Loe raamatut: «Notes and Queries, Number 78, April 26, 1851», lehekülg 7




The publication of The National Cyclopædia of Useful Knowledge has just been completed by the issue of the twelfth volume. We notice this useful condensation of The Penny Cyclopædia principally, however, for a feature which we hope to see more widely extended, namely, that of issuing it in a strong and handsome half-binding, at the moderate charge of one shilling per volume extra. The practice of publishing books in a bound form (more especially such books as are intended for very general circulation) is one which we have no doubt may be widely extended with great satisfaction to purchasers. It has, generally speaking, been, up to the present time, too closely confined to books of high price, adapted only to wealthy purchasers, whom the words "bound by Hayday," or "morocco extra," with the necessary increase of price, charm, rather than discourage.

There is perhaps no work to which, at the present moment,—when the World's Fair is about to commence, and we are sure to be visited by hundreds, or rather thousands, of our Gallic friends, with whom we shall be in daily and hourly conversation,—we can more appropriately call the attention of our readers than to the second division (Partie Française-Anglaise) of M. Tarver's Dictionnaire Phraséologique Royal, in which we can assure them they will find the readiest solution of all those phraseological queries which may arise during their intercourse with our lively neighbours. A very cursory examination of its pages will serve to convince the inquirer of the great learning and patient industry of M. Tarver; and his interest in the work will not be diminished by the reflection that the name of its accomplished author will be found in the obituary of the present week.

When noticing, a few weeks since, one of Captain Knox's interesting volumes, we spoke of the undying popularity of White's Selborne. A proof at once of this popularity, and a means of increasing it, will be found in a new edition of this delightful book just issued as one of the volumes of Bohn's Illustrated Library. It is entitled to its place in this series on account of forty admirable woodcuts by which it is illustrated; and to a place on the bookshelves of every Naturalist, for the sake of the additional notes of Sir W. Jardine, and its present editor, Mr. Jesse.

Messrs. Puttick and Simpson (191. Piccadilly) will sell on Tuesday and Wednesday next an exceedingly choice Collection of Autograph Letters, comprising numerous Letters of extraordinary rarity, selected principally from Upcott's Collection. We cannot attempt to particularise the many interesting lots which are to be found in the present collection, but recommend the Catalogue to attention for the satisfactory manner in which the different documents are arranged and described.

Catalogues Received.—B. Quaritch's (16. Castle Street, Leicester Square) Cheap Book Circular (No. XXVIII.) of Books in all Languages; W. Pedder's (18. Holywell Street) Catalogue Part II. for 1851, of Books Ancient and Modern; R. Saywell's (138. High Holborn) Select Catalogue Part XXI. of Books in Theology, Classics, and General Literature.


Brevarium Romanum. Pars Verna. Antverpiae. Ex Typ. Plantinianæ. 1700 or 1714.

New England Judged not by Man's, but the Spirit of the Lord: and the Summe Sealed up of New England's Persecutions. By George Bishope. Quarto, 1661. Wanted from page 150 to the end.

*** Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents

J. S. S. (Leicester). The Chaucer Monument. It will require about 100l. to make a complete restoration. Not one-half that amount has yet been subscribed.

X. Y. Z. The custom of "Swearing on the Horns at Highgate" is very ably treated by Hone, Every-Day Book, vol. ii. p. 79 et seq. It probably arose from the graziers who put up at the Gate-house on their way to Smithfield, and were accustomed, as a means of keeping strangers out of their company, to bring an ox to the door as a test: those who did not like to be sworn of their fraternity, and kiss its horns, not being deemed fit members of their society.

W. R. M. Will this correspondent favour us with another copy of his Queries, which were received and intended for insertion, but have apparently been omitted by some accident?

A. W. H. Our correspondent will find that his Query had been anticipated in Vol. i., p. 336. Its appearance then brought it a mass of Replies, mostly of a very unsatisfactory kind. We delayed repeating the Query until we could find leisure to condense those replies, so as to prevent our correspondents furnishing us with information already in our possession. We hope to do this next week.

Sing. Bryan Waller Procter, Esq., one of the Commissioners of Lunacy.

Replies Received.—Nettle in—San Graal—Duchess of Buckingham—Newburgh Hamilton—Ex Pede Herculeum—Knebsend—Derivation of Yankee—Passage in Virgil—Bacon and Fagan—Solid-hoofed Pigs—Under the Rose—Stick at Nothing—Ejusdem Farinæ—Meaning of Rack—Meaning of Tye—The Tanthony—Dog's Head in the Pot—Baron Munchausen—Shakspeare's Seamanship—Criston—Bigod de Loges—God's Acre—Joseph Nicolson—Britt. Rex—Tradescant—Moore's Almanack—The Mistletoe—St John's Bridge Fair—Curious Fact in Natural History—Pursuits of Literature—Burton's Birthplace—Engelbert of Treves—God takes those soonest—Tandem D. O. M. &c.—Bartolomeo's Pictures—Herstmonceaux, &c.

