Loe raamatut: «Prophecies by Nostradamus», lehekülg 10


Quatrain 9.77 Maria Antoinette

Le regne prins le Roy conutera,

La dame prinse à mort iurez à sort,

La vie à Royne fils on desniera,

Et la pellix au fort de la consort.

The realm taken the King will conspire,

The lady taken to death ones sworn by lot:

They will refuse life to the Queen and son,

And the mistress at the fort of the wife.

This is a prophecy about the fate of the kingdom during the French Revolution.Apparently the second line is about the execution of Queen Maria Antoinette (1755 – 1793). She was the youngest daughter of Emperor Franz I and Maria Theresa. In 1770 she married Louis XVI. During the French Revolution, she was considered the main organizer of conspiracies against the revolution. She was given to the court of the Convention and sentenced to guillotine.

The third line refers to the early death of her son, the heir to the throne. After the execution of the king in 1793 he was recognized as the king of France by almost all monarchical countries, under the name of Louis XVII (1785-1795). He never reigned. After the execution of his parents, the boy remained in the hands of revolutionaries. Apparently, they tried to get rid of him. He died early, at the age of ten. Tuberculosis is considered to be the cause of his death. He was extremely exhausted from malnutrition, his body was covered with tumors and he was secretly buried in a common grave.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.5, 1.14, 9.20, 9.35.

Decoding of the number 9.77. If 1 to add to 9 (1077), 0 to put at the end, we will get 1770 – the year of marriage.

Quatrain 4.20 Massacre to royalists

Paix vbertré long temps Dieu loüera

Par tout son regne desert la fleur de lis,

Corps morts d'eau, terre là l'on apporter,

Sperant vain heur d'estre là enseuelis.

Peace and plenty for a long time the place will praise,

Throughout his realm the lily flower deserted:

Bodies dead by water, land one will bring there,

Vainly awaiting the good fortune to be buried there.

Perhaps the first two lines are about Louis XVIII. He skillfully confronted the reactionaries and supported a certain level of liberalism. During his reign there was a constitutional monarchy in the country. He reformed the army, lowered the level of censorship. In 1818 the armies of the 4-sided coalition left the territory of France. The period of his reign was relatively prosperous for France.

Presumably, the last 2 lines refer to the period of the French Revolution. The monarchists wanted to organize a counter-revolution in the province of Vendee in 1793. Jean-Baptiste Carrier, a member of the Convention and Western army commissar was sent to Nantes to suppress it. He was a supporter of savage reprisals for the royalists. Instead of mass executions Carrier organized drowning of people in the Loire delta. People were put on ships with damaged bottoms and sent to the last voyage. In the future, Carrier was executed.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.22.

Probable decoding of number 4.20. 400-20=380, 380-1=379. If 3 is put at the end then we will get 793 – the year of executions.

Quatrain 3.46 Plancus' city

Le Ciel (de Plancus la cite) nous presage

Par clairs insignes & par estoilles fixes,

Que de son change subit s'approche l'aage

Ne pour son bien ne pour les malefices.

The sky (of Plancus' city) forebodes to us

Through clear signs and fixed stars,

That the age of its sudden change is approaching,

Neither for its good, nor for its evils.

The ancient Roman consul Lucius Plancus founded the city of Lyon.

Perhaps dramatic changes in Lyon in 1793 are predicted here. It was the time of the 1st French Revolution.

The age of its sudden change – a new calendar was introduced in France. A new century came in 7 years (was approaching).

In May the city rebelled against the Jacobins. Paris sent a revolutionary army that besieged Leon. After two months of defense, the city surrendered. Many residents were executed, all defensive fortifications destroyed.

The city began to recover only of the next age, when Napoleon came to power,.

Possible decoding of number 3.46. If the numbers to rearrange – 436, turn over 6 – 439, 4 to consider as 4000, then 4000-39=3961. 6+1=7. In the reverse order we get 1793.

Quatrain 1.12 Napoleon in Italy

Dans peu dira fauce brute fragile,

De bas en haut, efleue promptement,

Puis en intant desloayale & labile,

Qui de Veronne aura gouu(v)ernement.

