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Loe raamatut: «The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner (1801)», lehekülg 7


Two years did I live in this anxious condition, in all which time, contrary to my former resolutions, my head was filled with nothing but projects and deligns, how I might escape from this island; and so much were my wandering thoughts bent upon a rambling disposition that had I had the same boat that I went from Sallee in, I should have ventured once more to the uncertainty of the raging ocean.

I cannot, however, but consider myself as one of the unhappy persons, who make themselves wretched by there dissatisfaction with the stations which God has placed them in; for, not to take a review of my primitive condition, and my father's excellent advice, the going contrary to which was, as I may say, my original sin, the following mistakes of the same nature certainly had been the means of my present unhappy station. What business had I to leave a settled fortune, and well stocked plantation, improving and increasing, where, by this time, I might have been worth a hundred thousand moidores, to turn supercargo to Guinea, to fetch Negroes, when time and patience would so much enlarge my stock at home, as to be able to employ those whose more immediate business it was to fetch them home even to my door?

But as this is commonly the fate of young heads, so a serious reflection upon the folly of it ordinarily attends the exercise of future years, when the dear bought experience of time teaches us repentance. Thus was it with me; but not withstanding the thoughts of my deliverance ran so strongly in my mind, that is seemed to check all the dictates of reason and philosophy. And now to usher in my kind reader with greater pleasure to the remaining part of my relation, I flatter myself it will not be taken amiss, to give him an account of my first conceptions of the manner of escaping, and upon what foundation I laid my foolish schemes.

Having retired to my castle, after my late voyage to the ship, my frigate laid up and secured, as usual, and my condition the same as before, except being richer, though I had as little occasion for riches as the Indians of Peru had for gold, before the cruel Spaniards came among them: One night in March, being the rainy season in the four and twentieth year of my solitude, I lay down to sleep, very well in health, without distemper pain, or uncommon uneasiness, either of body or mind; yet notwithstanding, I could not compose myself to sleep all the night long. All this tedious while, it is impossible to express what innumerable thoughts came into my head. I traced quite over the whole history of my life in miniature, from my utmost remembrance of things till I came to this island, and then proceeded to examine every action and passage that had occurred since I had taken possession of my kingdom. In my reflections upon the latter, I was comparing the happy posture of my affairs from the beginning of my reign, to this life of anxiety, fear, and concern, since I had discovered a print of a foot in the sand; that while I continued without apprehension, I was incapable of feeling the dread and terror I now suffered. How thankful rather ought I to have been for the knowledge of my danger, since the greatest happiness one can be possessed of is to have sufficient time to provide against it? How stupendous is the goodness of Providence, which sets such narrow bounds to the sight and knowledge of human nature, that while men walk in the midst of so many dangers they are kept serene and calm, by having the events of things hid from their eyes and knowing nothing of those many dangers that surround them, till perhaps they are dissipated and vanish away.

When I came more particularly to considerer of the real danger I had for so many years escaped; how I had walked about in the greatest security and tranquility, at a time, perhaps, when even nothing but the brow of a hill, a great tree, or the common approach of night, had interposed between me and the destructive hands of the cannibals, who would devour me with as good an appetite, as I would a pigeon or curlew; surely all this, I say, could not but make me sincerely thankful to my great Preserver, whose singular protection I acknowledge with the greatest humility, and without which I must inevitably have fallen into the cruel hands of those devourers.

Having thus discussed my thoughts in the clearest manner, according to my weak understanding, I next proceeded to consider the wretched nature of those destroying savages, by seeming, though with great reverence, to enquire why God should give up any of his creatures to such inhumanity, even to brutality itself, to devour its own kind? but as this was rather matter of obstruse speculation, and as my miserable situation made me think this of mine the most uncomfortable situation in the world, I then began rather to inquire what part of the world these wretches lived in; how far off the coast was from whence they came; why they ventured over so far from home; what kind of boats conveyed them hither; and why I could not order myself and my business so, that I might be able to attack their country, as they were to come to my kingdom.

