
On the Philosophy of Discovery, Chapters Historical and Critical

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23. But I may make another remark on this example, so strangely introduced. If, under the influence of fear and superstition, men may make such mistakes with regard to laws of nature, as to imagine that eclipses portend calamities, are they quite secure from mistakes in description? Do not the very persons who tell us how eclipses predict disasters, also describe to us fiery swords seen in the air, and armies fighting in the sky? So that even in this extreme case, at the very limit of the rational exercise of human powers, there is nothing to distinguish Description from Induction.

I shall now leave the reader to judge whether this feature in the history of science,—that several views which appear at first quite different are yet all true,—which Mr. Mill calls a curious and interesting remark of mine, and which he allows to be "strikingly true" of the Inductions which he calls Descriptions, (i. 364) is, as he says, "unequivocally false" of other Inductions. And I shall confide in having general assent with me, when I continue to speak of Kepler's Induction of the elliptical orbits.

I now proceed to another remark.

III. In Discovery a new Conception is introduced.

24. There is a difference between Mr. Mill and me in our view of the essential elements of this Induction of Kepler, which affects all other cases of Induction, and which is, I think, the most extensive and important of the differences between us. I must therefore venture to dwell upon it a little in detail.

I conceive that Kepler, in discovering the law of Mars's motion, and in asserting that the planet moved in an ellipse, did this;—he bound together particular observations of separate places of Mars by the notion, or, as I have called it, the conception, of an ellipse, which was supplied by his own mind. Other persons, and he too, before he made this discovery, had present to their minds the facts of such separate successive positions of the planet; but could not bind them together rightly, because they did not apply to them this conception of an ellipse. To supply this conception, required a special preparation, and a special activity in the mind of the discoverer. He, and others before him, tried other ways of connecting the special facts, none of which fully succeeded. To discover such a connexion, the mind must be conversant with certain relations of space, and with certain kinds of figures. To discover the right figure was a matter requiring research, invention, resource. To hit upon the right conception is a difficult step; and when this step is once made, the facts assume a different aspect from what they had before: that done, they are seen in a new point of view; and the catching this point of view, is a special mental operation, requiring special endowments and habits of thought. Before this, the facts are seen as detached, separate, lawless; afterwards, they are seen as connected, simple, regular; as parts of one general fact, and thereby possessing innumerable new relations before unseen. Kepler, then, I say, bound together the facts by superinducing upon them the conception of an ellipse; and this was an essential element in his Induction.

25. And there is the same essential element in all Inductive discoveries. In all cases, facts, before detached and lawless, are bound together by a new thought. They are reduced to law, by being seen in a new point of view. To catch this new point of view, is an act of the mind, springing from its previous preparation and habits. The facts, in other discoveries, are brought together according to other relations, or, as I have called them, Ideas;—the Ideas of Time, of Force, of Number, of Resemblance, of Elementary Composition, of Polarity, and the like. But in all cases, the mind performs the operation by an apprehension of some such relations; by singling out the one true relation; by combining the apprehension of the true relation with the facts; by applying to them the Conception of such a relation.

26. In previous writings, I have not only stated this view generally, but I have followed it into detail, exemplifying it in the greater part of the History of the principal Inductive Sciences in succession. I have pointed out what are the Conceptions which have been introduced in every prominent discovery in those sciences; and have noted to which of the above Ideas, or of the like Ideas, each belongs. The performance of this task is the office of the greater part of my Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. For that work is, in reality, no less historical than the History which preceded it. The History of the Inductive Sciences is the history of the discoveries, mainly so far as concerns the Facts which were brought together to form sciences. The Philosophy is, in the first ten Books, the history of the Ideas and Conceptions, by means of which the facts were connected, so as to give rise to scientific truths. It would be easy for me to give a long list of the Ideas and Conceptions thus brought into view, but I may refer any reader who wishes to see such a list, to the Tables of Contents of the History, and of the first ten Books of the Philosophy.