There will soon be talk of a treacherous man,

quickly raised from low to high estate.

He will suddenly turn disloyal and volatile.

This man will govern Verona.

Napoleon I led the Italian campaign in 1796 – the first time at the head of the army. He was only 27 years old. He was thin, and in the paintings of that time he looked fragile.

The 2 line. Bonaparte made a very quick career: in 10 years he rose from junior lieutenant to army commander.

The 3-4 lines. The French army captured Verona in 1796, then in 1797 the city transferred to Austria, and in 1801 it was divided between France and Austria, in 1805 the whole city was transferred to France.

The uprising began in Verona in April 1797. Napoleon used this as an excuse for the capture of Venice and the proclamation of the Cisalpine Republic. Bonaparte used victories in Italy for wide propaganda through newspapers of his personal merits.

Connection with other quatrains: 5.5.

Decoding of the number 1.12. If 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-21=979. Turn 9 over in 6 and rearrange the numbers, we get 796. Putting 1 in front of number, it will be 1796 – the year of a capture Verona.

Quatrain 5.33 Uprising in Vendée

Des principaux de cite rebelee

Qui tiendront fort pour liberte rauoir:

Detrencher masses infelice meslee,

Cris vrlemens a Nante; piteux voir.

Of the principal ones of the city in rebellion

Who will strive mightily to recover their liberty:

The males cut up, unhappy fray,

Cries, groans at Nantes pitiful to see.

In 1793 a Royalist revolt broke out in Vendée, in the west of France among the opponents of the Revolution. Forced recruitment into the army caused the uprising.

The Republican forces were stationed in Nantes. In the prisons of the city ~ 12,000 arrested rebels were kept. The epidemics began among them, food was scarce.

arrived in Nantes, Commissioner Jean-Baptiste Carrière decided to kill the prisoners. In addition to the usual methods of shooting and guillotine, he used drowning in Loire. The arrested people were put on a ship with a broken bottom. In the middle of the river, the boat sank slowly. The brutal execution even more strengthened the determination of the insurgents to hold to the last. Only in 1796 the mutiny was suppressed.

Probable decoding of number 5.33. If 5 flip in 2 then 2000-33=1967. 7 is put before 9 we will get 1796 -the year of end uprising.

Quatrain 1.60[2] Napoleon

Vn Empereur naistra pres d'Italie,

Qui a l'Empire sera vendu bien cher,

Diront auec quels gens il se ralie

Qu'on trouuera moins Prince que boucher.

An Emperor will be born near Italy,

who will cost the Empire very dearly.

They will say, when they see his allies,

that he is less a prince than a butcher.

Presumably, this quatrain is about Napoleon I (15.08.1769 – 05.05.1821).

The 1 line. He was born on the island Corsica, which is located near Italy. There was no royal blood in his ancestry. His parents were petty aristocrats. Nevertheless, he became one of the most famous king. Few people know anything about Louis V or X, but everybody heard of Napoleon.

The 4 line. Endless Napoleonic wars led to the destruction of a large part of the population, not only in Europe and Africa but also in France itself. By the end of his reign there was almost no male population left in the country fit for the military service. Napoleon had to recruit teenagers.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.54, 8.57, 1.76, 8.59, 8.53, 6.12, 9.86.

Probable decoding of number 1.60. 1000-60=940, 9-1=8, If 40 swap in 04 we will get 804 – the year of reign.

Quatrain 5.5 Napoleon poet

Sous ombre saincte d'oster de seruitude,

Peuple & cité l'vsurpera luy-mesmes,

Pire fera par faux de ieune pute,

Liuré au champ lisant le faux proesme. E iij

Under the shadowy pretext of removing servitude,

He will himself usurp the people and city:

He will do worse because of the deceit of the young prostitute,

Leader in the field reading the false poem.

The first two lines are about the career of Napoleon I. At first he pretended to support the ideas of the Revolution. When he became the head of the army, he usurped the power, established the monarchy, not having hereditary right.

