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Loe raamatut: «The Nanny's New Family»

Margaret Daley

Second Chance Family

Annie Knight has her work cut out for her as the McGregor family’s newest nanny. Dr. Ian McGregor means well, but the distracted single dad’s lost touch with his four kids. The new nanny brings much-needed calm to the chaos, including finding a service dog that could be a real lifesaver. And soon the good doctor’s making Annie’s heart respond in ways it hasn’t for years. But Annie’s cheery demeanor hides a heart-wrenching secret that’s as much a part of her as her carefully hidden scars. Annie doesn’t think she deserves happiness—but Ian and his kids will show the caretaker that with the love of family, everything’s possible.

“See you at home,” Annie said.

Ian caught her arm before she reached the SUV. She glanced back at him. The look of appreciation in his eyes jammed her throat. She felt special in that moment, more special than she had in a long time.

“Annie, I don’t even know how to begin thanking you for your help.”

She covered his hand with hers, the physical connection making everything fade from her consciousness except the man near her. She smiled. “You just did.” She continued her trek around to the car’s driver’s side, missing his touch.

That was too dangerous for her to get used to.

She’d let down her defenses in college and had risked her heart once before with David and ended up brokenhearted. She couldn’t go through that again.

As she started the car, she realized that when she’d said, “See you at home,” she’d felt as though his house was her home. More than she had at any place she’d been a nanny…

MARGARET DALEY, an award-winning author of ninety books, has been married for over forty years and is a firm believer in romance and love. When she isn’t traveling, she’s writing love stories, often with a suspense thread, and corralling her three cats that think they rule her household. To find out more about Margaret, visit her website at

The Nanny’s

New Family

Margaret Daley

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

—Matthew 6:14

To all people who work with service dogs



Back Cover Text


About the Author

Title Page

Bible Verse


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


Dear Reader



Chapter One

Dr. Ian McGregor sank into a chair at his kitchen table, exhausted after wrestling with Joshua to take a much-needed nap. With his elbows on the oak surface still cluttered with the lunch dishes, Ian closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands, massaging his fingertips into his pounding temples. How did Aunt Louise handle Joshua when his youngest was dead tired yet fighting to stay awake?

With a lot of practice, no doubt. Something he lacked. Ian glanced at the clock on the wall and shot to his feet. The next candidate for nanny, one who had come highly recommended, would be here in ten minutes. He had high hopes she would work out because no one else had since Aunt Louise had passed away six months ago. Ian missed his aunt’s bright, cheerful smile and all the love she’d had for his family.

Locking away his sorrow, Ian looked at the chaos around him and noted he now had nine minutes. He snatched up all the dirty dishes and crammed them into the dishwasher, leftover food and all. Then after wiping down the counters, he stuffed all of his four-year-old son’s toys and the clothes he’d dragged out into the utility room off the kitchen and slammed the door closed.

Two minutes to spare. He wanted to be outside before Annie Knight rang the doorbell. He didn’t want Joshua scaring her away if he woke up from his nap, especially without the rest he needed.

Lord, please let this one work out. On paper she looks great. We need her.

He’d turned to God so many times in the two years since his wife had passed away. There had to be an answer to his most recent problem somewhere.

As Ian made his way toward the foyer, the doorbell chimes pealed through the house. He sighed, realizing that he should have foreseen, after the day he’d had so far, that Annie Knight would arrive early. He rushed across the foyer and swung the door open before she rang it again.

The woman greeted Ian with a bright, wide smile, and he looked at it for a few seconds before he lifted his eyes to take in the rest of her... His mouth began to drop open. He quickly snapped it closed and stared at the young lady, probably no more than eighteen, standing on his porch. She couldn’t be Annie Knight. That nanny had worked for six years, the past three years for a doctor he knew. She had graduated from college with a double major in psychology and child development.

Ian craned his neck, peering around the woman with thick shoulder-length blond hair and the biggest brown eyes he’d ever seen. Maybe she’d come with Annie Knight. But no one else was there. “Yes, may I help you?”

“Are you Dr. Ian McGregor?”

He nodded, surprised by her deep voice.

“I’m Annie Knight. Am I too early for the interview?”

“No, right on time,” Ian finally answered as he frantically thought back to reading her résumé. She’d graduated from high school ten years ago, which should make her around twenty-eight, twenty-nine. “Come in.” He stepped to the side to allow her to enter his house.