27. That these Ideas and Conceptions are really distinct elements of the scientific truths thus obtained, I conceive to be proved beyond doubt, not only by considering that the discoveries never were made, nor could be made, till the right Conception was obtained, and by seeing how difficult it often was to obtain this element; but also, by seeing that the Idea and the Conception itself, as distinct from the Facts, was, in almost every science, the subject of long and obstinate controversies;—controversies which turned upon the possible relations of Ideas, much more than upon the actual relations of Facts. The first ten Books of the Philosophy to which I have referred, contain the history of a great number of these controversies. These controversies make up a large portion of the history of each science; a portion quite as important as the study of the facts; and a portion, at every stage of the science, quite as essential to the progress of truth. Men, in seeking and obtaining scientific knowledge, have always shown that they found the formation of right conceptions in their own minds to be an essential part of the process.

28. Moreover, the presence of a Conception of the mind as a special element of the inductive process, and as the tie by which the particular facts are bound together, is further indicated, by there being some special new term or phrase introduced in every induction; or at least some term or phrase thenceforth steadily applied to the facts, which had not been applied to them before; as when Kepler asserted that Mars moved round the sun in an elliptical orbit, or when Newton asserted that the planets gravitate towards the sun; these new terms, elliptical orbit, and gravitate, mark the new conceptions on which the inductions depend. I have in the Philosophy270 further illustrated this application of "technical terms," that is, fixed and settled terms, in every inductive discovery; and have spoken of their use in enabling men to proceed from each such discovery to other discoveries more general. But I notice these terms here, for the purpose of showing the existence of a conception in the discoverer's mind, corresponding to the term thus introduced; which conception, the term is intended to convey to the minds of those to whom the discovery is communicated.

29. But this element of discovery,—right conceptions supplied by the mind in order to bind the facts together,—Mr. Mill denies to be an element at all. He says, of Kepler's discovery of the elliptical orbit (i. 363), "It superadded nothing to the particular facts which it served to bind together;" yet he adds, "except indeed the knowledge that a resemblance existed between the planetary orbit and other ellipses;" that is, except the knowledge that it was an ellipse;—precisely the circumstance in which the discovery consisted. Kepler, he says, "asserted as a fact that the planet moved in an ellipse. But this fact, which Kepler did not add to, but found in the motion of the planet … was the very fact, the separate parts of which had been separately observed; it was the sum of the different observations."

30. That the fact of the elliptical motion was not merely the sum of the different observations, is plain from this, that other persons, and Kepler himself before his discovery, did not find it by adding together the observations. The fact of the elliptical orbit was not the sum of the observations merely; it was the sum of the observations, seen under a new point of view, which point of view Kepler's mind supplied. Kepler found it in the facts, because it was there, no doubt, for one reason; but also, for another, because he had, in his mind, those relations of thought which enabled him to find it. We may illustrate this by a familiar analogy. We too find the law in Kepler's book; but if we did not understand Latin, we should not find it there. We must learn Latin in order to find the law in the book. In like manner, a discoverer must know the language of science, as well as look at the book of nature, in order to find scientific truth. All the discussions and controversies respecting Ideas and Conceptions of which I have spoken, may be looked upon as discussions and controversies respecting the grammar of the language in which nature speaks to the scientific mind. Man is the Interpreter of Nature; not the Spectator merely, but the Interpreter. The study of the language, as well as the mere sight of the characters, is requisite in order that we may read the inscriptions which are written on the face of the world. And this study of the language of nature, that is, of the necessary coherencies and derivations of the relations of phenomena, is to be pursued by examining Ideas, as well as mere phenomena;—by tracing the formation of Conceptions, as well as the accumulation of Facts. And this is what I have tried to do in the books already referred to.


