Loe raamatut: «Gold», lehekülg 19



Danny Randall issued his orders as a general would. First he sent warning word to Cal Marsh, still nursing his shoulder. Through one of his barkeepers he caused to be called to his presence four men. Three of them were miners, the fourth a lookout at the Empire. He met them in his little room, quite openly, which, as I have explained, was in accordance with his usual custom. He detailed the exact situation in a few words.

“Now,” he ended, “we get busy. Are you in?”

Each assented, with apparent deep satisfaction.

“Now,” said he briskly, “Munroe, you go to the lower trail, near the big oak at the second crossing. Wait there. If the express messengers have not passed by to-morrow morning at ten o’clock, return here. If they do come by, stop them, and tell them to proceed by the cut-off to the place they know of, and to wait there for me. Understand?”

To each of the other four men he assigned a different watching on other trails, giving them the same instructions.

“Now git!” he finished.

After informing Yank of my projected absence, I waited at the appointed place until the appointed time, then returned to the Bella Union.

“That’s all right,” Danny greeted my report; “they came across the Hog’s Back, and are now safely in hiding. Here,” he gave me a slip of paper. “During the day contrive to see these men. Make it casual and easy, as though you just happened to see them. Chat a few minutes and tell them this: ‘Danny Randall calls a secret miners’ meeting at the upper horse flat at nine o’clock to-night. Slip up there without being seen.’ Be sure to let them understand that it is I who am issuing the call. Get them to tell you whether they will or will not come.”

I took the slip of paper and read over the half dozen names it contained. They were all known to me; so I nodded my comprehension and went out.

All the rest of the day I loafed about, chatting with dozens of people, among the others with Morton himself. That individual professed great zeal for law and order, and told of the wonderful things he, as sheriff, intended to accomplish. Among the lot I contrived to include the six men whose names were on my paper, and to deliver my message. I explained as far as I knew, and got from each a definite and emphatic promise to be present.

“It’s time this thing was brought to a head,” said one man. “If Danny Randall is taking hold of it, I enlist.”

I returned to report these facts, received an indifferent nod, and, under further instruction, went quietly to camp to await the agreed hour.

We started up the trail about eight o’clock. Yank insisted that he was going, if he had to roll all the way; but after a little we simultaneously remembered that the Moreñas had owned horses. One of these I caught, and on it Yank rode to the place of rendezvous.

The night was very black. After we had entered the woods its darkness seemed at first to hang in front of my eyes like a filmy curtain, so that I fairly groped, as one would when blindfolded. In the open a faint starlight helped us, but after we had entered the pines we had fairly to proceed by instinct. I remember feeling a shock of surprise once, when we skirted the river, at seeing plainly the whiteness of the rapids, as though the water were giving off a light of its own. Straight overhead were scattered patches of stars with misty abysses of blackness between them. Only after an interval did I appreciate that these apparent abysses were in reality the tops of trees!

We felt our way slowly, the soft muzzle of the horse at my shoulder. Gradually our pupils expanded to the utmost, so that we caught ghostly intimations of gray rocks, of dust patches, or seized the loom of a tree or the opening of a forest aisle. Luckily the trail was well marked. We had only to stick to it.

At the Flat Rock we were halted by a low-voiced command. I gave the password, as instructed by Danny Randall. This experience was once repeated, a little farther on. Then, as we neared the upper horse flat, we were stopped by a man who flashed a dark lantern in our faces, scrutinized us for a moment, shut off his light, and told us to go forward.

We found a small fire behind a screen of firs, and around or near it the figures of a dozen men. They stood silent and scattered a little apart from the firelight. We could not make out their features. From time to time other men came in, singly or in couples, until probably twenty-five were gathered. Then ensued a few moments of waiting. A sudden stir proclaimed fresh arrivals, and four newcomers strode briskly to the fire. As the light fell on them I recognized Randall and the three express riders.

Danny kicked together the fire until it flared.

“Somebody put some more wood on this,” he said in his natural voice. “We’ve got to see each other.”