But then thought I, how shall I manage myself when I come thither? what will become of me if I fall into the hands of the savages? or how shall I escape from them if they make an attempt upon me? and supposing I should not fall into their power, what shall I do for provisions, or which way shall I bend my course? These counter thoughts threw me into the greatest horror and confusion imaginable; but then I still looked upon my present condition to be the most miserable that possibly could be, and that nothing could be worse, except death For (thought I) could I but attain the shore of the main, I might perhaps meet with some reliefs, or coast it along, as I did with my boy Xury, on the African shore, till I came to some inhabited country, where I might meet with some relief, or fall in with some Christian ship that might take me in; and if I failed, why then I could but meet with death, which would put an end to all my miseries. These thoughts, I must confess, were the fruit of a distempered mind and impatient temper made desperate, as it were, by long continuance of the troubles and disappointments I had met with in the wreck; where I hoped to have found some living person to speak to, by whom I might have known in what place I was, and of the probable means of my deliverance. Thus, while my thoughts were agitated, my resignation to the will of heaven was entirely suspended; to that I had no power to fix my mind to any thing, but to the project of a voyage to the main land. And indeed so much was I inflamed upon this account, that it set my blood into a ferment, and my pulse beat high, as though I had been in a fever; till nature being, as it were, fatigued and exhausted with the thoughts of it, made me submit myself to a silent repose.

In such a situation, it is very strange, that I did not dream of what I was so intent upon; but, instead of it, my mind roved on a quite different thing, altogether foreign. I dreamed, that as I was issuing from my castle one morning, as customary, when I perceived upon the shore two canoes, and eleven savages coming to land, who had brought with them another Indian, whom they designed to make a sacrifice of, in order to devour; but just as they were going to give the fatal blow, methought the poor designed victim jumped away, and ran directly into my little thick grove before my fortification, to abscond from his enemies, when perceiving that the others did not follow him that way, I appeared to him; that he humbly kneeled down before me, seeming to pray for my assistance; upon which I showed him my ladder, made him ascend, carried him to my cave, and he became my servant; and when I had gotten this man, I said to myself, now surely I may have some hopes to attain the main land; for this fellow will serve me as a pilot, tell me what to do, and where I must go for provisions, what places to shun, what to venture to, and what to escape. But when I awaked, and found all these inexpressible impressions of joy entirely vanished, I fell into the greatest dejection of spirit imaginable.

Yet this dream brought me to reflect, that one sure way of escaping was to get a savage; that after I had ventured my life to deliver him from the bloody jaws of his devourers, the natural sense he might have of such a preservation, might inspire him with a lasting gratitude and most sincere affection. But then this objection reasonably interposed: how can I effect this, thought I, without I attack a whole company of them, and kill them all? why should I proceed on such a desperate attempt, which my scruples before had suggested to be unlawful? and indeed my heart trembled at the thoughts of so much blood, though it were a means to procure my deliverance. 'Tis true, I might reasonably enough suppose these men to be real enemies to my life, men who would devour me, was it in their power, so that it was self preservation in the highest degree to free myself, by attacking them in my own defence, as lawfully as if they were actually assaulting me: though all these things, I say, seemed to me to be of the greatest weight, yet, as I just said before, the dreadful thoughts of shedding human blood, struck such a terror to my soul, that it was a long time before I could reconcile myself to it.

But how far will the ardency of desire prompt us on? For notwithstanding the many disputes and perplexities I had with myself, I at length resolved, right or wrong, to get one of these savages into my hands, cost what it would, or even though I should lose my life in the attempt. Inspired with this firm resolution, I set all my wits at work, to find out what methods I should take to answer my design: this, indeed, was so difficult a task, that I could not pitch upon any probable means to execute it: I, therefore, resolved continually to be in a vigilant posture, to perceive when the savages came on shore and to leave the rest to the event, let the opportunities offer as they would.

