Loe raamatut: «The Best Short Stories of 1917, and the Yearbook of the American Short Story», lehekülg 36



The following table includes the averages of American periodicals published during 1917. One, two, and three asterisks are employed to indicate relative distinction. "Three-asterisk stories" are of somewhat permanent literary value. The list excludes reprints.

The following tables indicate the rank, during 1917, by number and percentage of distinctive stories published, of the nineteen periodicals coming within the scope of my examination which have published during the past year over twenty-five stories and which have exceeded an average of 15% in stories of distinction. The lists exclude reprints.

The following periodicals have published during 1917 ten or more "two-asterisk stories." The list excludes reprints. Periodicals represented in this list during 1915 as well are indicated by an asterisk. Periodicals represented in this list during 1916 are indicated by a dagger.

The following periodicals have published during 1917 five or more "three-asterisk stories." The list excludes reprints. Periodicals represented in this list during 1915 as well are indicated by an asterisk. Periodicals represented in this list during 1916 are indicated by a dagger.

Ties in the above lists have been decided by taking relative rank in other lists into account.


All short stories published in the following magazines and newspapers during 1917 are indexed.

American Magazine

Atlantic Monthly



Boston Evening Transcript


Collier's Weekly

Current Opinion


Everybody's Magazine

Every Week


Harper's Magazine

Illustrated Sunday Magazine

Ladies' Home Journal

Little Review (except Oct.)

Masses (Jan.-Sept.)

McClure's Magazine



New Republic

New York Tribune


Pictorial Review



Reedy's Mirror

Russian Review (Jan.-July)

Saturday Evening Post

Scribner's Magazine

Seven Arts

Stratford Journal

Sunset Magazine


Yale Review

The October and November issues of the Masses are not listed, as they were not procurable through ordinary channels. The October issue of the Russian Review was not yet published when this book went to press. The October issue of the Little Review was withdrawn from circulation before it could come to my notice.

Short stories, of distinction only, published in the following magazines and newspapers during 1917 are indexed.

Black Cat

Boston Herald



Good Housekeeping

Harper's Bazar

Hearst's Magazine

Live Stories

McCall's Magazine


Munsey's Magazine


Pearson's Magazine

Short Stories

Smart Set

Snappy Stories

Southern Woman's Magazine

To-day's Housewife

Woman's Home Companion

Youth's Companion

Certain stories of distinction published in the following magazines and newspapers during 1917 are indexed, because they have been called to my attention by authors or readers.

All-Story Weekly

Art World

Ainslee's Magazine

Dernier Cri

Detective Story Magazine

Los Angeles Times

Queen's Work

Saucy Stories

Top-Notch Magazine

Woman's World

Young's Magazine

The Red Book Magazine is not represented in these lists, in deference to the wishes of its editor, who sent me the following telegram: "We prefer not to be listed."

One, two, or three asterisks are prefixed to the titles of stories to indicate distinction. Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of a story, and entitle it to a place on the annual "Rolls of Honor." An asterisk before the name of an author indicates that he is not an American.

The following abbreviations are used in the index:—


Abbott, Frances C.

**Memorial Window, The. Del. Nov.
Mrs. Bodkin's Début. Del. June.

*Abdullah, Achmed. (Achmend Abdullah Nadir Khan el-Durani

el-Iddrissyeh.) ("A. A. Nadir.") (1881- .)

(See 1915 and 1916.)

(See also Uzzell, Thomas H., and Abdullah,


*As He Reaped. Ain. July.
*Consider the Oath of M'Taga. All. March 10.
*Disappointment. All. May 19.
*East or West? Top-Notch. April 15.
*Five-Dollar Gold-Piece, The. Sn. St. Dec. 18.
**Gamut, The. S. S. Dec.
**Gentlemen of the Old Régime, A. S. S. Feb.
*Guerdon, The. S. S. Feb.
**Home-Coming, The. Harp. M. May.
**Letter, The. S. S. Jan.
**Silence. All. April 21.

Adams, Katharine.

*"Silent Brown." So. Wo. M. Oct.

Adams, Minnie Barbour. (See 1916.)

*Half a Boy. Pict. R. Sept.

