
Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850

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Dr. Sclater's Works.—Books written by W. Sclater, D.D., omitted in Wood's Ath. Oxon. edit. Bliss. vol. iii. col. 228.:—

"A Threefold Preseruatiue against three dangerous diseases of these latter times:—

"1. Non-proficiency in Grace.

"2. Fals-hearted Hypocrisie.

"3. Back-sliding in Religion.

"Prescribed in a Sermon at S. Paul's Crosse in London, September 17, 1609. London. 1610." 4to. Ded. to "Master Iohn Colles, Esquire," from which it seems that Sclater had been presented to his living by the father of this gentleman. The Ser. is on Heb. vi. 4-6.

"A Sermon preached at the last generall Assise holden for the County of Somerset at Taunton. London, 1616." 8vo. On Ps. lxxxii. 6, 7. Ded. to "John Colles, Esq., High Sheriffe of Sommerset."

"Three Sermons preached by William Sclater, Doctor of Diuinity, and Minister of the Word of God at Pitmister [sic] in Sommersetshire. Now published by his Sonne of King's Colledge in Cambridge. London, 1629." 4to. On 1 Pet. ii. 11., 2 Kings, ix. 31., and Heb. ix. 27, 28. The last is a funeral Sermon for John Colles, Esq., preached in 1607.


Runes.—Worsäae (Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, 1849) mentions that inscriptions are found in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, written in different languages in Runic character. He also mentions the fact of a Pagan Runic inscription occurring at Jellinge, Denmark, on the tomb of old King Gorm, A.D. c. 900, found in a huge barrow; and, at the same place, a Christian Runic inscription on the tomb of his son Harold. Has this inquiry been extended to British Runes, and might it not throw much light upon many monuments of dates prior to the Conquest? Crossed slabs with Runes have been found at Hartlepool, Durham; have the inscriptions been read? (Boutell's Christian Monuments, p. 3.; Cutt's Manual of Sepulchral Slabs, pp. 52. 60. plate III.)



The Nibelungenlied, which has been aptly designated the German Iliad, has hitherto been a sealed book to the mere English reader. Mr. Lettsom has however just published a most successful translation of it under the title of The Fall of the Nibelungers. Few will rise from a perusal of the English version of this great national epic—which in its present form is a work of the thirteenth century—without being struck with the innate power and character of the original poem; and without feeling grateful to Mr. Lettsom for furnishing them with so pleasing and spirited a version of it.

Captain Curling, Clerk of the Cheque of what was formerly designated the Band of Gentleman Pensioners, has, under the influence of a laudable esprit de corps, combined the disjointed materials which Pegge had collected upon the subject with the fruits of his own researches; and, under the title of Some Account of the Ancient Corp of Gentlemen-at-Arms, has produced a volume of great interest doubtless to his "brothers in arms," and containing some curious illustrations of court ceremonial.9

Mr. Timbs, the editor of The Year-Book of Facts, &c., announces for early publication a work on which he has been engaged for some time, entitled Curiosities of London. It will, we believe, be altogether of a different character from Mr. Cunningham's Handbook, and treat rather of present London and its amusements than those of historical and literary associations which give a charm to Mr. Cunningham's volume.

We are glad to find that the most mysterious and mystified portion of the Greek Geometry is likely to receive at last a complete elucidation—we mean the "Porisms." There are so many questions arising out of this subject, respecting the development of the Grecian intellect, that a full discussion of them is no easy task; especially of those arising out of the conflicting testimonies furnished by history, and by the internal evidences contained in the existing works of the "fathers of Geometry." We certainly anticipate, from the known character of the minds now engaged in this work, that some conclusive evidence as to the state of geometry anterior to the time of Euclid will be elicited by Messrs. Potts and Davies. The analysis of the writings of all the authors who have treated on the Porism, will form a subject of interest not only for its assigning to every author his fair share of credit for his contributions towards perfecting the poristic method; but for that critical discrimination of principles, which constitutes one of the marked features of Mr. Davies's writings in the archæology of geometry. We shall be glad if his slight notice of the intended work shall bring some accession of aid to the undertaking in the form of subscriptions: as upon adequate support, it appears, must depend whether the work shall go to press, or the project be abandoned.

We have received the following Catalogues:—Thomas Thorpe's (13. Henrietta Street) General Catalogue of very Choice, Curious, Rare, and most Interesting Books recently purchased, including some hundred articles of the utmost rarity. Williams and Norgate's (14. Henrietta Street) No. 24. of German Book Circular, a Quarterly List of the principal New Publications on the Continent; C.J. Stewart's (11. King William Street, West Strand) Catalogue of Dogmatical, Polemical, and Ascetical Theology.

WANTED.—MANUSCRIPT OF OLD ENGLISH POETRY.—Borrowed, within the last few months, from the Town Residence of a Gentleman, a large 4to. MS., in modern binding, of Early English Poetry, by Richard Rolle, of Hampole; containing, among other matters, Religious Pieces couched in the form of Legal Instruments, and a Metrical Chronicle of the Kings of England, in the style of Lydgate's. As the owner does not recollect to whom it was lent, and is very anxious to refer to it, he will be obliged by its immediate return, either to himself directly, or, if more convenient, to the Editor of "NOTES AND QUERIES."