Such was my fixed resolutions; and accordingly I set myself upon the scout, as often as I could, till such time as I was heartily tired of it. I waited for above a year and a half, the greatest part of which I went out to the west, and south-west corner of the island, almost every day, to look for canoes, but none appeared. This was a very great discouragement; yet, though I was very much concerned, the edge of my design was as keen as ever, and the longer it seemed to be delayed, the more eager was I for it: in a word, I never before was so careful to shun the loathing sight of these savages, as I was now eager to be with them; and I thought myself sufficiently able to manage one, two, or three savages if I had them, so as to make them my entire slaves, to do whatsoever I should direct them, and prevent their being able at any time to do me any mischief. Many times did I used to please myself with these thoughts, with long and ardent expectations; but nothing presenting, all my deep projected schemes and numerous fancies vanished away, as though, while I retained such thoughts, the decrees of Providence was such, that no savages were to come near me.

About a year and a half after, when I was seriously musing of sundry other ways how I should attain my end, one morning early I was very much surprised by seeing no less than five canoes all on shore together, on my side the island, and the savages that belonged to them all landed, and out of my sight. Such a number of them disconcerted all my measures; for, seeing so many boats, each of which would contain six, and sometimes more, I could not tell what to think of it, or how to order my measures, to attack twenty or thirty men single-handed; upon which, much dispirited and perplexed, I lay still in my castle; which, however, I put in a proper posture for an attack: and, having formerly provided all that was necessary, was soon ready to enter upon an engagement, should they attempt. Having waited for some time, my impatient temper would let me bear it no longer; I set my guns at the foot of my ladder, and, as usual, ascended up to the top of the hill at two stages, standing, however, in such a manner, that my head did not appear above the hill, so that they could easily perceive me; and here, by the assistance of my perspective glass, I observed no less than thirty in number around a fire, feasting upon what meat they had dressed: how they cooked it, or what it was, I could not then perfectly tell; but they were all dancing and capering about the flames, using many frightful and barbarous gestures.

But while, with a curious eye, I was beholding these wretches, my spirits sunk within me, when I perceived them drag two miserable creatures from the boats, to act afresh the dreadful tragedy, as I supposed they had done before. It was not long before one of them fell upon the ground, knocked down, as I suppose, with a club or wooden sword, for that was their manner; while two or three others went immediately to work, cutting him open for their cookery, and then fell to devour him as they had done the former, while the last unhappy captive was left by himself, till such time as they were ready for him. The poor creature looked round him with a wishful eye, trembling at the thoughts of death; yet, seeing himself a little at liberty, nature, that very moment, as it were, inspired him with hopes of life: He started away from them, and ran, with incredible swiftness along the sands, directly to that part of the coast where my ancient and venerable castle stood.

You may well imagine, I was dreadfully affrighted upon this occasion, when, as I thought, they pursued him in a whole body, all running towards my palace. And now, indeed, I expected that part of my dream was going to be fulfilled, and that he would certainly fly to my grove for protection; but, for the rest of my dream, I could depend nothing on it; that the savages would pursue him thither, and find him there. However my spirits, beginning to recover, I still kept upon my guard; and I now plainly perceived, there were but three men out of the number that pursued him. I was infinitely pleased with what swiftness the poor creature ran from his pursuers, gaining so much ground upon them, that I plainly perceived, could he thus hold out for half an hour, there was not the least doubt but he would save his life from the power of his enemies.

