basement, and cars with concrete never stopped coming. Sometimes they made 15 trips, one ZIL-130 Dump can hold 15 tons of concrete. We were tired as dogs by the end of the day; this was repeated every day.

One day I came home from work, feeling tired, as if I had been working all day at a construction site, went into my secret room to pray.

On that day, instead of praying, rather a murmur against God began from my lips: what have I done that you are giving me such a test! I don’t go to nightclubs, I don’t drink, I lead a normal life, and I bring your precious word to people. But why are you sending me such terrible torture and torment! Then such silence reigned, one could even hear the breathing of children soundly asleep in another room. In the midst of this silence, there was a sudden crash, and I opened my eyes. Believe me or not the books and magazines that had been placed at the head of the bed for a long time began to fall one by one, like a domino effect. Upon seeing such a strange phenomenon, it made my eyes almost pop out. For the first time I saw that the books were falling from a horizontal position.

Suddenly I was seized by fear and a feeling of trembling that I was not alone, but God was with me; goose bumps ran all over my body, and naturally, tears flowing like a river my cheeks

Despite of myself I found myself on my knees, and instead of murmuring, repentance began to emerge from my dirty lips.

On my knees, I began to repent and apologize to God so that he would forgive me for my murmurings and discontent. After repentance, I was filled with peace and peace, and most importantly, with the confidence that I was not alone, and boldly went to bed.


I cannot find the right word for this case. The most appropriate word, I would say, is a supernatural phenomenon – an action that is contrary to the law of physics, or, in other words, a violation of the law of physics. The books could not have fallen by itself so easily, especially since they were there for a long time. These books were in this state for several years, no one paid attention to them, they were simply abandoned! How they could have fallen remains a mystery to me! The most interesting thing is that the books began to fall at the very moment when I began to complain to God. There is not the slightest doubt that it was a sign from God that he is always with me. In such a wonderful way, the Lord constantly supported me with his invisible presence in the midst of difficulties and adversities.

In fact, I could not lead a normal life due to the fact that I was constantly tired and could hardly stay on my feet, because I was exhausted to some extent.

Do you thank God for giving you health?!

Whenever I see people being healthy, and leading an ugly lifestyle, First, I envy them and second I feel sorry for them because they do not value life and on top of that, they are worse than animals. Even animals do not behave like that. At least animals know their children, but the people do not know God, who created everything, and all the conditions for our well-being.

I just feel sorry for them, especially when they get drunk and behave in an inappropriate way. They just need nothing but strong alcohol, and they do not think that leave a terrible impression of themselves to other people.

Come to your senses, people, you were not created to live like this, but you were created for the glory of God! If only you knew what the grace of Christ is, it would be worthwhile to plunge into the grace of Christ; you would become a new creature – healthy mind, healthy body!

Every minute of my life was not a joy, but a burden. It can be said that I did not live, but simply existed. At that time, I was not interested in anything, no other than getting rid of this disease, that’s all.

No matter what hospital I went to, what kind of prayer houses I just visited, but there was no benefit, on the contrary, my health became worse and worse. I remember a diet specialist came from Japan. I went to this meeting hoping that I would get well. After the seminar, I did as I had been told. I decided to try to stay on a diet. I completely removed all unhealthy ingredients from the food: salt and other seasonings, ate as she recommended at the seminar. On the recommendation of a specialist from Japan, I had to consume tasteless food for several days, after which, for the first time in my life, I realized the importance of salt and its role in food. As a result of this difficult diet, I have lost a lot of weight. I began to weigh 67, and usually weighed 72 kg. Everyone said that I had lost weight and looked bad. Honestly, the diet did not give anything, except for weight loss, only wasted time that's all.

I did not know what to do, I felt like hiding somewhere out of sight, but nowhere – my family and children.

Finally, I made the decision to go on a mission. First I went alone to Russia in the city of Novosibirsk. There I got a job at the plant of the branch of the Korean company "Chokopai Orion", as a translator, and on Sundays I served in the church. Due to visa problems, I had to return to Korea. Soon after I got from Siberia, we got a call from my wife’s friend a missionary from Kyrgyzstan, she told us to come. Having passed a medical examination for HIV, my family and I went to Kyrgyzstan.

Much more needs to be said, but I just decided to omit it – there is no spiritual benefit from it, and it has nothing to do with a miracle.

In short, I have spent many sleepless nights, my wife is an eyewitness. Over time, the disease reached the point that the same thing began as in Korea – no strength, no energy to communicate with people. However, I had to pretend that I am healthy and happy when I was sick and miserable. Judging from on the look of my face other missionaries knew that I was sick but no one dared to say that I look terrible. I tried not to meet acquaintances outside, was locked up in my world while sick. Even my wife and children did not suspect about this, because they saw me every day. It seems to them I play pretend. I noticed how I was getting old by leaps and bounds; It was evident from my appearance. I was afraid to look at myself in the mirror; I didn’t want to get upset once again, although sometimes I had to.

