Loe raamatut: «Fleur de Lys»


© Maxim Titovets, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-9043-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Fleur de Lys

Fleur de Lys

Maxim Titovets


I will catch a beam of sunlight and give it the shape of the royal golden lily. Fleur de Lys. I see a golden lily in my sleep, the golden lily longs for me and weeps…

Translated by Ekaterina Zudova


Anna, 30 y.o.

Sergey, 40 y.o.

Marina, 35 y.o.

Frolov, 38 y.o.


It is dark and there is a smoke fog.

There is a big city noise in the background and the sound of the radio can be heard.

the abnormal heat wave persists in the region… the temperature reached 40° C, a new all-time record… the world record of almost a hundred years has been broken… acrid smoke blanketed the city…

Another channel.

…forty houses were destroyed by fire, and over three hundred villagers were evacuated… the authorities declared a state of emergency due to uncontrollable wildfires. The corresponding decree was signed by the governor…

Another channel.

a double homicide occurred last night in the downtown area. An unidentified suspect fired a shotgun on the streets, near one of the city center hotels. Police arrived in response to a call but the man refused to surrender and shot himself dead… there were no injuries among the police officers…

Another channel.

…an official was detained on corruption charges… was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe in one of the restaurants of the capital…

Another channel. Music is playing.

The stage curtains open in complete darkness.


Scene 1

July. Noon. A park. Sergey is following a walkway. Anna is sitting on a bench and reading a book. Sergey passes by, squinting at Anna’s book. He slips and falls.

Sergey. The murderer was the gardener.

Anna. There is no gardener in «Cinderella». Are you alright?

Sergey. Right as rain! [He gets to his feet.] So it’s really «Cinderella». I thought it was a crime story. (Pause).

Sergey. Does anyone even believe in Cinderella fairytales today?

Anna. There may be some fortunate souls.

Sergey. Oh, really?

Anna. It’s a nice bedtime story for kids.

Sergey. Do you have kids?

Anna. I have two. Is it a problem?

Sergey. It’s not.

Anna rises to her feet and walks down the alley. Sergey follows her.

Sergey. You leaving already? Let me escort you.

Anna. My husband is a pretty jealous man.

Sergey. You don’t have no husband.

Anna. He’s a Master of Sports in boxing.

Sergey. [Rubbing his chin.] We won’t tell him. What is your name?

Anna. Do you like me?

Sergey. I do.

Anna. Just kidding, never mind.

Sergey. I can state with complete certainty: I do like you.

Anna. Goodbye.

Anna leaves. Sergey is left alone.

Scene 2

24 hours later.

Fleur de Lys Art Studio. Panoramic windows overlook the main street.

Sergey’s room.

Sergey is alone in the room. He is dressed in an Armani suit and is sitting on an unmade convertible bed. He is holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth. His hands are moving over the papers on a coffee table. The room is miserable, the furniture squalid. The sofa bed is surrounded by neglected cardboard boxes with books, a clothing rack, and an old, stringless guitar. Empty bottles, litter, and cobwebs are scattered around.

Sergey. Where the hell is it? Shit! [He sweeps all the papers off the table, rises to his feet, and walks up to the window. In an ashtray, there is a crumpled business card.] Bingo! [He dials the number].

Marina’s studio is empty. There is clearly a renovation work in progress. The landline rings. When it does three rings, one can hear a key turning in the lock. Marina rushes inside, holding a large stretched canvas. She runs to the phone and takes the call.

Marina. Hello? [Pause.] Oh, fuck! [She drops the receiver into its cradle.]

Sergey. Is she sleeping or something? Bohemians, dammit … [He takes out a wallet, extracts the last money, and throws the wallet onto the floor. He sits silently for a moment, then dials the number again.]

Marina. Fleur de Lys Studio, Marina speaking. Go ahead. Hello! Hello?!

Sergey. [Remaining silent.]

Marina. Hello, can you hear me?

Sergey.No. [He hangs up.]

Marina. What? … Hey!

Sergey paces the room.

Sergey. Ah, get your shit together, have some guts! You need this job. You broken-hearted fool! Start a new life. Fight. Do something! (Pause).

