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Twelve military heroes Twelve indomitable heroines One UNIFORMLY HOT! miniseries

Don’t miss a story in Mills & Boon® Blaze®’s 12-book continuity series, featuring irresistible soldiers from all branches of the armed forces.

Heat up your holidays with A Few Good Marines…


by Karen Foley


by Candace Havens


by Tori Carrington

Uniformly Hot!— The Few. The Proud. The Sexy as Hell!

Available wherever Mills & Boon®

books are sold.

Dear Reader,

What do you want for Christmas? Dangerous question, depending on who you ask. Of course, if a Red-Hot Santa is involved, I’m thinking many of us might make a nice, long list, if only so we could sit on his lap: again … and again … and again …

In our latest UNIFORMLY HOT! book, Jackson Savage (younger brother of Jason from Undeniable Pleasures) is the epitome of all things steamy … something his longtime best friend Maxine McGuire has always known, but never allowed herself to sample. Until now. But does the mind-blowing chemistry they share between the sheets translate into love? Or is it just GREAT sex?

I hope Jackson and Max’s sexy journey heats up those cold winter nights and that you enjoy this latest Lazarus Security title. We’d love to hear what you think. Contact us at PO Box 12271, Toledo, OH 43612, USA or visit us on the web at or

Happy holidays!

Lori & Tony Karayianni aka Tori Carrington

About the Author

RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award-winning bestselling duo Lori Schlachter Karayianni and Tony Karayianni are the power behind the pen name TORI CARRINGTON. Their more than fifty novels include numerous Mills & Boon® Blaze® miniseries, as well as the ongoing Sofie Metropolis comedic mystery series with another publisher. Visit and for more information on the couple and their titles.

Red-Hot Santa

Tori Carrington

We dedicate this book to servicemen and women

in all military branches everywhere for not only

putting their lives on the line on a daily basis,

but for the heartache they must endure when

serving so far away from the ones they love. And

to editor extraordinaire Brenda Chin … just because …


HIS BROTHER WAS a dumbass. It was as simple and as complicated as that.

Jackson Savage tugged on the suspenders holding up the too-big red velvet pants he had on over his jeans. He’d stripped out of the red jacket some time ago, leaving him frustrated at being the one who got stuck wearing the Santa suit for the bar’s Christmas party. The hat and shiny black boots remained intact even though he’d prefer to ditch them, as well. But he was scheduled to play Santa later so he thought he’d better keep them on.

Thank God this was his last night working at the bar. Even if his brother wouldn’t be happy about it.

Oh, he knew there were valid reasons his older sibling felt protective of him. Losing their parents at a young age was the biggest of them. Thinking he needed to be a father figure as a result was another. But as far as Jackson was concerned, he’d grown beyond the nose-blowing stage long ago. It was past time Jason took a good look at him and realized he wasn’t a kid anymore.

If his brother didn’t … well, he was afraid he was going to have to kick his ass just to prove his point. And that would be one fight neither of them would walk away from unscathed, he was sure.

Well, that was adult of him, wasn’t it? Jackson grimaced at the asinine thought and swiped the white puff of the Santa hat back from his brow.

Still, nearly four months had passed since he’d proven himself up for the job, not only as a responsible adult and decorated Marine, but solid Lazarus Security material. If taking a bullet for the cause wasn’t enough, what was?

Jackson shoved the glass of draught beer he’d just filled from a tap a little too forcefully, spilling a good inch of it as he served his countless drink at The Barracks that night. He muttered an apology and then wiped the spot, topping off the glass before presenting it to one of the regulars again.

“Hey, Jax, that’s the third time tonight. What’s the matter?” Winston asked. “Trouble with Mrs. Claus?”

Pete, the guy standing next to him, laughed. “There’d have to be a Mrs. Claus in order for there to be trouble with her. No, Jax here’s trouble is that he needs a little … something from a Mrs. Claus candidate.”

Jackson gave a perfunctory laugh. “What I need is a nice, long vacation. Preferably somewhere warm. Where someone else serves me.”