(In continuation of Lists in former Nos.)

THE DOCTRINE OF CONSCIENCE FRAMED ACCORDING TO THE FORM IN THE COMMON PRAYER BOOK. by Y.N., London. 1636, 8vo., written by John Prideaux, Lord Bishop of Worcester.

Odd Volume

ARMY LIST for August 1814.


Our pages again exhibit a large proportion of REPLIES. Our next Number, which will complete our First Volume, will do the same, as it is obviously for the convenience of our readers that the REPLIES should, as far as possible, appear in the same Volume with the QUERIES to which they relate.

13. Great Marlborough Street


has just published the following



BURKE'S PEERAGE and BARONETAGE for 1850. New Edition, revised and corrected throughout, from the personal communications of the Nobility, &c. 1 vol. royal 8vo., beautifully printed in double columns (comprising as much matter as 20 ordinary volumes), with 1500 Engravings of Arms, &c., bound, 1l. 18s.


BURKE'S HISTORY of the LANDED GENTRY for 1850, corrected to the Present Time: a Genealogical Dictionary of the whole of the Untitled Aristocracy of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and comprising particulars of 100,000 persons connected with them. 2 vols. royal 8vo., including the SUPPLEMENT (equal to 30 ordinary volumes), bound, 2l. 2s.


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LIVES of the PRINCESSES of ENGLAND. By Mrs. EVERETT GREEN, Editor of the "Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies." 2 vols. post 8vo., with Illustrations, bound, 1l. 1s.


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OCCASIONAL SERMONS, preached at Westminster Abbey, in March and April 1850. By CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, D.D., Canon of Westminster.

These Sermons may be had separately, price 1s. each, as follows:—

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No. VII. The CHURCH of ENGLAND in 1711 and 1850.


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Nos. IV., V., and VI., an INQUIRY—Whether the BAPTISMAL OFFICES of the CHURCH of ENGLAND may be interpreted in a CALVINISTIC SENSE?—No. III. The DOCTRINE of BAPTISM with reference to the Opinion of PREVENIENT GRACE.—No. II. On PLEAS alleged for SEPARATION from the CHURCH.—No. 1. COUNSELS and CONSOLATIONS in TIMES of HERESY and SCHISM.

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Preparing for Publication by Subscription, price 10s

DR. SIMSON'S RESTORATION of EUCLID'S PORISMS. With Notes by ROBERT POTTS, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; with Historical Geometrical, and Analytical Dissertations and Illustrations, by T.S. DAVIES, F.R.S. Lond. and Ed., F.S.A., Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.

The printing will be commenced as soon as the number of subscribers is sufficient to indemnify the authors for the inevitable outlay upon the work; but should that number not be, at least approximately, obtained, their intention must be abandoned. Gentlemen desirous of supporting this undertaking will oblige the authors by an early intimation to that effect.

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ANASTATIC PRINTING and PAPYROGRAPHY: their various Applications to the Reprinting of Letterpress, the Reprinting of Engravings, the Multiplying of Ornamental Patterns, the successive Alterations of the same Design; Papyrography with Ink—Writing Circulars, Music, Oriental Characters, &c., Pen-Etching, Tracing Facsimiles of Engravings; Papyrography with Chalk—Printing in Colours, Printing Rubbings of Brasses, Drawing with Heel-ball, &c. &c. With illustrative Examples, by PHILIP H. DELAMOTTE.

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DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES of BOOKS for SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, and of CHEMICAL, MEDICAL, and LITERARY WORKS, published by TAYLOR, WALTON, and MABERLY, 28. Upper Gower Street, and 27. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row.

The object of these two Catalogues is, to convey a more satisfactory notion of the contents of the books in them, than can be drawn from reading the titles. Instead of laudatory extracts from reviews, general notices are given of the chief subjects and most prominent peculiarities of the books. The Catalogues are designed to put the reader, as far as possible, in the same position as if he had inspected for himself, at least cursorily, the works described; and, with this view, care has been taken, in drawing up the notices, merely to state facts, with but little comment, and no exaggeration whatever.

We find at page 200, an Order of the Council, dated Dec. 5. 1737, respecting the disposition of the band at the funeral of Queen Caroline, signed by "TEMPLE STANYAN," the subject of a Query in No. 24. p. 382., and of several Replies in our last, No. 28. p. 460.

Printed by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, May 18. 1850.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes & Queries No. 29, Saturday, May

18, 1850, by Various


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9We find at page 200, an Order of the Council, dated Dec. 5. 1737, respecting the disposition of the band at the funeral of Queen Caroline, signed by "TEMPLE STANYAN," the subject of a Query in No. 24. p. 382., and of several Replies in our last, No. 28. p. 460.