Sergey. What shall I do? What is my first battle? With myself? Ah, screw it! [He tears up the card and tosses it aside. His mobile phone rings.]

Marina. Did you just call me? The caller ID showed this number.

Sergey. Yes, I did. I mean, no. Yes!

Marina. What a nut job…

Sergey. So, hello. May I speak to Marina?

Marina. Marina speaking. Who are you?

Sergey. My name’s Sergey Arkhipov.

Marina. Who?

Sergey. Igor Frolov, a friend of mine, gave me your card.

Marina. Frolov?

Sergey. He said you were looking for a designer for your new art studio.

Marina. And what does it have to do with you? (Pause).

Sergey. I’m an architectural designer.


Marina. What’s your name again?

Sergey. Arkhipov. Sergey Arkhipov.

Marina. Never heard of you.

Sergey. I used to work… still work only by referral. Last week I came back from Sofia. Planning to open an architectural bureau here.

Marina. Oh, right, that rings a bell. Frolov told me about you. Was it your wife who took your seaside villa and yacht in the divorce?

Sergey. Apartment and motor boat, actually. Well, that’s history.

Marina. [Aside.] Well, aren’t women smart?

Sergey. What did you say?

Marina. I said you can come today, anytime. Fleur de Lys Studio. 40 Lenina Street. Left of the entrance to the Grand Avenue Hotel. There is no sign yet.

Sergey. I’ll be there in around an hour. See you.

Scene 3

Fleur de Lys Art Studio.

Marina sets up the canvas on an easel and starts putting the room in order. The front door opens and Anna comes inside, holding a garment cover.

Anna. Phew, what a scorcher. Hi, Marina.

Marina. Hi, lady. I was just about to call you. Is my dress ready?

Anna. The final fitting.

Marina. Anna, not this again. Don’t say «final»! It’s bad luck.

Anna. The last fitting then.

Marina. I can’t wait to see it. Ah! … Aren’t you a sewing fairy? It’s so beautiful.

Marina disappears behind a folding screen and then comes out in a new dress.

Marina. Voilà!

Anna. I’m gonna cut off a bit here. Don’t move. Alright… Well, I’ve got all I wanted, take it off.

Marina. Lenka Ivanova will burst with envy when she sees me in this dress. Want some tea?

Anna. Just lemon water, please.

Marina. Here you are.

Anna. Thanks.

Marina. You look good, Anna. I envy you. I spend so much money on fitness, massage, detox…

Anna. Just stop stuffing your face.

Marina. Hum… My nerves are frayed!

Anna. Yeah, I get it. You’re an emotional eater.

Marina. Exactly.

Anna. You can join our new dance group. The enrollment is ongoing. Come, have some fun.

Marina. You only have old folks coming.

Anna. Ha! Mark my words. Some day I will open my own dancing school and the youngsters will beat a path to my door.

Marina. The youngsters… I want a man! You know, a mature, handsome, and interesting one.

Anna. I was in a park yesterday and there was just the right guy, hitting on me.

Marina. Oh yeah? Where?!

Anna. He left anyway.

Marina. So you blew off him. Your loss. Nice guys don’t grow on trees these days!

Anna. Well, you know, that character actually went sprawling across the pavement in front of me.

Marina. Holy Mother of God! Look at her! Men throw themselves at her feet!

Anna. Yeah.

Marina. You are lucky, Anna. But a fool of a woman too. Come here, let me give you a smooch.

Anna. Alright, off I go. The dress will be ready the day after tomorrow.

Marina. Stay, my dear. We can have a chat.

Anna. I have to make it to the kindergarten before work. Nikita is biting again and Sasha dropped the F-bomb onto her teacher yesterday.

Marina. Like father like son!

Anna. What a farce.

Marina. When are you going to sue him for alimony?

Anna. Eh… Come now. Don’t wanna lick the dust.

Marina. The same old story!

Anna. No pressure, please.

Marina. I won’t leave it at that! If only I get a hold of him, that man whore.

Anna. I’ve heard he fled to Kazakhstan to escape mobilization.

The landline rings. Marina answers the phone.

Marina. Fleur de Lys Studio, Marina speaking. Go ahead.

