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Loe raamatut: «King Solomon's Goat», lehekülg 4


Hell-fire and Brimstone

You’ll burn in Hell ten thousand years,
In vain will be your cries and tears,
You’ll burn in Hell till ages meet,
And just begin to feel the heat.
– Amasa Alden.

We are in Hell now. Rabbi Eleasher says that “the demons who were cast out of Heaven and the descendants of the witless progeny of matter and spirit became in the course of time the men of our planet, after having passed through every form of every one of the elements.”

Where did the Church dig up Hell? The Scandinavian Hell is not a place of punishment, but simply the abode of the dead. The dictionary says that Hades, the Hell of the Bible, is the abode of all the departed, the unseen spirit world. The Shoel of the Hebrews is the place of departed spirits, not a region of torment. The Underworld or Amenti, of the Egyptians, is a region of judgment and purification. The Onderah, the abyss of darkness of the Hindus, is an intermediate state or purgatory. Whence then came the dogma of Hell, that Archimedean lever of Christian theology, with which they have succeeded in holding in subjection the numberless millions of Christians for nineteen centuries. – Isis Unveiled.

Here is where Eusebius and the other Biblical writers got Hell. According to Mahabad, the christ and Adam of the Parsees, who wrote all the laws of God, Hell is peopled with ants, serpents and scorpions, ignorant, sick and indigent men and irreligious philosophers, and on account of the detestable qualities of the later, the ants, serpents and scorpions pounce upon and torture them. This is the Hell of Hells. – Dabistan, 81.

In the chart of the cosmogony of the Kabalists, representing their idea of the creation of the universe, the last and most insignificant creation is the earth, which they have labeled Hell, the abode of the Devil, the Kingdom of the Great Serpent according to the Buddhists.

In the religious Mysteries, if the soul has attained the final knowledge of the heavenly and infernal mysteries, the gnosis, complete reunion with the spirit, and knows the Word, at the death of the body, it becomes a god, or is absorbed into the soul of the world, the astral light, and becomes one of the creative deities or Elohim. If not, it has its part in the lake of fire and brimstone (the elements), the second death. This death is the gradual dissolution of the astral body into its primal elements and the banishment of the human spirit or electron into chaos.

Elephas Levi and many of the wise ones have said that the astral light is the Great Serpent or Devil, so we will go to the Devil anyway, no matter which path we pursue. What difference does it make whether we are united to the astral light or the material ether? All the atoms of all the elements have individual souls.

Krishna, the Hindu christ, Horus, the Egyptian christ, the Scandinavian Thor, the Greek Apollo and St. Patrick, the Irish christ, are all represented as killing the Great Serpent, the Devil. All of the christs, including Buddha, Bacchus, Hercules, Orpheus and Askelapius, as well as Jesus, descended into Hell and ascended again the third day. According to the Gospel of Nicodemus, Christ found Adam, Moses, David, Isaiah and all the other saints there, and as they had been burning in Hell several thousand years, their wings were pretty well singed and they were badly mussed up, but Christ took them by the hands and led them up to the Hebrew heaven, where the three balls are worshipped, together with the ass-headed god. The Devil had no one left to rule over except the depraved, uncircumcised gentiles and the elemental demons. The Gentiles cannot get past the gates of Tophet, but must linger for a time, and half a time, and ten thousand times while they do battle with the phantoms of Hell and wrestle with the Serpent of the Great Abyss.

“The Presbyterian clergy of Scotland delighted in telling their hearers that they would be roasted in great fires and hung up on hooks by their tongues. They were to be lashed with scorpions and see their companions writhing and howling around them. They were to be thrown into boiling oil and scalding lead. A river of fire and brimstone broader than the earth was prepared for them, their bones, their lungs and their liver were to boil but never be consumed, and while worms were gnawing at their bodies, they were to be surrounded by devils mocking and making pastime of their pains, the torment to be varied in its character as well as eternal in its duration. Hell was created before man came into the world, the Almighty having spent his previous leisure in preparing this place of torment, so that when the human race appeared, it might be ready for their reception.” – Buckle’s Hist. Civ. 2-293.