Genie, one of the three waitresses, stepped up to the bar in her Santa hat, too-tight white tank and red velvet shorts trimmed in white fur, The Barracks’ holiday uniform even if it was December and ten below outside. “I’ll wait on you,” she offered with her trademark purr.

Pete gave a low whistle. “Son, if I were you, I’d be all over that.”

“Against bar policy,” Jackson said absently.

Even if it wasn’t, it was against his personal policy. He made it a point not to sleep with coworkers. He’d seen his fair share of bad episodes when things went south—as they inevitably did. South? On one unforgettable occasion, he’d ended up with a psycho bitch from hell stalking him because he’d given in to temptation and slept with her one night. It was all he’d been in the market for at the time. Apparently, she’d had other ideas. And when sweet persuasion hadn’t worked, she’d resorted to other more disturbing measures to prove her love for him.

No way was he going that route again.

No matter how difficult his hot coworkers sometimes made it for him. He looked over Genie’s generous curves and then up at her suggestive smile. She made his four-month-old wound itch.

But that’s not why he was there. His tending bar was really only a way to keep himself occupied until his brother came around. Yeah, it helped pay the bills, but considering the large, structured settlement and trust fund he and Jason had received upon their parents’ deaths, he didn’t need the money.

Still, he’d barely touched his bank account, gaining a certain satisfaction in supporting himself and his day-to-day expenses with his income. Right now, his life resembled some sort of airplane holding pattern. He only hoped he’d be cleared for landing soon, because he didn’t know how much fuel he had left before he crashed.

He checked his cell phone, knowing as he did who he was hoping he’d find a call or text from. And, strangely enough, it wasn’t his brother. He’d smiled when Max McGuire’s missed call had popped up in this display. She hadn’t left a message, but that was no surprise; she never did.

Max …

His movements slowed as he realized he missed her.

It had been a while since they’d spoken. The last time he’d talked to her, she’d been somewhere out in the Pacific Northwest working for some sort of high-end security firm. Their longtime friendship had always gone through ebbs and flows, with stretches where an occasional phone call was the name of the game.

Then there were the times when they’d been “thick as thieves,” as Gram liked to say, nearly inseparable.

Of course, the physical distance between them currently prevented that.

Still, over the years they made sure to carve out some together time, meeting for at least a few days to catch up, usually on some sort of physical adventure, like mountain climbing or wild water kayaking.

He thought he should call her back, maybe see about scheduling just such a trip soon. Or perhaps he’d go visit her, see what she was up to and how life was treating her.

Jackson told his boss, Chuck, that he was taking his break. He grabbed his leather jacket and let himself out from behind the bar. He returned a few greetings as he walked to the back and then through the door leading to the alley behind the row of buildings. He leaned against the cold brick and shoved his hands deep into his jacket pockets. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. It was at times like these he wished he still smoked.

“Hey,” a female said next to him.

He hadn’t realized anyone else was out here. “Hey,” he said without opening his eyes.

“Cold out, huh?”

If he hadn’t been able to tell by her deep inhale, the acrid scent of cigarette smoke would have revealed what she was doing.

“That it is,” he said.

“You work here?”


“This is my first time at this bar.” He heard her shoes shuffle in the salt they put down as a de-icer. “My friends suggested it. I haven’t been inside yet …”

Her voice sounded familiar.

He cracked his eyelids open and openly regarded the pretty redhead.

Holy shit.

“Max? Is that you?”

FOR A MOMENT Maxine McGuire was afraid Jackson wouldn’t recognize her. And that was beyond stupid, really. He was her best friend. They’d pretty well grown up together on the farm as kids, and had been together again for a brief stint when they’d been stationed overseas in the Marines. But it had been a good two years since their physical paths last crossed, despite their sometimes lengthy telephone conversations. And while she wasn’t about to tell him, a big part of the reason she’d chosen The Barracks as the place to meet her old high school friends, instead of the countless other bars in the military hub of Colorado Springs, Colorado, was because Jackson tended there.

For reasons she couldn’t fathom, she always experienced a spark of fear he wouldn’t recognize her. That too much time had passed, or maybe he was otherwise occupied …


She knew why she felt that way. Or she had an idea anyway.