31. Mr. Mill has not noticed, in any considerable degree, what I have said of the formation of the Conceptions which enter into the various sciences; but he has, in general terms, denied that the Conception is anything different from the facts themselves. "If," he says (i. 301), "the facts are rightly classed under the conceptions, it is because there is in the facts themselves, something of which the conception is a copy." But it is a copy which cannot be made by a person without peculiar endowments; just as a person cannot copy an ill-written inscription, so as to make it convey sense, unless he understand the language. "Conceptions," Mr. Mill says (ii. 217), "do not develope themselves from within, but are impressed from without." But what comes from without is not enough: they must have both origins, or they cannot make knowledge. "The conception," he says again (ii. 221), "is not furnished by the mind till it has been furnished to the mind." But it is furnished to the mind by its own activity, operating according to its own laws. No doubt, the conception may be formed, and in cases of discovery, must be formed, by the suggestion and excitement which the facts themselves produce; and must be so moulded as to agree with the facts. But this does not make it superfluous to examine, out of what materials such conceptions are formed, and how they are capable of being moulded so as to express laws of nature; especially, when we see how large a share this part of discovery—the examination how our ideas can be modified so as to agree with nature,—holds, in the history of science.

32. I have already (Art. 28) given, as evidence that the conception enters as an element in every induction, the constant introduction in such cases, of a new fixed term or phrase. Mr. Mill (ii. 282) notices this introduction of a new phrase in such cases as important, though he does not appear willing to allow that it is necessary. Yet the necessity of the conception at least, appears to result from the considerations which he puts forward. "What darkness," he says, "would have been spread over geometrical demonstration, if wherever the word circle is used, the definition of a circle was inserted instead of it." "If we want to make a particular combination of ideas permanent in the mind, there is nothing which clenches it like a name specially devoted to express it." In my view, the new conception is the nail which connects the previous notions, and the name, as Mr. Mill says, clenches the junction.

33. I have above (Art. 30) referred to the difficulty of getting hold of the right conception, as a proof that induction is not a mere juxtaposition of facts. Mr. Mill does not dispute that it is often difficult to hit upon the right conception. He says (i. 360), "that a conception of the mind is introduced, is indeed most certain, and Mr. Whewell has rightly stated elsewhere, that to hit upon the right conception is often a far more difficult, and more meritorious achievement, than to prove its applicability when obtained. But," he adds, "a conception implies and corresponds to something conceived; and although the conception itself is not in the facts, but in our mind, it must be a conception of something which really is in the facts." But to this I reply, that its being really in the facts, does not help us at all towards knowledge, if we cannot see it there. As the poet says,

It is the mind that sees: the outward eyes
Present the object, but the mind descries.

And this is true of the sight which produces knowledge, as well as of the sight which produces pleasure and pain, which is referred to in the Tale.

34. Mr. Mill puts his view, as opposed to mine, in various ways, but, as will easily be understood, the answers which I have to offer are in all cases nearly to the same effect. Thus, he says (ii. 216), "the tardy development of several of the physical sciences, for example, of Optics, Electricity, Magnetism, and the higher generalizations of Chemistry, Mr. Whewell ascribes to the fact that mankind had not yet possessed themselves of the idea of Polarity, that is, of opposite properties in opposite directions. But what was there to suggest such an idea, until by a separate examination of several of these different branches of knowledge it was shown that the facts of each of them did present, in some instances at least, the curious phenomena of opposite properties in opposite directions?" But on this I observe, that these facts did not, nor do yet, present this conception to ordinary minds. The opposition of properties, and even the opposition of directions, which are thus apprehended by profound cultivators of science, are of an abstruse and recondite kind; and to conceive any one kind of polarity in its proper generality, is a process which few persons hitherto appear to have mastered; still less, have men in general come to conceive of them all as modifications of a general notion of Polarity. The description which I have given of Polarity in general, "opposite properties in opposite directions," is of itself a very imperfect account of the manner in which corresponding antitheses are involved in the portions of science into which Polar relations enter. In excuse of its imperfection, I may say, that I believe it is the first attempt to define Polarity in general; but yet, the conception of Polarity has certainly been strongly and effectively present in the minds of many of the sagacious men who have discovered and unravelled polar phenomena. They attempted to convey this conception, each in his own subject, sometimes by various and peculiar expressions, sometimes by imaginary mechanism by which the antithetical results were produced; their mode of expressing themselves being often defective or imperfect, often containing what was superfluous; and their meaning was commonly very imperfectly apprehended by most of their hearers and readers. But still, the conception was there, gradually working itself into clearness and distinctness, and in the mean time, directing their experiments, and forming an essential element of their discoveries. So far would it be from a sufficient statement of the case to say, that they conceived polarity because they saw it;—that they saw it as soon as it came into view;—and that they described it as they saw it.