Sometimes I would go to early morning devotion. The first thing I do is to look in the mirror at my aging face. Naturally, looking at myself in the mirror, I could not believe that it was me. (If necessary I keep a picture of that image)

In order to maintain my health, I went to a gym near my home. Almost every day I spend a time in the gym, doing dumbbells and barbells to raise tone and feel strength. However, no matter how hard and I tried it didn't make me feel better; on the contrary, it got worse.

I was sick and tired of fighting this disease, but there was nothing I could do about it. Finally, a miracle happened! Besides, it happened far from Korea.

What happened was that, after the gym, being tired and in a bad mood, I came home and went to bed, without even having dinner, to disconnect from this torment and unpleasant feelings that overwhelm me. However, I woke up at 3a.m due to anxiety and some discomfort. It was after the midnight, but my wife did not sleep at that time. Then I told my wife I was not feeling well and I needed to go to the hospital for a blood test. In response she said: why do you think that you need to go to the hospital? This is a spiritual problem, you need to pray!

Then I did what my wife said. I sat down on the chair next to my bed to pray. To be honest, I had no mood and desire to pray. After sitting for a while, I went to bed, stretched out my legs, and asked God to take me to himself, because I was tired of fighting this disease, my strength was already exhausted. Besides, I am of no use to You, Lord!

I remember lying on a bed, my wife covered me with a blanket to keep me warm. I remember that well! As soon as I closed my eyes, I had a vision that I look elderly and frail, and besides, I was dying. This was the same vision back in 1995.According to my spiritual experience, what happened to me in a vision it seems that I was still in the body but not fully. I feel the same peace and joy that cannot be found on earth. As a father, the first thought crossed my mind: what about my children, who will bring them up, how will they grow up without me and who will take care of them? Probably, I think, such a thought comes to every parent when he or she leaves his children prematurely for another world.

Then I saw myself from the outside, but in a different time, not in the time in which we live, but outside of time (it was all I was in the flesh). I mean, our life is limited to a lot time, but life without time is eternity. According to the Holy Scriptures, in the beginning God created man to live forever, regardless of time. In fact, in Russian means eternal being. However, after the fall, the first man limited himself to time, putting boundaries on it. There is such phraseology: outside of time and space. In other words, living in time means being separated from God and living independently, relying only on yourself. Therefore, unbelieving people live and do not need God. No matter how you tell people about God, they look at you as an abnormal person and in response they say: why do we need him! We live well without him.

As the Scripture says, people themselves became like gods. That's why they don't need God! Russian proverb says:" life without God is meaningless. Even if people do not want to have God in their minds, God still continues to love and forgive! The essence of God – He never intervenes in people's lives forcibly if people do not want to. I know this in the light of my spiritual experience over the years.

Why did I come to this conclusion? When I did not know God and lived without Him, I did not feel his presence; his attention was not drawn to me.

I clearly saw myself, but in a different image, and I looked much older than my re years, and besides, I was dying. It turns out that God can show in advance your future image of how you will look in a few years. How amazing God uses time as a time machine. Basically, I couldn't figure out what vision meant at all. The vision does not take place in time to which we are attached, but outside of time.

And then I felt some kind of state that was familiar to me back in 1995.

So I died, but suddenly I was seized by such joy and a world of unearthly origin, which filled my whole being. I was completely surrounded by an amazingly bright, blinding light that cannot be found in this world. I felt so good and easy that I wanted to scream with joy that at last I was divorced from this earthly torment and my body! I was in this state for more than two hours, I realized this later, but there it seemed to me, only a few minutes. Then God returned my essence back to my body, I felt some kind of limitation that freedom was no longer there. When I opened my eyes, I saw my wife beside me. It seems to me that she sat and prayed for me.

God returned my youth and health!

Now I have at least a little idea of what happens to a person when his earthly life ends. It turns out that we do not die, but be transformed into the image of an imperishable person. We just disappear from this world, but this does not mean that we will not be. We simply become a physically intangible being, we can see the world and everything that surrounds us, but the people can't. This is a mystery. This experience gave me confidence what will happen when we, i.e. essence or consciousness, let us free ourselves from sinful flesh. Overwhelmed with joy and confidence in the afterlife, I began to scream at the top of my lungs and could not hear what my wife was saying. When I opened my eyes, I felt so good with joy and peace, as if nothing had happened to me, which I had lacked for ten years.

Being filled with joy and peace, I could not hide it, keeping it to myself, and without hesitation, I immediately decided to share it with my brothers and sisters during the morning devotion, which we had held illegally. After this incident, I began to feel better than ever before. Once again I felt a surge of strength and energy, which I had been lacking for many years. Finally, I got rid of this bloodsucker (I called that hepatitis C), from which all my strength was exhausted to nothing.

The Lord miraculously healed me of hepatitis C, which doctors could not cope with! Nothing is impossible for God! It seems to me that in order to heal me, he released my essence and, having healed the flesh, returned it back to my body. In other words, I cannot find an explanation for what happened to me. A miracle, and a miracle again!