Adams, Samuel Hopkins. (1871- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Letter to Nowhere, A. E. W. Feb. 12.
*Little Red Doctor of Our Square, The. Col Aug. 25.
*Meanest Man in Our Square, The. Col. March 24.
*Paula of the Housetop. Col. July 7.
*Room "12 A." Ev. Nov.

"Wamble: His Day Out." Col. Jan. 13.

Adler, Henry.

Coward, The. Pag. Sept.

*Aicard, Jean. (1848- .)

*Mariette's Gift. N. Y. Trib. Feb. 18.

Alexander, Mary.

Ashamed of Her Parents. Del. Nov.
Girl Who Is Not Popular, The. Del. May.
How Can I Meet the Right Sort of Men? Del. March.
Out of Touch With Life. Del. Oct.
Too Sure of Herself. Del. July.
When She Runs After the Boys. Del. Aug.

Allen, Frederick Lewis. (See 1915.)

Big Game. Cen. March.
Fixing Up the Balkans. Cen. May.
Small Talk. Cen. Feb.

Allen, Loraine Anderson.

**Going of Agnes, The. Touch. Sept.

Allendorf, Anna Stahl.

*Dallying of Celia May, The. G. H. July.
**Leavening of St. Rupert, The. G. H. June.

"Amid, John." (M. M. Stearns.) (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Alone. Det. Sept. 25.

*Busted Poor. All. Dec. 8.
Freeze, The. Mid. Aug.
*Interlude. Young. April.
*Prem Singh. Bel. Dec. 1.
***Professor, A. Mid. Nov.
Strachan's Hindu. Bel. Oct. 27.

Anderson, Sherwood. (See 1915 and 1916.)

***"Mother." Sev. A. March.
***Thinker, The. Sev. A. Sept.
***Untold Lie, The. Sev. A. Jan.

Anderson, William Ashley. (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Unwrit Dogma, The. Ev. Dec.

Andrade, Cipriano, Jr.

*Applied Hydraulics. S. E. P. Aug. 25.

Andres, Mary Raymond Shipman. (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Blood Brothers. Scr. May.
***Return of K. of K., The. McC. March.
*Russian, The. Milestones. Oct.

*Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich. (1871- .) (See 1916.)

***Lazarus. Strat. J. June.


Apparition, The. N. Y. Trib. Nov. 11.
Coeur de Lion. N. Y. Trib. July 22.
***Evocation, The. N. Y. Trib. April 22.
Eyes of the Soul, The. N. Y. Trib. Feb. 25.
Fools. Mir. Sept. 28.
***"Huppdiwupp." Lit. R. Jan.
*Pipe, The. N. Y. Trib. Nov. 4.
**Poilu's Dream on Christmas Eve, The. B. Her. Dec. 23.
*Rendezvous, The. N. Y. Trib. Sept. 30.
**Slacker with a Soul, A. N. Y. Trib. Sept. 16.
*Spirit of Alsace, The. N. Y. Trib. May 6.
*Voice of the Church Bell, The. N. Y. Trib. Oct. 21.
War Against War. McC. April-May.
When Lulu Made Trouble. Mir. May 18.

Arbuckle, Mary.

Freedom and Robbie May. Sun. Nov.

Armstrong, William.

Cupid in High Finance. Del. Sept.

Ashe, Elizabeth. (See 1915.)

*Appraisement. Atl. March.

*Assis, Machado de. (1839-1908.) (See 1916.)

**Attendant's Confession, The. (R.) Strat. J. Dec.

Auernheimer, Raoul. (1876- .)

*Demonstrating That War Is War. N. Y. Trib. Jan. 28.

*Aumonier, Stacy. (See 1915 and 1916.)

***In the Way of Business. Pict. R. March.
***Packet, The. Col. May 26.
***"Them Others." Cen. Aug.

Austin, F. Britten. (See 1915.)

**Zu Befehl! S. E. P. Dec. 1.


Babcock, Edwina Stanton. (See 1916.)

