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Loe raamatut: «The Hero Next Door»

Irene Hannon

“This isn’t Chicago. Nantucket is safe. You scared me to death! Is that a gun in your hand?” Heather asked.

“Yes, and crime happens everywhere,” J.C. responded.

“The noise we heard is probably feral cats. I caught them rooting through my trash a few days ago.”

J.C. took a quick look around her backyard and confirmed that two cats had indeed stuck their noses in the trash bin.

“Sorry to raise an unnecessary alarm,” he said.

“You must travel in rough circles.”

In Heather Anderson’s world, cats were the biggest predators on the street.

He, on the other hand, had spent his career dealing with lowlifes. And he’d been doing it for so long he didn’t know how to behave around a woman who was untouched by the raw side of life.

“Well, thanks again.” Turning, she disappeared through her back door.

Suddenly, an odd sensation settled in J.C.’s chest. One that had nothing to do with the guilt he’d been carrying for the last month. This was related to a woman with beautiful hazel eyes.


Irene Hannon, who writes both romance and romantic suspense, is an author of more than twenty-five novels. Her books have been honored with both a coveted RITA® Award from Romance Writers of America (the “Oscar” of romantic fiction) and a Reviewers’ Choice Award from Romantic Times BOOK reviews magazine. More than a million copies of her novels have been sold worldwide.

A former corporate communications executive with a Fortune 500 company, Irene now writes full-time. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, long walks, cooking, gardening and spending time with family. She and her husband make their home in Missouri.

For more information about her and her books, Irene invites you to visit her Web site at

The Hero Next Door
Irene Hannon

Love never fails.

—I Corinthians 13:8

To my husband, Tom—

who is just my cup of tea!


Special thanks to Chief William J. Pittman,

Nantucket Police Department,

for his generous assistance.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen


Questions for Discussion

Chapter One

Justin Clay had always considered June 1 to be the true beginning of summer. The day that marked the transition from cold and dark to warm and bright.

And on this June 1, as the ferry from Hyannis churned into Nantucket Harbor under cloudless blue skies, he hoped that was as true for his life as it was for the weather.

Forearms resting on the railing, he took in the view as the ferry rounded diminutive Brant Point Light and the Coast Guard station. Boats of every type and size dotted the blue water below the tree-filled town, which perched on a gentle hillside in the background. The gold dome of a clock tower and a tall white steeple soared over the leafy branches, while weathered gray clapboard buildings with white trim predominated along the waterfront.

Lifting his face to the warmth of the sun, Justin took a deep breath. He’d wanted a complete change of scene, and this qualified. The tranquil, pristine vista felt a world removed from the violent, gritty backstreets of Chicago he frequented. Perhaps here, twenty-six miles from the mainland, on this fourteen-by-three-and-a-half-mile speck of land in the Atlantic Ocean, he would find release from the pain and guilt that gnawed at his soul.

As the ferry eased beside the wharf, Justin picked up his oversize duffel bag, slung his backpack over one shoulder and sent a silent prayer heavenward that when he boarded this boat again in three months to head home, he’d be leaving a lot of baggage behind.

Sliding a tray of mini-scones onto the cooling rack on the stainless-steel prep table, Heather Anderson checked the clock. 1:10 p.m. In less than an hour, thirty-four customers would be arriving for a proper British high tea.

Where was Julie?

As she cast a worried glance out the window, the gate by the garage swung open to admit her assistant, and Heather released a relieved breath. The Devon Rose might be a one-woman show for most of the day, but she needed help with the actual serving.

Pushing through the back door, her white blouse and black skirt immaculate even if her French braid was slightly askew, Julie sent her an apologetic look. “Sorry. I had a flat tire.”

“No problem. I’m just glad you’re here.” Heather adjusted the oven temperature, strode over to the commercial-size refrigerator and pulled out a tray of mini-quiches. “Did Todd change it for you?”

“Yes. But I hated to wake him.” Julie began arranging the scones on the second level of the three-tiered silver serving stands lined up on the counter, tucking flowers among them. “There was some kind of drug incident in the wee hours of the morning, and he was beat when he got home. But he didn’t complain about the tire.”

“And you’ve been married how long? Twenty years?” Heather shook her head as she took the lids off fifteen teapots in a variety of styles and arranged them on a long counter. “He’s one in a million, Julie. Count your blessings.”

