Loe raamatut: «Cycle: Land of the Dragon. Selection: Choice or Destiny. Book One», lehekülg 2


Chapter 9. Knowledge is power, nescience is disaster

Library – a room with an infinite number of racks filled with books, part of the halls is closed for visiting. There’s no damp here, and there are deep, comfortable, soft chairs for visitors. The library will be my favorite room!

The caretaker of the library, wizened little man with a cane and a small bald spot smiled affably.

– What’s your name, young lady?

– Catherine.

– Catherine, I have to tell you about the rules of the hall: in the reading room at the same time you can leave with him no more than three books, reserve for no more than three days. In your room, you can take no more than one and not more than for a month. What do you want to read?

– It is possible the book, which described the events of the first selection?

– What language do you prefer to read? Slavic, imperial, foreign?

It became hot, fingers cramped little sweat trickle slid down along the spine.

– Let's, one in each language?

The caretaker probably thought I was a very educated girl, but no, I just didn’t think the alphabet of our worlds could be different.

After receiving three books bound in leather, I moved it on the table next to a soft comfortable chair.

The text of the first book was written in signs similar to our hieroglyphics, the text of the second was reminiscent of the cuneiform of Egypt, the third book is clearly ancient, written by hand ink in Old Slavic.

None of the lyrics are available to me, so I started going through all the books to see if they had pictures, sketching out But here, too, I was unlucky, all three books contained only text.

Tormented for an hour with the text in Slavonic, trying to somehow make out the words and recall letters (because at least in passing, but is sometimes found on the internet transcription to the alphabet), having not advanced by a millimeter, I had to admit that on the first item of short plan did not go well from the beginning. I returned the books and upset trudged to my room.

Chapter 10

So, books are not available. I can try to make friends with someone of the girls, but how can I explain the fact that I cannot read. To admit that i have grown up not only in the wilderness, and illiterate to all other disadvantages?

Another option would be to ask the Emperor’s assistant to train me for six months, but he may not have the authority to, worse still, is the new one excuse to suspend me from further participation.

From the sad thoughts distracted knock on the door, it is lunchtime.

On the way to the dining hall, I asked the accompanying to find the emperor’s assistant, and I was informed that as soon as he was free, I would be contacted and escorted.

The dining room is full of girls with the luxury jewelry and dresses. My head ached slightly from the failure to find a way out of the situation.

– Katrin, I noticed that you don’t talk to anyone. My name is Rosalind. I would like to offer you a walk in the park. How do you look at it?

– I’d love to take a walk with you. I must warn the escort.

Rosalind stood out for the other dragon girls. She was too fragile even compared to me, and against the background of the other contenders seemed painfully subtle. Short height, thin waist, small chest, narrow thighs. There was no boiling energy inherent in dragons, or a low chest voice, or a deep cleavage. In general, it was not standard for dragons. If it were a human being, I’d say she’s like a refined aristocrat, someone who strictly follows a diet, keeps her back perfectly straight, and her speech is exceptionally correct. For the Emperor’s wife, it might be perfect, but why would she have a friend like me? It’s completely confusing.

Chapter 11

The second item of the plan (to keep away from participants far away) is broken. The walk with Rosalind was surprisingly pleasant. The area surrounding the castle was quite extensive, and we headed towards the gazebo by the lake.

– Rosalind, can you tell me how the selection is going? I don’t really know much about it. Are there any competitions, assignments, tests of knowledge?

– Selections are not held as often, but there is no strict list of activities (except for the day of acquaintance and the final ball at which the emperor announces his decision). Participants can organize evenings at their own discretion, having previously agreed with the assistant. Nadine, for example, wants to show the theatrical production, is now appends the play and picks actors. Would you like to participate?

– Me? No, I think my position here is too shaky. Preparing a role is takes a long time. (not to mention I can’t read it that I can’t read it).

– Well, first of all, any actress can be eliminated. And second, a contestant can invite a guest (mage for example). Thus, if involved participant is excluded from the selection, she can return to the performance as a guest.

– And yet I will refuse. Will you play in the play?