The third line is perhaps about Josephine Beauharnais, Napoleon’s wife. She led a free way of life. The lover Napoleon, being in Egypt, was very upset when he learned of her infidelity.

The last line is about literary creativity. In his younger years, Napoleon I wrote poetry and prose.

Linkage with other quatrains: with all about Napoleon.

Decoding of the number 5.5. If 55 to flip in 22, then 2000-2=1998. 8-1=7. 7 is put behind 1 we will get 1799 – the year when he usurped power.

Quatrain 4.54[3] Name Napoleon

Du nom qui oncques ne fut au Roy Gaulois,

Iamais ne fust vn fouldre si craintif,

Tremblant l'Italie l'Espagne & les Anglois,

De femme estrangers grandement attentif.

Of the name which no French King ever had

Never was there so fearful a thunderbolt,

Italy, Spain and the English trembling,

Very attentive to a woman foreigner.

The 1 line. There has never been a Napoleon name in the dynasties of the French kings. He was the first. The 2 and 3 lines are most likely about the Napoleonic wars. In different periods, his enemies were England, Italy, Spain, Russia and other countries.

The 4 line is perhaps about Mary-Louise. The first wife of Napoleon was the Parisian aristocrat Josephine Bogarne, but she could not give birth to the heir. Napoleon, who had no kings in the genealogy, began to seek a wife with two goals: he needed a son, and he wanted to be related to the royal family. In 1810 he married the daughter of the emperor of Austria Maria-Louise. She gave birth to a long-awaited heir and made a strong impression on him with his chastity. He paid much attention to her: entertained, took her for walks, hunted, accompanied to the theatre.

Linkage with other quatrains: with all about Napoleon.

Quatrain 8.57* Career of Napoleon

De souldat simple paruiendra en empire,

De robe courte paruiendra à la lonque

Vaillant aux armes en eglise ou plus pyre,

Vexer les prestres comme l'eau faict l'esponge.

From simple soldier he will attain to Empire,

from the short robe he will grow into the long.

Brave in arms, much worse toward the Church,

he vexes the priests as water fills a sponge.

The 1 line. Napoleon I began serving in the army in 1785 not in a soldier’s rank, but a little higher, a junior lieutenant of artillery. During the Great French Revolution, he reached the rank of brigadier general. Then he received the following ranks: division general, commander of the rear, commander of the Italian army. In 1798-1799 he led a military campaign in Egypt.

The 2 line. Seizure of power by Napoleon became the end of the Revolution. He organized a coup in 1799. When he became the first consul, he established his dictatorship. In May 1804 he was proclaimed an emperor. At the painting of F. Gerard Napoleon is depicted at the top of his career in a long royal vestment.

The 4 line. From 1789 to 1802 the number of clergymen was reduced from 60,000 to 36,000. Upon Napoleon’s request, the Pope was captured and transported to a small town of Savona in the Gulf of Genoa. Napoleon impound the property of the church and papal possessions and handed them over to the French Empire. He presented Benevent County and Ponte Corvo to Talleyrand and Bernadotte. The rebellious bishops of Troyi, Ghana, Tournai were arrested and imprisoned in Vincennes.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.60, 4.54, 1.76.

Decoding of number 8.57. If 1 and 7 to put in front, then 1785 – the year of beginning career.

* http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/astrahanka/post237963512/

Quatrain 5.40 Italian campaign

Le sang royal sera si tresmesle,

Contrainct seront Gaulois de l'Hesperie:

On attendra que terme soit coule,

Et que memoire de la voix soit perie.

The royal blood will be so very mixed,

Will be constrained Gauls from Hesperia:

One will wait until his term has expired,

And until the memory of his voice has perished.

Hesperia is an ancient name of Italy. It was conquered by Napoleon (Gauls). In 1796 was his first Italian campaign, and in 1805 he became a king of Italy.

The first line does not fit as Napoleon. He did not have royal blood at all – he's an impostor.

Decoding of the number 5.40. If 5 to flip in 2 and to consider 2 as 2000, 2000-04=1996, flip first 9 in 6, 6+1=7, then we get 1796 – the year of first Italian campaign.

