Loe raamatut: «Crete-Mycenaean culture and religion as part of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age of Eurasia»


© Sergey Solovyov, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4490-6644-2

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Solovyov Sergej Yurievich

Crete-Mycenaean culture and religion as part of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age of Eurasia.

Contents. Introduction

Hellas and Hellenism. Tain meanders, acanthus and palmettes.

Date of the Treasure of Schliemann Tactics of the Achaean chariots in battle Chariot fighters of Ancient Greece of the Bronze Age.

Lenses and products from rock crystal. Discoveries of the Bronze Age of the Century from Troy, Mycenae and Crete.

On the stela No. 1428 from the grave circle «A» Mycenae, the meaning of this image, and the possible translation of the pictorial relief.

Ritual cups on a fresco from the grave of Rehmir. Buckets as one of the signs of Indo-European culture.

Trident, as one of the iconic symbols of Indo-European culture.

The discovery of iron is ancient. Ethiopians and Colchis. Ancestral home of Ancient Greece and the Caucasus.

The double helix as a cultural and religious symbol in the Indo-European culture, and its connection with Acanthus, Meander and Palmetta.

Ilios and Leto, like the deities of the sun and ice, and the gods-twins Apollo and Elisia.

Acanthus in the Middle Ages.

Griffins, lions and sphinxes in the Knossos and Pylos palaces of the Crete-Mycenaean culture. The serpent (Issaya) in the hand of Elisia is the attribute, meaning and meaning of this symbol in Indo-European culture.

Image of the Priest King from the island of Crete. Apollo and Krishna. Identification of this relief as the oldest cultural and religious image of Apollo-Krishna, as a common Indo-European deity of the Bronze Age era.

The world tree. Guardians of the World Tree – Apollo (Ill) and Elecia (Helen) in ancient Greek mythology.

Delphic oracle Warriors led by Ill in new lands and in just wars Combes with helmets of warriors and their meaning.

The oldest Indo-European myths in the tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Apollo and Elisius. Akant, Meander and Palmetta.

Swastika, left and right. The true meaning of these signs.

The Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Feat of the creativity of Alevizo the New. Acanthus and Palmetta on the walls of the Cathedral.

Regular parks.

Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Eschatological views in Indo-European culture. The oldest relief with the image of the Battle on the Kalinov Bridge with a three-headed serpent.

Lamb in the Indo- European religions.

Secret signs on pedestals of garden and park sculpture of Kuskovo Park.

The conclusion.


Pic.1. Map of the Aegean world and the Crete-Mycenaean civilization

It is impossible to study the culture, art of any country outside the comprehension of the principles and organization of the religion of this country, they are an external, visible part of it. After all, culture and art, attitude to the beautiful, to

science, are derived from the customs and faith professed by the people, and therefore fully understanding the monuments and achievements is unrealistic without studying religion. The ancient Greek religious system was based on the belief in the Olympic deities, with its inherent hierarchy, this system was described by Hesiod in his «Theogony», led by a host of deities was Zeus and Hera, with his subordinate gods. On the first step stood him, Zeus, brothers and sisters (Poseidon, Demeter, Hades), the next step-their children. With each level in the hierarchy, the power of the deity changed. So there was a host of different spirits and demons. But this system was a simplified system for simple, uninitiated people, and people of a higher rank were included in the circle of initiates in various sacraments, which were left with certain information left by Plato, Pausanias, Ptolemy Hephaestion, Heraclitus, Praxitel, Callimachus. Often analyzing the information conveyed by these individuals, we can say that the popular and «elite» religion differed to non-recognition. The religion of the initiates was more demanding of the adept, and was based on the Indo-European cults of the Bronze Age that remained intact, the time of the migration of the Hellenic tribes to Hellas. It is believed that the Hellenic religion religion did not have a single organization and teaching, but consisted of community cults of various deities that were not omnipotent, but patronized one or more of the elements, spheres of human activity or geographic areas. Mythology in fact was extremely developed. This book dispels this delusion, the delusion about the entanglement and contradiction of the cult of the Ancient Greek gods, on these pages the true meaning of the numerous attributes of the ancient Greek deities, their connection with the oldest Indo-European cults is revealed. And a clear correspondence with the names of the deities of Northern Europe and Eurasia is shown, a clear and consistent similarity of the Indo-European afterlife cults, their origin and development over time is proved. The most