In a moment the flames were leaping. I looked about me with considerable interest to see who of the camp had been summoned. I must confess to a few surprises, such as the gambler from the Empire, but in general the gathering consisted of those whom I should have characterized as solid citizens–Barnes, the hotel-keeper, Himmelwright, and men of his stripe. They were all armed, and all very grave and sober. Danny ran his eye over us one by one.

“Meeting come to order,” he commanded briskly. “This is a Vigilante meeting. I hope you all realize what that means. There are just thirty of us here; and Morton’s gang is probably a hundred strong when it is all together. We cannot fight them; but we can give the honest, decent men of this camp a chance to fight them. I myself believe the honest men will back us, and am willing to risk it. If any of you who are here now think differently, say so.”

He paused, but no one spoke up.

“If anybody doesn’t want to go into this, now is the time to back out. Just keep your mouths shut, that is all.”

He paused again, but again no one moved.

“That’s all right,” observed Danny with satisfaction. He lifted a paper. “Listen to this: ‘We the undersigned agree, as we are decent men, to stand by each other to the last, to avenge the death of any one of us, and to obey the orders of our leaders. And if we fail in this may God deny us mercy.’ Boys,” said Danny Randall earnestly, “this is serious. If we start this now, we’ve got to see it through. We are not much on Bible oaths, any one of us, but we must promise. Frank Munroe, step forward!”

I obeyed. The little man stared up into my eyes, and I will freely confess that never have I experienced quite the queer sensation it gave me. Danny Randall had become not only formidable, but great. He seemed to see through into the back of my mind. I braced myself as though to resist some strong physical force.

“Do you, Frank Munroe, subscribe to this document as a man of honour, so help you God?” he demanded.

“I do,” I answered solemnly, and affixed my signature below that of Danny Randall. And queerly enough, as I stepped aside, I felt somehow that I had assisted at something sacred.

One by one Danny Randall called us forward and administered his simple oath. The fire leaped, and with it the mighty shadows. Outside the circle of light the tall pines and fir-trees watched us like a multitude standing witness. The men’s faces were grave. There was about the roughest of them something noble, reflected from the earnest spirit of justice.

Randall had the plans all made, and he detailed them rapidly. We were to arrest four men only, and he named them–Morton, Scar-face Charley, who had recovered, a gambler named Catlin, and Jules, the proprietor of the Empire.

“Crawford is back in town,” said some one.

“Make it five then,” said Danny instantly.

We had a long discussion over all this. Many other names were suggested. Danny agreed that they were those of men guilty of the worst crimes, but maintained that the first thing to do was to get hold of the real leaders, the brains and motive power of the gang. The five first designated filled that description.

“Can we really prove anything against them?” asked someone.

“No,” said Danny instantly, “we cannot. Does any one here think any of them guiltless? Consult your consciences, gentlemen. I agree with you that it is a fearful thing to take a man’s life. Vote carefully. Consult your consciences.”

We balloted at last on each name separately, and the five leaders were condemned to death.

Next came up the vital questions of ways and means. Many were in favour of a night surprise, and an immediate hanging before the desperadoes could be organized for defence. Danny had a hard time showing them good reasons against this course, but at last he succeeded.

“This must be done deliberately and publicly,” he maintained. “Otherwise it fails of its effect. We’ve got to show the gang that the camp is against them; and that won’t be done by hanging some of them secretly.”

“Suppose the camp doesn’t back us up?” queried a miner.

“Remember your oath, gentlemen,” was Danny’s only reply to this.

It was decided at last that five committees should be appointed to arrest each of the five men, that the prisoners should be confined in a certain isolated log cabin, and that the execution should take place in broad daylight. There remained only to apportion the committees. This was done, and at about two or three o’clock we quietly dispersed. I was instructed to coöperate with three of the miners in the arrest of Catlin.

With the members of my committee I returned to our own camp, there to await the appointed hour of seven. This had been selected for several reasons: it was daylight, the roughs would be at home, and the community, although afoot, would not yet have gone to work. While waiting we cooked ourselves some hot coffee and made some flapjacks. The chill, gray time of day had come, the period of low vitality, and we shivered with the cold and with excitement. Nobody had much to say. We waited grimly for the time to pass.