Hell is the lowest of the astral planes, in the immediate atmosphere of the earth, where the most of us go. Heaven is the highest of the spiritual planes, where God lives, but as nobody to speak of ever goes there, no one on the astral ever saw God or can make affidavit that he exists, and any spirit that claims that he has seen God is either deceiving us or is himself mistaken. He may have seen some astral idol, formed from the astral substance by the imagination and worshipped by the religion-besotted spirits. “The aura of the spirits in the lowest astral plane is the same as that of wicked human beings, a dark, cloudy or smoky emanation, streaked with the red flames of anger and passion. Deep shades of color whirl and swirl in the depths, lightning-like flashes shoot forth, and great bodies of lurid, smoky, clouds fly on the surface, having all the appearance of an inferno, and the region itself has the same aura, derived from the combined auras of its inhabitants. It is not surprising that the witches and wizards of the Bible, who could see by clairvoyant vision, described it as a Hell of fire and brimstone.” – Human Aura, 45.

According to the religion of Zoroaster, “Hell is the House of Destruction. It is the abode chiefly of the priests of bad religions,” that is, all religions except the Persian, but this is not to be taken seriously, as every religion is a joke. Here we have the original doctrine of the resurrection of the body, which our Christian ministers have had the consummate nerve to preach even here in this age of the world.

Mark Twain says in “The Mysterious Stranger”: “A God who mouths justice and mercy and invented Hell, mouths golden rules and forgiveness and invented Hell, who mouths morals to other people and has none himself, who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all, who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man’s acts upon man, instead of placing it where it belongs upon himself.” The trouble with Mark was that he accepted as true all that silly superstition, all those puerile fairy tales, all those black lies from the Pit of Hell written and taught by the old priests and prophets. God never created the human race, he never made Hell. This cruel remark of Mark is libelous, almost bordering on blasphemy.

Read what the insane Church Fathers said: “There in Hell the intelligent fire burns the limbs and restores them, feeds on them and nourishes them.” – Felix.

The proud monarchs and magistrates (and everybody but the Christians) shall liquefy in the fierce flames of Hell. – Tertullian.

We shall be compensated by a perpetual spectacle of our persecutors in an ever-burning Gehenna being devoured by living flames. – Cyprian.

Ling or the Word is the Commander-in-chief of the universe. – Clement.

Every sinner kindles for himself the flame of his own fire, and is not plunged into some fire kindled by another. – Origen.

The wicked will be provided not with the old earthly body, but with an indestructible body capable of holding out forever against everlasting fire. – Lactantius.

The whole mass of the human race is condemned. If we can pray the wicked out of Hell, we can pray the devils out. – Augustine.

Everybody, infants included, go to Hell, unless they are baptized. – Ambrose.

There shall be eternal torments for all devils and skeptics. – Jerome.

Votive offerings by the living will reduce the torments of the dead. The blessed shall rejoice over the punishment of the damned. – Aquinas.

The Devil

Christ overcame the Great Serpent, the Devil, and the Irish Bacchus, St. Patrick, drove all the snakes out of Ireland. The drunken Bacchus, whose Saturnalia was held on the 17th of March, when they poured out libations to him, was canonized and is now St. Bacchus, and his coffin and relics, endowed with magical and miraculous powers, were exhibited at Rome according to Isis Unveiled, 1:160.

Deus was Dyaus of the old Aryan or earlier Persian religion. Dyaus means to shine, and was a name of the sun. The followers of Zoroaster asserted that Dyaus was the Devil, and if they were right, it follows that Deus is the Devil. In this connection read the Lord’s Prayer, in which the ignorant worshipper endeavors to persuade the Lord not to lead him into temptation. According to the writers of the Bible, who were probably liars, He hardened the heart of Pharaoh, commanded the Israelites to steal, put an evil spirit into Saul and sent lying messages to the prophets. In Samuel it says that the Lord moved David to number Israel, but according to Chronicles it was the Devil who put him up to it. The words divine and devil are from Deva, the shining one, the Hindu god of light. Light is also luc, and Lucifer is a sun-god identical with Yahvah. The worshippers of Dyaus said that Ahura Mazda, of the Zoroastrians was the Devil. Ahura Mazda means I Am the I Am, and he is our God, the supreme God of the Hebrews, Kether, the father of Jehovah. According to the early Christians, the Gnostics and Nazarenes, the creator was Ilda Baoth, but in the Gospel of Nicodemus Ilda Baoth is Satan. Aaron sacrificed human beings to Azazel, identical with Moloch or the Devil. The Bible says that “man shall devote unto the Lord of all that he hath, both of man and beast. None devoted shall be redeemed, but shall surely be put to death.” We conclude that god and the Devil are one, that Brahma, Buddha, Dyaus, Ahura Mazda, Baal, Osiris, Jove, Bacchus, Christ, Priapus, Adonis, Deva and Devil are different names of the same god, and that god is a myth.