Quatrain 8.38 Marshal Brune

Le Roy de Bloys dans Auignon regner

Vn autre fois le peuple emonopolle,

Dedans le Rosne par murs fera baigner

Iusques a cinq le dernier pres de Nolle.

The King of Blois will reign in Avignon,

once again the people covered in blood.

In the Rhône he will make swim

near the walls, up to five the last one near Nolle.

Guillaume Brune (1763-1815) was a Marshal of France from 1804, in service from 1793. He took an active part in the revolution: first he organized the newspaper, then went into the army, distinguished himself during the Italian campaign of Napoleon. In 1797 Brun was promoted to the generals. In 1807 Napoleon sent him to resign for republican views.

The 1 line. Prior to the French Revolution, Avignon belonged to the Pope. Revolutionary troops occupied the city in 1791. After a bloody conflict the Pope lost the city of France under the treaty of 1797. In 1815 this city took the side of the king. The Avignon ultra-royalists killed Brun and threw him into Rhône for having repeatedly suppressed their uprising.

The 4 line. Nolle is a little village in Netherlands. Perhaps this line predicted Brun's decisive victory over the Russian-English Dutch expedition of 1799. Total there were 5 fights: the French attacked on August 6 and 30 and Russian-British troops – on September 8, 21 and 25 then they capitulated.

Probable decoding of number 8.38. 8000-83=7917. If 1 is put at the ahead we will get 1797 – the year when he became general.

Quatrain 8.92 Egyptian campaign of Napoleon

Loin hors du regne mis en hazard voyage

Grand ost duyra, pour soy l'occupera,

Le Roy tiendra les siens captif, ostage,

A son retour tout pays pillera.

Far distant from his kingdom, sent on a dangerous journey,

he will lead a great army and keep it for himself.

The king will hold his people in captive, hostage,

he will plunder the whole country on his return.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon I in 1798-1801. The first line tells about a distant and dangerous journey. To get to Egypt from France it need to cross the Mediterranean Sea. English fleet dominated in Mediterranean, which opposed the French and could attack at any time.

The 2 line. A large army was mobilized for this campaign: 32,000 men, 309 transport ships and 55 escort ships. The total number of sailors was 10 thousand people. Thanks to secrecy and suddenness, the army successfully achieved its goal. The beginning of the campaign was successful. Napoleon won battles, occupying more and more cities, including Alexandria, Cairo and the island Malta.

In August 1798 the French fleet was attacked by the English, under the command of Nelson. In the Battle of Abukir, the French lost their fleet and were trapped, cut off from their country. Having realized the hopelessness of the situation, Napoleon fled to France, leaving the army in a desperate situation.

The 4 line. Returning to Paris, after such a defeat, Napoleon organized a coup and seized power! For another 15 years he fought throughout Europe, and brought his country to the point that there were almost left not male population suitable for military service.Linkage with other quatrains: 1.60, 4.54, 1.76, 6.12.

Decoding of the number 8.92. 8000-29=7971. By swapping these numbers we wiil get 1797. 1797+1=1798 – the year of Egyptian campaign.

Quatrain 1.98 Leader's escape

Le chef qu'aura conduit peuple infiny

Loing de son ciel, de mњurs & langue (estrange

Cinq mil en Grete, & Thessale finy,

Le chef fuyant sauuй en la marine grange,

The leader who will conduct great numbers of people

far from their skies, to foreign customs and language.

Five thousand will die in Crete and Thessaly,

the leader fleeing in a sea going supply ship.

Probably, in this prophecy the same events as the previous quatrain are predicted – a trip to Egypt. It is a Muslim country, and it has completely different customs that are not characteristic for the Christian world. The French, heading to Alexandria passed near the island Crete which prevented Nelson from finding them. From Egypt, Napoleon went to Syria and Turkey. In the battle at Mount Tabor Turks were defeated and lost 5 thousand people.

The fourth line predicted the escape of Napoleon on the ship.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.92.