About six o’clock Yank arose, seized his long rifle and departed for the log cabin that had been designated as the jail. His lameness had prevented him from being appointed on one of the arresting committees, but he had no intention of being left out. A half hour later we followed him into town.

It was a heavenly fall morning of the sort that only mountain California can produce. The camp was beginning to awaken to its normal activity. I remember wondering vaguely how it could be so calm and unconcerned. My heart was beating violently, and I had to clench my teeth tight to keep them from chattering. This was not fear, but a high tension of excitement. As we strolled past the Bella Union with what appearance of nonchalance we could muster, Danny Randall nodded at us from the doorway. By this we knew that Catlin was to be found at his own place.

THE VIGILANTES (continued)

Catlin dwelt in a detached room back of the Empire, together with one of the other professional gamblers. We lounged around the corner of the Empire building. The door of the cabin was shut. Outside we hung back, hesitating and a little uncertain. None of us was by nature or training a man of violence, and we experienced the reluctance of men about to plunge into cold water. Nobody was more than pardonably afraid, and of course we had every intention of seeing the affair through. Then suddenly in the actual face of the thing itself my excitement drained from me like a tide receding. My nerves steadied, my trembling stilled. Never had I felt more cool in my life. Drawing my revolver, I pushed open the door and entered the building.

Catlin was in the act of washing his face, and him I instantly covered with my weapon. His companion was still abed. On my entrance the latter had instinctively raised on his elbow, but immediately dropped back as he saw the figures of my companions darkening the door.

“Well, gentlemen?” demanded Catlin.

“You must come with us,” I replied.

He showed no concern, but wiped carefully his face and hands.

“I will be ready in a minute,” said he, throwing aside the towel, and rolling down his shirt sleeves. He advanced toward a bench on which his coat had been flung. “I’ll be with you as soon as I can put on my coat.”

I glanced toward that garment and saw the muzzle of a revolver peeping out from beneath it.

“I’ll hand your coat to you,” said I quickly. Catlin turned deadly pale, but spoke with his usual composure.

“What am I wanted for?” he inquired.

“For being a road agent, a thief, and an accessory to robberies and murders,” I replied.

“I am innocent of all–as innocent as you are.”

“There is no possibility of a mistake.”

“What will you do with me?”

“Your sentence is death,” I told him.

For a single instant his dark face lit up.

“You think so?” he flashed.

“Hurry!” urged one of my companions.

With one man on either side and another behind, revolvers drawn, we marched our prisoner in double-quick time past the rear of the stores and saloons to the agreed rendezvous. There we found Danny Randall and his committee with Morton. Within the next few moments, in rapid succession, appeared the others with Scar-face Charley, Crawford, and Jules.

The camp was already buzzing with excitement. Men poured out from the buildings into the streets like disturbed ants. Danny thrust his prisoners into the interior of the cabin, and drew us up in two lines outside. He impressed on us that we must keep the military formation, and that we were to allow no one to approach. Across the road about twenty yards away he himself laid a rope.

“That’s the dead-line,” he announced. “Now you keep the other side!”

In no time a mob of five hundred men had gathered. They surged restlessly to and fro. The flash of weapons was everywhere to be seen. Cries rent the air–demands, threats, oaths, and insults so numerous and so virulent that I must confess my heart failed me. At any instant I expected the mob to open fire; they could have swept us away with a single volley. To my excited imagination every man of that multitude looked a ruffian. We seemed alone against the community. I could not understand why they did not rush us and have it over with. Yet they hesitated. The fact of the matter is that the desperadoes had no cohesion, no leaders; and they knew what none of us knew–namely, that a good many of that crowd must be on our side. The roar and turmoil and heat of discussion, argument, and threat rose and fell. In one of the lulls an Irish voice yelled:

“Hang them!”

The words were greeted by a sullen assenting roar. Five hundred hands, each armed, were held aloft. This unanimity produced an instant silence.

“Hang who?” a truculent voice expressed the universal uncertainty.

