Loe raamatut: «Monotonous man. Zeref», lehekülg 2


Chapter II

Who is zeref

Zeref is a neologism of two words: zero and reflex-reflection. Zeref has very little reflection, almost zero. Zero is a very rudimentary reflection. Almost like a child’s. And why almost? If we are talking about a traditional society, then every person in such a society is dissolved in his community. A person seems to be there in a traditional community, and he does not seem to be there. Some people are divided by age and perform their duties strictly.

Zeref is a subordinate of the hierarchy from birth. What kind of system is this? The most important in the hierarchy are the elders. Then there are the other ancestral authorities, but they are also all adults. In general, all mentors in the traditional community are life experience holders. The elders, the authorities of the clan, the teachers-all of them rule the people, who in turn rule the Zerefs. The Zeref fathers raise Zeref sons. In such a scheme of seniority and experience, they do not need to think to perform. The skills of honoring teachers or older people discourage the desire to reflect, that is, to immerse yourself in yourself and think. Therefore, the Zerefs resemble ordinary soldiers of the community, such as ants – each ant has its task, its area of work. A person has no need and nowhere to dive. Others paint his behavior. If he obeys the more experienced people of the tribe, he would definitely succeed. The proverb “A docile heifer sucks two cows” explains well how to achieve success among Zerefs. In the future, this phenomenon of small reflection will explain the mass phenomenon of another popular wisdom that I am the boss, and you are a fool. Traditional peoples have not completely gotten rid of the old paradigm in modern conditions. On the contrary, they have developed it and deepened it. Even if it turns out to be a negative selection and the fool changes the fool, or the thief changes the thief in power.

But still, traditional people are convinced that “all power is from God.” That God gave it. It turns out that the corrupt government is also beneficial to traditional people?

The person himself develops reflection. Because a person thinks for himself, no one will think for him. The older he gets, the more he must evaluate his actions and the degree of their adequacy. The higher the reflection of a person, the more he plunges into autonomy. The more independent it is. The brighter his actions. But where do these actions come from? Especially in a traditional community. If each higher member of the team puts pressure on the lower one, presses from top to bottom, the lower one simply does not have time to resist, and he must “suck” the udder, if he can, then immediately from two queens and something else from the bosses.

That is, he has nowhere to take the strength to resist?

Some people do not develop anything in themselves at all. They do not develop and so live to old age in natural conception and development at zero. Many do not achieve anything, even sucking all the” wombs” of their superiors. They are simply used as slave chips, cannon fodder consumable like a building material. They do not save up wisdom, but only years. That is, such people live their lives as if in vain and do not turn into a person. Only the most loyal hypocrites to the throne become “human”. Who is lucky to be next to the next dictator? But they are also unlucky if the dictator is overthrown. Sink or swim?

As they say, do not judge and will not be judged.

We know that adults foster all children in the world. At that level, they set them until the child himself cannot think. So, on a ready-made level, on their experience, that is, on the baggage on which these teachers themselves lived before. And, of course, on the experience of their ancestors. A child or teenager does not need to think here, or, say, think deeply, do not need to think at all. Well, that’s it. The first level of automatic actions is the level of clear categories, and it is the categorical level.

The first level of tradition is the taboo level.

What you can and can’t do. It is very hard and clear. For example, you cannot eat a person (at least your blood man). Having sex with your family members is strictly prohibited. The Zerefs can’t stand up to teachers. Everything that the father says is always the appropriate indication for them. Violation of discipline is followed by punishment. The most severe punishment is that of breaking a taboo. And in other cases of disobedience, there are no less severe penalties. Growing up, little Zeref realizes that his main friends in the world are all people of his blood. His brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles of his tribe, his family. They will accompany him all his life in the family collective. Relatives will condemn him or, on the contrary, support him morally, praise him, and encourage him. The main judges of Zeref’s life are relatives. It is their privilege to execute and pardon morally. Zeref will grow up, “suck” the cows of the tribe and will teach a new generation of his own family.