Decoding of the number 1.98. If 8 to consider as 8000, then 8000-19=7981. 1 is put in front, we get 1798 – the year of Egyptian campaign.

Quatrain 5.69 Napoleon in Africa

Plus ne sera le grand en faux sommeil,

L'inquietude viendra prendre repos:

Dresser phalange d'or, azur & vermeil,

Subiuger Affrique la ronger iusque aux os.

No longer will the great one be in his false sleep,

Uneasiness will come to replace tranquility:

A phalanx of gold, azure and vermilion arrayed

To subjugate Africa and gnaw it to the bone.

Probably this prophecy, like the previous one is about the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon I. The third line lists the colors of the uniforms of various troops. The last line is about the export of values from Africa.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.92, 1.98.

Probable decoding of number 5.69. If 56 to flip 29, then 2000-99=1901. 9-1=8. We get 1801 – the year of end Egyptian campaign.

Quatrain 6.65 Seizure of power by Napoleon

Gris & Bureau, demie ouuerte guerre,

De nuict seront assailliz & pillez:

Le bureau prins passera par la serre,

Son temple ouuert deux aux plastres grillez, Au

Gray and brown in half-opened war,

By night they will be assaulted and pillaged:

The brown captured will pass through the lock,

His temple opened, two slipped in the plaster.

There is a small probability that this prophecy is about the coup of the 18 Brumaire.

The first two lines, perhaps, tell about preparation of the coup by Napoleon. He forced the resignation of three directors of the Directory, and the two which did not obey were arrested. The first meeting was early in the morning at 7 o'clock. The council of elders took the side of Napoleon.

The 3 line. The council meeting 500 was held in the greenhouse of the castle of Saint-Cloud. Napoleon entered there, but he was forcibly expelled. Then he organized the soldiers, and they dispersed 500 people by the drumbeat. The members of the council fled through the doors and windows.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.34.

Decoding of the number 6.65. If 665 to flip in 992, then 9000-29=8971; by swapping these numbers we will get 1798, 1798+1=1799 – the year of seizure power.

Quatrain 9.34 Coup of 18 Brumaire

La part sous mary sera mitré,

Retour conflict passera sur la thuille:

Par cinq cens vn trahyr sera tiltré,

Narbon & Saulce par contaux auons d'huille.

The single part afflicted will be reduced,

Return conflict to pass over the tile:

For five hundred one to betray will be titled

Narbonne and Salces we have oil for knives.

The first line is presumably about the most influential person of the Republican Party of that time, abbot Sieyes. He conspired with Napoleon.

The second line is about the Napoleon’s return from Egypt, where he treacherously abandoned the army in a desperate situation. He decided to seize power, taking advantage of the crisis of the Directory. At that time, the country was ruled by two bodies: the Council of Elders and the Council of Five Hundred. The directory could not function: three of its directors were forced to resign, and two were arrested. The Council of Elders took the side of Napoleon, giving him all the authorities.

The 3 line. The council of five hundred was led by the brother of Napoleon Lucien. Having called him from pavilion, soldiers rushed in with a drumbeat and all were dispersed. The next day Lucien, having collected only a few dozen out of 500, chose a temporary government of three consuls: Ducos, Siyes, Napoleon. November 9, 1799 is usually considered the end of the Revolution.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.60, 4.54, 1.76, 6.12, 8.92.

Probable decoding of number 9.34. 900-34=866. If 66 flip in 99, 8-1=7 then we will get 799 – the year of coup.

Quatrain 8.1* Napoleon – Council

Pav, nay, loron plus feu qu'a sang sera,

Laude nager, fuir grand aux surrez.

Les agassas entree refusera,

Pampon, Durance les tiendra enserrez.

Pau, Nay, Loron will be more of fire than blood,

To bathe in praise, the great will run into the congregation.

He will not allow the arrival to the magpies,

Pampon and the Durance will keep them captivity.