– Of course, participation is entirely voluntary. I warned Nadine that before i'll give my consent i read a play. On the one hand, it is an occasion once again to remind myself to the Emperor, on the other hand I did not want to appear in a bad light.

– Yes, you’re absolutely right. Tell me please, when she completes the writing and distribution of roles. I can be in the reserve. Do not look like that, it’s just in case some of the participants became ill and unable to participate.

– Actress in a stock, an interesting idea. I think she’ll be thrilled. she's always dreamed about her own theater.

– How long have you known each other?

– Since childhood – Rosalind’s face illuminated a happy smile, and flashes of light flared in her eyes. And she was just a kid dreaming about the role of a director. The actors for her play were servants, nurse, and of course I am. It was fun, especially when erected decorations from scrap materials. The only one who scolded little Nadine was her brother. Emiren thought a lady couldn’t be an actress, let alone a director.

– Wait, Lord Emiren, the Emperor’s aide, he’s Nadine’s brother?

– Yes, an older, harmful and boring brother. He is very angry at her sister, for the decision to put the play in the Palace, but within the framework of selection cannot deny. – Rosalind’s smile became even brighter, and her back more straight- although he insists that it is a dishonour to the family.

– Can you be in the auditorium for participants not involved in the performance? And how to know the date and place? Will there be invitations?

– In the dining room there is a Board (it is now empty so you probably did not pay attention to it). As soon as the event is agreed with the emperor, it is displayed on the board. The names of the participants, the date, the place and the type are indicated. The type can be closed (private for the emperor), open (free entry for anyone) or on invitation. The number of questions in my head was increasing, but it was not possible to ask any questions, because the chaperon came and warned that the assistant was available and offered to meet now, he had a small window in the schedule. I apologized to Rosalind, offered to take another walk the day after tomorrow if she had the chance, and went to Lord Emiren.

Chapter 12. It’s hard to be a poor relative

The office of the assistant was as spacious as all rooms, with a round table with six chairs in the center, a wide working table near a window, opposite which stood two chairs. One of them invited me to sit down.

– Good afternoon, Catherine, what brings you to my office?

– I’d like to ask you a few questions, as you may have noticed, I don’t know the selection rules very well.

– Yes, of course – the Lord is conveniently located in his desk chair, folded his fingers into the lock, leaned the chin on it and focused on my face. (Freckles seems counts)

– The first question, how free are we to move? In the absence of the Prince, I would like to pay a visit to a relative, but I do not know if we can leave the castle, or invite guests, and should I call the carriage or it is provides by сastle?

– You are free to move, you can leave the castle for any number of days, the castle carriage will take you to the place and take you back at the specified time. All I ask is that you inform me of your departure. You can invite the guest to the castle only receive permission of heir, so try to meet friends or family in the city.

– Okay, well, in that case, I’ll be out half the day tomorrow, leaving at 8:00 a.m. the second question is to be honest a little awkward.

The Lord smiled only in the corners

– From what I understand participant may make a surprise – invite an actor or a magician, to make a gift to the heir… But what if the participant is limited in money resources? Perhaps you have a dedicated budget for such a case? – Paint the face flooded, eyes hidden in the floor, and my fingers gripped the tortured someone to me armrests. And Lord was silent for what seemed an eternity.

– The first applicants did receive money for clothing and jewellery. But over time, representatives of rich ancient houses started to participate in the contest, and no one had raised this issue before you. So we do this, you calculate how much money you need, and I’ll try to get the emperor to agree on the amount without going into the details of your surprise, I take it you’re planning a surprise?

– Thank you, I will draw up a cost estimate and will bring you. Can I go?

– Yes, if there are no more wishes. – Emiren looked very thoughtful, his gaze wandered distractedly across my body, but clearly his thoughts were far away.

– Thanks again

I backed against the door, realized that I look stupid, spun around 180 degrees and extremely fast pace, almost running toward the door.

Chapter 13

Why do I need money? According to legend, I am a distant relative of (the girl who took care me in the first day on this side of the portal and to whom the carriage takes me). As part of this legend, we turned to Vidon, and he was kind enough to help fulfill the dream of a girl from village – to include in the selection. He presented money to buy a few dresses That’s all. Guardianship or kinship with the magician would draw unnecessary attention to us, so I am a distant relative of the person (Elenelika just a man), who appear suddenly out of the blue with a dream: I want to be the princess.