As Annie passed him in the entrance, he caught a whiff of...vanilla, and he thought immediately of the sugar cookies Aunt Louise used to bake. The young woman paused in the foyer and slowly rotated toward him, waiting.

Ian waved his arm toward the right. “Let’s go in there.”

He followed her into the formal living room that he rarely used. As she took a seat in a navy blue wingback, Ian sat on the beige couch across from her. The large chair seemed to swallow her petite frame. She couldn’t be any taller than five-one. His eldest son would surpass her in height in another year or so.

Ian cleared his throat. “I’m glad you could meet me here. My youngest son, Joshua, didn’t go to school today. He’s been sick the past two days but is fever-free as of this morning.”

“How old is he?”

“Four. He’s in the preschool program at Will Rogers Elementary.”

“Dr. Hansen told me you had four children. How old are they?”

“Jade and Jasmine are eight-year-old twins and Jeremy is nine, soon to be ten, as he has informed the whole world. I’m sure Tom told you that I need a nanny as soon as possible. My aunt who helped me with the children passed away six months ago and since then, I haven’t found anyone who fits my family.”

Annie Knight tilted her head to the side. “What has been the problem?”

All the good nannies have jobs. My family can be difficult. My children—and I—are shell-shocked after losing two important people we’ve loved in the past two years. Ian could have said all of that, but instead he replied, “The first nanny stole from me, and the second woman was too old to keep up with my children—her words, not mine, but she was right. Then the third one decided to up and quit without notice and left my kids here alone while I was in surgery. That was last week.” And the seven days since then had not been ones he would like to repeat. Ian had had to rearrange several operations he’d scheduled and change appointments.

Annie frowned. “That’s so unprofessional.”

“Tom is moving at the end of this week. I know he wanted you to go with the family to New York. May I ask why you didn’t?”

“My family is here in Cimarron City, and a big city like New York doesn’t appeal to me. Besides, his two eldest are teenagers and don’t need a nanny. His youngest will be twelve soon. Dr. Hansen will be able to hire a good housekeeper.”

Ian watched her as she talked and gestured. Warmth radiated from the woman across from him. Her face was full of expression, and when she smiled, dimples appeared on her cheeks. She had nice, high cheekbones. Her hair curled under and covered part of her face, which wasn’t unpleasant but not what most people would consider beautiful. As a plastic surgeon he was always drawn to how a person looked, but from experience he knew the importance of what lay beneath.

“Tom told me he hated losing you.” Why didn’t she use her college degree? Why did she choose to be a nanny? Ian decided to tell her everything so she would know what she would be up against. He heaved a composing breath. “Four children can be a handful.”

“I loved working with Dr. Hansen’s three children. We fell into a good routine. One more child shouldn’t be a problem. I grew up in a large family—four brothers and two sisters. I’m used to a full house.”

“I want to be blunt with you because I don’t want you to decide to leave after a few days. My children need stability. There have been too many changes in their lives lately. Their mother died two years ago, then my aunt. Joshua is—” he searched for the right word to describe his youngest “—adventurous. He’ll try anything once. He’s fearless.”

“Which could get him in trouble. My younger brother was like that. Actually, still is. He certainly tested my mother’s patience.”

“Jade and Jasmine desperately need a woman’s touch. They can be adorable, but if they don’t like you they will pull pranks on you. I suspect the reason the last nanny left was because of them, but I couldn’t get the truth out of any of my kids.”

“Are the twins tomboys?”

“Jade is, but Jasmine is totally the opposite. That’s the way you can tell them apart, because they do look exactly alike.” Ian stared at a place over her left shoulder while trying to decide how to explain his eldest son. “And Jeremy is angry. That his mother died. That Aunt Louise did, too. That I have to work to make a living. That the sky is blue. It’s sunny. It’s rainy.”

There—he’d laid it all out for Annie. If she stayed he would be surprised, but he didn’t want another nanny starting then leaving right away.

“I’ve worked with kids like that. They haven’t moved through the anger stage of grief. When my mother died, I got stuck in that stage.”

Ian studied Annie’s calm features, and for a few seconds he felt wrapped in that serenity. She seemed to know how to put people at ease. “He went to a children’s counselor, but little was accomplished. Frankly, I don’t know what to do next.” The second he said that he wanted to snatch it back. He was Jeremy’s dad. He should know what to do, shouldn’t he? “I’ve reduced my hours at the clinic to be around more, but all Jeremy and I do is butt heads.”