35. The way in which such conceptions acquire clearness and distinctness is often by means of Discussions of Definitions. To define well a thought which already enters into trains of discovery, is often a difficult matter. The business of such definition is a part of the business of discovery. These, and other remarks connected with these, which I had made in the Philosophy, Mr. Mill has quoted and adopted (ii. 242). They appear to me to point very distinctly to the doctrine to which he refuses his assent,—that there is a special process in the mind, in addition to the mere observation of facts, which is necessary at every step in the progress of knowledge. The Conception must be formed before it can be defined. The Definition gives the last stamp of distinctness to the Conception; and enables us to express, in a compact and lucid form, the new scientific propositions into which the new Conception enters.

36. Since Mr. Mill assents to so much of what has been said in the Philosophy, with regard to the process of scientific discovery, how, it may be asked, would he express these doctrines so as to exclude that which he thinks erroneous? If he objects to our saying that when we obtain a new inductive truth, we connect phenomena by applying to them a new Conception which fits them, in what terms would he describe the process? If he will not agree to say, that in order to discover the law of the facts, we must find an appropriate Conception, what language would he use instead of this? This is a natural question; and the answer cannot fail to throw light on the relation in which his views and mine stand to each other.

Mr. Mill would say, I believe, that when we obtain a new inductive law of facts, we find something in which the facts resemble each other; and that the business of making such discoveries is the business of discovering such resemblances. Thus, he says (of me,) (ii. 211), "his Colligation of Facts by means of appropriate Conceptions, is but the ordinary process of finding by a comparison of phenomena, in what consists their agreement or resemblance." And the Methods of experimental Inquiry which he gives (i. 450, &c.), proceed upon the supposition that the business of discovery may be thus more properly described.

37. There is no doubt that when we discover a law of nature by induction, we find some point in which all the particular facts agree. All the orbits of the planets agree in being ellipses, as Kepler discovered; all falling bodies agree in being acted on by a uniform force, as Galileo discovered; all refracted rays agree in having the sines of incidence and refraction in a constant ratio, as Snell discovered; all the bodies in the universe agree in attracting each other, as Newton discovered; all chemical compounds agree in being constituted of elements in definite proportions, as Dalton discovered. But it appears to me a most scanty, vague, and incomplete account of these steps in science, to say that the authors of them discovered something in which the facts in each case agreed. The point in which the cases agree, is of the most diverse kind in the different cases—in some, a relation of space, in others, the action of a force, in others, the mode of composition of a substance;—and the point of agreement, visible to the discoverer alone, does not come even into his sight, till after the facts have been connected by thoughts of his own, and regarded in points of view in which he, by his mental acts, places them. It would seem to me not much more inappropriate to say, that an officer, who disciplines his men till they move together at the word of command, does so by finding something in which they agree. If the power of consentaneous motion did not exist in the individuals, he could not create it: but that power being there, he finds it and uses it. Of course I am aware that the parallel of the two cases is not exact; but in the one case, as in the other, that in which the particular things are found to agree, is something formed in the mind of him who brings the agreement into view.

IV. Mr. Mill's Four Methods of Inquiry.—38. Mr. Mill has not only thus described the business of scientific discovery; he has also given rules for it, founded on this description. It may be expected that we should bestow some attention upon the methods of inquiry which he thus proposes. I presume that they are regarded by his admirers as among the most valuable parts of his book; as certainly they cannot fail to be, if they describe methods of scientific inquiry in such a manner as to be of use to the inquirer.