Ah, Lenka, it’s you! That’s right, I’ve moved already. You are actually calling the studio. I set up call forwarding from the previous office. Are you having lunch in Bukovsky? It’s just across the street! Please, don’t bring him here yet, the place needs some renovation. Oh, you wanna pay the debt? Wait a sec!

Anna, stay here. I’m gonna drop in Bukovsky. Lenka Ivanova is there with her new man. She wants to pay me back. I’ll be back in a jiffy. Gonna see this fellow of hers with my own eyes. Then we’ll leave together. I’m going your way so I’ll drive you to the kindergarten.

Marina leaves. Just a minute later, the doorbell rings and Sergey comes in.

Sergey. Hello, are you open?

Anna. Hello.


Sergey. Is it you?

Anna. It’s me.

Sergey. May I look around?

Anna. Suit yourself.

Sergey. Sergey Arkhipov. We spoke over the phone earlier.

Anna. Did we? I don’t remember.

Sergey. Your voice sounded different over the phone. It’s so open and bright in here.

Anna. Don’t look at me this way.

Sergey. Don’t be so beautiful then. When I look at you, I seem to regain confidence.

Anna. I am impervious to your charms.

Sergey. You have Terpsichore’s eyes. You know, the muse of dance. You are just like this golden lily. [He points at a painting hanging on the wall.] You are a Fleur de Lys indeed!

Anna. Listen, what do you want?

Sergey. I will develop an interior design project for you. No charge. I will catch a beam of sunlight and give it the shape of the royal golden lily. Fleur de Lys! You are my muse.

Anna. It’s really nice and all but you seem to have mistaken me for someone else. Trust me, I’m no woman to inspire anyone.


Sergey. I get it, your wings are singed.

Anna. I won’t spill my guts to a stranger!


Anna. Some people… You just don’t want anything after dealing with them. For you give them all of you, devoting yourself utterly to them. But in the end, they tell you that they found someone else. Someone better than you. And they leave. And it raises a pertinent question: Why? I dealt with all those emotions, bouts of heavy drinking, a flood of wild fits of jealousy. I changed and went against my own principles because I believed that it would be better for us! I did all of it and for what? To be betrayed? Now I know better. I want to shut my heart against everyone. I can’t even look at myself because I hate what I see.

Sergey approaches Anna and kisses her. Marina comes back.

Scene 4

Fleur de Lys Art Studio.

Marina. Hello.

Sergey. Afternoon.

Marina. My name is Marina, I am the owner of the studio.

Sergey. Marina? [He looks at Anna, then shifts his gaze to Marina.] Nice to meet you, Marina. I’m Sergey Arkhipov, an architectural designer. We spoke over the phone earlier today. I’ve had a look at this place and I’m ready to get started.

Marina. Oh, sure, I remember you well, Sergey. Let me shake your hand. What an interesting man you are. Welcome to the Fleur de Lys Art Studio.

Anna. Marina, I need to go.

Marina. Yeah, sure. Off you go.

Anna takes the dress and heads for the door.

Marina. Anna! I want the dress to be ready by 2 p. m. tomorrow. [To Sergey.] I’ve been just invited to a formal dinner in the governor’s residence. Sergey, keep me company tomorrow. We’ll discuss our future cooperation in detail, I’ll introduce you to my friends, and you will make useful social contacts. Don’t be shy, Sergey. I insist!

Sergey. Alright, I’ll come with you, Marina.

Marina. Anna?

Anna. I’ll finish the dress tonight. It’s gonna be perfect. Goodbye, Sergey. I wish you all the best.

Anna leaves.

Marina. Let’s get on close terms, do you mind?

Sergey. I don’t.

Sergey. Are you friends with Anna?

Marina. Don’t be ridiculous. Her husband left her with two kids. She’s laying herself out, taking in sewing. It’s our custom to help the poor. But it’s so nice to meet you. I suggest that we celebrate! Let’s go out for dinner.

Sergey. Are you married?

Marina. I’m not. I am. Well, I’m not.

Sergey. I don’t get it.

Marina. My drunk husband fell overboard a yacht when chilling in Egypt with his mistress. His body has never been found.

