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Loe raamatut: «Best Loved Prayers and Words of Wisdom»





& Words

of Wisdom

Compiled by Martin H. Manser

Associate Editor: Nicola L. Bull



Title Page



Author Index

Index of Bible References

Index of Titles and First Lines

Best-Loved Prayers and Words of Wisdom



About the Publisher


We live in an age that demands quick fixes to problems and immediate answers to difficulties. Alongside such a desire for instant solutions to major issues, another, deeper, desire surfaces from time to time. Such a longing recognizes that at least some of our difficulties can be resolved by looking at lasting, time-honoured values of human experience and wisdom such as faith in God through Jesus Christ, the importance of prayer, love and service, strength of character, integrity, loyalty and humility.

As we explore for ourselves what generations before us have discovered as the qualities of being human, we realize afresh we are not alone but many before us have trodden a similar path. Our task then is to stop and listen, to follow in their footsteps, to move in the direction they point us to, to apply the principles that underpinned their lives to our own way of living.

>We have had in mind two kinds of readers as we have compiled this collection of readings, prayers and quotations. First, those planning a gathering such as a wedding or a funeral who are looking beyond mere quick ‘sound bites’ to more profound wisdom. Secondly, those who are seeking for deeper meaning and purpose in life or who want inspiration above the ordinary daily routine.

Each reading is given an introduction which sets its background or gives interesting or helpful information. All the readings are arranged in alphabetical order of title (ignoring ‘A’ or ‘The’ at the beginning of a title). For ease of reference there are also indexes to help you locate a particular reading.

The voices of the speakers and writers quoted in these pages echo to us through the ages to say, ‘There is more to life than your present experience.’ Our desire is that we will all not only stop and listen but also respond to the message given here so that we will find the refreshment, peace and light for our own journey that we can then pass on to others.