Morality is the second level of tradition.

This level is present in all traditional peoples as an accumulated experience of harmonious living and even survival. Morality, or traditional morality, is at the heart of all traditions, and among all peoples, it is approximately the same. If the people maintain and preserve their morals, they can safely look to the future. On one condition: if a given people and each person develops consciousness in themselves because everyone’s subconscious is rich in itself, it consists of dreams and vague chaos, and Zeref without teachers develops only instincts. If remove the teachers, at least humiliate them with their salary, the status of beggars, and the Zerefs can kill each other, not immediately, of course, but they will definitely do it. Without teachers and the elite, they will degrade like small children.

If there are no teachers, no Zerefs.

The satisfaction of physiology alone absolutely does not lead to development, if only because a person is a person and not an animal. It is necessary to somehow differ from the animal. Everyone should think, and everyone thinks so. There is a lot of good in a traditional person, and this good is as if innate. It is also subconscious-it is an inheritance from good ancestors. Such a person is said to be a promising person. Hardworking, easy-going. Or, on the contrary, belligerent and rebellious. But today, even this is not enough. There are many bad things in a person. 90% of a person are instincts. It is the Zerefs who manage to curb their animal instincts. It is the teachers and the elite who curb wild passions. Otherwise, civilization would not have received people not ready for modernization. The Zerefs who have lost their teachers but continue to do everything automatically that is, on the set skills of the past, become as if blind. They stumble in modern space. This often leads only to radicalism. If, for example, the traditional population immediately enters unprepared for market relations, they immediately prepare a “personality”, then all the habits of the past become convex. Zeref has a weak reflection, and few colors and assessments of actions are predictable. From a sudden meeting with new introductory materials, all Zerefs become radicals. Whatever the morally free Zeref does will be radical from now on. But he’s a “person” now! This is because there were very few thinking people in his family. And there are even fewer teachers. And there may not have been any good teachers at all. So Zeref man becomes a savage radical or a radical savage. Modern values and civilization have a terrible effect on the Zerefs.

The distant ancestors of humans are apes.

And there is a clear hierarchy in the chimpanzee herd. And the actual consciousness of man has been found “recently” – 50 000 years ago. And for millions of years, humans were apes. These monkeys gave man instincts. With them, the first Zerefs had to fight. But man manages to fight the animal principle in two ways: this is either to obey the teachers or to learn to think yourself, that is, to become a teacher yourself. Only in the movies, a child is born immediately from love, not even nine months go by. To become a teacher, you have to live your life or at least think fast. Modern Zerefs all know how to think. But they are still drawn to the revival of tradition because the only smartest of the Zerefs see the bulge or radicalism of their fellow humans that this is destructive radicalism.

What is good and what is bad.

Teachers, or the elite of the chosen, have always sought to tame the ape in their people. And to educate everyone so that a person is good and useful to society. Hence, the reflexes (good and bad) are driven into the subconscious. A person recognizes his relatives and automatically does them good. He tries to be useful. But when he sees an enemy of a tribe or village, he becomes ferocious and cruel. This is Zeref. His reflection is zero-low. Zeref. Zero-reflection. There are no halftones. The alien’s meeting will be radical. He’s a stranger. Nothing else is needed.

If a person overcomes the primary reflexes, he grows consciousness and soul. Here is such a Zeref who enjoys respect and honor in Revcon. But, of course, this is no longer Zeref, but who? You’ll learn more about that later. In short, less selfishness means more altruism. The worst of the Zerefs are callous, thick-skinned, selfish people. This is the garbage of history. But Zeref, do not forget for a moment, always grows. He grows morally and spiritually. He thinks he is. Furthermore, he sinks into himself. Although morality, of course, in troubled times is very lame.