The name Napoleon roy we may to composed of the first 3 words, with the exception of the letter e. After returning from Egypt, Bonaparte took advantage of the crisis of the directory and seized power. A coup d'etat occurred on 9 November 1799, or on 18 Brumaire. He dissolved the Council of Elders, dispersed the Council of five hundred. The new ruling council was created from 3 consuls: Napoleon, Sieyes, Ducos. In fact, all power was concentrated in the hands of Bonaparta.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.34, 1.51.

Decoding of the number 8.1. If 8 to consider as 800, then 800-1=799, 1 put in front we get 1799 – the year of the coup. 81 -vice versa 18 Brumaire.

Quatrain 1.51 The bad times will return

Chef d'Aries, Iupiter & Saturne,

Dieu eternel quelles mutations!

Puis apres long siecle son malin temps (tetourne,

Gaule & Italie, quelles emotions.

The head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn.

Eternal God, what changes!

Then the bad times will return again after a long century;

what turmoil in France and Italy.

This is probably a prophecy about the seizure of power by Napoleon Bonaparte 12.12.1799. The beginning of his reign caused great changes in the economy, politics, and the administration of France. After the establishment of his power in France, Napoleon directed his efforts to capture Italy. As a result, he became emperor of both countries.

3rd line – about reincarnation. After almost 100 years in 1889, his soul was reborn into Adolf Hitler. In 1936, he seized power in Germany – the bad times will return. And again he began wars in Egypt, throughout Europe and in Russia. Their fates have much in common. Both unsuccessfully tried to conquer Egypt. For both of them, Italy was theirs, Spain was half their own, England was too harsh for them, and Russia was a crash for both. Interestingly, both began a war in Russia in June without an announcement. Both always carried poison. Both managed to escape after the defeat and in recent years have lived quietly and quietly. Both believed in the prophecies of Nostradamus, etc.

Decoding of the number 1.51. If 5 to flip in 2 (121), 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-21=979. Rearrange the first 9 at the end will be 799 – the year of the seizure of power by Napoleon.

Quatrain 1.76* Meaning of the name

D'vn nom farouche tel proferй sera,

Que les trois sњurs auront fato le nom:

Puis grand peuple par langue & fait duira,

Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom.

The man will be called by a barbaric name

that three sisters will receive from destiny.

He will speak then to a great people in words and deeds,

more than any other man will have fame and renown.

The 1 line. Napoleon in Greek means "from the city where the lions live". He was in Paris during the French Revolution, when there was a fierce struggle.

The 2 line. Napoleon had three sisters: Eliza, Pauline and Carolina Bonaparte. They all married the notable husbands and they all became duchesses. It was not possible to find the statement of the sisters about the brother's name on the Internet.

The 3 line. Napoleon, whose native language was Italian, learned French and began a military career in Paris. The prediction came true, and the great city gave him a new language and work.

The 4 line. The victorious wars gave Napoleon world fame. His name is known even today.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.65.

Probable decoding of number 1.76. If 1 is put at the ahead and flip 6 in 9 then 1000-179=821 – the year of death.

Quatrain 2.69 Napoleon – king of France

Le Roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre

Voyant discorde de la grand Monarchie,

Sur les trois parts fera fleurir son sceptre,

Contre la cappe de la grand Hierarchie.

The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm

Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:

He will cause his sceptre to flourish over the three parts,

Against the cope of the great Hierarchy.

The 2 line. Having returned from the Egyptian campaign in 1799, Napoleon took advantage of the discord in the country and the crisis of the Directory. He seized power by becoming the First Consul. This is predicted in the quatrain 9.34.

The 3 line. In 1804 Napoleon became Emperor of France, and a year later proclaimed himself a king of Italy. The third part, presumably, numerous German states and principalities. He subdued them to himself, becoming the protector of the Rhine Union in 1806.

The 4 line is about oppression by Napoleon the Catholic church.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.12.

Decoding of the number 2.69. 2000-96=1904. If 9-1=8, then we get 1804 – the year when he became king.

Quatrain 9.5 Napoleon – king of Italy

Tiers doibt du pied au premier semblera

A vn nouueau Monarque de bas haut

Qui Pyse & Luques Tyran occupera

Du precedent corriger le deffault.