Martin H. Manser

Nicola L. Bull


Author Index

Aidan, StSt Aidan’s prayer
Andrew of CreteCrying to God
Andrewes, LancelotBlessing and honour
All other love
As the sun sets
Belief in the unseen
Dare to believe
Dedicating all to God
Food for all
For the church
Gathered in God’s granary
God in all things
Guard me
Holy desire
An island prayer
Life be in my speech
The Lord goes with you
Love, and go on
Loving Communion
May God shield us
Motorist’s prayer
My colours
The new year
Prayer for mourners
Protect our journey
Risking love
Solomon’s wisdom
Time is precious
Traditional Gaelic prayer
Anselm, StHave mercy on me
Aquinas, ThomasFood for the faithful
AristidesEpistle to Diognetus
Augustine of Hippo, StAlleluia
An evening prayer
What do I love?
Baillie, JohnEvening prayer
Barclay, WilliamPrayer for humility
Basil of CaesareaMarks of a Christian
Bass, Dorothy CTime as gift
Baxter, RichardDaily seeking after God
Meek and lowly
Beecher, Henry WardSteer by the Bible
Benedict of NursiaThe help of God
Bernard of ClairvauxLike a reservoir
O little Bethlehem
Betjeman, JohnTake warning
Blake, WilliamThe Lamb
BonaventureJourney into God
Bonhoeffer, DietrichHelp me to pray
Thanking God
Bright, WilliamDeliver us from cold hearts
Brontë, AnneLast lines
Brooks, PhillipsLooking through the Bible
Browne, R E CharlesWhat is prayer?
Browning, Elizabeth BarrettHow do I love thee?
Bryan, William JenningsImmortality
The miracle of the radish
Bunyan, JohnPilgrim’s Progress
Who would true valour see
Calvin, JohnObedience
Carey, WilliamExpect great things
Chadwick, SamuelPrevailing prayer
Chambers, OswaldDiscipleship
Not to criticise
Chesterton, G KThe donkey
Chrysostom, JohnRicher than all men
Clare, JohnNature acknowledges God
Clement of AlexandriaBeauty
God’s first Bible
Coleridge, MaryLord of the winds
Colonna, VittoriaThe Cross
Columba, StSafe in God’s hand
Common Worship, 2000Gloria in Excelsis
Loving God above all things
Counsell, MichaelThank God
Cranmer, ThomasAccept our sacrifice
Cropper, MargaretJesus’ hands
Croucher, RowlandGo with the Lord
CyprianEncouraging words
Davenant, JohnJustification of believers
de Blois, LouisSelf-will
de Foucauld, CharlesAbandonment to God
Dickens, CharlesAt Christmas
Dimitrii of Rostov, StIllumine our darkness
Dolben, Digby MackworthI asked for peace
Donne, JohnDistractions
Keep us, Lord
No man is an island
Dostoevsky, FyodorDon’t be afraid
Doyle, StephenThe end of a pilgrimage
Edwards, JonathanSigns of conversion
Elliot, JimA good exchange
Erasmus, DesideriusThe way, the truth and the life
Fee, GordonThe gathered church
Fénelon, FrançoisDying daily
Spiritual trials
Forsyth, P TProblem solving
Fox, GeorgeThe bright morning star
Francis of Assisi, StCanticle of the Sun
The prayer of St Francis
Share the gospel
Shout joyfully
You are holy
Gibran, KahlilMan’s purpose is to be happy
The nature of love
Speak to us of prayer
Gregory of NyssaSeeing God
Grellet, StephenDoing good today
Hale, MatthewObserving the Lord’s Day
Henry, MatthewMan’s equal
Seeing more of God
Henson, Herbert HensleyChrist’s ladder to heaven
Herbert, GeorgeLove bade me welcome
Trinity Sunday
Hillyer, William HurdMy Master’s face
Hopkins, Gerard ManleyGod’s grandeur
Ignatius of Loyola, StPutting love into practice
Serving God
John XXIII, PopeDying well
Jonson, BenHymn to God the Father
Julian of NorwichAll manner of thing shall be well
The Lord’s meaning
Pray anyway
Praying and trusting
Kempis, Thomas àImitating Christ
Not reading, but doing
Rich in grace
Strengthen me, O God
We cannot avoid temptation
Ken, ThomasGlory to God the Trinity
Praise God, from whom all
blessings flow
Kennedy, G A StuddertWhen Jesus came to Birmingham
Kierkegaard, SørenReading God’s word
Kipling, RudyardIf
Kolbe, MaximilianBe prepared for trials
Latimer, HughLatimer’s last words
Lawrence, BrotherThe presence of God
Lewis, C SThe apologist’s evening prayer
The importance of Christianity
Listening to that other voice
Love is as hard as nails
Lewis, H ElvetFreedom from fear
Lincoln, AbrahamGod’s best gift
Longfellow, SamuelKeep us through winter
Luther, MartinBless our meal
Comfort for bereaved parents
God’s word
Wise men
Manser, MartinEaster Day
When you feel depressed
Marshall, PeterSlow us down
Mason, JohnThe pearl of great price
McCheyne, Robert MurrayBe of good cheer
The gift of the sun
Merton, ThomasInto the desert
A stolen book
Meyer, F BConfessing our helplessness
Milner-White, EricTeach us to pray
Moltmann, JürgenFriendship
Moody, Dwight LThree ways to look
Morrison, Charles CThe church
Mother TeresaLove begins at home
Smile at someone
Murray, AndrewGod’s glory revealed
Magnify God’s glory
Nee, WatchmanGod’s means of deliverance
Newbigin, LesslieUnderstanding the gospel
Newton, JohnAmazing grace
Niebuhr, ReinholdBound in this bundle of life
Nightingale, FlorenceLife is a hard fight
Nolte, Dorothy LawHow children learn
Nouwen, HenriCaring friendship
A Christmas prayer
OrigenBeyond our understanding
Necessary for understanding
Owen, JohnThe work of the Spirit
Packer, J IGod knows me
Pascal, BlaiseEnlightenment faith
The God of Christians
Man is but a reed
Paton, AlanPrayer for peace
Stand up and be counted
Patrick, StFor guidance
I arise today
Penn, WilliamA Quaker prayer
Pink, A WCircumstances
PolycarpPolycarp’s prayer
Quoist, MichelForgetting myself
I want to love
The telephone
Raleigh, WalterThe service of God
Romero, OscarGod’s church will never perish
Rossetti, ChristinaBeing fruitful again
Journeying in faith
Lord, seek us
Ryle, J CHumility
Thirst relieved
Schweitzer, AlbertThe soul
Scotus, John DunsHappy and peaceful
Shaw, GilbertThe Holy Spirit
Shnorhali, NersesA morning prayer
Smith, Hannah WhitallGod cannot fail
Smith, Wilbur MThe resurrection of Christ
Spurgeon, Charles HaddonBeware anxiety
The Bible is a vein of pure gold
Live on the Lord Jesus
Stevenson, Robert LouisThe best things
Stott, JohnOpening the door to Christ
The Word of God
Stringfellow, WilliamNo mere religion
Sundar, SinghConversion to Christ
Taylor, JeremyChristian humility
Different gifts
Following Jesus Christ
Taylor, John VernonLove’s self-opening
Temple, WilliamResting-places
Teresa of AvilaFriendship with God
Let nothing disturb thee
Thompson, FrancisThe hound of heaven
Thurman, HowardPeace of mind
What makes you come alive?
The work of Christmas
Tournier, PaulConviction of sin
Tozer, A WChrist’s second coming
God speaks
Trapp, JohnWorldly foolishness
Tucker, AliceChurch music
Tutu, DesmondEaster
Tyndale, WilliamTrust in the favour of God
Tyndale’s last words
Very, JonesThe prayer
von Hügel, FriedrichPersistence
Washington, GeorgeObserve good faith
Watson, ThomasWarm your hearts
The world in the heart
Watts, IsaacChrist has the keys
Joy to the world
Weatherhead, LeslieGod of truth, deliver us
Wesley, CharlesChrist, the Lord, is risen today
Vain repentance
Wesley, JohnCovenant with God
I felt my heart strangely warmed
Only sinners need forgiveness
Wesley, SusannaLoving God above all things
Willis, Love MariaFather, hear the prayer we offer
Winslow, OctaviusThe religion of joy
Zwingli, UlrichConfidence in Christ