a mysterious legend about the consistency of fire and ice, which gave birth to this union, and what kind of deities personified it. True mythology and the circle of deities, their functions, meaning and origin, kinship, become clear and consistent, explains the seeming incredible philosophers of ancient Greece, the repeated birth of deities on Earth among humans, as well as repeated deaths of deities. The true number of deities of ancient Greece is proved, the connection of deities with the World Tree and the afterlife. The meaning and meaning of ornaments of antiquity-double spiral, acanthus, meander, palmette, swastika are revealed. The mystery of the origin of the name of Hellas and Hellenes, the time of the foundation of Mycenae and the date of the Trojan War, the history and the true meaning of the founding of the Olympic Games of antiquity, which was explored in connection with the Hellenic religion. The importance for Ancient Greece of the Delphic oracle is justified, and to whom the divinities were sought, who of the deities disclosed the secrets of the future. It shows the development of technologies opened by Indo-Europeans-combat chariots, optics, and iron. It was very important and necessary to show and prove the cultural and religious community of Indo-Europeans of the Bronze Age. It would be difficult and wrong to affirm ethnic identity, but the similarity, and often the identity of the most important attributes, ornaments, mythology that survived to our time four thousand years later, all this is the surest evidence of these statements. Many of the information came to our time in a distorted form, due to the fact that the elect received knowledge of the divine nature in the Antiquity, and this was due to the initiation procedure, Pausanias explicitly states in the «Description of Hellas» that he knows how to explain the ram near with the statue of Apollo as an attribute of a deity but can not reveal this mystery of initiation, because he has sworn not to reveal true knowledge. The most famous models of the origin of Indo-Europeans can be conditionally divided into European and Asian. Of the European most common among linguists and archaeologists is the mound hypothesis suggests that the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was the territory of the Northern Black Sea coast in the interfluve of the Dnieper and the Volga, and they themselves represented a semi-nomadic population of the steppe regions of the modern east of Ukraine and southern Russia, who lived in these places in the V – IV millennium BC. e. With this you can agree, but adding that it was the end of the III beginning of the II millennium BC. e. according to all archaeological finds, dates to the beginning of the mass migration of Indo-Europeans to Greece, the Front and the Lesser Asia. And it is precisely this time that dates from a culture stretching from Denmark to Western Siberia and India, and possibly from China. About this, despite some difference, the finds of chariots, the massive finds of bronze swords in Greece and Denmark, the lobed temporal rings of Eurasia, Denmark and Troas, the findings of vessels in the form of a swan (ducks) in Mycenae and the Urals, ornaments in the form of a double helix, and burial of the sacred rulers in the tolots, which are found from China and the Orenburg region to Sweden. However, the differences were also there, and obviously, a religious property, in the difference of some attributes and ornaments. Meander and swastika in Denmark, Greece in the Bronze Age for religious purposes were not used, mass meanders and swastikas were depicted in Greece only in the era of geometric style, which is obviously associated with a change in religious beliefs, which is understandable by the invasion of Dorians. So it turns out that part of the Indo-Europeans came to the Volga region from the Far North of the Europe, as are the findings of labyrinths on the territory of the Russian North, the similarity of the mythology and fairy tales of Germany, Scandinavia and the north of Russia, Scene associated with the cult of the swan. The epics of the Finnish peoples of Kalevala are also close to these legends.