***Excursion, The. Pict. R. Oct.

Bacon, Josephine Daskam. (1876- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Comrades in Arms. S. E. P. Oct. 27.
*Entrances and Exits. Del. Oct.
Ghost of Rosy Taylor, The. S. E. P. Nov. 17.
*Magic Casements. Del. Nov.
Square Peggy. S. E. P. Dec. 22.
*Year of Cousin Quartus, A. Del. Feb.

Bailey (Irene) Temple. (See 1915.)

*Red Candle, The. Scr. Dec.

Baker, Katharine. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Fifty-Cent Kind, The. Atl. April.

Ball, William David.

Man Who Paid, The. E. W. April 2.

Balmer, Edwin. (1883- .) (See 1915.)

Madcap. Col. Jan. 27.
S. Orton, Stockholder. E. W. May 28.
Telegraph Trail, The. Col. March 17.
Thing That He Did, The. L. H. J. Jan.
With Sealed Hood. Col. Sept. 22.

Banks, Helen Ward.

*Mrs. Pepper Passes. Y. C. April 5.

*Barbusse, Henri.

**Paradis Polishes the Boots. (R.) C. O. Dec.

Barnard, Floy Tolbert. (1879- .) (See 1916.)

***Surprise in Perspective, A. Harp. M. April.

Barry, Richard. (1881- .)

Legacy, The. Del. March.

Bartlett, Frederick Orin. (1876- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Time to Go to Newport. E. W. July 23.

Bartley, Nalbro.

Benedict & Company. S. E. P. Oct. 13.
Briggles "Goes West." S. E. P. March 10.
Have a Heart! S. E. P. April 7.
Reel True. S. E. P. Nov. 10.
Total Bewitcher, The. S. E. P. June 16.
Town Mouse, The. S. E. P. April 21.

Bassett, Willard Kenneth.

*End of the Line, The. S. S. Oct.

Bates, Sylvia Chatfield. (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Let Nothing You Dismay. W. H. C. Dec.
*Light from the Holy Hill. Wom. W. Dec.

*Bazin, René. (1853- .)

***Mathurine's Eyes. Strat. J. March.

Beach, Roy.

Cline's Injunction. Sun. April.

Beatty, Jerome.

"Attaboy!" McC. March.
Gee-Whiz Guy, The. McC. Aug.
"Take 'Im Out!" McC. May.

Bechdolt, Frederick R.

Pecos Kid, The. Col. Jan. 6.

Bechdolt, Jack.

Black Widow's Mercy, The. (R.) Mir. Feb. 16.

Beer, Thomas. (1889- .)

***Brothers, The. Cen. Feb.
***Onnie. Cen. May.
**Rescuer, The. S. E. P. Aug. 11.

Behrman, S. N.

**Coming of the Lord, The. Touch. Oct.
**Song of Ariel. Sev. A. May.

*Beith, Ian Hay. (See "Hay, Ian.")

*Bell, J(ohn) J(oy). (1871- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Wanted—A Pussy-Mew. Bel. March 3.

Bell, Lilian (Lida). (1867- .)

Mrs. Galloway Goes Shopping. Del. Sept.
Mrs. Galloway Tries to Reduce. Del. Nov.

Benefield, Barry. (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Simply Sugar Pie. (R.) I. S. M. April 29.

Benét, William Rose. (1886- .)

But Once a Year. Cen. Dec.

Bennet-Thompson, Lillian. (See Thompson, Lillian Bennet-.)

*Benson, Edward Frederic. (1867- .)

*"Through." Cen. July.

Benson, Ramsey. (1866- .)

*Shad's Windfall. B. C. March.

*Beresford, John Davys. (1873- .) (See 1916.)

***Escape, The. Sev. A. Feb.
***Little Town, The. Sev. A. June.
***Powers of the Air. Sev. A. Oct.

Berry, John. (See 1916.)

*Clod, The. B. C. April.

Betts, Thomas Jeffries. (See 1916.)

**Alone. Scr. May.

Biggers, Earl Derr. (1884- .) (See 1916.)

Each According to His Gifts. S. E. P. April 14.
Same Old Circle. S. E. P. April 7.
Soap and Sophocles. McC. July.

*"Birmingham, George A." (Canon James O. Hannay.) (1865- .) (See 1915.)