Index of Bible References

Genesis 17:7–9A people for God
Exodus 33:18–23Moses and the glory of the Lord
Numbers 6:24–26A blessing
1 Samuel 16:7God sees the heart
1 Kings 19:9–12God speaks out of silence
2 Chronicles 7:14The Lord’s promise to Solomon
Psalm 1Delight in the Lord
Psalm 8The majesty of the creator God
Psalm 23The Lord is my shepherd
Psalm 95:1–7Let us make a joyful noise
Psalm 100Make a joyful noise
Psalm 121Lord, you never sleep
Psalm 127The blessings of home and children
Psalm 139All-knowing God
Proverbs 17:17At your side
Ecclesiastes 3:1–8A time for everything
Isaiah 41:10Do not fear
Isaiah 53The suffering servant
Matthew 5:3–12Blessed are they ...
Matthew 6:25–34Do not worry
Matthew 7:1–5Look to your own faults
Matthew 7:7–8; 21:22Ask and you will receive
Matthew 11:28–30My yoke is easy
Mark 10:14–16Jesus blesses children
Luke 1:46–55Mary’s song
Luke 10:25–37The Good Samaritan
John 3:1–8Being born again
John 14:1–3The father’s dwelling-places
Acts 9:1–19On the Damascus road
Romans 5:3–5Suffering leads to hope
Romans 8:14–17Children of God
Romans 8:31–39Who will separate us from the love of Christ?
Romans 11:33–36Unknowable God
1 Corinthians 13:1–13The gift of love
2 Corinthians 1:3–4God of consolation
Ephesians 2:10Made for good works
Ephesians 4:1–6Unity
Ephesians 6:13–18God’s armour
Philippians 4:4–9Rejoice in the Lord
Colossians 1:15–18Christ above everything
1 Timothy 6:6–8Gain in godliness
James 1:5–6Ask God for wisdom
James 1:27What is religion?
1 Peter 2:9A chosen people
1 John 3:2What we will be
Revelation 22:1–5New heaven and new earth

Index of Titles and First Lines

(where the first line differs from the title, the first line appears in italics)

Abandonment to God

Abbot Anastasius had a book written

Accept our sacrifice

All dear Friends everywhere, who have no helper but the Lord

All manner of thing shall be well

All nature owns with one accord.

All other love

All the danger is when the world gets into the heart.

All true knowledge of God


All-knowing God

Almighty God, Father of all mercies

Almighty God, in this hour of quiet I seek communion with thee

Almighty God, merciful Father, and my good Lord

Alone with none but thee, my God

Although today he prunes my twigs with pain

Amazing grace

And from the time that it was shown.

And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings

And thus, in my folly

And what do I love when I love you?

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow

Anyone who has not begun to pray

The apologist’s evening prayer

As it was, as it is, and as it shall be evermore

As the grain from which the bread we break was made

As the sun sets

Ask, and it will be given to you

Ask and you will receive

Ask God for wisdom

At Christmas

At the beginning of the day

At the Day of Judgement we shall not be asked

At your side

Be attentive to time and how you spend it.

Be gentle, when you touch bread

Be of good cheer

Be of good comfort, Master Ridley.

Be prepared for trials


Being born again

Being fruitful again

Belief in the unseen

Beloved, we are God’s children now

The best things

Beware anxiety

Beyond our understanding

The Bible is a vein of pure gold

The Bible is God’s chart

The Bible is like a telescope

Bless our meal

Bless us, O Lord, in this coming year

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A blessing

Blessing and honour

The blessings of home and children

Bound in this bundle of life

The bright morning star

But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance

But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood

Canticle of the Sun

Caring friendship

Children learn what they observe.

Children of God

A chosen people

Christ above everything

Christ gave us proof of immortality.