Hellas and Hellenism. The mystery of Meander, Acantus and Palmetta

According to the mythological poem «Theogony» written by the poet Hesiod, Aphrodite was born near the island of Kiefer from the seed and blood of Kronos of Uranus, which fell into the sea and formed white foam (hence the nickname «foamy.» The wind brought her to the island of Cyprus (or she sailed there herself because she did not like Kiefer), where she, who emerged from the sea waves, met Ora.The classic Aphrodite appeared naked from an air sea shell near Cyprus – hence her nickname «Cyprid» – and reached the shore on the sink. tied diadems crowned with a golden crown, decorated with a gold necklace and earrings, or, as it is possible, this is due to the popularity of the cult of the goddess in Cyprus. «According to Homer, Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and Dion.» According to Epimenides, she was the daughter of Kronos. was Nereus. Aphrodite had many names, and Aphrodite was not a name, and one of the names, like Athena Tritiginea, is only one of the attributes of divine Wisdom. According to the Greek myth set forth by Kuhn, there was no time in the city of Orhomena (the Boeotia region) ruled the ancient tribe minium s king Athamas. From the goddess of the clouds of Nephela, he had a son, Fricks, and a daughter, Gella. These children were hated by Aamant’s second wife, Ino. In the lean year, Ino cheated her husband to sacrifice them to the gods to end hunger. However, at the last moment, Fryx and Gella rescued from the priest’s knife a sheep with a golden fleece (wool), sent by their mother Nephel. The children sat on a ram, and he carried them through the air far to the north. Gella (Ella) fell into the sea during the flight and drowned in the strait, which since then has been called by her name the Hellespont (Dardanelles). Frix took the ram to Colchis, to the Caucasus, where he was raised as a son by the local king Eet, son of the god Helios. Herodotus says in her «History» about the Kolkhos that they are natives from Ethiopia. Now about the proper Hellenes and Gelons Where did the Greeks come from? Taylor says that the carriers of the minyan ceramics, the ancestors of the Achaeans, came through

Asia Minor from the steppes of Eurasia. Part of the people, obviously, remained on the ancestral home. Herodotus speaks of two Scythian tribes, Budins and Gelons «Budins are a large and numerous tribe, all of them very light-eyed and red, in their region a wooden city is built, the name of this city is Gelon.» The length of the wall on each side is 30 stages, it is high and and they have wooden houses and temples, and there are temples of Hellenistic gods, decorated in Hellenic wooden statues, altars and nases, and every three years they hold festivals in honor of Dionysus and fall into a Bacchic frenzy. Are the Hellenes who left the harbor and settled at the Budins, and they speak the language in part Scythian, partly Hellenic, IV, 109. The Budins speak the language not the same as the Gelons, and their way of life is not the same. the nomadic people, they are the only ones who live here, they feed on cones, the gelons are farmers, they eat bread and have gardens, they are not at all like appearance or skin color. «The Greeks, however, call the Budins gelons are called wrong. Their entire country is densely overgrown with diverse forests. And in the thickest forest there is a large and wide lake and around it a swamp and a reed. In this lake, otters, beavers and other animals with a square muzzle are caught; Their fur is worn around the edges of fur garments.» (HERODOT) You see, GELONS, but in Greek, ELONS sounds true, or rather Elony, the first» G «can not be read, as in the name of Helen. And the city was not called GELON, but ELON or ILON, that is almost ILION, as in the Trojan land. Gelons, and more correctly, Elon, or the same Hellenes was a language similar to the Greeks. That is, obviously, antiquity, at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The ancestors of the Hellenes came from this region to Greece-Hellas. Later, Strabo mentions AHEEV (remember the Achaeans), in many respects because the autonomous Greece in the Roman sources was called AHAYA, about AHAYES writes Strabo that they were engaged in piracy and seafaring. This he emphasizes the identity of GELONS and AHEYES for his contemporaries, inhabitants of the Roman Empire, who could not understand the relationship of the two peoples. Consequently, it is possible that these GELON-ELLINS-began to be called ALANS. In the funeral ceremony of the Alans, among other things, there is a funeral canoe. Alans – The Ossetians buried the dead in towers, similar to the Mycenaean tolosses and the Persian towers of silence, and without the inhumation, that is, without burial in the ground. The burials were of a group character. The last burials in the towers were in the 19th century. Now the Ossetians lived very far from the sea and large rivers, hence this is a very archaic custom. The funeral towers of the Ossetians are very much like the dome of Mycenaean tombs. Greece does not dispute the connection with the Caucasus (Let’s remember the myth about Prometheus). The connection in the Greek myths with Colchis, namely the Colchis Ethiopians, and the fact that Herodotus calls the Colchian Ethiopians out of Africa, and emphasizes the cultural kinship of the Colchian Ethiopians with Egypt. This is what Herodotus says: 104. After all, the Colchians, apparently, are Egyptians. … Having become interested in this, I began to ask about this relationship, as in Colchis, so in Egypt. The Colchians retained clearer memories of the Egyptians than the Egyptians of the Colchians. However, the Egyptians told me that the Colchians derive their origin from the soldiers of the Sessostrian army. I myself came to the same conclusion, because they are dark-skinned, with curly hair… Only three people on earth are subjecting themselves to circumcision: the Colchis, the Egyptians and the Ethiopians… the rest adopted this custom among the Egyptians.»