“I do. Every day. But there are other good guys out there, too, you know.” She sent Heather a meaningful glance.

“Maybe.” Heather slid the quiches into the oven. “But they’re few and far between. And based on past experience, not likely to come calling at my door. I’d have to beat the bushes to find one.” She closed the oven door and turned to Julie. “And as far as I’m concerned, it’s not worth the effort.”

Justin hoisted his backpack into a more comfortable position, pulled the Nantucket town map out of the back pocket of his jeans and perused the maze of streets. In one more block he’d be at Lighthouse Lane—and the cottage he’d be calling home for the next three months.

Refolding the map, he shoved it back into his pocket, hefted his duffel bag and continued down the sidewalk. As he’d already discovered on his trek from the wharf, unlike the dirty, decaying back alleys of Chicago, Nantucket was clean and well kept. The people he’d passed, many on bicycles, had been dressed nicely, and they’d smiled at him. A welcome change of pace from the suspicious looks he was used to, cast by questionable characters as they slunk into dark doorways.

Nantucket wasn’t crime free, Justin knew. But he doubted he’d have to worry about double crosses here—or mistakes that could snuff out lives.

A lump rose in his throat, and he paused at the corner of Lighthouse Lane to blink away the sudden film of moisture that blurred his vision. With memories so fresh and raw, maybe coming to Nantucket hadn’t been such a good idea, after all. Maybe he should have used the last three months of his four-month leave to veg. Rent a cabin in the woods and disappear. Or borrow a boat and hang out on Lake Michigan.

Yet prayer had led him here, back to his roots as a beat cop. He’d asked the Lord to help him find answers—and direction. To give him some quiet time to work through the issues that weighed him down. So this summer job opportunity had seemed providential.

Things would be better here.

They had to be.

Crossing the street, he turned left onto Lighthouse Lane. His landlady, Edith Shaw, had said hers was the third—and last—house on the right, and he had no trouble spotting the Federal-style home she’d described.

But far more impressive was the two-story structure on the corner. Constructed of clapboard, like the Shaw house, but painted white instead of yellow, it featured black shutters. Thanks to a Greek Revival roofline with a deep frieze—along with a small, elevated, white-pillared front porch—it had a grand, stately air. A discreet sign beside the door said The Devon Rose.

Squinting, Justin could just make out the elaborate script below the name: Serving Wednesday through Sunday. Sounded like a restaurant. And mere steps away from his new digs. Pretty convenient. Once he dropped his bags off at his cottage, he might come back here for a quick bite to tide him over until he stocked his kitchen.

His stomach growled, and taking the cue, he picked up his pace, passing a snug, weathered clapboard cottage with sage-colored trim that was sandwiched on a shallow lot between The Devon Rose and the Shaw house. The backyards of the two larger houses must adjoin in the rear, he concluded.

Continuing to Edith Shaw’s house, he found an envelope bearing his name taped beside the doorbell. The note inside directed him through the gate in the tall privet hedge to a spacious private backyard. From there he followed a flagstone path across the thick carpet of grass to the cottage, which was surrounded by budding hydrangea bushes. It was tucked into the back corner, separated from The Devon Rose property only by the privet hedge.

As he’d been warned, the structure was small. But that was okay; he didn’t require a lot of square footage. At six-one, however, he considered headroom important. He hoped the compact accommodations wouldn’t be too claustrophobic.

Much to his relief, when he stepped inside, he realized the outward appearance had been deceptive. Or perhaps the sense of spaciousness was due to the vaulted ceiling. A queen-size bed stood in the far left corner of the room, while a small couch upholstered in hydrangea-print fabric stood against the wall to the left of the front door, a brass reading lamp beside it. An old chest, topped with a glass bowl of hard candy, served as a coffee table.

In the tiny kitchenette to the right, a wooden café table was flanked by matching chairs with blue-and-yellow plaid seat cushions. A quick peek confirmed that the bath was behind the kitchen. No tub, but a decent-size shower, Jason noted.

Setting his luggage on the polished pine floor, he spotted a plate of what appeared to be homemade pumpkin bread in the middle of the café table.

His stomach growled again and, stripping off the plastic wrap, Justin devoured one of the slices. But it barely put a dent in his appetite. He needed real food.