While they’d always been close friends, she realized she’d always been more than a little bit in love with him. And the worst thing that could ever happen would be that he wouldn’t recognize her. Or that she’d look at him and see indifference in his eyes.

Not that she ever had.

Still, she was pathetic. And it was that very self-esteem issue she hoped to finally nip totally in the bud.

Her relationship with Jax was the only area in her life she experienced such vulnerable emotions. Otherwise she was confident, strong and knew exactly where she was at any given moment and where she was going.

“Hey, Jax,” she said, hoping the smile that warmed her to her toes wasn’t too obvious.

He stared at her for a full minute and then pushed from the building. She stiffened as he gave her a hug. It was silly, really, because he’d always given her the same, brotherly greeting.

The problem was that her reaction had never been quite the sisterly one he was going for.

Not that he ever appeared to have a clue.

Of course, she knew she was the primary reason for that. She’d never let him in on her true feelings.

“I was just thinking about you,” he said. “You called the other day but didn’t leave a message.”

“I never leave a message.”

His chuckle tickled her ear. “Yeah, I know.”

He stepped back and looked her over, as if seeing her for the first time. It was all she could do to maintain his gaze, and not to pat down her too curly hair.

“You look good,” he said.

“Thanks. So do you.”

She took another hit off the cigarette—her first in almost two years—and then flicked it to the ground farther down the alley.

How old had she been when they first met? Five? Six? She and her mom had just moved in with her aunt after her parents’ breakup and she’d run away. It was the first of many doomed attempts, complete with a stick to ward off unwanted critters, the end tied with a handkerchief that held a sandwich, her favorite paperback novel and a pack of matches.

It had probably taken her a whole half hour to reach the Savage barn on the neighboring property, but everything was relative and she could have sworn it had been five hours and that she’d reached the border of New Mexico, at least.

She’d just spread out her handkerchief on the fresh straw, sat on it and opened her sandwich when a shadow fell across the open doorway. There stood Jackson Savage, no older than her, arms crossed over his chest. He’d told her in no uncertain terms she was on private property and that meant she was trespassing.

So she’d gathered up her things and began to stalk from the barn. He’d caught her by the arms and told her he was just kidding … then introduced himself.

She’d wasted no time tackling him to the ground and punching him. Then she’d grabbed her stick and continued on her way.

And so began their lifelong friendship, as he liked to say whenever he told the story, usually adding a bloody nose to the equation. Namely, his.

For her, well … she’d fallen in love on the spot. And she’d always found some sort of asinine way to cover up the unwanted emotion … until now.

Now she was determined to let him know exactly what she had in mind … and exactly how she felt. But she’d take it slow, hoping it would guarantee something enduring … and not send him running flat out in the opposite direction.

The reason for her change of mind? She’d come to realize there was no going forward in any of her relationships until she went back.

“I’d better get inside,” she said, giving him her best smile.

She slowly slid a piece of gum into her mouth and then offered him a piece. He appeared so distracted by her movements, he didn’t even see the gum.

“What? Oh. Yeah. Me, too.”

She was self-conscious as she led the way back inside, forcing herself not to fight him over control of the door. She slipped out of her coat as she walked with slow, measured steps, satisfied at the sound of his breath hissing through his teeth. Yeah, she looked good in the tight jeans and low-cut shirt she had on. She knew that. And she was pleased that he did, too.

“Here, I’ll stash your coat behind the bar with mine,” he said.

“Thanks.” She handed her jacket over, put on her Santa hat and then applied lip-gloss. She slid the tube into a tiny inside pocket of her jeans. “I haven’t seen some of these friends for years. How do I look?” she asked.

“Huh?” It seemed to take him a moment to register her question. “Oh. Great. Fine. You look good.”

Great to fine to good. Definitely the wrong direction.

But that was Jax for you. Getting a compliment from him had always been like pulling teeth.

