Maht 153 leheküljed
2024 aasta
Economy of China. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник.
The textbook contains materials on the development of the Chinese economy: stages of development of the Chinese economy, features of the Chinese economic model, changing priorities of the Chinese economic policy, the place of the energy sector in the
national economy, issues of food security, features of innovation sphere development, basics of legal regulation of the Chinese foreign economic activity, priorities of the Chinese foreign economic policy, problems and prospects of trade and economic
cooperation with foreign countries. The textbook is compiled in accordance with the educational programs of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The manual is designed for undergraduate and graduate students while
studying the disciplines: "World economy and international economic relations", "Economy of China", "Russia and China in the system of international economic relations" and for all those interested in the development of the Chinese econo