Rewrapping the plate of sweet bread, he freshened up and headed back out the door to the closest restaurant.

The Devon Rose.

“Table six asked for more scones. And nine wants a refill of Earl Grey.” Julie swept into the kitchen carrying a china teapot.

Heather arranged three more scones on a small serving plate. “I’ll deliver these if you’ll handle the Earl.”

“Will do.” Julie headed toward the shelves above the counter, where an array of canisters held white, black, green, oolong and herbal teas.

Plate of scones in hand, Heather pushed through the swinging door into the dining room. As she emerged from behind the ornate wooden grill that blocked patrons’ views into the more functional areas of the house, the calm oasis of The Devon Rose soothed her, as always. Soft classical music provided a genteel backdrop to the muted conversation and tinkle of silver spoons against fine china cups. Silk draperies at the tall windows and crisp white linen tablecloths helped absorb the echo produced by the ten-foot ceilings, marble mantels and polished hardwood floors in the three rooms where tea was served.

Here in the original dining room, a century-old hand-painted mural of a Tudor garden lent a touch of elegance. Her great aunt’s antique mahogany table still stood under an ornate crystal chandelier and accommodated larger groups for special occasions. Today it was set for eight, and Heather stopped to exchange a few words with the guest of honor, who was celebrating her eightieth birthday.

Crossing the foyer, with its elaborate stairway that hugged the wall as it wound up to the second floor, Heather passed through an arched doorway into twin parlors connected by open pocket doors. Intimate tables for two lined the walls of both rooms, with a table for four in the center of each. Table six was beside the mantel on the far wall.

“I understand I have some scone lovers here.” With a smile, she set the plate on the pristine linen, checking to confirm that the couple had a sufficient quantity of wild strawberry jam and the clotted cream she imported from Devon.

“My dear, they’re divine! Just like the ones we had in Cornwall last year,” the older woman gushed.

“Mighty fine,” her companion seconded as he reached for one of the scones.

Heather made a leisurely circuit of the room, exchanging a few words with the customers at each table. As usual, she had a full house. Tea was by reservation only, and she was often booked weeks in advance. It was rare to have a no-show.

Today, however, table four was the exception to that rule. A tourist reservation, Heather assumed as she passed it on her way to the foyer. Visitors to the island often changed their plans on a whim. That was one of the reasons she preferred her local clientele.

The front door swung open as she exited the parlor, and she stopped in surprise. Tea began at two, and it was well past that now. Perhaps tardy arrivals for table four?

But the tall, dark-haired man who stepped into the foyer was alone. Attired in jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt, he was nothing like her typical male customers—older men accompanying their wives. This guy was in his midthirties, she estimated—and very masculine. With brown eyes so dark they could pass for black, he was well built and radiated an intense, ready-for-action energy.

The tranquil mood in the tearoom suddenly shifted. The clatter of spoons and forks ceased, and an expectant hush replaced the quiet conversation.

If the man who’d crossed her threshold noticed the newly charged atmosphere, he didn’t let on. Instead, he closed the door behind him and gave Heather a swift scan. She had a feeling he missed nothing—from her black leather pumps and slim black skirt to her short-sleeved silk blouse, her single strand of pearls and the tortoiseshell barrette that restrained her shoulder-length light brown hair at her nape.

She’d call the look practiced, except that implied ogling. His sweep felt almost…professional. Automatic. As if he were accustomed to assessing everyone he met.

When the silence lengthened, she arched an eyebrow. “May I help you?”

“I was hoping to get some lunch.” One corner of his mouth hitched up into an appealing half smile.

To Heather’s annoyance, her pulse accelerated. “I’m afraid we serve afternoon tea, not lunch.”

He surveyed the dining room, giving her an excellent view of the chiseled planes of his face and the strong line of his jaw. All the women watching him seemed to smile in unison, Heather noted.

“I suppose I’m not dressed for a fancy place like this. But I’m hungry, and this was the closest spot serving food.” Facing her again, his half smile edged up a notch. “I’m staying in Edith Shaw’s cottage for the summer, and I just arrived on the ferry. I’m Justin Clay, by the way. J.C. to my friends.” He held out his hand.

The police officer from Chicago, Heather realized as she moved forward. Edith had mentioned him.