The third with foot will seem as first

To a new monarch from low high,

He who will possess himself as a Tyrant of Pisa and Lucca,

To correct the fault of his predecessor.

The 1 line. In quatrains 8.77, 3.59, 9.17 the prophet calls Stalin the third antichrist. Judging by the further content of the quatrain, the first is Napoleon I. Like Stalin he oppressed the church – the Antichrist. This is stated in the quatrain 8.57: "he vexes the priests as water fills a sponge." The according to the information on the Internet both had six fingers on one foot. There is an opinion that such people are from Satan.

In the second line Nostradamus predicts, as in the quatrain 8.57, that this monarch will come from low high.

The 3 line. This line shows two Italian cities. In 1805 Napoleon became the king of Italy. He became the emperor France a year earlier.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.57, 8.77, 3.59, 9.17.

Decoding of the number 9.5. 9-1=8. If to consider 8 as 800, then 800+5=805 – the year when he became king of Italy.

Quatrain 8.53 Arena of the Sun

Dedans Bologne voudra lauer ses fautes,

Il ne pourra au temple du soleil,

Il volera faisant chose si hautes,

En hierarchie n'en fut oncq vn pareil.

Within Bologna he will want to wash away his faults,

he cannot at the temple of the Sun.

He will fly away, doing very great things:

In the hierarchy he had never an equal.

The 1 line. On June 19, 1796 Napoleon, having only a general rank back then arrived in Bologna and proclaimed it a Constitutional Republic. He also announced the decline of the papal state. Perhaps the oppression of the church and the confiscation of its property is meant here by the sins. The wash away his faults is the investment of the part of the confiscation in construction of the theatre.

The 2 line. Theatre "Arena of the Sun" was created in Bologna (Italy) in 1810, upon the initiative of Napoleon I, who wanted to convert part of the city for public entertainment. During the French occupation, an open theatrical arena was built here, where the performances took place before sunset, which gave it its name.

The 3 line. Napoleon's career in 19 years can be called a takeoff: from a junior lieutenant to the emperor of France and Italy.

The 4 line. He managed to conquer almost all of Europe.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.54, 8.57, 1.76.

Decoding of the number 8.53. 8000-35=7965. If 5 to flip in 2, 2-1=1, 1 to put in front, then we get 1796 – the year of arrived in Bologna.

Quatrain 10.82[2] Battle of Austerlitz

Cris, pleurs, larmes viendront auec coteaux

Semblanyt four donront dernier assault

L'entour parques planter profons plateaux,

Vifs repoussez & murdris de prinsault.

Cries, weeping, tears will come with knives,

Seeming to flee, they will have a final attack,

Parks around to set up high platforms,

The living pushed back and murdered instantly.

In 1805 a great battle occurred near Austerlitz between the Russian-Austrian army and the French army. Initially, the Allied forces took strategically advantageous high positions. Napoleon pretended that he was retreating. The allies descended from the heights and were attacked by the enemy. The French occupied the heights.

The attempts to regain the position of the Allied forces failed and they retreated. The French completed the retreat by artillery. The Russian-Austrian army suffered huge losses and suffered a crushing defeat.

Parks, according to legend are the three goddesses of Destiny: the first spins the thread of life, the second reels it, the third waits with scissors to cut the thread.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.12, 1.82.

Decoding of the number 10.82. If 2 to flip in 5, 0 and 8 to swap, then we get 1805 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 1.82 Austerlitz

Quand colomnes de bois grande tremblee

D'auster conduicte couuerte de rubriche,

Tant vuidera dehors vne assemblee,

Trembler Vienne & le pays d'Austriche.

When the great wooden columns tremble

D'auster covered with blood.

Such a great assembly then pours forth

that Vienna and the land of Austria will tremble.

d'Austerlitz (fr.) – near Austerlitz on 2.12.1805 there was a battle in which the Russian-Austrian army suffered a crushing defeat from Napoleon I.

After that Austria was forced to withdraw from the 3rd anti-French coalition (assemblee). The result of the battle was the establishment of a protectorate by Napoleon over the Union of Rhine, which united the German states.