It turns out that Zeref is primarily a very young person, a child, a small child, or almost like a child. Secondly, and most importantly, it is a traditional person. A man who knows his place in the ranks obeys the hierarchy. He knows what is good and what is bad according to the traditional law of his village. His actions are set. But not by themselves, but by the older Zerefs. Therefore, he thinks badly and does not seem to want to think at all. But it is necessary for him to follow the trail of the leader and remain silent on the path of war or hunting. The Zeref likes silence in the surrounding nature.

Chapter III

Beyond the Good

What is good for people, and what is its continuation in time.

Tradition is like a mode of good in time.

What is good? I’ll have to distract myself with such trifles. Good is something good for a person. Zeref man waits for good like a piece of meat sometimes. If another person gives a piece, no matter what, even sugar, even a loophole for a career, then he is good. If he does not give, then he is bad and greedy. This is the so-called Zeref bulge – too obvious a desire to satisfy this selfishness. So, we do not notice the tradition behind subjective good and bad. But in fact, for a convex market, self-interest is the culture. What is tradition? Everyone knows that this is a social habit that fathers introduce. What are they implementing for? So that the children have pieces. And these pieces are not just pieces of meat, and they are pieces of life. So consider tradition as a piece of your life, which should be lived according to the tracing paper of the fathers.

Tracing paper traditions: build a house (build a yurt), breed heirs, invite relatives or guests to visit.

In this form, tradition is blind. Because even if 90% of the people build houses and fill the tables with expensive dishes, food for the delight of guests, it is not good. This is, first, an indicator of the level of the owner of the house. This is how he fulfills the covenants and is very proud of it. But the traditional person is Zeref (reflection zero) he will act against all odds. He doesn’t even care who the priest and administrator are from now on. The main thing for a traditional person is a family idyll. Let relatives will gather for copious dastarhana (a table with food. – A. B.) and envy him. Zeref does everything for the show. Showing prosperity, Zeref shows his capabilities. Zeref does everything here according to the tracing paper. He has fulfilled and even exceeded the saturation and is happy about it. The greatest pleasure and the greatest pleasure of a well-fed, well-to-do Zeref is to see envy. So, during the feast, guests praised the table with viands and the host of the hospitable house.

All this, of course, is primarily a show-off. But who does not know, then these show-offs are an indicator of the fulfillment of traditional covenants. All that is pleasant for Zeref is good. If you see a crowd celebrating in restaurants, it means that traditional society has felt a lot of good in Zeref’s understanding of pleasure at a plentiful table. And good, we know, is a piece changeable.

The problem is that the government pursuing mass good does not understand what it is actually doing. In this sense, tradition harms the state. Although will not the state be rich, where all citizens have pieces of goods? The fact of the matter is that every family is not going well here in a strategic good or a piece of a different value. The Zerefs need a plentiful table, and the state seems to be of no use, except for the officials, who are also, by the way, Zerefs. So, they have families, for tradition is also above the common task. Large gaps are obtained. In other words, the showmen’s embezzlement and show-off cannot be counted in any way but can only be taken for embezzlement or losses. Traditional society, pursuing its traditional good, consumes a common resource that every Zeref is not interested in. Therefore, the Zerefs are not even interested in their future, which they understand only with their piece of family goods. At every family table, they eat up the future of their people. But no one can explain it to them. At this moment of general fun and show-off, any critic will be just a crank and an envious person. So all the guests will think badly about him.

The fact is that the indicators of good, or pieces of good, change all the time. And the fashion for the level of good is dictated by entirely different people. That makes the pursuit of some of the richest traditionalists seem pointless. Even if they are all corrupt, it seems that there is a lot of good, but the appetites of accumulation do not dry up.

But in general, we must remember for now that the good of a traditional person is always in the form of prosperity. And if he gets this good, he must show it to everyone. This is almost the ideology of the show-off tradition.


Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word Zeref-reflection zero (zeref)). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of “not your own”

Zeref’s loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.

Zerot (zeroot = zeref+root) – the traditional feudal elite

Zerot’s loop creates a solid cast, an impenetrable social barrier. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.

Remid – a new traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; Remid put actions for Zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).

Remid’s loop – the elite’s struggle with the brightest personality, the cooperation of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.