At five foot six, she didn’t think of herself as short, but she had to tip her head back to return his greeting. “Heather Anderson.”

His warm, lean fingers closed over hers in a strong grip, and her breath got stuck in her throat. Talk about good-looking! Yet at close range, she couldn’t help noticing fine lines radiating from the corners of his eyes, as well as fatigue in their depths. Both projected a soul-deep weariness that went way beyond physical tiredness.

Her conscience pricking, Heather wavered. She couldn’t send him away hungry. Not when he was a neighbor—and she had an empty table. “You’re welcome to stay, if tea fare will be sufficient.”

The other side of his mouth hitched up to form a complete smile, and his fingers tightened for an instant before he released her hand. “I’m sure it will be fine.”

Telling her heart to behave, Heather led the way to table four. “In general, we’re fully booked. This was a rare no-show.”

“My lucky day, I guess.”

She turned to find him watching her. With some men, Heather might have interpreted that comment as a come-on. With this one, she wasn’t certain. His neutral expression told her nothing. Nor did his eyes reveal the motivation behind his remark. It was as if he’d had a lot of practice masking his emotions.

“What sort of tea would you like?” She plucked a printed list of offerings out of a small silver holder on the table and handed it to him.

After a cursory scan, he passed it back. “What are the chances I could get a cup of coffee?”

She gave him a bemused look. “In a tearoom? None, I’m afraid. Sorry.”

“Okay. Then I’ll take your strongest tea.”

Assam, she decided at once. It was full-bodied, robust and malty. They didn’t have many takers for that potent brew. But she figured he could handle it.

“I think we have one you’ll like. Your food will be out in a few minutes.”


Turning, Heather crossed the room toward the foyer. She was tempted to check and see if Justin Clay was still watching her, but she squelched that silly impulse. Why should she care?

Yet as she passed the front door, she couldn’t help recalling what she’d told Julie a couple of hours ago, about good guys being few and far between—and not likely to come calling at her door.

She didn’t know a thing about the man who’d just arrived, except that he seemed out of place in The Devon Rose. But intuition told her he might fall into the good-guy camp.

Of course, her intuition had failed her before, with her old boyfriend Mark. As had her mother’s, with Heather’s unfaithful father. As had her sister Susan’s, with her philandering husband. All of those examples reinforced the sad truth—the Anderson women had no luck when it came to men.

So while Justin Clay might, indeed, be a good guy, Heather didn’t intend to find out.

Because she didn’t trust her judgment when it came to the opposite sex.

And there was no way she’d risk putting her heart in jeopardy ever again. No matter how appealing the man.

Chapter Two

J.C. swirled his last French fry in the generous dollop of ketchup on his plate and popped it in his mouth. The fries and the burger had been the perfect chaser to his afternoon tea, which had done little more than take the edge off his hunger.

Not that he had any complaints about the food at the swanky tearoom. Those little puffy dough things filled with chicken salad had been tasty. The quiche had been okay. As for those little scones with jam and that cream stuff—he could have eaten a dozen of them. And every one of the five desserts had been amazing.

It was the amount, not the flavor, of the food that had sent him in hot pursuit of the nearest restaurant the instant he’d stepped out the door of The Devon Rose. None of the items on that three-tiered contraption had been bigger than a sausage patty.

And the bill had been a shocker. He calculated that his foray into the world of high tea had cost him close to two bucks a bite.

Wiping his mouth on a napkin, J.C. leaned back in his seat. In fairness, the prices were on the high side in this establishment, too. He wasn’t used to twelve-dollar hamburgers. At this rate, he’d eat up his first month’s salary in a week. A trip to the grocery store was high on his agenda for tomorrow, after he had breakfast with his new boss—and Chicago PD alumnus—Adam Burke.

As for the cost of the tea—he didn’t regret the budget-straining expense. It had been a unique experience, in an atmosphere he could only describe as elegant.

A word that fit the owner as well.

Taking a sip of coffee, he thought about Heather Anderson. Now there was a lady. From her every-hair-in-place wispy bangs, to her graceful, ringless fingers as she’d poured his tea, to her classy attire, she’d oozed culture and refinement.

In other words, she was way out of his league.

Not that it mattered. His priorities for his stay on Nantucket didn’t include a relationship. He had enough to deal with without adding romance to the mix.