Marina. And you? Oh, right. Frolov told me.

Sergey. My wife left me for my school friend. I’m divorced.

Marina. It means that we are both… single.

Sergey. Seems so.

Marina. Can we make it work? I’m sorry for being this blunt.

Sergey. Time will show. Aren’t you a witch, by any chance?

Marina. Maybe.

Sergey. It’s hot in here.

Marina. I have a minibar with some refreshments. Will you indulge? [She strides up to the minibar.]

Sergey. I’m not sure. Alcohol does nothing but harm. I’m afraid I can do something dumb.

Marina. Right, we don’t want that. I’ll make you a Bloody Mary.

Sergey. Don’t spare vodka.


Scene 5

One year later. Sergey Arkhipov’s Architectural Bureau.

Igor Frolov and Sergey are seated comfortably in armchairs at a solid oak desk. They are drinking Talisker Storm whisky and smoking cigars.

Sergey. You look smug.

Frolov. I’ve spent the night with someone.

Sergey. Your ass must still be hurting.

Frolov. Oh, fuck you! If only you could see her naked. Lithesome as a cat.

Sergey. You lucky bastard! Do I know her?

Frolov. Perhaps you do. Anna Sokolova’s Dancing School. Her girl students put on a performance for the president at the EXPO summit, you know.

Sergey. I don’t remember. I don’t remember.

Frolov. Here’s to wives and sweethearts! May they never, never meet.

Sergey. Amen. Now I’ll introduce you to my new girlfriend.

Sergey gets off the armchair, steps up to his weapons safe, and produces a Benelli M4 shotgun.

Frolov. Isn’t she gorgeous!

Sergey. An icon! It’s semi-automatic. Six-round magazine. I’m going to a firing range tomorrow. Wanna put it to use.

Frolov. Well, I also can be of use to you, Sergey.

Sergey. Go ahead.


Frolov. As your lawyer, I insist that you and Marina should sign a marriage contract.

Sergey. Come on, Igor! I love her. I am indebted to her for everything I’ve achieved during the past year. She made me happy. Her connections with the city power players helped me get paying projects. I am prosperous and I’m doing my thing again.

Frolov. Marina is not a woman who would settle for crumbs from her ex. She is of the bulldog breed! If something goes wrong after your marriage and the birth of your child, she will rob you blind. You won’t have a rag to your back. Again.

Sergey. Marina is six months pregnant. Can you even imagine how stressful it is for her? The opening of her exhibition in the Main Avenue Gallery. Moving to a new house. Let alone the wedding. Her friends alone will amount to over a hundred guests. And fifty relatives, no less! And to top it all, you and your marriage contract. No way! End of story. Fill it up.

Frolov. How much do you want?

Sergey. Up to the brim! Cheers.

Frolov. Better belly burst than good liquor be lost!

Scene 6

One year later. July. Noon.

Fleur de Lys Art Studio.

In the middle of the room, there are easels with paintings on them. The paintings feature dancing girls in pretty dresses.

Marina, slightly inebriated Sergey.

Marina. Sergey, don’t overdrink. Lenka and her new boyf, a general from Moscow, are coming to visit us. You won’t miss your chance to get hammered, don’t worry.

Sergey. Uh-huh.

Marina. I will take Veronika to my parents for the night. They begged for a granddaughter, so they are welcome to baby her. God, I’m exhausted. The money came short again. If I don’t pay off, they will take away the office and I’ll be forced to close down my studio.

Sergey. Didn’t I tell you that taking credits is a bad idea? It’s a pyramid scheme!

Marina. Do you really have to remind me about that?

Sergey approaches Anna’s portrait and looks at it, silently.

Marina. This is Anna Sokolova. She’s our lawyer’s girlfriend.

Sergey. Girlfriend? Seems that I haven’t seen Igor for quite a while.

Marina. Anna commissioned me to paint some portraits of her dancing school’s students. She is supposed to get them today. Thanks for the reminder. There’s another painting waiting for her in the study. I’ll go and fetch it. [She goes to the study.]

Sergey. [He stares at Anna’s portrait as if trying to remember something.] You have Terpsichore’s eyes. I will catch a beam of sunlight and give it the shape of a golden lily. You are my muse.