Herodotus told the truth. Today in the territory of Abkhazia (Colchis) in the villages of Adziubzha, Merkul, Chelou, Thin, Achandar still live black descendants of Egyptian soldiers. The expedition of the Argonauts, which also took place in Colchis. The soothsayer of the Greeks during the Trojan War was called Kolkhant or Kalhant, Kalkhas-Kolkhidets. Relations between the Achaean Greeks and the Kolkhs were systemic. The Greeks regarded the Colchis as sorcerers. Medea-witch, well, let us recall the testimony of Herodotus about the identity of the Ethiopians and the Colchians. And there was the participation of the Ethiopians in the Trojan War, this is mentioned in the «Ethiopian». Legends of Elena the Beautiful remained in Eurasia. Elena the Beautiful Princess. The golden kingdom is the queen. Elena the beautiful. Elena the Beautiful princess. She asks Ivan Tsarevich three tasks, then marries him. We compare the juvenile apples of Russian fairy tales and the garden of Hesperid. And in another fairy-tale place she marries Vasily-Tsarevich. Tales of Afanasyev. All this is in Russian fairy tales, recorded in the 1820s of the 19th century. About Homer at that time in Russia, simple peasants could not know. The plot of the tale is very similar to the plot of the matchmaking of the suitors to Elena Spartan, with the beginning of the Trojan War. The oath of grooms also becomes understandable, because they owed their lives to a lucky challenger. And also the dispute of the three goddesses about beauty. «Beautiful» read the inscription on a golden apple. They argued and asked the court of Paris Athena, Hera, Aphrodite. But where on the Peloponese blancks would come from? Below is a photo from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin is a bronze statuette. It is depicted, as it is said, Aphrodite with Eroth, but with a sign

known from the myths belonging to Athena-Pallas, the creation of all that exists by the power of his mind-the expanding branch from her head. Also on the large photo is a palmette-sign of rebirth from the ways of death. Acanthus, palmetta and meander (Μαίανδρος-translation from Greek is «Μαί-I ανδρος-man», or if the double vowel letter was not written in Greek-Mαία – the birth of ανδρος- (person) or simply the birth) is the most famous decor of antiquity, and its meaning as the meaning of birth and life. Probably, the meander occurred as a simplified image of swans, on vessels. Swans are connected in myths with the birth of man and are associated with Apollo and Aphrodite. Photo below. Artifacts were found in the marshes of the Urals, 2 thousand BC.

pic.2 Wooden scoop Ural, 2 thousand BC.

Meander is the sign of life. Meander is known on images and vessels from 2 thousand BC. Below is a vessel with a meander. The exhibit was found in the steppes of Orenburg 2 thousand BC.SHM, Moscow.

pic.3 Vessel with meander, Orenburg region. Andronov Culture

Acantus is a sign of sorrow and death. Photo below. And, then already in baroque, in garden and park culture, for example in Kuskovo, this ornament was used as a pedestal for busts of famous and dead people.

pic. 4 Acanthus and Palmetta, Meander.

A palmetta, the hope of resurrection. Photo above. Acanthus and palmettes were used on all orders of the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns, as well as on the vessels of antiquity. That is, Aphrodite-Ella is not only a goddess who gives birth, but also gives a resurrection. Acanthus and palmetta are repeatedly depicted on acroteria. That is, acanthus and palmetta are inextricably linked with the cult of Ella-Aphrodite.

pic.6 Aphrodite with Eros. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

And Paris-Alexander, apparently was the king-priest of this deity, and accordingly the favorite of Aphrodite (Elena) -Ella. That is, the kidnapping was thought out by the Greeks much later than the capture of Troy, when they forgot about the identity of Elena and Aphrodite. At the Athens Museum there is a gold decoration of the 16th century. AD with a similar plot. As you can see in the photo, the goddess generates everything with the power of her mind. On the photo below, there are capitals of columns with acanthus and palmetto. These were sacred signs. In the case of applying the Doric order, the acanthus was painted on the frieze.