Refag- a person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian Refag (re + high). Brazen reflection.

Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.

Zeremid’s loop – the Zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea. The first traditional generation to undergo industrial and cultural modernization.

Zefa is a man from the city’s first generation with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade at least something, and circumstances forced him. People who have passed socialism and met market relations.

Revcon – revolution conservatism

Chapter IV

The clan and mobilization

The clan is an archaic organization of society before the advent of private property.

Nature is fickle. War was inevitable. There were constant wars. If these bloodthirsty relatives had survived to the present day, then the current society would have been waiting for mutual extermination. It is difficult to imagine, but the same remaining peoples, inherited from the past, would have waged a real war according to their laws. They would have overwhelmed the whole world with their concepts of” blood for blood”. However, the same mafia is a clan outside the official law. Criminal groups seal their brotherhood, as the warriors of the primeval dawn did twenty thousand years ago-with blood. And nothing seems to be able to resist them except for the time itself. The main obstacle, for example, for criminal concepts, is the atmosphere of civilization, the cult of culture, that is, progress itself. If modern” fathers “could recruit at least one million similar” relatives”, they could do a lot. But they can’t do anything. Why? Because they are lagging in culture. Therefore, the underworld-power, fear, and cruelty-does cult do not go beyond the suburban streets of megacities and prisons. This is the atmosphere of the tribal system, or rather the wrong side, more suitable for traditional people their culture. There are, of course, still fathers with a conditional ancestral “I”, who rule quite naturally and also subordinate traditional peoples as a whole. But the very cultural environment or air of civilization allows them to parasitize only on tradition, on its inertia. Conservative people control them. Modern Zerefs can even be fashionably dressed. But nothing unusual will happen if these most fashionably dressed people are sometimes dressed in their ancestors’ clothes. The clothes of their ancestors would even suit them better. And why?

Conservatism is a clear sign of paternalism.

Today, any conservative leadership easily changes the hierarchy of blood to a hierarchy of positions. For a traditional society, this is normal, but these people seem backward from the perspective of civic thinking. Is it necessary to interfere in this process? After all, they rely on traditional culture, the culture of the people, and the needs of the majority of people. To the Refag, these people appear to be a squad of military men dressed in civilian uniforms. There is no democracy. No one can replace the feudal elite, although, in this system, this disguised squad recruits even the poorest into its ranks. The traditional elite demands unconditional recognition of its authority. Anyone who recognizes these rules, and it will still achieve such recognition by any means, receives a reward – power, position, work. It cannot be said that discipline as a condition is recognized only by parts of the poor or uneducated strata. However, it is easier for the feudal elite to deal with the lowest ranks. They know perfectly well what they will get in return for their complaisance. Civilization, or so-called civic morality, puts an unnatural barrier in its way. Culture and education, thus, interfere with the feudal world, although all people brought up on traditions do not pay any attention to the laws. Hence, the Zerefs have obvious legal nihilism. Everything is decided informally. Everyone knows who the power is and who you are. Who are you anyway? This is the very first question among the Zeref when they look at each other. Different mafias and all groups based on the generic principle behave like this. All Zerefs don’t like official laws. They like different non-formal laws. But this does not confuse the “relatives”. All laws for the form this is the convergence of the traditional world and the world of custom. Some people write the laws, while others pretend that they are. All the laws of the world are for the law-abiding man in the street. For relatives, the main thing is not the law or some rigid and lacy norms, but morality. Law-abiding in itself symbolizes defenselessness. The law-abiding are the victim. They gather their harvest carefully, looking around. Alliances based on blood ties can terrorize entire continents. But even here, kinship unions, gathered along ethnic lines, are used by international criminal syndicates. In a separate state, supported by the world community, as if by chance, autocracy is installed. How so? From where? Who could have known?

The generic system is based on compulsion.