Between them and my castle there was a creek, that very same which I sailed into with all my effects from the wreck of the ship on the steep banks of which I very much feared the poor victim would be taken, if he could not swim for his escape: but soon was I out of pain for him, when I perceived he made nothing of it, though at full tide, but with an intrepid courage, spurred on by the sense of danger, he plunged into the flood, swimming over in about thirty strokes, and then landing, ran with the same incredible strength and swiftness as before. When the three pursuers came to the creek, one of them, who I perceived could not swim, happily for his part, returned to his company, while the others, with equal courage, but much less swiftness attained the other side, as though they were resolved never to give over the pursuit. And now or or never I thought was the time for me to procure me a servant, companion, or assistant; and that I was decreed by Providence to be the instrument to save this poor creature's life. I immediately descended my two ladders with the greatest expedition: I took up my two guns, which, I said before, were at the bottom of them, and getting up again with the same haste towards the hill, I made nearer the sea. In a word, taking a short cut down the hill, I interposed between the pursuers and pursued, hallooing aloud to the latter, who, venturing to look back, was, no doubt, as much terrified at me as I at them. I beckoned to him with my hand, to return back, in the mean time advancing towards the pursuers, and rushing on the foremost, I knocked him down with the stock of my piece, and laid him flat on the ground. I was very unwilling to fire lest the rest should hear, though at a distance, I question whether they could or no; and being out of sight of the smoke, they could not easily have known what to make of it. The other savage seeing his fellow fall, stopped as if he had been amazed; when advancing towards him, I could perceive him take his bow from his back, and, fixing and arrow to it, was preparing to shoot at me, and, without dispute, might have lodged the arrow in my breast; but, in this absolutely necessary case of self preservation, I immediately fired at him, and shot him dead, just as his hand was going to draw the fatal string. All this while, the savage who had fled before stood still, and had the satisfaction to see his enemies killed, as he thought, who designed to take away his life; so affrighted was he with the fire and noise of my piece, that he stood as it were like Lot's wife, fixed and immoveable, without either sense or motion. This obliged me to halloo to him again, making the plainest signs I could to him to draw nearer. I perceived he understood those tokens by his approaching to me a little way, when, as is afraid I should kill him too, he stopped again. Several times did he advance, as often stop in this manner, till coming more, to my view, I perceived him trembling, as if he was to undergo the same fate. Upon which I looked upon him with a smiling countenance, and still beckoning to him, at length he came close to me and kneeled down, kissed my hand, laid his head upon it, and taking me by the foot, placed it upon his head; and this, as I understood afterwards, was in token of swearing to be my slave for ever. I took him up, and,

making much of him, encouraged him in the best manner I could. But my work was not yet finished; for I perceived the savage whom I knocked down, was not killed, but stunned with the blow, and began to come to himself, Upon which I pointed to my new servant, and shewed him that his enemy was not yet expired, he spoke some words to me, but which I could not understand; yet being the first sound of a man's voice I had heard for above twenty-five years, they were very pleasing to me. But there was no time for reflection now, the wounded savage recovering himself so far as to sit upon the ground, which made my poor prisoner as much afraid as before; to put him out of which fear, I presented my other gun at the man, with an intent to shoot him; but my savage, for so I must now call him, prevented my firing, by making a motion to me, to lend him my sword, which hung naked in my belt by my side. No sooner did I grant his request, but away he runs to his enemy, and at one blow cut off his head as dextrously as the most accomplished executioner in Germany could have done; for, it seems, these creatures make use of wooden swords made of hard wood which will bear edge enough to cut off heads and arms at one blow. When this valorous exploit was done, he comes to me laughing, as a token of triumph, delivered me my sword again, with abundance of suprising gestures, laying it, along with the bleeding and ghastly head of the Indian, at my feet.

The greatest astonishment that my new servant conceived was the manner of killing the savage at such a distance, without a bow and arrow; and such was his longing desire to know it, that he first pointed to the dead carcase, and then made signs to me to grant him leave to go up to him. Upon which I bid him go, and, as well as I could, made him sensible I granted his request. But when he came there, how wonderfully was he struck with amazement! First, he turned him on one side, then on another, wondering he could perceive no quantity of blood, he bleeding inwardly; and after sufficiently admiring the wound the bullet had made in his breast, he took up his bow and arrows, and came back again; upon which I turned to go away, making signs to him to follow, left the rest missing their companions, might come in pursuit of them, and this I found he understood very well, by his making me understand that his design was to bury them, that they might not be seen if it happened; and which by signs again I made him sensible I very much approved of. Immediately he fell to work, and never was a grave-digger more dextrous in the world than he was; for in an instant, as I might say, he scraped a large hole in the sand with his hands, sufficient to bury the first in; there he dragged him; and without any ceremony he covered him over; in like manner he saved the other; so that I am sure no undertaker could be more expert in his business, for all this was done in less than a quarter of an hour. I then called him away, and instead of carrying him directly to my castle at first, I conveyed him to my cave on the farther part of the island; and so my dream was now fulfilled in that particular, that my grove should prove an asylum or sanctuary to him.