Anna appears. She’s well-dressed and good-looking.

Anna. Hello.

Sergey. Greetings, magnificent Fleur de Lys.

Anna. Are you drunk?


Sergey. And yet you don’t have any boxer husband! The murderer is the gardener. Or rather, my own lawyer!

Anna. There is no gardener in «Cinderella».

Sergey. Who’d believe in fairytales today?!

Anna. Those who work hard to make fairytales come true. You alright? You look odd.

Sergey. Never trade love for money or a career. I made a mistake and cast in my lot with a witch.

Anna. I always considered Marina a kind fairy. She helped me when my husband left. I am grateful to her. Don’t look at me this way.

Sergey. Don’t be so beautiful then. You owe me a kiss!

Anna. I’m not in the habit of kissing someone else’s husbands.

Sergey. Me neither.

Sergey approaches Anna. She steps back but Sergey kisses her on her hand. Marina appears.

Marina. Welcome to the Fleur de Lys Studio.

Sergey. I need to go to the office.

Marina. Come back before dinner, my dear.

Sergey leaves

Anna. Hi, Marina.

Marina. Hi, Anna. So, what do you say?

Anna. How marvelous. These paintings are lifelike. You are a miracle woman.

Marina. Thank you.

Anna. My driver will come for them tomorrow afternoon.

Anna produces a wad of notes and hands it over to Marina.

Marina. It’s more than we agreed on.

Anna. Trust me, the paintings are worth it.

Marina. Thank you.

Anna. There’s sadness in your eyes, Marina. What’s the matter?

Marina. That’s none of your fucking business! [She scowls at Anna furiously.] When I came in… He had this look, – he never looked at me this way… I overheard your conversation.


Anna. I don’t know what to say.

Marina. I hate you … [She turns away from Anna and sobs quietly.]

Anna approaches Marina and puts her arms around her.

Anna. I am no thief, Marina. Be strong. All is well.

Scene 7

24 hours later.

Frolov and Co. Law Office.

Sergey. Igor, is your relationship with Anna serious?

Frolov. Why do you ask?

Sergey. You are my friend and my family’s lawyer, I’ve got nothing to hide from you.

Frolov. Can you be more specific?

Sergey. I love Anna. I always did, since I first met her. I realized it yesterday.

Frolov. For goodness’ sake, old chap … [Pause.] Thanks for being honest. [He takes a Hennessy XO bottle and fills the glasses.] A month ago I proposed to Anna. And this morning she said yes. The wedding’s in September.

Frolov’s mobile phone rings.

Frolov. Speaking, go ahead. Yes, I am her lawyer. Come again? I can’t hear you, say that again! Alright. I’ll be there in thirty minutes, allowing for traffic delays. [He ends the call. Pause.]

Frolov. Sergey. Marina got into a car accident. Her car collided with a truck. She’s now in the emergency ward of the regional hospital.

Sergey. Holy crap!

Sergey and Frolov leave hurriedly.


Scene 8

One year later. July. Evening.

Frolov and Co. Law Office.

Marina and Frolov come in through a side door. Marina adjusts her clothes. A few buttons on Frolov’s shirt are undone.

Marina. I’ll do a new painting for your library. And we should get a comfier sofa.

Frolov gets a bottle of cold champagne and fills the glasses.

Frolov. What painting? Are you talking about Anna’s portrait?

Marina. Oh no. That painting is gonna stay right there. I want her to watch.

Frolov. Here’s to you. To your second birthday.

Marina. To us. I am grateful to you, Igor, for being by my side. I would never get out of this hell without you.

Frolov. We must thank the doctors. They put you back to your feet.

They drink champagne. Marina kisses Frolov.

Marina. Pour me some more.

Frolov. [Filling the glasses.] We’re gonna get chubby!

Marina. Are you kidding?!

Frolov. To our success.

Marina. We drink to those who love us, we drink to those who don’t. We drink to those who fuck us, and fuck those who don’t!

They drink

Frolov. Speaking of… Your husband… Are you sure you want to go all the way?

Marina. I’ll bury him. And you will help me do it.