“Hang the road agents!” yelled back the little Irishman defiantly.

“Bully for you, Irish; that took nerve!” muttered Johnny, at my elbow.

Fifty threats were hurled at the bold speaker, and the click of gunlocks preceded a surge in his direction. Then from the mob went up a sullen, formidable muttering of warning. No individual voice could be distinguished; but the total effect of dead resistance and determination could not be mistaken. Instantly, at the words so valiantly uttered, the spirit of cohesion had been born. The desperadoes checked in surprise. We had friends. How many or how strong no one could guess; but they were there, and in case of a battle they would fight.

On our side the line was a dead, grim silence. We stood, our weapons ready, rigidly at attention. Occasionally one or the other of us muttered a warning against those who showed symptoms of desiring to interfere.

In the meantime, three of our number had been proceeding methodically with the construction of a gallows. This was made by thrusting five small pine butts, about forty feet long, over a cross beam in the gable of the cabin and against the roof inside. Large drygoods boxes were placed beneath for the trap.

About this time Danny Randall, who had been superintending the construction, touched me on the shoulder.

“Fall back,” he said quietly. “Now,” he instructed several of us, after we had obeyed this command, “I want you to bring out the prisoners and hold them in plain view. In case of rescue or attempted escape, shoot them instantly. Don’t hesitate.”

“I should think they would be safer inside the cabin,” I suggested.

“Sure,” agreed Danny, “but I want them here for the moral effect.”

We entered the cabin. The five prisoners were standing or sitting. Scar-face Charley was alternately blaspheming violently, upbraiding his companions, cursing his own luck, and uttering frightful threats against everybody who had anything to do with this. Crawford was watching him contemptuously and every once in a while advising him to “shut up!” Jules was alternately cursing and crying. Morton sat at one side quite calm and very alert. Catlin stared at the floor.

The moment we entered Catlin ran over to us and began to plead for his life. He, better than the rest, with the possible exception of Morton, seemed to realize the seriousness of his plight. From pleadings, which we received in silence, he changed to arguments concerning his innocence.

“It is useless,” replied one of our men. “That affair is settled and cannot be changed. You are to be hanged. You cannot feel worse about it than I do; but I could not help it if I would.”

Catlin stood for a moment as though overwhelmed; then he fell on his knees before us and began to plead rapidly.

“Not that!” he cried. “Anything but that! Do anything else you want to with me! Cut off my ears and cut out my tongue! Disable me in any way! You can certainly destroy my power for harm without taking my life! Gentlemen! I want to live for my wife–my poor absent wife! I want time to settle my affairs! O God! I am too wicked to die. I cannot go blood-stained and unforgiven into the presence of the Eternal! Only let me go, and I will leave the country forever!”

In the meantime Scar-face Charley and Crawford were cursing at us with an earnestness and steadiness that compelled our admiration.

“Oh, shut up, Catlin!” cried Crawford at last. “You’re going to hell, and you know it; but I’ll be there in time to open the gate for you.”

“Don’t make a fool of yourself,” advised Charley; “there’s no use being afraid to die.”

Morton looked around at each of us in turn.

“I suppose you know you are proceeding against a regularly constituted officer of the law?” he reminded us. Receiving no reply, he beckoned me. “Can I speak to you alone a moment?” he asked.

“I will send for our leader,” I replied.

“No,” said he, “I want no leader. You’ll do as well.”

I approached him. In an anxious tone he asked:

“Is there any way of getting out of this scrape? Think well!”

“None,” said I firmly. “You must die.”

With revolvers drawn we marched them outside. A wild yell greeted their appearance. The cries were now mixed in sentiment. A hundred voices raised in opposition were cried down by twice as many more. “Hang ’em!” cried some. “No, no, banish them!” cried others. “Don’t hang them!” and blood-curdling threats. A single shot would have brought on a pitched battle. Somehow eventually the tumult died down. Then Morton, who had been awaiting his chance, spoke up in a strong voice.

“I call on you in the name of the law to arrest and disperse these law-breakers.”

“Where is Tom Cleveland?” spoke up a voice.