A light danced in the young woman’s eyes. She leaned forward, clasping her hands and resting her elbows on the arms of the chair. “There will be a period of adjustment with any new nanny, but I don’t run from problems. I like challenges. They make me dig in. They make life interesting.”

Ian would be trusting Annie with his children, so he needed to trust her with all the background on his eldest child. “I should warn you, Jeremy is also having trouble at school. He never talks about his mom like Jade and Jasmine do. They are always asking me to tell them stories about Zoe and me. Whenever they start talking about her, Jeremy leaves the room—or rather, stomps away. I’m at my wits’ end.” For three months he’d been thinking that, but now he’d spoken it out loud to another person. The very act made some of his stress dissolve.

“Counseling is good, but sometimes you need to be with a child outside an office to understand what’s really going on. I’ll do my best to help Jeremy.”

When Annie said those words, Ian felt hope for the first time in a while.

“I’ve checked your references, and they are excellent. I know how picky Tom is, and he never would have recommended you if you weren’t good. Do you have any questions about the job?”

Annie sat back again, scanning the living room. “What are my duties?”

“I have a cleaning lady who comes in three times a week, but in between there may be light cleaning. I love to cook, but there will be times when I’m held up at the clinic. Tom told me you are a good cook.”

“I like to when I get a chance.”

“The kids will be out of school for the summer in six weeks. The older ones have some activities you’ll need to drive them back and forth to, but Joshua doesn’t yet.”

“In other words, he’ll need to be watched closely,” she said with a chuckle.

“Yes. One time he managed to climb to the top of the bookcase then couldn’t get down.”

“Where will I be living?”

“I have an apartment over the garage you can use. We have a breezeway that connects the garage to the house. You’ll have your own place but be close if needed quickly. Will that be all right?”

“That will work perfectly. I’ll need Sundays off unless you have a medical emergency, and I’ll take off the other time according to the children’s schedules.”

“That’s fine with me. I’ll supply health insurance and a place to live. Your starting salary will be five hundred a week on top of your benefits. After three months we can discuss a raise. Is that all right with you?”


“When can you start?”

“Monday. I’ll move in on Sunday. I’ll have my family help me.”

Only four days away. “Great. Will you share Sunday-night dinner with us so I can introduce you to the children? I’m cooking.”

“I think that will be a good way for me to meet them. A school day is always hectic with everyone trying to get where they need to be.”

“I have a Ford Explorer you’ll use to drive the children. It’ll be at your disposal at all times.” Ian rose. “Let me give you a tour of my house, then the apartment, before you leave. I’m afraid it was a mess from the last nanny. The guy remodeling it will be through in a couple of days. We’ll only be able to peek inside because he’s refinishing the wooden floors today.”

“Will I get to meet Joshua before I leave?”

“Probably. When he takes a nap, it’s usually only an hour or so.”

Annie pushed to her feet, looking around. “I imagine you don’t use this room much, or your children are neater than most.”

“They don’t come in here often. The cleaning lady comes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. She has her own key, so she’ll let herself in.”

“That’s good. If I have to do any shopping that’ll be the time to do it. Do you want me to go to the grocery store for you?”

“Yes. I understand you did that for Tom and his wife.”

Annie nodded as she followed Ian into the dining room. “If you plan some meals, you can add what you need to my list. With such a large family, I’ll probably have to go twice a week.”

When Ian walked into the kitchen, he swept his arm wide. “Right before you came, this place was a disaster.” He crossed to the dishwasher and opened it. “I’ll have to empty this and refill it properly after you leave.”

She laughed, a light musical sound that filled the room.

Ian went to the utility room and swung open the door. “This is where I stuck all the mess I couldn’t take care of. I didn’t want to scare you away.”

“Then, why are you showing me now?”

He smiled. “Because I believed you when you said you like a challenge.”

“I don’t scare easily.” Annie chuckled.

“Good. The nanny who stole from me used to hide the mess rather than pick up. Sadly, I copied that method.” Ian gestured toward a door at the other end of the utility room. “That leads to the short breezeway and garage.”

The next place Ian showed her was the huge den. “This is where the family hangs out the most.” He indicated the room full of comfortable navy-blue-and-tan couches, a game table, a big-screen TV and several plush chairs with ottomans.

“I can see kids relaxing and enjoying themselves in here.”