Mr. Mill enjoins four methods of experimental inquiry, which he calls the Method of Agreement, the Method of Difference, the Method of Residues, and the Method of Concomitant Variations271. They are all described by formulæ of this kind:—Let there be, in the observed facts, combinations of antecedents, ABC, BC, ADE, &c. and combinations of corresponding consequents, abc, bc, ade, &c.; and let the object of inquiry be, the consequence of some cause A, or the cause of some consequence a. The Method of Agreement teaches us, that when we find by experiment such facts as abc the consequent of ABC, and ade the consequent of ADE, then a is the consequent of A. The Method of Difference teaches us that when we find such facts as abc the consequent of ABC, and bc the consequent of BC, then a is the consequent of A. The Method of Residues teaches us, that if abc be the consequent of ABC, and if we have already ascertained that the effect of A is a, and the effect of B is b, then we may infer that the effect of C is c. The Method of Concomitant Variations teaches us, that if a phenomenon a varies according as another phenomenon A varies, there is some connexion of causation direct or indirect, between A and a.


39. Upon these methods, the obvious thing to remark is, that they take for granted the very thing which is most difficult to discover, the reduction of the phenomena to formulæ such as are here presented to us. When we have any set of complex facts offered to us; for instance, those which were offered in the cases of discovery which I have mentioned,—the facts of the planetary paths, of falling bodies, of refracted rays, of cosmical motions, of chemical analysis; and when, in any of these cases, we would discover the law of nature which governs them, or, if any one chooses so to term it, the feature in which all the cases agree, where are we to look for our A, B, C and a, b, c? Nature does not present to us the cases in this form; and how are we to reduce them to this form? You say, when we find the combination of ABC with abc and ABD with abd, then we may draw our inference. Granted: but when and where are we to find such combinations? Even now that the discoveries are made, who will point out to us what are the A, B, C and a, b, c elements of the cases which have just been enumerated? Who will tell us which of the methods of inquiry those historically real and successful inquiries exemplify? Who will carry these formulæ through the history of the sciences, as they have really grown up; and show us that these four methods have been operative in their formation; or that any light is thrown upon the steps of their progress by reference to these formulæ?

40. Mr. Mill's four methods have a great resemblance to Bacon's "Prerogatives of Instances;" for example, the Method of Agreement to the Instantiæ Ostensivæ; the Method of Differences to the Instantiæ Absentiæ in Proximo, and the Instantiæ Crucis; the Method of Concomitant Variations to the Instantiæ Migrantes. And with regard to the value of such methods, I believe all study of science will convince us more and more of the wisdom of the remarks which Sir John Herschel has made upon them272.

"It has always appeared to us, we must confess, that the help which the classification of instances under their different titles of prerogative, affords to inductions, however just such classification may be in itself, is yet more apparent than real. The force of the instance must be felt in the mind before it can be referred to its place in the system; and before it can be either referred or appreciated it must be known; and when it is appreciated, we are ready enough to weave our web of induction, without greatly troubling ourselves whence it derives the weight we acknowledge it to have in our decisions.... No doubt such instances as these are highly instructive; but the difficulty in physics is to find such, not to perceive their force when found."

V. His Examples.—41. If Mr. Mill's four methods had been applied by him in his book to a large body of conspicuous and undoubted examples of discovery, well selected and well analysed, extending along the whole history of science, we should have been better able to estimate the value of these methods. Mr. Mill has certainly offered a number of examples of his methods; but I hope I may say, without offence, that they appear to me to be wanting in the conditions which I have mentioned. As I have to justify myself for rejecting Mr. Mill's criticism of doctrines which I have put forward, and examples which I have adduced, I may, I trust, be allowed to offer some critical remarks in return, bearing upon the examples which he has given, in order to illustrate his doctrines and precepts.

