
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 19, No. 555, Supplementary Number

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Manna, fall of, 427.

Manorial Right, curious, 23.

March of Mind, 178.

Marlborough, Life of, 359.

Mariguano, battle of, 122.

Marketing in America, 237.

Marriage Tree, 256.

Martinet, the, 213.

Martin's Picture on Glass, 219.

Martyr Student, the, 120.

Mary of Cambria, a sonnet, 388.

Massena's Tomb in Pere la Chaise, 357.

Mauritius, the, 172.

May Day Games, 259.

Melrose Abbey, history of, 241.

Men compared with Bees, 285.

Milan, Panorama of, 392.

Minstrelsy of Scotland, 352.

Mirabeau, character of, 422.

Modern Building, 134.

Monkey-houses, in the Zoological Gardens, 114.

Monkey Island, 369.

Moorhen, the, 266.

Morning in London, 134.

Morning, lines to, 99.

Morrice Dances of Robin Hood, 260.

Mortality in the Reign of William IV., 208.

"Mother Carey's Chickens," origin of, 306.

Moving Houses in America, 237.

Munden, biography of, 105.

Mungo Park, death of, 229.


effect of, 223

old English, 189.

Muswell Hill, origin of, 304.

My Fire, a sketch, 20.

Napier, Hon. Mrs., a sketch, 3.


at St. Helena, 403

's residence at St. Helena, 348

tomb, 374.

Naples, fruit at, 384.

Nasmyth, the artist, 139.

Naturalists', three enthusiastic, 183.

Navy, ancient British, 7—86.

New South Wales, society in, 318.

New Zealand, islands in, 7.


his mode of study, 193

's Weather-wisdom, 288.

Newtown Pippin, the, 399.

Nicknames, 175.


river, night on, 126

sailing on the, 231.

Night, lines on, 8.

Nightmare, lines on, 98.

Nobles of Johanna, 207.

Non-proposals, or Doubts resolved, 284.

Northcote and William III., 41.

"Nothing Impossible," 274.

Odd Story, 111.

Opera, the Italian, 397.

Optics, witty, 112.


the barn, 27—38

the white-horned of the Arctic regions, 354.

Paganini, a singing, 112.

Painted Window of the Crucifixion, 90.

Palankeen Travelling in India, 345.

Palming in Italy, 383.

Pancras Old Church described, 289—388.

Pantomimes, expenses of, 80.

Parks, the royal, 267.

Parliament, curious, 335.

Pastimes, ancient, 405.

Patriarchal Times, 397.

Pelican House, 273.

Penderell Jewel, 276.

Penitential Habit, origin of, 398.

Pepper, Arden, anecdote of, 420.

Personal Injuries, pecuniary compensation for, 276.

Philosopher's Stone, the, 288.

Phrenology, Illustrations of, 240.

Pictures, new, gossip on, 395.

Piercy Islands, 145.

Pig Scavengers in America, 236.

Pike, habits of the, 266.

Pilgrim's Progress, beauties of, 77.

Pin Money explained, 271.

Plague, great, in the fifteenth century, 430.

Plank, unlucky one, 368.

Plough described, 304.

Poetry of Ancient Days, 276.

Polynesian Islands, 145.

Poisoned Valley in Java, 6.

Pontefract Castle, history of, 50.

Pontine Marshes, 383.

Porcupine and Hedgehog, 179.

Porter, Anna Maria, 422.

Pottery, manufacture of, 283—324—363.

Prairies, origin of, 46.

Premiers of England, 320.

Presbyterian Churches in Cincinnati, 202.

Property, nature of, 252.

Prussic Acid, poisonous to vegetables, 412.

Psalter, illuminated, 178.

Punishments in the reign of Charles II., 87.

Pyramids, the, 224.

Quadrant, the Regent's, 133.

Quarantine in America, 192.

Queen Anne's Spring, near Eton, 248.

Queen Consorts, rights of, 270.

Railway, Marine, 412.

Rainbow, phenomenon of, 427.

Raphael China, 283.

Raven and Dove at the Deluge, 410.

Reading at Meals, 176.

Recollections of a Wanderer, 313.

Recreations in the Law, 251.

Reformation in England, 9.

Revenue and Debt of European States, 3.

Rhapsody on Nature, 373.

Rhinoceros, the, 179.

Rhinoceros Bird, history of, 312.

Rich Man, the true, 175.

Robert the Devil, Castle and Cavern of, 66.

Robin in Bushy Park, 267.

Robin Hood and May Games, 261.

Rook-shooting, cruelty of, 266.

Rousseau at Dove Dale, 432.

Rural peace, lines on, 351.

Russel, origin of the house of, 334.

Sailors, superstition of, 270.

St. Albans,

duchess of, 144

Bride's, parish registers of, 335

Helena, Captain Mundy's visit to, 348—403.

Saline Spa near Norwood, 227.

Saviour, address to the, 398.

Scandal-loving letter, 407.


Economy, 132—244

Literary Dinner, 73

Sporting, 136—148.


Antiquities, 382—409—427

Heraldry, 404.