The Devil is an emanation of god. He is Typhon, also called Sat and Seth in the Egyptian religion. The Ency. Brit. says that he is a brother or son of Osiris, and we have shown that Osiris and god are one, so we conclude that the Devil is the son of god as claimed in Job, 1:6. The Salvation Army says: “You must be a lover of the lord if you want to go to Heaven when you die.” So you must love the Devil and all these beasts of pagan gods, or you will have to shovel coal while the endless years of eternity roll.

The Pentagram, by the power of which Solomon could summon the high gods to his assistance or call up the goblins damned, represents God when one horn of the star is in the ascendent or at the top, but when the two horns are in the ascendent, it represents the Devil or the goat. When Solomon summoned Gabriel to help him capture a new girl, the head of the star, on which is the mystic eye, was pointed toward the altar of evocation. But if he wished to raise the Devil, the horns of the goat were pointed toward the altar. In the infernal invocation Solomon wore a leaden cap, on which were the signs of the Moon, Venus and Saturn. He had two candles of human fat in a crescent candlestick, a copper vase holding the blood of the human victim, a censer containing incense moistened with the blood of a goat, four nails from the coffin of an executed criminal, the head of a black cat which has been fed on human flesh for five days, a bat drowned in blood, the horns of an immoral goat, the scull of a parricide. Then Solomon says in the evocation of the Devil: “By Adonai Elohim (the Creator), Adonai Jehovah (the Son), Adonai Sabbaoth (the Mother), by the womb of the Mother Adonai, by the Word of the Python and the Mystery of the Salamanders, by the Conclave of the Sylphs and the Gnomes, by the Demons of God in Heaven and Alamousin and Gibor, Come! Come! Come!”

On the Pentagram is the mystic word יחוח, Yahvah, the spelling of which indicates that it represents two hermaphrodite gods. יח, Yah, is the good god, and וח, Vah, is the god of evil. The good god is represented in a pack of cards by the king of hearts, the god of love, and his wife, the queen of diamonds. And the hermaphrodite god of evil is represented by the king of spades and his wife, Lilith, the queen of clubs. Aristotle said that Jehovah was Ormazd, the god of light, and Pluto, the god of darkness. Jehovah is the God of Wisdom, so is the Egyptian serpent god, called Sat or Satan.

The serpent god is the astral light, the magnetic current. The priests by their great will power could direct this current at pleasure and perform the wonders and miracles that held enthralled their besotted devotees. They claimed that they were serpents because the serpent god magnetism permeated their bodies. A manuscript found among the Toltecs of Mexico asserted that they were descended from the house of Israel. Voltan, the Mexican demigod, says that he is the son of the snakes. The hierophants of Egypt and Babylon called themselves the sons of the serpent god. The chief priest of the serpent god of the Mexicans says: “I am a snake myself.” The Druids of Britain used to say: “I am a serpent, I am a Druid.” – Isis Unveiled.

Cneph or Cohen Eph (divine serpent) of Egypt was the supreme god, the flying dragon, the divine spirit permeating all creation, like the serpent god of the Buddhists. This spirit is electricity. The Ophites, Christian Gnostics, claimed that the serpent that tempted Eve was Jesus Christ, the Great Architect of the Universe, or Cohen Eph. Eve represented matter, and the spirit permeating matter produces living beings.