Weary and faint, hungry and thirsty, undoubtedly must this poor creature be, supported chiefly by the vivacity of spirit, and, uncommon transports of joy that his deliverance occasioned. Here I gave him bread and a bunch of raisins to eat, and water to drink, on which he fed very cheerfully, to his exceeding refreshment. I then made him a convenient bed with a parcel of rice straw, and a blanket upon it, (a bed which I used myself sometimes) and then pointing to it, made signs for him to lie down to sleep, upon which the poor creature went to take a welcome repose.

Indeed he was a very comely, handsome, young fellow, extremely well made, with straight long limbs, not two large, but tall and well shaped, and, as near as I could reckon, about twenty-six years of age. His countenance had nothing in it fierce or surly, but rather a sort of majesty in his face; and yet, especially when he smiled, he had all the sweetness and softness of an European. His hair was not curled like wool, as many of the blacks are, but long and black, with the most beautiful, yet careless tresses spreading over his shoulders. He had a very high and large forehead, with a great vivacity and sparkling sharpness in his eyes. His skin was not so tawney, as the Virginians, Brazilians, or other Americans; but rather of a bright dun, olive colour, that had something agreeable in it, though not very easy to give a description of. His face was round and plump, with a small nose, very different from the flatness of the negroes, a pretty small mouth, thin lips, fine teeth, very well set, and white as the driven snow. In a word, such handsome features, and exact symmetry in every part, made me consider that I had saved the life of an Indian prince, no less graceful and accomplished than the great Oroonoko whose memorable behavior and unhappy contingencies of life have charmed the world, both to admiration of his person, and compassion to his sufferings.

But let him be either prince or peasant, all my happiness centered in this, that I had now got a good servant or companion, to whom, as he deserved, I was resolved to prove a kind master and a lasting friend. He had not, I think, slept above an hour when he awakened again, and while I was milking my goats hard by, out he runs from the cave towards me in my inclosure, and laying himself down on the ground, in the lowest prostration, made all the antic gestures imaginable, to express his thankfulness to me for being his deliverer. I confess though the manner of his behaviour seemed to be ludicrous enough to occasion, laughter, yet I was very much moved at his affection, so that my heart melted within me, fearing he might die away in excess of joy, like reprieved malefactors, especially as I was incapable either to let him blood, or administer physic. It were to be wished, that Christians would take example by this Heathen, to have received by the kind mediation and powerful interposition of their benefactors and deliverers; and it would be likewise happy for mankind, were there no occasion to blame many, who, instead of thankfully acknowledging favours and benefits, rather abuse and condemn those who have been the instruments to save them from destruction.

But, leaving these just reflections, I return to the object that occasioned them; for my man, to conclude the last ceremony of obedience, laid down his head again on the ground, close to my foot, and set my other foot upon is head, as he had done before, making all the signs of subjection, servitude, and submission imaginable, and let me understand he would serve me as long as his life endured. As I understood him in many things, I made him sensible I was very well pleased with him; and, in a little time, I began to speak to him, and learn him to talk to me again. In the first place, I made him understand his name was to be Friday, because it was upon that day I saved his life; then I taught him to say Master, which I made him sensible was to be my name. I likewise taught him to say Yes and No, and to know what they meant. I gave him some milk in an earthen pot, making him view me while I drank it before him, and soaked my bread in it; I gave him a cake of bread, and caused him to soak it likewise, to which he readily consented, making signs of the greatest satisfaction imaginable.