42. The first remark which I have to make is, that a large proportion of his examples (i. 480, &c.) is taken from one favourite author; who, however great his merit may be, is too recent a writer to have had his discoveries confirmed by the corresponding investigations and searching criticisms of other labourers in the same field, and placed in their proper and permanent relation to established truths; these alleged discoveries being, at the same time, principally such as deal with the most complex and slippery portions of science, the laws of vital action. Thus Mr. Mill has adduced, as examples of discoveries, Prof. Liebig's doctrine—that death is produced by certain metallic poisons through their forming indecomposable compounds; that the effect of respiration upon the blood consists in the conversion of peroxide of iron into protoxide—that the antiseptic power of salt arises from its attraction for moisture—that chemical action is contagious; and others. Now supposing that we have no doubt of the truth of these discoveries, we must still observe that they cannot wisely be cited, in order to exemplify the nature of the progress of knowledge, till they have been verified by other chemists, and worked into their places in the general scheme of chemistry; especially, since it is tolerably certain that in the process of verification, they will be modified and more precisely defined. Nor can I think it judicious to take so large a proportion of our examples from a region of science in which, of all parts of our material knowledge, the conceptions both of ordinary persons, and even of men of science themselves, are most loose and obscure, and the genuine principles most contested; which is the case in physiology. It would be easy, I think, to point out the vague and indeterminate character of many of the expressions in which the above examples are propounded, as well as their doubtful position in the scale of chemical generalization; but I have said enough to show why I cannot give much weight to these, as cardinal examples of the method of discovery; and therefore I shall not examine in detail how far they support Mr. Mill's methods of inquiry.

43. Mr. Liebig supplies the first and the majority of Mr. Mill's examples in chapter IX. of his Book on Induction. The second is an example for which Mr. Mill states himself to be indebted to Mr. Alexander Bain; the law established being this, that (i. 487) electricity cannot exist in one body without the simultaneous excitement of the opposite electricity in some neighbouring body, which Mr. Mill also confirms by reference to Mr. Faraday's experiments on voltaic wires.

I confess I am quite at a loss to understand what there is in the doctrine here ascribed to Mr. Bain which was not known to the electricians who, from the time of Franklin, explained the phenomena of the Leyden vial. I may observe also that the mention of an "electrified atmosphere" implies a hypothesis long obsolete. The essential point in all those explanations was, that each electricity produced by induction the opposite electricity in neighbouring bodies, as I have tried to make apparent in the History273. Faraday has, more recently, illustrated this universal co-existence of opposite electricities with his usual felicity.

But the conjunction of this fact with voltaic phenomena, implies a non-recognition of some of the simplest doctrines of the subject. "Since," it is said (i. 488), "common or machine electricity, and voltaic electricity may be considered for the present purpose to be identical, Faraday wished to know, &c." I think Mr. Faraday would be much astonished to learn that he considered electricity in equilibrium, and electricity in the form of a voltaic current, to be, for any purpose, identical. Nor do I conceive that he would assent to the expression in the next page, that "from the nature of a voltaic charge, the two opposite currents necessary to the existence of each other are both accommodated in one wire." Mr. Faraday has, as it appears to me, studiously avoided assenting to this hypothesis.

44. The next example is the one already so copiously dwelt upon by Sir John Herschel, Dr. Wells's researches on the production of Dew. I have already said274 that "this investigation, although it has sometimes been praised as an original discovery, was in fact only resolving the phenomenon into principles already discovered namely, the doctrine of a constituent temperature of vapour, the different conducting power of different bodies, and the like. And this agrees in substance with what Mr. Mill says (i. 497); that the discovery, when made, was corroborated by deduction from the known laws of aqueous vapour, of conduction, and the like. Dr. Wells's researches on Dew tended much in this country to draw attention to the general principles of Atmology; and we may see, in this and in other examples which Mr. Mill adduces, that the explanation of special phenomena by means of general principles, already established, has, for common minds, a greater charm, and is more complacently dwelt on, than the discovery of the general principles themselves.

270B. i. c. iii.
271B. iii. c. viii.
272Discourse, Art. 192.
273B. xi. c. xi.
274Phil. b. xiii. c. ix. art. 7.

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