“The only other room downstairs is my home office.” Ian pointed to the closed door across from the den then headed for the staircase. “On the second floor I have six bedrooms. I had the first nanny staying in Aunt Louise’s room, but my kids got upset. I quickly renovated the area over the garage, but she was fired before she had a chance to move into the apartment.”

“Those women give the nannies of this world a bad name. The ones I’ve gotten to know love children and go above and beyond.”

At the last room at the end of the hallway, Ian stopped and gestured. “This is Joshua’s bedroom. I’m surprised he isn’t up, but he’s been getting over a virus or—” He eased open the door to find his son drawing on the wall.

* * *

After church on Sunday, Annie joined her large family at her twin sister Amanda’s house for the noon meal. When not working, Annie spent a lot of time with her twin. Annie had been thrilled when Amanda had married Ben last year. Amanda would be a great mother, and Annie knew her sister wanted children.

The day was gorgeous with the temperature around seventy degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Annie made her way around back where her father stood talking with Ben at the grills, flipping hamburgers. With his thinning blond hair and the deep laugh lines crinkling at the corners of his brown eyes, Dad was no doubt telling her brother-in-law another Amanda and Annie escapade from childhood.

The scent of ground beef saturated the air and Annie’s stomach rumbled. She scanned the yard, enjoying the sound of merriment from the children playing on the elaborate swing set. Her twin might not have children yet, but she spoiled her nieces and nephews.

“Ah, it’s about time you arrived,” Amanda said as she put a Band-Aid on the youngest child’s knee. “We’re almost ready to eat. What took you so long?” She rose as her nephew ran back to play with the others.

“I went back to the house to say goodbye to the Hansen family. The moving van will come tomorrow. They were heading to the airport when I left.”

“Aren’t we supposed to help you move later today?” Her dad laid the spatula on the plate for the burgers and turned toward her. “Is everything boxed up?”

Annie nodded. “Ben and Charlie’s trucks should be enough for the small pieces of furniture I have. After we empty my suite of rooms at the Hansen house, I’ll lock up and we’ll go to Dr. McGregor’s. Then the hard work starts. There are stairs on the side of the garage that we’ll have to climb with all the boxes.”

Her youngest brother, twenty-year-old Charlie, came out of the house and clapped her on the back. “Remember, you promised me my favorite pie for helping. I’ve been thinking about that for days.” He rubbed his stomach in a circular motion.

“I’ll bake you an apple pie this week.”

Charlie’s dark eyebrows shot straight up. “Apple? Bah! Double-chocolate fudge is the only one I’ll accept.” Then he said to Ben, “I’ve been sent to find out when we’re going to eat.”

Ben pressed the spatula down on each patty. “One minute, so get the kids to wash up inside.”

As Charlie corralled the children and headed for the house with them, her dad chuckled. “Get ready for the onslaught.”

Annie stood back with Amanda as ten children from the ages of three to fourteen invaded the deck, all talking at the same time. The other day Dr. McGregor had wondered if she could handle looking out for four children, but Annie was usually the one assigned to keep her nieces and nephews in line or make sure the older ones kept an eye on the younger ones because Annie enjoyed helping with them.

Her gaze drifted to Amanda, an exact replica of Annie, although her twin usually wore her long blond hair pulled up in a ponytail. She doubted there was anything Jade and Jasmine could pull that she and Amanda hadn’t tried years ago. They had never fooled her parents, but they had confused a couple of their teachers when they exchanged places in each other’s classes. Now they went out of their way to be different.

Annie herded the kids into a line so they could fill their plates with hamburgers, coleslaw and fruit salad while Amanda and Samantha, who was married to her eldest brother, Ken, helped the two youngest children with their food.

As Annie’s nieces and nephews sat at their table, she arranged older ones to be near younger ones. “Let’s pray. Carey, do you want to say the prayer?”

“Yes,” her ten-year-old niece said, then bowed her head. “Bless this food and, Lord, please don’t let it rain tomorrow on my soccer game.”

When the children dug into their meal, Annie went to make a plate for herself. As she dished up an extra helping of coleslaw, she glanced at the lettuce for the burger. The green reminded her of the color of Dr. McGregor’s eyes, except his had a sparkle in their depths, especially toward the end of their conversation about his kids. She’d felt his relief that he’d told her everything about them and she hadn’t declined the job. He didn’t understand—instead of frightening her off, he’d intrigued her. Annie had decided years ago to help children in need, and Jeremy needed her whether he knew it or not. The Hansens’ middle daughter had, too, at one time, but now she was fourteen and growing up to be a mature young lady.