Good thing she’d recently decided he needed to make an appointment with the dentist …

Friends. Best friends. That’s what they’d always been. He’d had her back, and she’d had his. When neither of them were in a relationship, they’d sought out each other for company. Platonic company. From swimming in the Keys, kayaking the Colorado River, day-long hikes through whatever remote forest they could find, she’d always enjoyed his company. Sometimes they’d talk about their struggles with understanding the opposite sex, as if they didn’t qualify for the status, but most times they joked, challenged and dared each other.

Then there’d been those occasions when simple platonic affection had threatened to balloon into much more …

Merely remembering the times they’d wrestled around on the ground, or playfully tussled in the water, her sexual awareness taking her breath away, made her all hot and bothered.

Jackson … well, Jackson was as hot as they came. All golden haired goods looks and animal magnetism.

But it was much more than that. Much, much more. She knew what the man himself was made of. She knew that beating in his chest was a heart of gold that left him loyal to his family, doing anything for his grandmother and brother Jason … and loyal to his friends. She knew he’d be the first to stand in the face of danger, to put his life on the line if he knew it might save someone else’s.

It was in those moments when barriers dropped, that she glimpsed what life might be like for them as a couple …

And she’d turned away, always refusing herself the indulgence. She was afraid of the enormity of her emotions, afraid of tarnishing their friendship.

And afraid of leaving herself vulnerable. While threat of physical pain had never fazed her, leaving her heart exposed and unprotected scared the living daylights out of her.

If only because she’d witnessed firsthand what it had done to her mother.

Done to their family.

Now …

Well, now was different. She was no longer that rebellious girl who’d run away and holed up in his barn. The girl afraid of her emotions … and of him.

Now she wanted to push that envelope, dive into those depths, explore them, face her one and only fear.

She needed to learn that untouched side of her, the one she’d ignored, neglected and tried to shut out.

She needed to feel him …


The two words wound around Jackson’s brain as he watched Max sitting with her friends. He kept looking for reasons to talk to her but there never seemed to be an opportunity, considering one nonstop flow of thirsty customers who kept him busy. And he never saw her go out back for another smoke break.

He scratched his head as he rang up the latest order, looking for her again in the smoky mirror behind the bar. She was standing in front of the old fashioned jukebox considering the selections. His gaze fell to her nicely rounded backside and then up to where the soft cotton of her top clung to breasts fuller than he remembered. His back stiffened as he watched a guy approach her. Not just any guy, but Tom, whom they referred to as the bar “manwhore.” Just the type Max would hate on sight.

He braced himself, wondering if Tom would take it to the head or the gut.

Here it comes …

He watched as Tom not too nonchalantly slid his hand over her back, down toward her bottom. Max easily avoided the move and actually smiled before heading back to her table.

Jackson blinked. Who was this woman? She looked the same. Well, for the most part. The red curls were the same except they appeared smoother, somehow. Less wild. Her eyes were the same green but appeared brighter. And was she wearing makeup?

Jackson was confused. The Max he knew wouldn’t be caught dead in that sexy outfit, not before or during her stint in the Marines, much less handle what she just had with smiling ease. She’d have been much more likely to twist the guy’s arm behind his back and shove his face into the jukebox until he apologized for the unwanted advance.

Jackson met her gaze in the mirror and that mysterious smile she’d been offering him all night made a command appearance.

Holy shit.

Where was the easy camaraderie they always enjoyed? The knowing that came along with their lifelong friendship?

Christ, he felt like a twelve-year-old kid in the throes of his first crush.

And that was not something he was used to feeling toward a woman who was essentially his best friend.

Hell, it wasn’t something he was used to feeling, period.

This went well beyond physical attraction—which should be enough to cause concern when it came to Max …

His brain froze.

No way he was going where his thoughts and unfamiliar emotions were attempting to lead him. It was bad enough he recognized the desire to touch her in ways he never had before. To consider anything more would be akin to emotional suicide.

“Hey, did you get that, Savage?” Chuck asked.

He blinked at the bar owner. As en ex-Marine, Chuck Thomas had a healthy respect for military kindred and ran a tight operation. When things got busy, so did he. Of course, it didn’t help that Chuck wasn’t happy Jackson would no longer be working at the bar. He’d made noises about looking to sell the place, and admitted he had hoped Jackson might be interested. Jackson had been surprised, but quick to tell Chuck it wasn’t in the cards for him.