But now due to the same verisimilitude, I can’t get money from Weedon, and to communicate need a reason. Feel 007 in a far-off kingdom. Do not want? So I did not dream.

When I reached the place, I released the driver and warned him to return by about four o'clock, and making sure that the coach slid a sufficient distance so as not to be detected i trudged to Weedon.

The Mage did not know of my desire to visit him, and was therefore disheartened and disturbed by my arrival.

The first question that came up was:

– What, you’ve already been kicked out? – he asked this question with no anger, but rather with surprise, but they let me in, they poured tea and prepared to listen.

– Look, it’s okay, no one’s kicked me out yet, but I need to talk to you.

– Yes, of course. How are you? How’s the relationship with the Heir? How’s the experience with the castle?

– I’m fine, the Emperor is out of town. The castle is a bit damp and a little gloomy, but not about that. I need to understand what means of communication you have here (while only the bracelet is mastered, press – comes the chaperone). I’ll try to explain what I’m used to in my home, and you tell me if you have something like that.

First of all, we have a building which is called the post office, it is possible to bring the letters, and they will be delivered after some time a person anywhere in the world.

– We do not have the post office but there are messengers, they will deliver a letter to the addressee and there is an artifact of exchange. Artifacts, if they are tuned to each other, open something similar to a small portal and you can to drop into it by a small object (letter or gift).

– And can I have a sheet and paper? I’ll write it down.

– Yes, of course

– We have a phone. A person in one city can talk to another or a group of people in another city with this device.

– We have a communication artifact, but you can talk at the same time with only one and you need to pre-arrange a code activating the connection, set up the artifact at the reception

– We have a number of digits instead of a code, which is injected into the phone’s memory. Can you redesign artifact so that several people can be connected at the same time?

– Why would I do that?

– I’ll explain later, so can you create one?

– I’ll try it, of course

– So what else… We have an answering machine… Well, for example, is not convenient now to talk or you’re away from your artifact, and another person later can not call back… That person dials a number, dictate a message and sent… the blinking lamp on your screen show you, that you have a missed call and you can listens a voice message later..

– Not all words are clear to me, but the point is clear. No, there is no such thing. Do you think you need it?

– I need it in the first place. As it turned out, I can not read and write, we have a different alphabet. You can modify your artifact?

– I’ll try – he scratched his chin thoughtfully

– And also, I need to try learn to read. Can you get me an alphabet with pictures?

– Well, how can I give it to you?

– Tomorrow is the last day when there is no heir and I will be able to leave in the morning for a short while in a city, is there some cafes near the castle?

– Yes, there is" at the rock" for example. What time?

– Let’s go to 11. I forgot about another device – a voice recorder… You turn on the button, and it records everything that he hears around him, can do a lot of records, and they are stored in order, until you delete it

– How much is interesting in your world, and we thought it was backwards and apart from the sacrificial lamb you have nothing to offer.

– Not Wonderland, but we do not quite backward, even though we do not have dragons and magic and we live quite a bit. But back to the point, I agreed with the emperor’s aide for compensation of some of my expenses. But, I have to provide a list stating the purpose, amount and recipient.

So I need to:

1) Artefact of exchange

2) Communication artifact

3) Finalization of the communication artifact regarding the recording and storage of voice messages and finalization to the possibility of simultaneous communication with 3-5 opponents

4) The artifact of recording and storing the speech around.

So if you can create such artifacts and announce the cost and timing of their creation I will try to get money to buy them.

Weedon silent. Silent and looked at me enthusiastically. – Unbelievable! – Finally, he said – Incredible! – he said, and walked around the room. – In a matter of two days to agree about financing! You know, like the ministers for months knock money for their projects? – he paused briefly, looked at me and walked further

– But we haven’t been given a penny yet

– You do not know Emiron. If he didn’t reject at once, it almost certainly will be issued. I still can not believe it! Do you realize that if I create these artifacts, I will have stable orders from the Imperial Palace, and it is not just wealth, this recognition! – Weedon returned to the seat-Catherine, now I do not want to overthrow the Emperor.