“You haven’t told me much about your new position,” Amanda said when she joined Annie at the end of the food line. “What’s your boss like?”

“He seems a little overwhelmed at the moment.”

“Four children will do that.”

“More than that. He lost his wife and then his aunt, who was assisting him with the kids. All in two years’ time.”

Amanda gave her a long, assessing look. “Sounds as though you want to do more than help the children.”

“Any kind of loss can be hard to get over. I don’t think Dr. McGregor’s even had time to think about either his wife or aunt. He’s had his hands full.”

“You got all of that from an hour interview?”

Annie started for the adult table. “Well, not exactly. I asked Tom and his wife about him. I have a nurse friend at the hospital where he does surgery. She told me some things, too.”

One perfectly arched eyebrow rose. “It sounds as though you also checked his references.”

“I could be working for him for quite a while—his youngest is four years old. I discovered that his colleagues respect him as a surgeon, but what I particularly like about him is that he spends some of his time at a free clinic for children, fixing things like cleft palates. Tom told me Dr. McGregor has had to reduce his regular work time because of his trouble with the nannies, but he didn’t decrease his hours at the free clinic.”

Seated at the table, Amanda leaned close to Annie. “So he’s a plastic surgeon. Maybe you should talk to him about your situation.”

Annie gripped her fork and whispered, “No. I was told there’s nothing else that can be done.”

“That was fourteen years ago. Methods are bound to be better now.”

“I don’t have the money. The last operation nearly cost Dad his house. I can’t do that again. I’ll live with the scars. I have for over fourteen years. Besides, the fire wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t left the candle burning when I went to sleep.”

Tears filled Annie’s eyes. She’d forgotten about the candle that day at the cabin because she’d been too busy moping and missing her boyfriend.

The memory of that day when she had been fifteen and the family had been staying at their grandparents’ cabin on Grand Lake inundated her with feelings of regret. The fire that had destroyed the vacation home had also nearly killed her when a burning beam had pinned her down. Part of her body was burned. The pain swallowed her into a huge dark hole that had taken a year to crawl out of. But the worst part was her mother had never made it out of the cabin. Her dad had managed to get to Annie, but when he’d tried to go back in, the building had been engulfed in flames.

“You have four brothers and two sisters who can help you with the money. We all have jobs. Even Charlie works, and he’s still in college.”

“He has to pay for his classes. And each of you has a family to support and your own expenses. Amanda, let this go before I get up and leave.”

Amanda harrumphed. “You’re stubborn.”

“So are you. Remember, I know you better than anyone, probably even Ben.”

Amanda narrowed her brown eyes. “And the same goes for me. Annie, it was an accident. The family doesn’t blame you for Mom’s death. You need to forgive yourself and let the past go or you’ll never have the life the Lord wants for you. When are you going to figure that out?” Her twin raised her voice above a whisper.

“Annie, what do you need to figure out?” her father asked from the other side of the table.

“Nothing, Dad. Amanda and I are just arguing.”

“What’s new?” Ken, her older brother who sat across from Annie, picked up his hamburger to take a bite. “Ouch! Which one of you kicked me?”

The twins pointed at each other.

* * *

Emotions clashed inside Annie when she turned into the McGregors’ driveway and drove to the large white stone house set back from the road on the outskirts of Cimarron City, Oklahoma. She was excited for a new opportunity to help children in need, but it had been several years since she’d been challenged with a grieving child. The Hansen kids’ drama had been normal teenager or preteen stuff for quite some time. What if she’d lost her touch?

Annie glanced in her rearview mirror and saw her brothers’ vehicles at the entrance of the driveway. Parking in front of a three-car garage, she inhaled a deep breath, then climbed from her red Honda, hefted a large box with her pots and pans from the backseat and headed toward the stairs on the side. Dr. McGregor had told her yesterday he would leave the apartment unlocked.

She carefully started her climb up the steps, her view partially blocked by the carton. A giggle from above drifted to her. She lowered the box and gasped.

Grinning at her, Joshua stood on top of the upstairs railing wearing a red cape that flapped in the breeze.

“I have special powers. I can fly.” The four-year-old spread his arms wide as though he was going to demonstrate.

“Don’t!” Annie shouted as Joshua wobbled.

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