pic. 7. The screw from Mycenae. The Athenian Archaeological Museum

pic.8 Types of orders of columns

As can be seen from the epithets, the identity of Athena and Aphrodite is obvious. Below in the photo, as it is said, a lead plaque from Sparta, and it is said that this is Artemis-Oryphia. Images. as can be seen in the images of Athena, Aphrodite.Ilyphia (also Eilithia / Ilithia, dr.-Greek Εἰλείθυια, Mycenae e-re-u-ti-ja, Elifia – in ancient mythology, the mother-goddess, usually

appears as a saving, but sometimes as a hostile force in childbirth. Without her help birth can not happen. Sometimes Ilfia is a simple attribute of Hera or Artemis, sometimes an independent being. According to Hesiod, Eliphia (Elisia) is the daughter of Zeus and Hera. According to the Cretan version, the daughter of Hera was born in Amnis (the Knaeus region). In Amnis, however, a sign of Linear Letter B was found with the mention of the sacrifice of Ilifia. Homer pointed out that there were several Ilifi (Elysius), whom he calls the daughters of Hera. However, Homer and Pindar mention it in the singular. In Olena’s hymn in honor of Ilifia it is said that she is older than Crohn, she is likened to the goddess of fate, and she was the mother of Eros (that is, the Creator-Love).

pic.9 Artemis of Ephesus

Just as interesting is the image of Artemis of Ephesus, as proof of the identity of the goddesses of Artemis, Elisia, Persephone, Aphrodite, Athens, because the meaning of this sculpture is the pictogram, meaning the meaning is ciphered in sculpture, when most believers could not read, and the deity sculptures had to be the most informative, that is, this image means «Nourishing, enlarging, all-good, all caring.» That is, this attribute just goes beyond the usual meanings associated with the image of Artemis-hunters and virgins.

pic.10 Lead plates from Sparta with the image of Artemis

Corinth, (Greek-Greek Ϙόρινθος, Greek Κόρινθος, Corinthos-Ancient Greek polis and modern city on the Corinthian isthmus, Corinth can be translated from ancient Greek as the city of Cora, Virgin.) Later, in the classical period, this beautiful city vied with Athens and Thebes in exchange and control of transportation through the isthmus… There was a magnificent temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite on the acropolis, according to some sources, there were more than a thousand priestesses in the temple. A priestesses of the temple of Aphrodite always wore long hair, and the longer they were, the better They never wore handkerchiefs, bedspreads or anything else that covered their hair, while all women in Greece wore dresses that covered them from head to toe. In Corinth, Isthmian games were held. In Corinth, the goddess Athena was called Gelotis – Hellötis, BOT-reads, as always-ELLOTIS and in her honor arranged the feast of Hellotia (Ellotia),

as well as the Athens-Europe holiday in Crete: «a glotoid (ellotid) was a wreath woven from a myrtle wreath with a circumference of 20 cubits and that it was borne out at the festival of Hellotia (Elliotia). In it, they say, they bore the bones of Europe, which [also] was called the Hellottida (Ellotida). Hellotia (Elliotia) was also governed in Corinth.» (Athen XV 678b). But perhaps the Word Illothis-Ellotis is a compound. But the root of Illa Ella is understandable. According to the Hittite sources, there were two areas-Taruisa and Vilusa, but more correctly Ilusa. And Paris-Alexander, apparently was the priest of this deity, and accordingly the favorite of Aphrodite (Helena) -Ella. That is, the kidnapping was thought out by the Greeks much later than the capture of Troy, when they forgot about the identity of Elena and Aphrodite. If you remember the special honor in Aphrodite of the goddess Aphrodite, and that according to Homer Aphrodite was on the side of the Trojans, it turns out that the name Ilion dates back to the real name of Aphrodite, Elle-Ille (one must understand that in the Greek there is no letter «E»). In the retelling of the Trojan War, there is a hint that the main thing for the capture of Troy was the return to the Greeks of palladium, that is, the sacred image of Athena. And then again, the connection with the myth of Gelle (Ella) and Fricke is slipping. And it seems that the first Hellas (Hellas) was a Trojan. After the Trojan War, Neoptolemus took Andromache and took part of the Trojans to Thessaly. The first area, called Hellas, was in Northern Greece. Now, more in detail about Persephone and Perseus. So, the meaning of the word «Persephone» is «Perseus + phonos, that is, the sound or voice.» That is the voice of the dead.This is not even a name, but an epithet, like Tritiginea for Athena. Perseus, his birth is also associated with the cult of the dead He was born in a tomb from a deceased mother, or taken for a deceased mother, Danai.The exact translation of the word