The gens oblige based on blood relationship to bear duties. Rod is a mobilization project of all the peoples of the world. It’s just that some people remember their ancestors, and others have forgotten about them. This is the main difference. The functions of each individual Zeref follow from the established hierarchy, therefore, by age, then by the nobility. Everyone bears their measure of responsibility, although Zeref never knows what it is. Zeref has a weak reflection. He knows that for disobedience or poor execution, he will be punished. The purpose of mobilization is confrontation. Opposition to the elements. And the danger factors include not only the surrounding nature or environment. The danger factors include another kind, a kind of neighbors or unknown tribes of aliens who did not come to look at them but they came for robbery, just like 1000 years ago. The Zerefs have not changed in their thoughts in all the centuries.

The main figure of the genus is a man.

Usually, this is a wise old man, he leads all the men, all the people. Hence, paternalism. Fathers of families have the same right to encourage and punish their children. But first to protect. The main function of the genus is protection. This is a paternal society, the protector is also the patron. In the future, it is paternalism that will be the most important distinguishing feature of a kindred community, even in a modern urban environment.

The highest indicators of patronage and protection in blood-related unions, and in the future such manifestations are observed in the empire. Slave-owning empires act as organizations of clear non-economic generic coercion. The barbarian periphery, tribes, and clans that have not reached the union, military mobilization serve as a breeding ground, due to which the empires of the advanced – the Romans, Persians, Turks, Mongols, Han, Anglo-Saxons, Russians-kind achieve prosperity. And again, the paramilitary union was built on strength-it rests on the authority of the center (metropolis), as we see – the same generic system of subordination. Empires are kin, although the blood relationship of all citizens of the empire is not discussed, and the main signs of similarity to the ancient family and its functions are discipline and a multi-stage hierarchy.

The rigid bond of blood that transforms tribal alliances from a collection of warriors into an empire corresponds to a single faith. Or it’s a new form of ideology. The Empire cannot be without a purpose. And what is the purpose of a traditional person? The Zeref must believe that they will achieve their ideal together.

The first gods are the gods of nature.

If the Zerefs are such strict fathers-mentors, if they create uncompromising subordination, then they themselves have learned from someone. Why should they be soft, when the very nature around was not so kind for centuries. Maybe that’s why the pagan gods of the Zeref do not know mercy, so they are the gods of the elements, of nature itself, of the surrounding landscape. And what brutal wars are waged between traditional communities! And also no compromises. If it weren’t for civilization and laws, they would have come to grips with each other again. Nationalism is still flourishing on the planet. Such relationships are derived from the cruelty of nature. So, the first gods of the Zerefs, they are also the gods of nature, are represented as one whole (universal), as one father, then divided into elements, each element-rain, fire, wind, sun, harvest, then luck, victory, love, war – corresponds to some god-official. An official of nature, an official of the elements. Why shouldn’t the modern official Zeref be the same feudal lord? As for the benefits, this official is very demanding and cruel. He so repeats the atmosphere of the past that his equanimity and confidence that he is doing everything right is a matter of life or death. There can be no other explanation for autocracy. The strong subdue the weak. The weak obey the strong. If two are equal in strength, one obeys or dies. And the ancestral consciousness is more consistent with the motto: “An eye for an eye, blood for blood.” And the gods are just as bloodthirsty and uncompromising. This bloodthirstiness and uncompromising attitude allowed a successful clan alliance to survive even in a market “war”. They trade and make deals now as if they are still at war.

All empires are aggressive.