Frolov. I admire your ability to defend your interests. As for Sergey… He never learns from his experience.

Marina. I want this drunkard to drop dead!

Frolov. There, there, my love. You are going to take away everything he has, turn him into the street. Isn’t it enough?

Marina. I don’t know what «enough» means! Take what you can. Give nothing back. That’s a rule of thumb. When are you filing for divorce?

Frolov. It’s out of the question.

Marina. Igor, look me in the eye. You are mine, and I am yours.


Frolov. Anna is still not quite recovered after giving birth…

Marina. You will do exactly as I say.

Frolov. Why do you hate her so much? I thought you were friends.

Marina. It’s personal.

Frolov. Alright, let your psychiatrist deal with it.

Scene 9

Five months later. December. Daytime.

New Year’s concert in the variety theater.

Anna Sokolova’s Dancing Group performance.

A dressing room. Anna and Frolov appear. Anna is wearing a gala dress, and Frolov is holding a large bouquet.

Frolov. Anna! What a great performance! You were fantastic! [He takes a card out of the bouquet, looks at it, and then hands it over to Anna.] Congratulations from the governor himself.

Anna takes the card and puts it on a coffee table without looking.

Anna. Thank you, Igor.


Anna. I’m tired.

Frolov. You alright?

Anna. I’m fine.

Frolov. The governor invited us to dinner.

Anna. Let’s go home, darling, and have a family dinner with the children.

Frolov. Anna, we agreed to spend this evening together.

Anna. As you wish.

Frolov. I need to settle something important with the governor. And to run our relocation to Moscow by him, among other things.

Anna. Did you actually resolve to do it?

Frolov. Yes, I’m ready.

Anna. We’ll be better off in Moscow, Igor.

Frolov. Yes, it’s settled. We are moving to Moscow.

Anna. Thank you, honey.

Frolov. I’ll be back soon, darling. Get some rest. We are going to drop in at our place to change. Dinner at eight.

Frolov leaves. Anna walks up to the coffee table. There is a lovely flower basket on it. She spots a card, takes it, and reads it. There is a knock on the door. Marina comes in. She is holding a bottle of champagne and a pretty wrapped parcel.

Marina. May I? Hi, Anna!

Anna. Hi, Marina! I didn’t expect to see you.

Marina. Happy upcoming New Year! Here you are. [She hands out the parcel.]

Anna. Thank you so much, Marina. But I don’t have anything for you.

Marina. It’s fine, my dear friend. What a show! Bellissimo! Your girls were fantastic but you are a real goddess!

Anna. I feel awkward. Thank you.

Marina. We must celebrate! Champagne!

Anna. With pleasure. I’ve got glasses somewhere in here… Where are they? Here, found them! Marina, could you wait a few minutes? I need to change and freshen up a bit.

Marina. Take your time, darling.

Anna leaves. There is a sound of running water coming from the bathroom. Marina sets the glasses on the table and drops a white powder into one of them. Then she pops the champagne open and fills the glasses. Anna comes back. She looks fresh and beautiful.

Marina. You look lovely, Anna. There was this deputy – Lenka’s ex-boyfriend, by the way… He was risking his neck during your performance, gawking at you!

Anna. How’s Lenka? I’ve heard the rumors about her man.

Marina. He got caught when taking a bribe, poor fish. Such a storyteller! He promised her the world, promised to marry her! He was caught in the act in a restaurant in Moscow. But Lenka already found another one. Take the glass, my dear friend. Drink up.

Anna. May everything go well! Happy New Year, Marina.

Marina. Happy new us. Here is to staying positive and testing negative!

They clink glasses and drink.

Marina. Bottoms up, bottoms up, to our success!

Anna. I feel dizzy.

Marina. Word on the street is that you are going to play the leading lady in a Moscow musical theater.

Anna. It’s true. Igor and I are moving to Moscow after the holidays.

Marina. So your flat in Moscow came useful after all. What about the kids? The dancing school?

Anna. We are bringing the kids with us, clearly. A branch of my school will still be here. As for Frolov’s business, he’s going to do better in Moscow.

Marina. Right. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere, and good men are all the more.

