Blonde without panties. Underwater sex

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Blonde without panties. Underwater sex
Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Blonde without panties

Underwater sex

Vitaly Mushkin

© Vitaly Mushkin, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-6294-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

It was getting dark when I suddenly heard voices and laughter. The voices were female and came from somewhere on the left. My fishing rod continued to stand motionless and it became increasingly difficult for me to see it. It’s time to wrap up. But who could it be on the lake, and even at such a time? The places here are quite deserted and rarely met by fishermen or tourists. But this feminine laugh? What if they bathe there? And maybe naked? My heart beat faster. I put the fishing rod on the plate and went to see what was happening there.

Carefully making my way through the bush, I approached the voices and saw three women bathing. From my place it was not very close, and it became even darker, so I could not see everything in full detail. Something I saw, something dofantaziroval. Three beautiful girls (or women) swam off the coast. And they were naked! Occasionally above the surface of the water priests emerged them, sparkling white against the background of black water. There were no bras on them either, I definitely saw white breasts. What they talked about and laughed at was not to make out.

I sat under a bush and peered, peered into female bodies. Oh, how beautiful they are! How delightfully sexy! How I would like to get closer and see everything in more detail. It is even better to be with them in the same water, so cool as to slightly cool the heated blood. Three bathers all swam and frolicked. One was a redhead, the other was black-haired, and the third was blonde. Here, finally, the ladies swam up and began to go ashore. I was afraid to miss the slightest details. The first to go red-haired. Her strong bosom was exposed, then a flat stomach appeared, hips began to appear. I leaned forward a little more, trying to examine, and at that moment the branch on which I stood cracked, broke, and I, having lost my balance, clumsily collapsed on one side. The girls shouted: “Bear! Yes, where is the bear? And who is it? The man? They are spying on us! “Without analyzing the roads, I rushed back to my fishing pole.

At night, I could not sleep for a long time. Excitement did not recede. Who are these beauties? Where did they come from late at night on the lake? Will they come again?

Whether they will come is not known, but the next evening I was with a fishing rod on the lake. Again, not pecked. My float lonely stood in the water and did not think to dive into it. But I would have dived. Dived in the company of those sexy beauties. Only with me, they dive, of course, will not. What am I talking about? About joint bathing, bathing without panties? Dream, dream. The sun had already disappeared behind the tops of the pines, but it was still light. And then (again, unexpectedly) I heard laughter. Female laughter. It’s them!

And again, women decided to swim in the same place. But today I prepared for the observation more carefully. I began to approach them not along the overgrown shore, but from the rear, so to speak, where there was a more open place. And with me this time I had my binoculars! I hid behind the trunk of a wide tree and began to look with excitement. While I was occupying my station, the swimmers had already undressed and entered the water. They were completely naked! It was already getting dark again, but I managed to see everything. I saw every fold and e

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