All that night did I keep him there; but no sooner did the morning light appear, when I ordered him to arise, and come along with me, with certain tokens that I would give him some clothes like mine, at which he seemed very glad, being stark naked, without the least covering whatever. As we passed by the place where the two men had been interred, my man pointed directly to their graves, showing me the marks that he had made to find them again, giving me to understand, by signs, that we should dig them up, and devour them. At this I appeared extremely displeased, expressed my utmost abhorrence, as if I would vomit at the apprehensions of it, beckoning with my hand to come away, which he did with the greatest reverence and submission. After this I conducted him to the top of the hill, to view if the rest of the savages were yet remaining there; but when I looked through my perspective glass, I could see no appearance of them, nor of their canoes; so that it was evident they never minded their deceased companions whom we had slain: which if they had, they would surely have searched for, or left one boat behind for them to follow, after they returned from their pursuit.

Curiosity, and a desire of satisfaction, animating me with courage to see this scene of barbarity, I took my man Friday with me, putting a sword into his hand, with the bow and arrows at his back, which I perceived he could use very dexterously, causing him to carry one gun for me, and I two for myself; and thus equipped against all attacks, away we marched directly to the place of their bloody entertainment. But when I came there, I was struck with the utmost horror at so dreadful a spectacle, whilst Friday was no way concerned about it, being no doubt in his turn one of these devourers. Here lay several human bones, there several pieces of mangled flesh, half eaten, mangled, and scorched, whilst streams of blood ran promiscuously as waters from a fountain. As I was musing on this dreadful sight, Friday took all the pains he could, by particular signs, to make me understand, that they had brought over four prisoners to feast upon, three of whom they had eaten up, and that he was the fourth, pointing to himself; that there having been a bloody battle between them and his great king, in the just defence of whom he was taken prisoner, with many others; all of these were carried off to different places to be devoured by their conquerors; and that it was his misfortune to be brought hither by these wretches for the same purpose.

After I was made sensible of these things, I caused Friday to gather those horrid remains, and lay them together upon a heap, which I ordered to be set on fire, and burnt them to ashes: My man, however, still retained the nature of a cannibal, having a hankering stomach after some of the flesh; but such an extreme abhorrence did I express at the least appearance of it, that he durst not but conceal it; for I made him very sensible, that if he offered any such thing, I would certainly shoot him.

This being done, I carried my man with me to my castle, and gave him a pair of linen drawers, which I had taken out of the poor gunner's chest before mentioned; and which, with a little alteration, fitted him very well; in the next place I made him a jerkin of goat's skin, such as my skill was able to manage, and indeed I thought myself then a tolerable good tailor. I gave him also a cap which I made of a hare's skin, very convenient and fashionable. Thus being clothed tolerably well, my man was no less proud of his habit, than I was at seeing him in it. Indeed he went very aukwardly at first, the drawers being too heavy on his thighs not used to bear any weight, and the sleeves of the waistcoat galled his shoulders and the inside of his arms; but by a little easing where he complained they hurt him, and by using himself to them, at length he took to them very well.

My next concern was, where I should lodge him; and that I might do well by him, and yet be perfectly easy myself, I erected a tent for him in the vacant place between my two fortifications, in the inside of the last, and the outside of the first; and, as there was an entrance or door into my cave, I made a formal framed door-case, and a door to open on the inside; I barred it up in the night time, taking in my ladders too, so that, was my man to prove treacherous, there could be no way to come at me in the inside of my innermost wall, without making so much noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; for my first wall had now a complete roof over it of long poles, spreading over my tent, and leaning up to the side of the mountain, which was again laid cross with smaller sticks instead of laths, and thatched over a great thickness with the rice straw, which was as strong as reeds; and at the hole of the place, left on purpose to go in or out by the ladder, had placed a kind of trap-door, which, if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have opened at all, but have fallen down, and made a great noise; and as to my weapons, every night I took them all to my bed side.

Ilmumiskuupäev Litres'is:
28 september 2017
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