Vols. I. and II., each with very copious Index, may still be had, price 9s. 6d. each.

Notes and Queries may be procured, by order, of all Booksellers and Newsvenders. It is published at noon on Friday, so that our country Subscribers ought not to experience any difficulty in procuring it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers, &c., are, probably, not yet aware of this arrangement, which will enable them to receive Notes and Queries in their Saturday parcels.

All communications for the Editor of Notes and Queries should be addressed to the care of Mr. Bell, No. 186. Fleet Street.

LITERARY AGENCY.—Mr. F. G. Tomlins (Secretary to the Shakspeare Society, Author of a Brief View of the English Drama; a Variorum History of England; Garcia, a Tragedy; the Topic, the Self Educator, &c. &c.) is desirous to make it known that a Twenty Years' experience with the Press and Literature, as Author and Publisher, enables him to give advice and information to Authors, Publishers, and Persons wishing to communicate with the Public, either as to the Editing, Advertising, or Authorship of Books, Pamphlets, or Literary productions of any kind. Opinions obtained on Manuscripts previous to publication, and Works edited, written, or supervised for the Press by acknowledged writers in their various departments.

Office, 19. Southampton Street, Strand;

where works of reference for Literary Purposes may be obtained or referred to.


Established 1806
Policy Holders' Capital, 1,192,818l
Annual Income, 150,000l.—Bonuses Declared, 743,000l
Claims paid since the Establishment of the Office, 2,001,450l
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Henry B. Alexander, Esq.

George Dacre, Esq.

William Judd, Esq.

Sir Richard D. King, Bart.

The Hon. Arthur Kinnaird

Thomas Maugham, Esq.

William Ostler, Esq.

Apsley Pellatt, Esq.

George Round, Esq.

Frederick Squire, Esq.

William Henry Stone, Esq.

Capt. William John Williams.

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Physician—John Maclean, M.D. F.S.S., 29. Upper Montague Street, Montague Square

Examples of the Extinction of premiums by the Surrender of Bonuses.

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Prospectuses and full particulars may be obtained upon application to the Agents of the Office, in all the principal towns of the United Kingdom, at the City Branch, and at the Head Office, No. 50. Regent Street.



Payment of premiums may be occasionally suspended without forfeiting the policy, on a new and valuable plan, adopted by this society only, as fully detailed in the prospectus.

A. Scratchley, M.A.,

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London: J. W. Parker, West Strand.

BOOKS.—JUST PUBLISHED, A CATALOGUE of Three Thousand Volumes of RARE and CURIOUS BOOKS, containing Works on America, the Occult Sciences, Books of Prints, Fine Arts, Free-Masonry, Jest-Books and Drolleries, Hawking, Language, Popery, Proverbs, Facetiæ and Miscellaneous Literature,—may be had on application, or by forwarding four penny stamps to G. Bumstead, 205. High Holborn.

Highly Important Autograph Letters.—Two Days' Sale.

PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on TUESDAY, April 29, and following Day, a very important Collection of AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, the Property of a Gentleman. The Collection includes an unusually complete series of English Royal Autographs, many being important Letters, from the time of Henry VII.; also Letters of Contemporary Foreign Sovereigns, with numerous rare and interesting Letters in other Classes. The whole in the finest preservation. Catalogues will be sent on application.

This day is published,

BOHN'S CLASSICAL CATALOGUE, comprising all the principal editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Translations and Commentaries, with prices annexed; royal 8vo. half morocco, price 2s. 6d.—Allowed to Purchasers.

Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden.

LONDON PICTORIALLY and HISTORICALLY DESCRIBED. Edited by Charles Knight. 6 vols. in 3, royal 8vo. with upwards of one thousand engravings on wood, cloth gilt, 1l. 16s.

Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden.

Bohn's Scientific Library for May.

HUMBOLDT'S COSMOS; or Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. Translated by E. C. Otte. Vol. 3, with an Index. Price 3s. 6d.

Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden.

Bohn's Classical Library for May.

PLATO'S WORKS, translated by Geo. Burgess, M.A. Vol. 4, containing Philebus, Charmides, Laches, The Two Alcibiades, and Ten other Dialogues. Price 5s.

Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden.

Bohn's Standard Library for May.

NEANDER'S FIRST PLANTING OF CHRISTIANITY. Translated by Ryland. Post 8vo. Price 3s. 6d.

Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden.

THE CAMDEN SOCIETY for the Publication of Early Historical and Literary Remains.

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at the Freemason's Tavern, Great Queen Street, on Friday the 2nd of May, at Four o'Clock precisely; the Lord Braybrooke, the President, in the Chair.

William J. Thoms, Secretary.

The following are the Publications of the Society for the year 1850-1.

I. A SELECTION FROM THE WILLS Preserved in the Will Office at Bury St. Edmund's. Edited by Samuel Tymms, Esq.

II. WALTER MAPES "DE NUGIS CURIALIUM." A Treatise on the Political Affairs of his Time, written in 1181. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A.

III. SIR RICHARD GUYLFORDE'S PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND, A. D. 1506. Edited from a copy believed to be unique from the Press of Richard Pynson, by Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., Sec. S. A.

The Subscription to the Society is 1l. per annum, which becomes due on the 1st of May.

Communications from Gentlemen desirous of becoming Members may be addressed to the Secretary; or to Messrs. Nichols, No. 25. Parliament Street, Westminster, by whom the Subscriptions of all Members resident in London are received.

TO BOOK BUYERS.—No. XIV. of T. D. THOMSON'S CATALOGUE of MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND BOOKS, marked at very low Prices, is just published, and may be had Gratis and Postage Free.

13. Upper King Street, Russell Square.



PAROCHIAL WORK. By the Rev. E. Monro, M.A., Incumbent of Harrow Weald, Stanmore. A Second Edition of this valuable Work is nearly ready, and will, it is expected, be published in April.


Intended as a Companion to the above.

POETÆ SCENICI GRÆCI. Æschyli, Sophoclis, Euripidis, et Aristophanis Fabulæ superstites et perditarum fragmenta. Editio secunda, ex nova recognitione Guil. Dindorfii. Royal 8vo. cloth, 1l. 1s.; or bound by Hayday in calf extra for school prizes, 1l. 10s.

DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE of the Middle Ages, with numerous Engravings from existing Remains, and Historical Illustrations from contemporary Manuscripts. By T. Hudson Turner, Esq. From the Conquest to the 13th Century. 1 Vol. 8vo. In a few days.

DR. PUSEY'S DEFENCE OF HIS OWN PRINCIPLES: A Letter to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London in Explanation of some Statements contained in a Letter by the Rev. W. Dodsworth. Fifth and Cheaper Edition. 18mo. pp. 196., 1s., or bound in cloth, 1s. 6d.


THE CALENDAR OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH ILLUSTRATED. With brief Accounts of the Saints who have Churches dedicated in their Names; or whose Images are most frequently met with in England; the early Christian and Mediæval Symbols; and an Index of Emblems. With numerous Woodcuts. Foolscap 8vo. 10s. 6d.

HYMNI ECCLESIÆ e BREVIARIIS quibusdam et Missalibus Gallicanis, Germanicis, Hispanis desumpti. Collegit et recensuit Joannes M. Neale, A.M., Collegii Sackvillensis custos. 18mo. 5s.

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A LIBRARY EDITION, handsomely printed on superfine paper, in Demy Octavo, to range with the Standard Editions of the English Historians, in 14 Vols. including a Copious Index, and embellished with Portraits. Price 10l. 10s.

A limited number are printed on thick paper, in Royal Octavo, with Proof Impressions of the Portraits, price 21l.


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In Crown Quarto, uniform with the Seventh Edition of Alison's History, bound in cloth, 2l. 12s. 6d. In Demy Quarto, to range with the "Library Edition" and Early Editions of Alison's History in Demy Octavo, bound in cloth, 3l. 3s. In Royal Quarto, to accompany the Royal Octavo "Library Edition" of Alison's History, 4l. 4s.


EPITOME OF ALISON'S EUROPE. For the Use of Schools and Young Persons. In One Volume, Post Octavo, price 7s. 6d. bound in cloth. Atlas to the above, 7s.

By the same Author

ESSAYS, POLITICAL, HISTORICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS. In Three Vols. Demy Octavo, uniform with the "Library Edition" of Alison's Europe. Price 2l. 5s.


MILITARY LIFE of JOHN, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. In Octavo, with Maps and Plans of Battles. Price 18s.


THE PRINCIPLES OF POPULATION, and their Connection with Human Happiness. Two Vols. Octavo, 30s.

William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London. Sold by all Booksellers.

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