– Vidon, first, we need to create these artifacts, try them out, and get the funding, the fame, and these orders. And if it works out, and you decide not to overthrow the Emperor, you’ll back me home before the final ball.

Only advance figure out how to escape then from werewolves.

– Yes, werewolves are not easy. They won’t forgive.

I realized that it was better to leave him alone with his thoughts.

– Weedon, I'll go.

– Yeah, see you tomorrow.

And he sat there, apparently lost in his thoughts. I Did not return it to the harsh reality, I closed the door and went back to Elenelike.

Chapter 14

Elegelika met me at home, we drink tea with herbs and berries, baked pancakes and sat behind a table in the garden among the green and smells of summer.

And before I could even take a sip, Elegelica started asking me questions, how are the contestants dressed, who has the most beautiful dress? What kind of furniture in the rooms, the halls? And the curtains and the wallpaper? Did the prince like? And the food is delicious? And in the garden which flowers grow? Not only did she ask questions, but she was interested in a thousand details of which she was putting together a picture, but unfortunately, I was not as attentive, so I shared what I had learned . But i promised that in the future will be more attentive to the interiors of the palace rooms, style palace ladies and taste Palace food. About Prince answered with restraint: not to my taste. I did not say that prince is fire-breathing monster and a special love for crocodile appearance, though winged, i never entertained.

– Elegelica, I have a delicate request to make. You know, I lived in the lands of the portal and as it turned out, even though we speak the same language, but we have different writing. I can not read and write letters, and for the future Empress is incredible disadvantage. Even if my chances to become the minimum, I would like to learn the letter, could you help me?

Elegelica jumped from the chair, and with the words «of course help» retired to the house. She returned with a pile of books and a notebook.

– So, from these books, my nephews were learning to read, and there’s alphabet, coloring, assignments, fairy tales. They are for the very little ones. – And notebook with handles for training. Here is the book of fairy tales – she picked up a thick folio – there is a large font and a lot of pictures. Kids often check the reading by syllable.

– How lucky I am that it's your house was on my way! Thank you so much!

The time flew by, the books and the cakes were packed, with happiness and thought " with such friends I certainly will not be lost in this world" I would return to the castle, looking out the fields and forests on the way. The green was saturated, the road was dusty, the sun was bright and the wheels creaked. In general, I entered the castle though not much tired, but happy.

Chapter 15. Stirlitz’s Failure

In anticipation of accompanying I was walking down the hall, examining the pattern of the marble floor (he was black and sleek, in the center laid out drawing of the sun, the color of gold), white columns, stretching high up in the cave vaults. I tried to memorize the very details that Elegelika asked for. But the study was interrupted by the pleasant male voice of a handsome brunette:

– Hello, Catherine. You look wonderful

I looked down at my dress, a little dusty, absolutely not perceptible, without a corset. Looked up at the stranger, I met the gaze of his blue eyes, noted the high growth and tightened figure. I gave short answer – «Thank you» – and returned to looking down the hall.

The Interlocutor silently studied me, obviously not expecting such neglect from me, probably local womanizer (appearance pretty, voice fascinating, I am, for example, at the edge of the eye studying it), used to the ladies catching his attentions signs. I am so tired today forces to flirt with the local playboy left.

– Good morning, Your Majesty. Did you return earlier than planned? – a voice said Rosalind, who sat in a deep curtsy.

I felt faint, it is necessary so to fail the task for agents 007 so not to know the subject of persecution so to speak in the face. But I had nothing to do once again unfold in the direction of the heir. It seemed too late to bow, so I simply froze in silence, waiting for an answer.

– Yes, Rosalind, as you can see. Would you like to walk with me in the garden?

– With pleasure, Your Majesty – and she took the brunet under his arm sending me a perfectly sincere smile.

– Have a nice evening Catherine

– Thank you, Your Majesty – I said quietly. From rainbow mood was gone.

– Have a nice evening Catherine

– Thank you, Your Majesty – quietly said by me. There was no trace of the rainbow.