Draining his mug, he pulled some bills from his wallet and tossed them on the table. Before the day ended, he had several more things to do—and thinking about the lovely tearoom owner wasn’t on his list.

Yet try as he might, he couldn’t stop images of her from floating through his mind as he strolled down the cobblestone street and veered off toward Lighthouse Lane.

“Knock, knock. Anyone home?”

Wiping her hands on a towel, Heather smiled at the stout older woman who stood on the other side of her screen door. Since Edith and Chester Shaw had retired to Nantucket eleven years ago, the couple had become like family to her.

“Come on in.” Heather reached for the two leftover scones, added a generous portion of clotted cream and strawberry jam to the plate, and edged it toward Edith. “Help yourself if you’re hungry.”

“Oh, my. I shouldn’t.” Her neighbor cast a longing glance at the offering. Then, with a shrug, she pulled a stool up to the stainless-steel prep table and slathered the scones with jam and cream. “But these are impossible to resist, as you well know.”

Chuckling, Heather continued measuring ingredients for the chocolate tarts that would grace tomorrow’s three-tiered servers. “What’s up?”

“Did you notice any activity at my place while Chester and I were away? The note’s gone from my front door, so I know my tenant arrived. I’d planned to invite him to dinner since he doesn’t know a soul here other than Burke, but I’m afraid he may already have gone out to get a bite.”

Julie pushed through the door from the dining room. “Hi, Edith. Heather, I set the tables for tomorrow and refilled the sugar bowls. Anything else before I take off?”

“That should do it, thanks. To answer your question, Edith, he stopped in here around three in search of food. He thought we served lunch.” Heather stirred the chocolate in the double boiler. “I assumed he went back to your place when he left.”

“No one answered my knock. How long was he here?”

“He stayed for tea,” Julie offered, retrieving her purse and sweater from a chair and heading for the door.

Edith arched an eyebrow.

“I think he liked what we had to offer,” Julie added.

Heather turned in time to see her assistant wink at Edith and incline her head toward her employer before pushing through the door.

As it banged shut behind her, Edith tipped her head and appraised Heather. “So Justin Clay stayed for tea.”

Heather shot her a warning look. “Don’t make anything out of this, Edith.”

“What’s there to make anything out of?” She took a bite of her second scone. “I haven’t met Mr. Clay, but I understand from Burke that he’s got quite a reputation on the Chicago force for some pretty high-stakes undercover work. I sort of pictured him as the tall, muscular, rugged type. I guess I’m having a little trouble imagining him holding a dainty teacup and eating finger sandwiches. Unless he had an ulterior motive.”

Planting her hands on her hips, Heather narrowed her eyes. “Just because you had a hand in getting Kate and Craig together doesn’t give you the right to work on my love life, Edith.” Charter fishing boat captain Kate MacDonald, who occupied the little cottage between her house and Edith’s, had recently married Nantucket’s Coast Guard commander, and Heather knew Edith was proud of her role as matchmaker.

“How can I work on something that doesn’t exist?”

“Very funny.”

“No. Very true. And sad.”

“You know I’m not in the market for romance, Edith. And you know why.”

“Not all men are like your father. Or Mark.”

Removing the melted chocolate from the stove, Heather poured it into a mixing bowl containing the remaining ingredients for the filling and began to stir. Even after two years, the mere mention of the dashing Boston hotel executive who’d come to the island to manage a collection of boutique properties—and who’d finagled his way past her defenses—left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“I agree, Edith. But the Anderson women always seem to pick losers.”

“Humph.” The older woman licked a speck of cream off her finger. “What does the island’s newest police officer look like?”

“Dark hair, dark eyes, six-one or two.” Heather began scooping the filling into the miniature tart shells.

“As in tall, dark and handsome?”

“I didn’t say handsome.”

“You mean he’s ugly?”

As a mental image of her unexpected customer flashed across her mind, Heather lost her methodical scooping rhythm and a ball of filling plopped onto the stainless-steel counter. Expelling an irritated breath, she gritted her teeth and swiped it up. “He’s not ugly.”

“Well, I’m anxious to meet him. I already like his name. Justin Clay. It sounds very strong and masculine.”

“He goes by J.C.”

“Oh? How do you know?”