Well, I have to go now. Are we good?

Anna. We are good.

Marina hugs Anna

Marina. Well, that’s a relief.

Anna. It’s true. I feel at ease and light-hearted. Thank you.

Marina. Alright, I’m out of here. See you later at dinner.

Anna. See you there.

Marina leaves. Anna comes up to the table, pours herself some water from a pitcher, and drinks it. She’s clearly unwell. There’s a knock at the door.

Anna. Come in.

Sergey appears

Sergey. Hello, Anna.

Anna. Hello, Sergey. I got your note.

Sergey. I was waiting around the corner. I saw Marina and I didn’t want to get near her. Are you unwell? You are so pale.

Anna. I’m fine, just a bit hot.


Sergey. I came to say goodbye.

Anna. Are you leaving?

Sergey. There is nothing to keep me here. Marina left me nothing after the divorce. Thanks to our lawyer!

Anna. Igor is not a bad person…

Sergey. I know, it’s his job. He’s the best man in his field.

Anna. Where are you going?

Sergey. To the backcountry, to the wilderness! Just saying, no worries. I’m going to France, to my brother. One of my students offered me a job there.

Anna. [Approaches the coffee table and takes the card from the flower basket.] «I see a golden lily in my sleep, the golden lily longs for me and weeps…»

Sergey. I wrote this poem while staying in a psychiatric hospital.


Anna. Don’t look at me this way.

Sergey. Don’t be so beautiful then!

Anna and Sergey laugh.

Sergey. You have Terpsichore’s eyes. You are my muse. I will catch a beam of sunlight and give it the shape of the royal golden lily. Fleur de Lys!

Anna. Good luck, Sergey.

Sergey. Goodbye, Anna. [He heads for the door.]

Anna. Sergey!


Anna. I still owe you a kiss.

Anna approaches Sergey and kisses him. Frolov appears.

Frolov. Sorry for interrupting.

Anna. It’s alright, we are done already.

Frolov. Hi, Sergey.

Sergey. Hi yourself. Goodbye, Anna.

Sergey heads for the door. Frolov opens the door for him, and at this very moment, Anna faints and falls. Sergey rushes to her.

Sergey. Anna!

Anna. Sergey…

Frolov. [He opens the door and shouts.] We need a doctor! Someone call an ambulance, now! It’s an emergency!

Sergey. I love you, Anna. I always did, since I first met her. I want you to remember, always, that I love you!

Anna dies in Sergey’s arms.

Sergey. [To Frolov.] It’s you. You and Marina killed her! I always knew you were lovers! I hate you both!

Frolov. What the hell are you talking about? Are you mad? You have no right… You have no proof! [He shouts.] You’re a madman!

Scene 10

Seven months later. July. Late in the evening. Fleur de Lys Art Studio.

Frolov is switching radio channels.

the heat in the city will be replaced by squalls and hailstorms… the authorities have announced a storm advisory…

Another channel.

…thousands of pilgrims from all over the country will take part in the Cross Procession… after serving the Divine Liturgy, the believers will begin their journey to the monastery…

Another channel.

…the US dollar exchange rate strengthened by 69 kopecks and now amounts to 90 rubles 75 kopecks…

Another channel.

Music is playing.

Marina comes out of the study.

Marina. Where did you see my ex again?

Frolov. Sergey is tending the winter garden in the city park. The beat cop said that he struggled to find a job after the nervous breakdown but there are some good people in this world.

Marina. A gardener then. I wish he’d go to hell.

Frolov takes a bottle of champagne out of an ice bucket, pops it open, and fills the glasses.

Marina. Let’s drink to our engagement, Igor.

Frolov. To our bright future!

Outside the windows, there is a flash of lightning, the thunder rumbles in the distance, and it starts to pour.

Frolov. It’s Kupala Night. You aren’t a witch, are you?

Marina. Maybe. [She kisses Frolov.]

Frolov. You stole my heart and now you’re taking my soul.

Marina. I always get what I want. Take what you can. Give nothing back. That’s a rule of thumb.

Frolov. I am yours, and you are mine.

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Ilmumiskuupäev Litres'is:
06 detsember 2023
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