*Von Edelstein's Mistake. McC. Nov.

Blair, Gertrude.

Water-Witch, The. Scr. May.

Bledsoe, Joe.

*Fuzz. B. C. May.

Blythe, Samuel G.

Der Tag for Us. S. E. P. Dec. 22.

Boggs, Russell A.

Boomer from the West, The. S. E. P. April 28.

Booth, Frederick. (See 1916.)

**Cloud-Ring, The. Sev. A. April.

Bottome, Phyllis. (See 1916.)

***"Ironstone." Cen. March.

Bourne, Randolph.

*Ernest, or Parent for a Day. Atl. June.

*Boutet, Frederic.

*Convalescent's Return, The. N. Y. Trib. Dec. 30.
***Medallion, The. N. Y. Trib. Oct. 28.
*Messenger, The. N. Y. Trib. Aug. 12.
*Promise, The. N. Y. Trib. Sept. 2.

Bower, B. M., and Connor, Buck. (See 1916.)

Go-Between, The. McC. March.
Red Ride, The. McC. May.

Boyer, Wilbur S.

*Bum Throwers. Ev. June.

*Getting Even with Geo'gia. Ev. April.
*One Week of Kelly. Ev. March.
*There's Many a Slip. Ev. Nov.

*Boyes, Dan.

Lilium Giganteum. (R.) Mir. Feb. 16.

Boykin, Nancy Gunter.

*Christmas Medley, A. Met. Jan.
Leavings. E. W. Dec. 3.
Retta Rosemary. E. W. July 16.

Brady, Elizabeth.

*Ladislav Saves the Day. Q. W. Nov.

Brady, Mariel. (See 1916.)

Thermopylæ. Bel. Oct. 6.

Braley, Berton. (See 1915.)

Stuff of Dreams, The. Del. Aug.

*Braz, Anatole Le. (See Le Braz, Anatole.)

"Breck, John." (Elizabeth C. A. Smith.)

***From Hungary. Bookman. Dec.
**Man Who was Afraid, The. Ev. Sept.

Brooks, Alden. (See 1916.)

**Man From America, The. Cen. July.
***Three Slavs, The. Col. May 5.

Brown, Alice. (1857- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Flying Teuton, The. Harp. M. Aug.
***Nemesis, Harp. M. April.
*Preaching Peony, The. Harp. M. June.

Brown, Bernice.

**Last of the Line, The. E. W. Nov. 5.

Brown, Katharine Holland. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Millicent: Maker of History. Scr. June.
**On a Brief Text from Isaiah. Scr. Feb.

Brown, Marion Francis.

*Husks and Hawthorn. So. Wo. M. Aug.

Brown, Phyllis Wyatt. (Phyllis Wyatt.) (See 1916.)

*Checked Trousers, The. Masses. June.
*Extra Chop, The. Cen. Oct.

Brown, Royal.

*Seventy Times Seven. McCall. April.

Brownell, Agnes Mary.

*Fifer, The. Y. C. June 28.

Brubaker, Howard. (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Baby's Place, A. Harp. M. Jan.

Cabbages and Queens. Harp. M. Aug.

Greeks Bearing Gifts. Harp. M. Nov.
*Ranny and the Higher Life. Harp. M. June.

Bruckman, Clyde A. (See 1916.)

Joe Gum. S. E. P. May 5.

Bryson, Lyman. (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Under a Roof. Mid. July.

Bulger, Bozeman. (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Heart of the System, The. S. E. P. Jan. 6.
Queen's Mistake, The. S. E. P. March 3.
*Skin Deep. Ev. March.

Bunner, Anne.

Road to Arcady, The. Ev. July.

Burnet, Dana. (1888- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Christmas Fight of X 157. L. H. J. Dec.
*Dub, The. S. E. P. March 17.

***Fog. (R.) I. S. M. April 1.

Genevieve and Alonzo. L. H. J. March.
**Sadie Goes to Heaven. G. H. Aug.
**Sponge, The. Am. Jan.

Burnett, Frances Hodgson. (1849- .) (See 1915.)

**White People, The. Harp. M. Dec., '16-Jan., '17.

*Burrow, C. Kennett.