Sea Serpent, the, 212.

Seals, the, by J.S. Knowles, 302.

Sermons, plain, 416.

Serpents, superstitions respecting, 212.

Servants, duty of, 271.

Serventius, confessions of, 44.

Shakespeariana, 389.

Shark's Bay, adventure in, 173.

Sharp, the astronomer, 293.

Shaving, origin of, 192.

Shavings, waste of, 83—132.


eccentricities of, 420

P.B. at Oxford, 12—264.

Sheridan, anecdotes of, 137.

Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, 252.

Ships, names of, 288.

Shrew-mouse, the, 179.

Shrimps, inquiries on, 20.

Signs, origin of, 160.

Silk from Spiders, 412.

Singapore, sketch of, 35.

Sismondi, politics of, 420.

Sisters, four learned, 335.

Sitting in the Druid's Chair, 261.

Skulls, grinning, 101.

Skylark, claws of the, 245.

Skylark, a song, 323.

Slaughter, family, 368.

Slippery Love, 256.

Smuggling, extraordinary, 48.

Snake, habits of the, 342.

Snowdrop, address to, 132.

Social distinctions in America, 237.

Songs of the Gipsies, 232.

Songs found in a Grecian Urn, 156.

Song in imitation of Cowley, 419.

Songs by a Delia Cruscan poet, 323.

Songs, by T. Moore, 12.

Song by J.S. Knowles, 423.

Song of Pitcairn's Island, 232.

Sonnet on Love, 357.

Sorrow, concealed, 399.

Soizthey, recollections of, 254.

Spanish characteristics, 361.

Spanish scenery, charms of, 307.

Spanish superstition, 413.

Squares in London, 133.

Staines New Bridge, described, 321.

Starvation, ancient, 384.

Stones, speaking and moving, 101.

Sugar Cane of Otaheite, 27.

Sugar consumed in England, 222.

Sun-fish, the short, 425.

Surrey Zoological Gardens, 2.

Sutton Wash Embankment, 46.

Swelled Ancles, 160.

Swift at Moore Park, 422.

Swimming, Hints on, 3.

Swine, errors respecting, 171.

Swiss Cottage at the Colosseum, 258.

Tailors, renowned, 77.

Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 213.

Talleyrand, anecdote of, 256.

Tea, facts relative to, 220—222.

Tea, price of, 245.

Theatres, ancient English, 193.

Theatrical Property in France, 320.

Thief, how to detect, 272.

Three Death's Heads, 431.

Thrush, habits of the, 265.

Tigers, sortie of, 345.

Time's Telescope for 1832, 71.

Tinto, the river, 299.


in Jersey, 267

poison of, 426

superstition respecting, 180.

Toast of a Scotch Peer, 287.


in Cholera, 412

and snuff, virtues of, 96.

Tom and Jerry, ancient, 16.

Tomato Sauce, to make, 15.

Town and village defined, 175.

Trade, ancient, 128.

Travelling Notes in South Wales, 20—147.

Trout tickling in Ireland, 234.

Tucopia, isle of, 145.

Tunbridge Wells, sketches of, 376.

Tunnel in Regent's Park, 114.

Turenne, Marshal, 272.

Turkey, skeleton of, 312.

Twa Burdies, the, 91.

Under, house of, 69.

Unlucky present, a tale, 309.

Valentines, ancient, 178.

Valletort, Viscount, lines to, 378.

Vampire Bat, 40.

Vapour Bath in Cholera, 6—55.

Vegetable Wonders, 200.

Vegetation, curious facts in, 344.

Venice described, 429.

Venice, sonnet to, 69.

Ventilation of Rooms, 152.

Victor Hugo,

drama by, 118

lines by, 318.


Cemetery, the, 216

Hampden, 175.

Virginia Water, cascade at, 81—210.

Visit to the Morgue, at Paris, 349.

Voices of the Night, 259.

Waller, the poet, tomb of, 233.

War Song against the Chinese, 14.

Warton, Thomas, the poet, 421.

Washington Irving, Medwin, and Grattan, 421.

Water from the Rock in Horeb, 428.

Watering-places in the fifteenth century, 431.

Waverley Novels, character of, 284—365.

Waverley Novels,

heroines of, 365

Plots of, 366

Scenic description, 366

Scott and Shakspeare, 367

Style, 367.

Weather Rhymes, by the Monks, 228.

Wedgewood's Ware, manufacture of, 363.

Weighing in the Balance, 429.

West, sign painted by, 432.

Western Church, corruption of, 372.

Westminster Hall, Old, 251.


Whale Chase in the Hebrides, 297.

Widow, paraphernalia of, 271.

Wife, an American one, 272.

Wilderness described, 397.

William IV. and Queen Adelaide, 143.

William Tell, legend of, 430.

Wills of bachelors, 271

curious facts respecting, 270

compulsory, 271

of criminals, 271.

Wilton Castle, history of, 305.

Windsor Castle from the N.E., 177.


bramble, to make, 15

grape, to make, 15.

Wit, lines on, 9.

Witchcrafts in 1647, 174.