She was in too deep now to do anything but tell the truth, Heather realized, regretting the slip. “When he introduced himself, he said that’s what his friends call him.”

“His friends.” Edith mulled that over as she slid off the stool. Ambling toward the back porch, she tossed one parting comment over her shoulder. “Well, that’s a start.” Without waiting for a response, she pushed through the door and disappeared down the steps.

Dismayed, Heather blew out a breath and shook her head. She’d seen that look in Edith’s eyes before, and she knew what it meant—the older woman was in matchmaking mode. Now that Kate and Craig had tied the knot, she was on the prowl for new victims.

Meaning J.C. would probably end up ruing the day he’d stepped into The Devon Rose.

“Marci, it’s J.C.”

“Hey, big brother. You arrived safe and sound, I assume.”

“Yep.” He stretched out on the bed in his new digs, testing the mattress. Nice and firm. Just the way he liked it.

“So how’s life on a ritzy island?”

“I haven’t seen the ritzy parts yet. But I did have a ritzy experience today. I went to tea.”

Her response was preceded by several beats of silence. “You hate tea.”

“The food was good,” J.C. countered. “You would have liked it, Marci. White tablecloths, classical music, flowers.”

“You hate tea.”

“You already said that.”

“I know. I’m trying to make sense of this. What on earth prompted you to go to tea?”

An elegant, graceful woman with hazel eyes.

As that thought echoed in his mind, J.C. frowned. He wished he could attribute his foray into that civilized ritual to hunger, but he couldn’t dispute the truth. Had it not been for Heather Anderson’s quiet loveliness and refinement, he would have vacated the rarified atmosphere of The Devon Rose in a heartbeat, no matter how loudly his stomach protested.

“The question wasn’t that hard, J.C.”

At Marci’s wry prompt, he pulled himself back to the present. “I was hungry. And the tea place is next door to my cottage. Anyway, it’s nice here. Quiet.”

“Good. Maybe you’ll sleep better.”

“I slept okay in Chicago.”

“Hey, you don’t have to pretend with me. I’m your sister, okay? I know you’ve been through hell this past month. So rest. Relax. Think. And move on.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“I know.” Her words came out scratchy, and she cleared her throat. “Pray some more to that God of yours. Maybe He’ll come through for you if you keep bending His ear.”

“I intend to. And He’s your God, too, Marci. I wish you and Nathan would give Him a chance.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself. As for Nathan…he’s a lost cause. Do you still write to him every week?”


“I doubt he even reads the letters.”

“Maybe not. But he gets them. And knows I’m thinking about him.”

“Talk about a wasted life.” Disgust laced her words.

“It’s not too late for him to turn things around.” J.C. tried to sound optimistic as he stared at the ceiling, but in truth, his hope was dimming. His younger brother’s bitterness hadn’t abated one iota since the day eight years ago when he’d been sentenced to a decade behind bars for armed robbery.

“Give it up, J.C. All those trips you made down to Pontiac…What good did they do? Most of the time he wouldn’t even talk to you. He doesn’t like cops.”

“I was his brother first, Marci. And I have to try.”

“Yeah. I know.” Her words grew softer. “Too bad you were saddled with two reprobates for siblings.”

There was a hint of humor in her voice, but J.C. knew how she’d struggled with self-image. And hated that deep inside, for reasons he’d never been able to fathom, she might continue to feel less than worthy. “I don’t think of you that way, Marci. And neither does anyone else. You’ve done great.” Then he lightened his tone, knowing praise made her uncomfortable. “I’m impressed with that big word, by the way. Reprobate, huh? All that schooling you’re getting must be paying off.”

“Very funny.”

A knock sounded at his door, and he swung his legs to the floor. “Someone’s come calling, kiddo. Gotta run.”

“Okay, bro. Take care and don’t be a stranger.”

As the line went dead, J.C. stood and slipped his cell phone into his pocket. Smoothing down the back of his hair with one hand, he opened the door with the other.

“You must be Justin. Or J.C., as I’m told you prefer to be called. You’re just the way Heather described you. Welcome to Nantucket. I’m Edith Shaw, and this is my husband, Chester.” An older woman with short, silvery-gray hair stuck out her hand.

As J.C. returned her firm clasp and leaned forward to grasp her husband’s fingers, he gave his landlords a quick once-over.

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