Why are societies that have preserved tribal solidarity more resilient in a modern city? This is especially evident in the bazaars – in the markets of megacities, their informal unions are developing. Because they profess the principle of kinship. They gather like blood brothers. (This applies not only to the great experts in trade-the Jews. Their fraternal associations and alliances are enshrined in Judaism. Modern ethnic unions are just pathetic copies of the solidarity of ancient merchants. Only the principle of blood union is shown here. But among the ancient merchants, it was also supported by religious motives.). So, bazaars are small and persistent corporations of ethnically assembled people. Whoever you are and whatever benefits you bring, you have no voice in the assembly of persons of one ethnic group, and you have no right. If you’re not to them, you’re an outsider. The clan solves their particular issues thoroughly. They do not bother with other people’s problems and the state in particular. Only the concerns of loved ones. Therefore, it is easier for them to survive. In a narrow framework and on a small area, skills, not horizons, decide. Although here there are some pahans-authorities. But the horizons of the pahans are very limited. The godfather is a privilege. He can punish without limiting his arbitrariness. And what to limit? Therefore, pahans are appointed quite informally. A pahan, like all fathers, must have strength. And physical as well. A gang of thugs is forming around the leader. This is a normal primitive picture of being in a modern environment.

But can clan men reason on their own? After all, they do not have such an opportunity from birth. From the moment they are born, they are accustomed to obeying. So, it was before them, so it was before their fathers. The initiative is punishable, and reasoning is not welcome a thousand years before the events described. Here it is-humility – the reverse side of a war. Therefore, people with a generic habit can easily be organized into criminal unions – the mafia, even economic, even ideological. It is easier to gather them in one place and teach them to say the same things. Therefore, the cult of the next authority arises by itself. With a paternal way of life, it is easy for tribal unions to exist, and it is not difficult for a clan to live in any metropolis. Their alliances resemble military groups. They are bound by mutual responsibility, almost an oath.

In civilized places, where the population tries to build relationships based on interests, culture, law, in the end, on “man to man friend – neighbor – companion”, clan unions are organized according to “man to man stranger is rival and enemy”. It’s all about the relationship, or in the blood. And oaths are also sealed with blood. “Ancestral” peoples knock well, stipulate “strangers”. This is an independent beating of upstarts. Therefore, nationalism in the form of a current of politics is dangerous here. Only a nation can have nationalism. For the Zerefs, nationalism is war.

The Zeref loves a quiet, obedient child. They themselves are like the warriors of antiquity, and their children are like the Zeref rear. A rebellious child born in the lower caste must be broken in advance and by any means-ways. Without this parental “affection”, children are doomed immediately to death. The obstinate son “meek” of the man of the clan is doomed because it leaves the family to conflict with the community, with the clan, with the tribal hierarchy. In any form, even in a disguised and modern version. Therefore, the political superstructure of the entire Zeref system is an autocracy, and it has no opposition. What the stupid father did not finish, the officials, the people of the father of the people, will finish.

The trouble. Crisis.

Traditional communities are very stagnant. And only a common misfortune shakes and shakes all castes. Crisis. The trouble is like the limit of Zeref stagnation. This trouble they create themselves by conformism and inflexibility for a long time. How so? It was courage and discipline that were the ingredients of success. That’s right. All in good time, however. All the Zerefs of the world see the beginning, but they do not see the end. This is passed down from generation to generation – to see only the beginning. Courage really turns into humility, and mass patience turns into an inevitable tyranny, a cult. The tribal community should also break its “children”. Because everyone sees only the beginning but does not see the end, many Zerefs confuse courage with humility. This is no accident. Although humility is a continuation of courage, humility and submission exist in the lower social classes. So, the meek, lured by the authorities in the new conditions, teach all people, the whole people, to obey. The problem with the traditional world is that it does not want to rebuild. All fathers declare that they want to live like their ancestors. And how did the ancestors live? They lived quietly. It was in history. This becomes a basic behavior in the modern grid as well. Even despite the influence and presence of a number of advanced cultures, other peoples. Advanced all the courses accepted and adopted, but only as an addition to the “testaments”. As practice shows, it is impossible to give up one’s ancestral experience, so it is impossible to give up one’s own culture of relationships. The system uses the meek, uses blood ties, as before, as in past centuries, for unknown and imperceptible social instincts. So, the tribal system is revived at the state level. Of course, it is no longer tyranny and despotism, as it was in the Middle Ages. But if you look closely… you can also dress Genghis Khan in fashionable clothes. Here is the new old world system and dress up. The real “clothes” are different here.

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