The astral light is both god and the Devil, the creator and the destroyer and also the Nirvana of the Buddhists. It is the Ah of the Hindus, or Iah or Eh Ei Eh of the Hebrews. It is life or the life-giving fluid. It is the Od and Ob of Moses and the Kabalists. When it acts on those that are drawn within its current it is the Ob or Python. Moses was determined to exterminate those witches who, sensitive to its influence, allowed themselves to fall under the control of the vicious beings which move in the astral waves like fish in the water. – Isis Unveiled, 1-158. Porphery says that “these beings are mischievous and deceitful, though some are gentle and harmless, but so weak as to have the greatest difficulty in communicating with mortals. Their powers of reasoning are in a latent state, and therefore they themselves irresponsible.” But St. Augustine says: “These spirits are deceitful through malice. They pass themselves off for gods and for the souls of the defunct.” St. Jerome says that some of these elementary spirits or satyrs, with the legs and tails of goats, were exhibited at Alexandria, and one of them was pickled and sent to the Emperor Constantine, which he highly appreciated, as he was usually in the same condition. The Devil says, according to Edgar Allan Poe: “In a climate so sultry as mine it is frequently impossible to keep a spirit alive for more than two or three hours, and unless pickled immediately (and a pickled spirit is not good eating) they will smell.”

They called out sixty thousand militia in Cevennes, France, in 1700 to drive the Devil out of the boys and girls and babes at the breast who prophesied in pure French, a language unknown to them. The Prior reported to Rome that the Devil was so powerful that no torture and no amount of exorcism is able to dislodge him. He says he closed their hands on burning coals, and they were not even singed, that he wrapped their bodies in cotton soaked with oil and set them on fire and could not even blister their skins, that balls were shot at them and found flattened between the skin and clothes.

Perhaps the greatest number of miracles ever performed in the world were pulled off by the Devil at the tomb of Abbe Paris from 1727 to 1749. The sick were cured, the deaf made to hear and the blind to see. Often a young girl among the convulsionaries would bend back into an arc, her loins supported by the sharpened point of an iron rod, and beg to be pounded with a fifty pound stone suspended from the ceiling. The stone was allowed to fall repeatedly with all its weight upon her abdomen, and the girl enjoyed it and cried for more, and no injury was found upon her person. When violent blows were struck with a sledge-hammer upon a drill held against her stomach she cried out: “O! how delightful, that does me good. Strike twice as hard if you can.” – Isis Unveiled.

Life Cells

I Am the I Am, the Hebrew God, is supposed by Christians to be the First Cause, but the assumption of a first cause is quite unnecessary, and further, if you postulate a creative god, some impertinent person might ask you who made God. It is just as well to start with matter, in which mind and energy are inherent, which is eternal, infinite, immortal, self-existent and sustaining, requiring no supreme power as a basis or background, as set forth in the Sankhya System of the Hindus. See Phil. & Relig. of India, 55.

The attraction or love of one mass of matter for another is the energy. It is that love that creates all forms. The atoms go a-chasing after other atoms, even as you and I. There can be no attraction without mind. Anaxagoras and Empedocles believed in a dualism of mind and matter. The latter says: “The periods of the formation of the world depend upon the alternate prevalence of love and hate. During certain periods all heterogeneous atoms are separated from each other by hate, during others they are everywhere united by love.”

Haeckel says: “These three fundamental attributes, matter, force and sensation, are found inseparably united throughout the whole universe in every atom and every molecule.”

Edgar Allan Poe says: “That which is not matter is not at all. The ultimate unparticled matter not only permeates all things but impels all things. This matter is God. What men attempt to embody in the word ‘thought’ is this matter in motion. The unparticled matter, or God, in quiescence is what men call mind. The motion of the unparticled matter is the universal thought of the universal mind. This thought creates. All things are but the thought of God. For new individualities gross matter is necessary. To create individual, thinking beings, it was necessary to incarnate portions of the Divine Mind. Thus man is individualized. Divested of corporate investiture, he were God.”

According to the Ionic philosophy matter is by nature endowed with life, and life is inseparably connected with matter. – Ueberweg’s Hist. of Philosophy, 1-32.

It is said that in the beginning a male electron or spirit, or purusha, or soul, from the spirit principle of the universe, becoming involved in the material ether, formed a vortex, about which the female or material electrons of the ether revolved, thus producing an atom, the basis of all visible forms. The electron attracts the particles of matter in the ether as a magnet attracts steel. The electrons are called units of electricity, and there are perhaps a thousand in an atom. The space between these ions is comparatively as great as the space between the planets of our solar system. Leucippus, of Abdera, says that souls are round atoms.