«Perseus» is not yet obtained, but the meaning, as in the analogy with Persephone is clear, and is connected with the dead. The cult of Persephone is associated with Eleusis, with the famous Eleusinian mysteries. And then the fun begins. The root of «Ela-Eli» is the name of the goddess Aphrodite. That is, the city is named after the goddess Ella-Aphrodite. And Persephone is only one of her epithets. The connection of Aphrodite with the cult of resurrection is clearly visible in the photos of Acroteri. But the legends about Persephone to the goddess of the dead from the Greeks did not survive in the epics, because they were part of the Eleusinian mysteries and were secret. With Elesia, the name of the Champs Elysees, a place in the next world, where the chosen ones fall, is also connected, that is, these fields belong to Elisia, Ἠλύσιον πεδίον-the Champs Elysees, the name of Lysias the next, and Alexius the resurrected. Therefore, here you can reconstruct part of the fairy tales of Mary-Morevna and Mary-Iskusnitsa, that is, the Mara-goddess of death. But the name of the Iranians-Parsa or Persians comes to the aid. The self-name of Iran in ancient times was «Arya-nim», the country of Aryans. That is, Persian-Parsa refers to religion, or rather to the rite of burial. The photo below shows the birth of a goddess from the waters of the sea, from the flower, and depicts the symbol of the revival of the palmetta. Below is also a helmet made of gold with an acanthus-symbol of rebirth.

Pic. 11 of a born goddess

pic.12 Gold Scythian helmet, or rather the crown. Hermitage, St. Petersburg

In the photo below, it seems, but in the center there is either an inflorescence, a ready-to-blossom, or an egg, as a symbol of a new life… So this obviously symbolizes the hope for the resurrection of the Goddess worshiper.

pic 13. Palmetto on acroteria (tombstone)

It is possible to reconstruct the meaning of the Eleusinian Mysteries as the greatest mystery of Ancient Greece, the Hellas-the True Name of the Mother Goddess-Ella-Elena, and the proof that both Hera, and Athena, and Persephone, and Artemis, (known numerous images of Artemis-Orphia, and from her the head grows a flower) and Aphrodite is only her incarnation. as she manifests herself in the world of people. And, the most important, can be considered proven. What and the self-name is Hellenes. and the name of the Hellenic country, this is the manifestation of the Hellenic belief that they are created by the goddess Ella, and believe in their resurrection after death, and are under her protection. The name is Helen in Greek – from ancient Greeks. ἐλένη (helen) – «torch, torch». And everything in the world is the product of her mind (photo above). the last photo-Mycenaean work of the 16th century BC, the first-bronze statuette from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin). In the exposition of the Pushkin Museum there is a bronze statuette of Aphrodite with Eroth. And now, from above, behind the head, is the same symbol of the creation of the Goddess of all things with his mind. A photograph from the Athenian Museum (a hairpin made of gold in the form of a goddess) -Mikena work of the 16th century BC. similar to Aphrodite with Eros from the collection of the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin. To the right of the plate from Sparta. the classic time, the image of Artemis-Orifii. In the photo below the image of the sprouting shoots of the goddess, the Goddess-Mother, Who created Everything from Self, this is what these images are dedicated to. That is, as sprouting from itself to all living things, the goddess is the creator of everything. And also images with animals to which she also gave life.

pic.14 Birth of the Goddess

pic.15 Hairpin with the image of Elisia

Many of the capitals of the Greek columns in the temples depict the symbol of the goddess Ella-Helena, a blossoming flower, Acanthus or palmetta, as a symbol of the rebirth from death. The custom of giving flowers, bouquets, is obviously connected with this cult. And here, one of the hints of the ancient philosophers becomes clear: «Everything in the world is a product of love.» And it turns out that the Christian priests were right, identifying Hellenism and paganism. Ellinism is not a nationality, but a system of very stable religious and cultural ideas, the most important of which is the belief in the Mother Goddess, and the hope of resurrection after death.