The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps

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This book is the definitive guide to Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan has changed the lives of millions with Mind Maps, his revolutionary system of note-taking that will help you excel in every area of your life. This practical full-colour book shows how this incredible thinking tool works and how you can use it to achieve your full potential.The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps will help you:• Come up with brilliant ideas• Find inspired solutions to any problem• Create more time for yourself• Set goals and achieve them• Motivate yourself and others• Remember anything you want when you wantColour illustrated throughout, this definitive guide is packed full of examples of amazing thinking tools and practical Mind Map examples, including running a meeting, preparing for an interview, starting up a new venture, planning family events, shopping for gifts, designing a garden, getting fit, and writing a speech for a wedding.It can even help you plan your ideal future!

Täpsemad andmed
Lisatud LitResi:
28 detsember 2018
220 lk. 113 illustratsiooni
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Tony Buzan with Susanna Abbott, Creative Editor Dedication This book is dedicated to the wonders of the brain and to Mind Maps®, the ultimate mind-power tool.



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