The appeal, which might otherwise have had its effect, was lost in the cries, accusations, and counter-accusations that arose like a babel. Morton made no further attempt. He better than any one realized, I think, the numerical superiority against him.

The preparations were at length completed. Danny Randall motioned us to lead forward the prisoners. Catlin struggled desperately, but the others walked steadily enough to take their places on the drygoods boxes.

“For God’s sake, gentlemen,” appealed Crawford in a loud tone of voice, “give me time to write home!”

“Ask him how much time he gave Tom Cleveland!” shouted a voice.

“If I’d only had a show,” retorted Crawford, “if I’d known what you were after, you’d have had a gay time taking me.”

There was some little delay in adjusting the cords.

“If you’re going to hang me, get at it!” said Jules with an oath; “if not, I want you to tie a bandage on my finger; it’s bleeding.”

“Give me your coat, Catlin,” said Crawford; “you never gave me anything yet; now’s your chance.”

Danny Randall broke in on this exchange.

“You are about to be executed,” said he soberly. “If you have any dying requests to make, this is your last opportunity. They will be carefully heeded.”

Scar-face Charley broke in with a rough laugh.

“How do I look, boys, with a halter around my neck?” he cried.

This grim effort was received in silence.

“Your time is very short,” Danny reminded him.

“Well, then,” said the desperado, “I want one more drink of whiskey before I die.”

A species of uneasy consternation rippled over the crowd. Men glanced meaningly at each other, murmuring together. Some of the countenances expressed loathing, but more exhibited a surprised contempt. For a confused moment no one seemed to know quite what to do or what answer to make to so bestial a dying request. Danny broke the silence incisively.

“I promised them their requests would be carefully heeded,” he said. “Give him the liquor.”

Somebody passed up a flask. Charley raised it as high as he could, but was prevented by the rope from getting it quite to his lips.

“You ─” he yelled at the man who held the rope. “Slack off that rope and let a man take a parting drink, can’t you?”

Amid a dead silence the rope was slacked away. Charley took a long drink, then hurled the half-emptied flask far out into the crowd.

To a question Crawford shook his head.

“I hope God Almighty will strike every one of you with forked lightning and that I shall meet you all in the lowest pit of hell!” he snarled.

Morton kept a stubborn and rather dignified silence. Catlin alternately pleaded and wept. Jules answered Danny’s question:

“Sure thing! Pull off my boots for me. I don’t want it to get back to my old mother that I died with my boots on!”

In silence and gravely this ridiculous request was complied with. The crowd, very attentive, heaved and stirred. The desperadoes, shouldering their way here and there, were finding each other out, were gathering in little groups.

“They’ll try a rescue!” whispered the man next to me.

“Men,” Danny’s voice rang out, clear and menacing, “do your duty!”

At the words, across the silence the click of gunlocks was heard as the Vigilantes levelled their weapons at the crowd. From my position near the condemned men I could see the shifting components of the mob freeze to immobility before the menace of those barrels. At the same instant the man who had been appointed executioner jerked the box from beneath Catlin’s feet.

“There goes one to hell!” muttered Charley.

“I hope forked lightning will strike every strangling─” yelled Crawford. His speech was abruptly cut short as the box spun from under his feet.

“Kick away, old fellow!” said Scar-face Charley. “Me next! I’ll be in hell with you in a minute! Every man for his principles! Hurrah for crime! Let her rip!” and without waiting for the executioner, he himself kicked the support away.

Morton died without a sign. Catlin, at the last, suddenly calmed, and met his fate bravely.

Before the lull resulting from the execution and the threat of the presented weapons could break, Danny Randall spoke up.

“Gentlemen!” he called clearly. “The roster of the Vigilantes is open. Such of you as please to join the association for the preservation of decency, law, and order in this camp can now do so.”

The guard lowered their arms and moved to one side. The crowd swept forward. In the cabin the applicants were admitted a few at a time. Before noon we had four hundred men on our rolls. Some of the bolder roughs ventured a few threats, but were speedily overawed. The community had found itself, and was no longer afraid.