Christ has the keys

Christ, the Lord, is risen today

Christian humility

A Christian should be an alleluia

Christianity, if false, is of no importance

A Christmas prayer

Christ’s ladder to heaven

Christ’s second coming

The church

Church music


Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest

Come, our Light, and illumine our darkness

Come to me, all you that are weary

Comfort for bereaved parents

Confessing our helplessness


Confidence in Christ

Consider the spirited example


Conversion to Christ

Conviction of sin


Covenant with God

The cross

Crying to God

Daily seeking after God

Dare to believe

Dear Lord, teach me to be generous

Dear Lord Jesus, we shall have this day only once

Dear readers, from this rhyme take warning

Dedicating all to God

Delight in the Lord

Deliver us from cold hearts

Different gifts



Do not fear

Do not judge, so that you may not be judged

Do not let your hearts be troubled

Do not worry

Do we know our poor here and now?

Do you wish to honour the body of Christ?

Does the road wind uphill all the way?

Doing good today

The donkey

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs

Don’t be afraid

Dying daily

Dying well


Easter Day

Encouraging words

The end of a pilgrimage

Enlightenment faith

Epistle to Diognetus

Evening prayer

An evening prayer

Every time you smile at someone

Expect great things

Experienced mountaineers have a quiet, regular, short step

Faith is not occupied with difficulties

Faith is, then, a lively and steadfast trust

Father, hear the prayer we offer

Father, I abandon myself into your hands

Father, we have walked in the land where Jesus walked

The Father’s dwelling-places

First, I advise that you should implore the help of God

Following Jesus Christ

Food for all

Food for the faithful

For after all what is man in nature?

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God

For everything there is a season

For guidance

For it is good to be children sometimes

For it is not what you are or have been that God looks at

For the church

For the hallowing of daily life and common tasks

For we are what he has made us

Forgetting myself

Freedom from fear

A friend loves at all times


Friendship with God

From all my lame defeats and oh! much more

From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth

Gain in godliness

The gathered church

Gathered in God’s granary

The gift of love

The gift of the sun

Give us courage, O Lord, to stand up

Gloria in Excelsis

Glory be to God on high

Glory to God the Trinity

Go, and know that the Lord goes with you

Go with the Lord

God be in my head

God cannot fail

God did not write a book and send it by messenger

God has called you to suffer, and you go, like Abraham

God, I give you the praise for days well spent

God in all things

God knows me

God never allows us to see another person at fault

The God of Christians

God of consolation

God of truth, deliver us

God sees the heart

God speaks

God speaks out of silence

God to enfold me, God to surround me

God, who could have saved us without crosses

God’s armour

God’s best gift

God’s church will never perish

God’s first Bible

God’s glory revealed

God’s glory, you understand, is seen primarily in his goodness

God’s grandeur

God’s means of deliverance

God’s word

A good exchange

The Good Samaritan

The grace

Gracious affections have efficacy

Gracious Lord, grant that we may know

Grant me a road and a watchful eye

The greatest of all crosses is self

Guard for me my eyes, Jesus Son of Mary

Guard me

Happy and peaceful

Happy are those who do not follow

Have mercy on me

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep

He is the image of the invisible God

He that followeth me, walketh not in darkness

Hear me, O God!

Help me to pray

The help of God

Here, then, is the crucial question

The Holy Communion is Christ’s ladder set up on the earth

Holy desire

The Holy Spirit

The hound of heaven

How children learn

How do I love thee?


Humility is not a mere ornament of a Christian

Humility is the great ornament and jewel of the Christian religion

Hymn to God the Father

I am no longer my own, but yours

I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed

I arise today

I asked for peace

I believe

I believe in the sun even when it is not shining

I believe that the Bible is the best gift

I feel isolated, Lord

I felt my heart strangely warmed

I fled him, down the nights and down the days

I have found by a strict and diligent observation

I have just hung up; why did he telephone?

I have only, then, to add the heads of the work of the Spirit

I hoped, that with the brave and strong

‘I know that my Redeemer lives’

I lift up my eyes to the hills

I think it was about five this morning

I want to love

I will establish my covenant between me and you

I’ve found the pearl of greatest price


If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God

If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves

If the only-begotten Son of God, the King of kings

If we Christians would join the Wise Men

If we pray we will believe

If you are wise you will show yourself rather as a reservoir than a canal

Illumine our darkness

Imitating Christ


The importance of Christianity

In the last day, that great day of the feast

In the name of Jesus Christ, who was never in a hurry

Into the desert

An island prayer

It is all the gift of the sun

It is an indisputable truth that all of us one day will receive a visit

It is impossible that a nature should be perfectly happy

It is just like men who look at the sun in a mirror

It is not your outward appearance that you should beautify

It is only natural that your son’s death and the report of it

Jesus blesses children

Jesus Christ the apple tree

Jesus’ hands

Journey into God

Journeying in faith

Joy to the world

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus

Justification of believers

Keep me, O Lord, while I tarry on this earth

Keep us, Lord

Keep us through winter

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work

The Lamb

Last lines

Latimer’s last words

Lead a life worthy of the calling

Let nothing disturb thee

Let us make a joyful noise

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