“Sorry,” he said to his taciturn boss now, keeping the peace. “I was working up the last order. Afraid I overcharged.”

“Better than under. I asked for two pitchers of light and six glasses. Can you handle it?”

“Got it.”

Jackson took a deep breath, telling himself he really needed to get a grip. This was Max, for Pete’s sake. It wasn’t like he didn’t know her. And Lord knew he’d never reacted this way toward her before. She was like a sister to him, for crying out loud.

He cleared his throat. Oh, yeah? If she was like a sister, then certain body parts told him what he was contemplating was very, very wrong, indeed.

“Hey, Jax.”

Her greeting nearly caused him to spill the pitcher he’d just filled. He put it on a tray along with the other one.

“Hey,” he said.

He finished the order and Genie picked up the tray. He didn’t miss the long look she gave Max.

“I’ve been meaning to ask, when did you get back into town?” he asked. It couldn’t have been long. He’d have heard something before now. Then he remembered her phone call. “The last I knew, you were kicking around Oregon.”


He smiled. “Close enough.”

“Yeah.” She pushed up her sleeves, drawing his attention to the too-tight top and the full breasts underneath. Had she always had those? Why hadn’t he noticed before? “I got back late last week.”

“Staying long?”

She tilted her head. “Don’t know yet. Depends …”

He met her gaze, seeing a question in there he didn’t quite know how to interpret. Then again, he was having a hard time reading her tonight, period. Or, rather, he was finding it impossible to read his new, unfamiliar reaction to her.

“On what?”

“On whether or not I can scare up some work. You wouldn’t happen to have a line on anything, would you?”

“What are you looking for?”

“Something I’m qualified for that doesn’t require I learn how to use a beer tap. No offense.”

He grinned. “None taken.” He ignored Chuck’s shout for him to get a move on. “Tonight’s my last night. I start at Pegasus Security tomorrow.”

“Pegasus? Is that Jason’s place?”

It seemed she’d been around long enough to hear what his brother had been up to. Small towns were like that. “No. That’s Lazarus.”

Her full lips twisted a bit, likely seeing more than he was comfortable with just then.

He cleared his throat. “Anyway, Pegasus is actively looking for people with your job skills if you want to check them out.”

“Great. Thanks.”

He found himself staring at her yet again. What was up with him? He hadn’t been this quiet since Jason had tried to superglue his tongue to the roof of his mouth when he was five.

“I was wondering …” she said.

He forced himself to blink up into her eyes. He wondered if she’d caught him staring again at her chest. “Wondering, um, what?”

“Can you give me a ride home later?”

It took a moment for her question to register. The fact that he was trying hard as hell not to look back at her breasts wasn’t helping matters any, either. “Where?”

“My aunt’s.”

He dragged the back of his wrist across his brow. Was he sweating? “You’re staying at your aunt’s?”

She nodded. “She dropped me off, but if you’re going out to your grandmother’s, well, it’d be easier than asking one of the girls to run me all the way back out there.”

He hadn’t planned to go to Gram’s tonight—there was a small apartment above the bar he rented—but the idea of spending uninterrupted time with Max so he could figure out what the hell was going on between them was too tempting to pass up.

“Sure. It’ll probably be late, since I’m closing.”

“That’s fine. I can wait.” She smiled that smile again and his jeans tightened. He adjusted the suspenders, happy for the first time that night to be wearing the blasted, baggy Santa pants. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.”

“Talk to you later, then.”

“Yeah … later.”

His response came after she’d already turned to walk back to her table, the view of her backside just as enticing as the view of her front.

There was chuckling down the bar. He glanced over at Winston and Pete.

“Hey, Jax,” they called out. “You finally going to take care of that little problem?”

They both gave him a thumbs-up as he turned to walk down to the other end of the bar where there were other customers waiting to be served …

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Ilmumiskuupäev Litres'is:
13 mai 2019
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