The religious claim that the Divine Thought or Word originated the vortex movement. As John did not care to proclaim that his god was Ling, which he had stolen from the Hindus, he called it the Word, another meaning of Ling, from Ling comes linguist. Word is the exoteric meaning designed for fools, and the other is the esoteric or hidden meaning known only to the initiates. I think that the Christians are in error in claiming John’s god as their own, but amid such a flock of gods the confusion is not surprising.

“New Light has arisen, coming from Heaven, it assumed a mortal form. Virgin receive God in thy bosom, and the Word flew into the womb. Becoming incarnate in time, and animated by her body, it was found in mortal image, and a boy was created.” – Plutarch, Isis and Osiris, 17. Christna or the Word, the Hindu savior, like Christ was a shepherd, and he became entangled with the shepherdesses. He was born in the cave of Venus, as all Simon-pure christs have to be, and King Kamsa, in seeking to kill him, ordered the destruction of all male infants. He also had two fathers, God and Vasu Deva, the Earth god or Joseb. He and the god Vishnu were one. – Phil. & Relig. of India, 278.

The Hindus claim that the akasa or astral light, or Brahma, (electricity) originated the vortex movement that formed the atoms. Akasa is the source of life, the reservoir of all energy, the all-directing and omnipotent god. It was the indispensable agent of every magical performance, and the Brahmans said that they had to stir up Brahma in order to perform a trick in magic to delude their devotees. Madam Blavatsky says: “As God creates so can man create. By the action of the will power on the atoms he can call objective forms into being. The atoms are like automatic workmen moved by the influx of the will directed upon them.” “Every motion we make, every word we utter gives an impulse to the ether and thus creates atoms.” – Edgar Allan Poe.

Aristotle says: “The world always was and always will be. The ether fills the celestial spaces, and of it the spheres and stars are formed.” The atoms combine to form molecules, and these, being attracted together, form the gases of which nebulae are composed. These nebulae follow the same circular movement that prevails in the atoms, and the result of this movement is a solar system, the nucleus of which becomes the sun. The rings that separate from the main body in this revolution eventually break up and form planets. When these planets cool, we find all the atomic souls either in the water or imprisoned in the rocks or in the central fire. The sea beats up against the rocks, and the rains descend upon and disintegrate them and thus release the souls that were imprisoned there in the process of involution. Now they commence to evolve toward what the egotistic have termed man’s high estate.

Yogi Ramacharaka says: “The Yogi teaching informs us that even in the molten mass there were elementary forms that were to become the ancestral forms of the later living beings. From these elementary forms there gradually evolved, as the earth cooled and solidified, other forms, and so on until at last the first living form manifested. The lowest forms of what we call life were evolved from forms of crystal life, which indeed they very much resemble.”

Haeckel, the world’s greatest scientist, says: “Man descends immediately from the ape, and secondarily from a long line of lower vertebrates back to the Silurian fishes. The lowest man appeared on the earth about three million years ago.” – Riddle of the Universe, 82. Anaximander, of Miletus, says: “Living beings arose by gradual development out of the elementary moisture under the influence of heat. We land animals had in the beginning the form of fishes.” – Ueberweg, 1:35.

The atoms combining by their own desire and will formed a molecule, and the molecules by their own volition combined to form a life cell, our earliest ancestor, a minute, animate mass of protoplasm, the lowest form of animal life, born in the slum of the ocean bed millions of years ago. Myriads of these life cells form the human body. Each cell is a distinct individual, having brain, mind and soul. Haeckel says that the primordial living substance is plasm. We can live only by eating other living beings or plasm, that is, by cannibalism. Plants create living plasm out of alleged non-living matter, they form carbo-hydrates, and from these form plasm by a combination with water, carbolic acid, ammonia and nitric acid. We claim to have souls, but deny them to the plants, the divine creators whose chemical laboratories, the cells, are beyond human comprehension.

The cells arrange themselves in the embryo in the form of a human being by their own will. “They use the materials which are at hand, fabricating organs for themselves by instinct, and in the appointed hour are born in the shape which they have formed for themselves.” – Enoch, ch. 14. The human embryo in its development passes through all the forms through which the race has struggled in its evolution from stone, through the primordial cell, the worm, the fish, the saurian and gorilla. In the last stage, that of the gorilla, the embryo is entirely covered with hair like our beloved ancestors, and sometimes development is arrested at this point and a hairy child is born occasionally with a tail.

