
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 13, No. 351, January 10, 1829

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Captain John Graunt, in his Observations on the Bills of Mortality, says, that of 229,250 persons, who died in twenty years, only two are put to the account of excessive drinking. But, perhaps, if the matter were truly stated, a great many of the dropsies, apoplexies, and palsies ought to have been placed under that head. It is not impossible that those who had the charge of rendering these accounts, might have entertained the opinion of old Dick Baldwyn, who stoutly maintained that no man ever died of drinking. "Some puny things," said he, "have died learning to drink, but no man ever died of drinking!" Now, this was no mean authority; for he spoke from great practical experience, and was moreover many years treasurer of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.—Mr. Wadd—in Brande's Journal.

The "Sunday Times" of the 28th ult. has the following paragraph inserted:—

Typographical Errors

The New Times speaks (some time ago) of a "Party given by the Duke of Pork!" Another paper, of "Proceedings in the Court of Common Fleas!" and the Morning Chronicle of Tuesday last speaks of "an atrocious Bobbery!" The cream of this criticism on others is, that the very same paper has the following paragraph:—"Fleet Prison, Dec. 26th. Died last night, about 12 o'clock, the Rev. Mr. Chaundy, in the meridian of life. This makes the ninth death which has happened in the Fleet since the 29th of April last. The free use of spirituous liquors is the cause of so much MORALITY in the prison."



M. Tissot, a celebrated French physician, who was the intimate friend of Zimmerman, relates the case of a literary gentleman, who would never venture near a fire, from imagining himself to be made of butter, and being fearful he should melt.

"There are whom heaven has bless'd with store of wit,
Yet want as much again to manage it."


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