Apparently, it was so pleasing to the Lord, because he needs me as a tool for preaching the gospel. We can say that I had a second wind or a breath of fresh air to continue my career further.

From here began a new chapter in my life!

It feels like God gave me a new body and new life. In all likelihood, he needs me in a body, and not without a body, in order to bring people the good news about Jesus.

There is still much I have to do to fulfill the will of God that God has for me. – I believe that this is just the beginning of my ministry, and the climax is yet to come.

After this supernatural miracle, I felt uncomfortable for two days. My mind did not succumb to my control, you want not to think so, but, unfortunately, it did not work out the way I thought

That day I was heading home on a minibus, and looked out of the windows I saw cars passing by, among which there were foreign cars, but they all seemed to me like some kind of moving metal boxes, and the buildings were also gray and inconspicuous, as if I saw them in black and white.

As I mentioned above, I could not control my mind and control my actions. My behavior immediately betrayed that something was wrong with me. This condition lasted for two days. After I returned to my previous state, I thought what kind of phenomenon was that. After a long, deep thought, I came to the following conclusion: God did it on purpose to change my interests and values in my life. If earlier I had some kind of craving for worldly things, such as a car, a computer, etc., now they have become indifferent to me, it doesn't matter with or without it. To be honest, after this event it became much easier for me to handle the situation. Now I'm not really interested in things that are not very useful.


After this incident, I began to feel well, from being weak to being energetic again. Once again I felt a surge of strength and energy, which I have been lacking for many years. Finally, I got rid of this bloodsucker, from which all my strength was exhausted. I was miraculously healed from the Hepatitis C. With the power of God, nothing is impossible.

It seems that God had a spiritual surgery on me. At first, He makes me fall asleep, takes my soul out of my body, and put it back after my body was healed. Otherwise, no explanation is possible. In other words, I cannot find such words to describe the miracle that I had experienced with. More importantly, I had a visitation from the Lord at the time of need .More than likely God needs me because I am his chosen vessel to spread the gospel of Jesus to people who may be under the power of darkness. After that marvelous experience I began to feel as if I was given a new body. God wants to use me while I am alive, there is still much to be done to fulfill the will of God that remains in the bible. I believe that this is just the beginning of my ministry

The climax is yet to come.

Shortly after I was freed from the bloodsucker (figuratively) I did not look at all like myself as if I got out of mind. Happily, it did not last long but only two days. To be honest, I cannot forget or won’t forget what I was like. I was easily noticeable by the people who I was familiar with. They all told me about my strange behavior that I could not help running away.

I remember going home after the lesson was over at university, I noticed a strange phenomenon as I looked out of the window of the bus. The streets of the city and buildings that I was passing by which in reality are very colorful and attractive but during two days of that period they seemed to have been dull and ugly. The decent foreign cars and trucks that were passing by all them looked like metal boxes and nothing more. At first I wondered what’s wrong with me. I have never felt that way before. So I was so afraid that I wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible, but I was not able to control my mind. In the midst of this strange condition realized that God did so on purpose, to change my interests and values. Prior to this phenomenon, I had had the craving for worldly things, such as: cars, computers, and etc. However now it turns out that the things I liked have become indifferent to me. It makes my life simpler but then spiritually powerful. From now on, I have no craving for material things. I'm not really interested in things that are of unimportance.

.In conclusion, God has revealed to me something that had been fearful and unknown about death. Actually, it turns out that death is not an object of fear and dreadful anymore but I can surely say that death is no longer an object of fear for someone, but for someone it is an unresolved issue. None of the inhabitants of the earth will be able to escape from it.

I am looking forward to that day

. This is the secret of our life.

Sometimes I ask God: why did you allow me to study and speak English, for what purpose? There must be a special purpose, to use me as a living witness among English speaking community. Now I can surely say that death is no longer an object of fear for someone, but for someone it is an unresolved issue. No one living on earth can escape this inevitable fate.

This is the secret of our life.

Bible quote God gave me after this experience.

Job 33rd chapter Bible:

Why should you compete with him? He does not give an account of any of his works.

14 God speaks once, and if he is not noticed, another time:

15 in a dream, in a night vision, when sleep finds people, while dozing on a bed.

16 Then he opens a man's ear and seals his instruction,

17 to take a man away from any undertaking and to remove pride from him,

18 to divert his soul from the abyss and his life from being struck by the sword.

19 Or he is admonished by sickness on his bed, and by severe pain in all his bones,

20 and his life turns away from bread and his soul from favorite food.

21 The flesh on him disappears, so that it is not visible, and his bones are shown, which were not visible.

22 And his soul draws near to the grave and his life to death.

23 If he has a mentor angel, one of a thousand, to show a man his straight path,

24 God will have mercy on him and say: “Deliver him from the grave; I have found propitiation. "

25 Then his body will be fresher than in youth; he will return to the days of his youth.

26 He will pray to God, and he is merciful to him; with joy he beholds his face and returns to the man his righteousness.

27 He will look at people and say: “I have sinned and transformed the truth, and it was not repaid to me;

28 He freed my soul from the grave, and my life sees the light. "