
Languid Hot Chocolate

Märgi loetuks
Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

She finished the last lines of her work and signed it with one word.


You’d know how much I miss you.,
How my heart misses,
My beating heart
He will say languid words.
"…The heart loves, flaring up,
Loves, really, but the other day,
Snakes gnawed out the heart
in tears, flames and dreams…”
You’d know how much I miss you.,
How my heart misses,
My beating heart
He will say gentle words.
We will become one one day,
when fragrant colors will weave into patterns,
when the earth will burn with our passion,
at a low hill at sunset, and the sea
will lie next to us.
You would know how much I miss you,
And how my feelings miss,
It’s as if the inside has disappeared
My beating, burning heart,
Bound by a vow to your body,
to the image of ardent love…
My beating heart
If he says meekly, come here.
I beg…

Leah read it all over again, sighed wistfully and put the cup next to the saucer. The red lipstick left an imprint on the smooth surface. The fingers tapped on it for a few seconds. A recent dream was able to occupy my thoughts for a while. But it didn’t help. As if she had counted all the snowflakes on the street, she didn’t know where to look. Leah closed her eyes and saw everything. I saw the sea and a bird flying over it. The sun was touching her lips. The wind ruffled her curls turning into a blush. She found herself strolling through a rowan grove, picking prunes in the earliest autumn. She was fine. She felt happiness and all its power…

Leah left the restaurant. Snowflakes seemed to fly through it. All thoughts seemed to caress her cheekbones. Boots broke through the snow. She breathed in the fresh frosty air. The quiet intersection was easily crossed in a few steps. A wet sidewalk, bright brick pillars, through which branches shone through, fenced the park, and Leah wanted to look at the winter alley again, feel the smells of frost and coniferous trees, and then she flashed through an iron gate with black roses right at the entrance.

After walking a little along a rocky path, brushing the low branches of the fir trees, Leah ran out to a white clearing open to the bluish sky. It was as if she was alone and stretched out her hands to the ground to make some snowballs. The scattering of bushes nearby looked weak and defenseless.

Fully confident that she was alone, and it was all like a beautiful dream, Leah threw the last snowball to the tree, then stealthily turned her head, and what she felt then was very unusual, maybe awkward, but that picture completely absorbed all her attention. Under the shadow of tall sturdy Christmas trees – just a girl. The girl was always sitting, and the girl could not get up. She was cold and freezing, but she didn’t show it. The body was carefully placed in the same small stroller as herself, and covered with an alarmingly black plaid. The rubber boots pressed against the bottom, as if breaking her legs even more. But the girl didn’t feel it. The girl looked straight with a calm gaze, and her almost white, silky hair barely touched her shoulders. Cold, silver eyes watched the snowfall run. The smooth hands grew cold. One of the gloves was lying nearby in the snow. She couldn’t pick it up, but her lips still pronounced, in a variety of thoughts,…

– It’s okay, because someday I’ll go. Maybe even in this snow… —

Leah couldn’t stop looking. Having never felt anything like this, she became quiet. It was so beautiful and incomprehensible. And she wanted to get closer. But the girl looked directly at her several times in a row, and it was as if a blizzard swept before her eyes, freezing her throat and causing an uncontrollable heat. It was as if Leah saw her tormented world and was terribly frightened, looking away as far as possible. A chill ran over her skin. But she didn’t back down from her intention.

Where was that girl looking. Far away? In the heart of winter? No, hardly. No. Her gaze was riveted on one young person and spoke softly, half asleep, almost imperceptibly, “my little sister. She was clutching a small bag of marmalades in her hands, and her light coat was obviously thrown on hastily to cover her body in warmth, to protect her from the cold. The joyful sister frolicked in the snow, was as similar as two drops of water to her. Bleznyashki…

Black mascara, grey coat, white winter

Leah’s heart was touched. She did not know what to do and pretended that she could not feel a heavy burning in her throat, and began to approach, trying not to think anymore. The excitement intensified, taking my breath away. Or maybe she wasn’t breathing. Leah fell at her feet, gently touching her knees. The girl stroked her elbows, her hair. Leah was plaintively saying the words

– Get up, let’s go, please, you can’t do that, honey, honey… —

But she didn’t answer. Honey wax filled her lungs. The tongue froze. The corner of his mouth stretched into a smile.

– Don’t worry about anything, go… —

The girl would like to bite off these white delicate hands after she ran her nails over her skin, but she let them go, forever. Leah was running away.

And she came to the house in unconsciousness, her thoughts were flying in different directions, like little birds in a steel cage. She forgot everything, and only the white winter, the silver eyes of that girl and her black mascara kept flashing, not giving her time to rest. Either a white flame burns over the cold earth, or free tears fall on Leah’s feet.

Fresh snow lay on the threshold. A garden bloomed in the courtyard of the house under a heavy veil. Small birds sometimes chirped over it, and it seemed just as beautiful and boundless at any time of the year.

Feeling a warm voice, she woke up from a kiss on the cheek.

– Happy birthday, little one —