Loe raamatut: «Новости из прошлого на английском языке. ВЫПУСК №5»


Составитель Анна Пигарёва

ISBN 978-5-4498-6600-4 (т. 5)

ISBN 978-5-0050-5038-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Такими разными были новости в 2008 и 2009 году

Weather Wreaks Havoc in City

By Svetlana Osadchuk STAFF WRITER

Torrential rains, heavy winds and lightning wreaked havoc throughout the city and the region over the weekend, knocking down trees, interrupting travel plans and even destroying a monument to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin.

Dozens of travelers missed their flights from Sheremetyevo Airport after lightning struck an electrical station and caused delays on the Aeroexpress commuter line from Savyolovsky Station to the airport, Interfax reported Friday.

The delays began at around 8 p.m. Thursday night, meaning a typically 35-minute trip turned into a 90-minute ride to Sheremetyevo, Aeroexpress spokesman Anton Galatenko said, RIA-Novosti reported. The problem was fixed at around 10:30 p.m., and the company said it would accept complaints submitted by affected passengers, Interfax reported Friday.

Aeroexpress said Friday that it would compensate passengers for their expenses, News.ru reported.

The weather disrupted several other commuter trains between Savyolovsky and the Moscow region.

Passengers waiting to fly into Moscow on Thursday evening were also left stranded or delayed in other cities because of the Moscow weather.

In St. Petersburg, passengers flying on the 8 p.m. Aeroflot flight to Sheremetyevo were told at the check-in desk that the plane was stuck on the tarmac in Moscow because of «technical problems.» Some were eventually booked onto a later flight with the Rossia airline, and many said they would miss connecting flights.

Wind and heavy rain toppled 117 trees, and nine cars were damaged throughout the city, as of Friday, Inter-fax reported.

Meanwhile, a wind-felled tree destroyed a monument to Lenin as a schoolboy, RIA-Novosti reported. The brass statue, located at Ogorodnaya Sloboda Pereulok, near the Chistiye Prudy metro station in central Moscow, was knocked from its 1.5-meter-tall pedestal by the tree Thursday night and split into three separate pieces, the report said.

Ten villages in the Moscow region and another 18 in the Tver region were still without power at noon Sunday.

Stormy weather is typical for July, but this year it has been particularly intense, said Dmitry Kiktyov, deputy head of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Typical rainfall in July amounts to around 94 millimeters, but this month already 128 millimeters have fallen, Kiktyov said. Average temperatures for this month are also about 3.5 degrees Celsius above the norm, he said. There has been a spike in drownings this month, Emergency Situations Ministry spokesman Sergei Lapin said Fri-day.

Nine people, most of them drunk, have drowned in Moscow waters this month while trying to cool off in the heat wave that saw temperatures hovering around 30 C last week, Lapin said.

A total of 65 people had drowned across Russia over the span of 24 hours, the ministry reported on its web site Fri-day afternoon.

Thunderstorms are forecast for Monday and Tuesday in Moscow, with daytime temperatures expected to reach 24 Con Monday and 28 C on Tuesday. Staff writer Max Delany contributed to this report.1

Affected              Задетый, тронутый
Brass                   Латунь
Commuter train   Пригородный поезд
Complaint            Жалоба
Disrupt                 Нарушать, разрушать
Drown                  Тонуть
Eventually            В итоге, в конце концов
Expenses              Расходы, издержки
Forecast               Прогноз
Havoc                   Разрушение, опустошение
Hover                   Реять, парить
Interrupt               Прерывать
Lightning              Молния
Reach                    Достигать, доходить
Span                      Диапазон, промежуток времени
Spike                     Резкий скачок
Split                      Разбивать на части
Stick (stuck, stuck)       Застрять, застопориться
Strand                   Поставить в трудное положение
Strike (struck, struck)    Наносить удар
Submit                  Представлять на рассмотрение
Tarmac                  Бетонированная площадка
Thunderstorm       Гроза
Topple                   Валить
Torrential              Проливной
Wreak                    Причинять вред, ущерб

Thousands Enraptured by Solar Eclipse

The peak of the eclipse occurred in Novosibirsk, Russia’s third-largest city.

There, forecasts of cloudy skies proved wrong, and tens of thousands of people who had flocked to the center of town were able to observe the rare total eclipse of the sun – which lasted two minutes, 23 seconds – in its full beauty.

All gazed in wonder as an eerie silence descended on the city and gushes of unusually strong wind tore through the crowd of sky-watchers. Birds stopped chirping, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

Lucas Heinrich, a physics student from Berlin who traveled to Novosibirsk with classmates, described the eclipse as «unbelievable.»

«It became cold and dark, and suddenly it was light again. I am very happy – it was worth the trip,» Heinrich said. NTV television reported that more than 10,000 foreign tourists arrived in Novosibirsk, the largest city in the eclipse’s path, to watch.

The eclipse began in Arctic Canada and passed through Greenland, western Siberia and Mongolia before ending in China, where some saw it as a dark omen ahead of the start of the Olympic Games in Beijing this week.

In Novosibirsk, the airport announced that it turned on nighttime landing lights during the total and partial darkness, which lasted more than two hours.

At the city zoo, polar bears and white tigers suddenly lay down to sleep.

A snow leopard grew restless and ran around its cage until the sun reappeared.

Cloudy weather in other parts of Western Siberia prevented many people from enjoying the spectacle.

Viewers were repeatedly warned to prevent eye injuries by wearing protective glasses, which sold throughout Novosibirsk for 50 rubles ($2).