The scientists have discovered in the cell body a god more potent than any known deity and have named it centrosome. It is a being of stellar form, located just above the nucleus or nerve centre of the cell. It is a creator whose magic far excels the feats of gods or men. It divides one living being into two, splitting the brain and the body of the cell in halves in such a manner that the two individuals produced are the exact duplicates of the parent cell in form and character. The cell brain matter, called cromatin, is composed of strings of very minute granules, termed cromosome, which are supposed to contain all the hereditary traits. The division of each one of these cromosomes into equal halves gives to the individuals produced a similar character. The centrosome is one in the beginning, but before dividing the cell it divides itself into two persons, so that one of the centrosomes may accompany each of the two cells. Each centrosome seizes one half of the brain of the parent cell thus divided and draws it to one side of the cell to form the nucleus of one of the new cells. Then the whole body of the cell is divided in the centre. – Story of the Living Machine, 100. When the centrosome divides the cell, two cells are produced capable of reproducing themselves in like manner. Prof. A. Dastre says that “under suitable circumstances the lowest animated forms are immortal.”

Our soul is formed by the combination of the souls of the two germ cells from which the embryo originated. We existed in our parents prior to our advent here and in all of our ancestors for 500,000,000 years back, more or less. The conscious matter that constitutes me, the cromatin, existed in every one of my ancestors since we were washed out of the igneous rocks or spawned in the ocean depths. Jack London says: “I did not begin when I was born. I have been growing, developing through incalculable myriads of milleniums. All these experiences of all these lives and of countless other lives have gone to the making of the soul-stuff that is I.”

Elephas Levi says: “The millions of germ cells that fail to become human beings are transformed into phantoms or larvae. These larvae possess aerial bodies formed from the steam of blood. For this reason they seek out spilt blood, and were formerly nourished by the smoke of sacrifices. The cohesion of the parts of these phantastic organisms is so feeble that they fear a strong wind, large fires, and above all the points of swords. They are vampires.” This accounts for the craving of the gods for blood sacrifices. The spirits and phantoms were mistaken for gods by the drunken prophets.

“The cells are spheroids and they are men in embryo,” says Plato. “God caused the universe to move with a circular motion and created original man as a perfect circle. The sexes were originally three in number, man, woman and hermaphrodite, and they had two faces and four arms and four legs, but Zeus cut them in two. After the division the two parts of man, each desiring the other half, came together and threw their arms about one another eager to grow into one. Each of us when separate is but the indenture of a man, having one side only like a flat-fish, and he is always looking for his other half.” – Plato, 1-483.

The intelligence of the cells has been clearly established by overwhelming proofs. An egg or ovum is at first a small fertilized cell, and in its development or transformation into an embryo, it is at first divided into several cells, to wit, the head cell, the body cell, the tail cell and the food cells. Prof. Oppel, in his experiments in embryology, separated these cells, removing them from their proper positions, but the cells so removed, traveled about trying first one place and then another until they usually found their proper positions and there joined the body and grew thereon, producing a perfect animal. If they made a mistake and joined the body in the wrong place, a monster was produced.

Furthermore, a scientist produced a mushroom-shaped being by subjecting metallic salts to the action of a galvanic current. The particles of the metal gathered around the pole of the magnet in the shape of a mushroom. This thing was a living being, with alimentary canal in its stem, through which it drew its nourishment and added to its growth. It was only necessary that a current of life or electricity be introduced among the particles to cause them to assume the form of a living organism. The metallic tree is produced by the same means. A copper wire and a piece of zinc are suspended in a bottle of a solution of acetate of lead, and the particles of lead gather about the copper wire and put forth branches, limbs and foliage. – Yogi Ramacharaka.

Each atom of matter, each molecule and every life cell, of which man is composed, has a soul of its own. And it is claimed that beside the individual cell souls, man not only has a communal soul in his brain, but a soul in his Solar Plexus. After a frog is beheaded, if a drop of acid is placed on his body, he will wipe it off with his foot.

The development of animals out of frogs and men out of animals was held by Anaximenes 600 B. C., and the evolution of species was an accepted doctrine before the flood. In the Hindu books it is written: “When the world had issued out of the darkness, the subtle, elementary principles produced the vegetal seed, which animated first the plants, from the plants life passed into fantastical bodies which were born in the waters, then through a series of forms and various animals it reached man.” – Bhagavata.