In Moscow, half the sun was blocked, but cloud cover prevented Muscovites from viewing the partial eclipse. In St. Petersburg, people shouted «Look! Look!» and pointed above as the sun’s outer corona appeared in the sky.

«You just feel part of nature. … This is so rare,» said Lev, a software specialist in St. Petersburg. Many used special sunglasses, computer disks and even beer bottles to watch it.

In the remote Siberian settlement of Berezovaya Katun, near Russia’s border with China, a large crowd of tourists, including some from France and Mongolia, clapped and cheered as organizers released thousands of balloons into the darkened sky.

«It is quite eerie for any thinking person to watch how everything turns into darkness in broad daylight,» the Kremlin’s top medical adviser, Gennady Onishchenko, told Vesti-24 channel. People have been recording solar eclipses for perhaps 4,000 years, and they typically inspire a combination of dread, fascination and awe.

According to NASA, the next total eclipse will occur July 22, 2009, starting in India and moving across Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, China and over the Pacific Ocean. (AP, Reuters)2

Announce            Объявлять
Awe                     Благоговейный страх
Cage                    Клетка
Cheer                   Приветствовать громкими возгласами
Clap                     Аплодировать
Crowd                  Толпа
Dread                   Ужас
Eclipse                 Затмение
Eerie                    Сверхъестественный, зловещий
Enrapture             Восхищаться, восторгаться
Fascination          Привлекательность, обаяние
Flock (v)               Собираться (стаями)
Gaze                     Пристально смотреть
Gush                    Стремительный поток
Huge                    Огромный
Inspire                  Вдохновлять, вселять
Omen                   Знамение, примета
Partial                  Частичный
Path                     Тропа
Prevent                1) Мешать 2) Предотвращать
Prove                    Доказывать, подтверждать
Remote                 Отдаленный
Restless                Беспокойный
Settlement           Поселение
Silence                  Молчание
Spectacle              Зрелище
Submerge             Погружаться, окунаться
Swath                   Полоса, ряд
Tear (tore, torn)     Рвать, рваться
Wonder                 Чудо, удивление

Palace Made Hiring Mistake

LONDON – Buckingham Palace said an administrative mistake led to a Russian trainee butler working illegally in the royal household.

Buckingham Palace failed to apply for the correct work permit when it hired Igor Golovanov, 32, in 2006, a spokesman for Queen Elizabeth’s official residence said. Golovanov was fired when the mistake was discovered.

The spokesman said Thursday that Golovanov will be recommended for reemployment if he can obtain the correct permit and it is determined that he represents no security threat.

Golovanov has lived in Britain since 2000 and has a residency permit. (AP)3

Apply                  Направлять свое внимание
Butler                 Дворецкий, старший лакей
Determine          Определять, обнаруживать
Discover             Обнаруживать
Fire                     Увольнять
Hire                    Нанимать
Household          Королевский двор
Lead (led, led)     Приводить к…
Obtain                Получать
Permit                 Разрешение
Residency permit       Разрешение на проживание
Royal                   Королевский
Security threat     Угроза безопасности
Trainee                 Стажер, практикант

French Villa Link to Prokhorov Denied


An official at Mikhail Prokhorov’s Onexim Group denied Sunday that the billionaire was close to buying the legendary Villa Leopolda on the French Riviera.

French newspaper Nice-Matin reported Saturday that Prokhorov would soon pay 496 million euros ($729 million) for the villa, which is owned by the widow of banker Edmond Safra. The newspaper did not say where it got the information.

Villa Leopolda is located in Ville-franche-sur-Mer, a French Mediterranean seaside resort between Nice and Monte Carlo, and is named after Belgian King Leopold II, who built the house at the start of the 20th century.

Onexim deputy CEO Sergei Chernitsyn said Sunday that the Nice-Matin report was not true. «The rumors may be connected with the activities of the Onexim division dealing with luxury real estate.» Chernitsyn said by telephone.

He added, «Mr. Prokhorov will not make any business in France until the Courchevel incident is settled and the French authorities give him an official apology.»

Prokhorov, whom Forbes ranks the sixth-richest man in Russia with an estimated fortune of $19.5 billion, last year announced that he was splitting from longtime business partner Vladimir Potanin after he and 25 other people were taken in for questioning at his hotel in the French ski resort of Courchevel over a suspected prostitution ring.

Prokhorov was released without charge after a few days. He has denied any wrongdoing and has demanded that the French authorities close the case.

Villa Leopolda was at one time owned by Fiat magnate Giovanni Agnelli, Agence France Presse reported.

Safra is said to have hosted U.S. President Ronald Reagan and crooner Frank Sinatra at the villa, the BBC reported. (Bloomberg, MT)4

Announce           Объявлять
Apology              Извинение
Buy (bought, bought)    Покупать
Crooner              Эстрадный певец
Deal with            Иметь дело с…
Deny                    Отрицать
Division               Отделение
Fortune               Состояние, богатство
Host                    Принимать гостей
Link                     Связь
Mediterranean seaside resort     Средиземноморский курорт
Own                     Владеть, иметь
Real estate           Недвижимость
Ring                     Банда, объединение
Rumors                Сплетни, слухи
Settle                   Решать, улаживать
Split                     Разделять
Suspect                Подозревать
True                      Верный
Widow                  Вдова
Wrongdoing         Преступление
1.«The Moscow Times» 2008 год
2.«The Moscow Times» 2008 год
3.«The Moscow Times» 2008 год
4.«The Moscow Times» 2008 год

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