*Café de la Paix, The. (R.) Mir. Sept 21.

Burt, Jean Brooke.

Way of the West, The. Sun. June.

Burt, Maxwell Struthers. (1882- .) (See 1915.)

***Closed Doors. Scr. Nov.
***Cup of Tea, A. Scr. July.
***Glory of the Wild Green Earth, The. Scr. Oct.
***John O'May. Scr. Jan.
***Panache, Le. Scr. Dec.

Busbey, Katherine Graves. (1872- .)

**Senator's Son, The. Harp. M. March.

Buss, Kate (Meldram).

**Medals. Mid. May.

Butler, Ellis Parker. (1869- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Markley's "Size-Up" of Dix. Am. July.
Mutual Spurs, Limited. S. E. P. July 21.
*Red Avengers, The. Am. Jan.
*Scratch-Cat. E. W. Feb. 26.
Temporary Receiver, The. Am. Aug.
*Trouble with Martha, The. Harp. M. Dec.

**Wasted Effort. Am. May.

Buzzell, Francis. (1882- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Lonely Places. Pict. R. Dec.
***Long Vacation, The. Pict. R. Sept.

"Byrne, Donn." (Bryan Oswald Donn-Byrne.) (1888- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Day After Tomorrow. McC. Oct.
Gryphon, The. S. E. P. April 28.
*Prodigal in Utopia, The. S. E. P. Sept. 8.
**Sound of Millstones, The. S. E. P. March 24.
*Treasure Upon Earth, A. S. E. P. Nov. 3.
*Woman in the House, A. S. E. P. March 3.


*Caine, William. (See 1916.)

**Spanish Pride. Cen. Dec.

Cameron, Anne.

Sadie's Opportunity. Am. March.

Cameron, Margaret. (Margaret Cameron Lewis.) (1867- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Dolliver's Devil. Harp. M. Jan.

Camp (Charles) Wadsworth. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Veiled Woman, The. Col. Nov. 17.

Campbell, Fleta. (1886- .) (See 1915 and 1916 under Springer, Fleta Campbell.)

**Incompetent, Irrelevant, and Immaterial. Harp. M. May.
**Millward. Harp. M. Oct.
***Mistress, The. Harp. B. Oct.

Campbell, Jay.

**Jim. Scr. Feb.

Campen, Helen Van. (See Van Campen, Helen.)

Carlton, Augustus.

*Lady from Ah-high-ah, The. Mir. Aug. 31.

Carruth, Gorton Veeder.

*Chivalry at Goldenbridge. Y. C. Aug. 30.

Carver, Ada Jack. (See 1916.)

*"Joyous Coast, The." So. Wo. M. Sept.

Casey, Patrick and Terence. (See 1915.)

**Kid Brother, The. Col. May 19.

*Castle, Egerton. (1858- .)

*Guinea Smuggler, The. Bel. June 16.

Castle, Everett Rhodes.

Coats Is In. S. E. P. Nov. 17.

Dark-Brown Liquid, The. S. E. P. Dec. 8.
Harvest Gloom. S. E. P. Dec. 15.
In the Movies They Do It. S. E. P. Dec. 29.

Cather, Willa Sibert. (1875- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Gold Slipper, A. Harp. M. Jan.

Cederschiöld, Gunnar.

***Foundling, The. Col. Oct. 27.

Chamberlain, George Agnew. (1879- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Man Who Went Back, The. L. H. J. June.
Neutrality and Siamese Cats. S. E. P. June 30.

Chamberlain, Lucia.

Under Side, The. S. E. P. Aug. 11.

Chambers, Robert William. (1865- .) (See 1915.)

*Brabançonne, La. Hear. Feb.

Channing, Grace Ellery. (Grace Ellery Channing Stetson.) (1862- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Out of the Earth. S. E. P. Aug. 18.

*Chekhov, Anton. (See Tchekov, Anton Pavlovitch.)

Chenault, Fletcher.

Strategy Wins. Col. March 31.
Young Man from Texas, The. Col. June 23.

Chester, George Randolph. (1869- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Heavenly Spat, The. Ev. Jan.

Child, Richard Washburn. (1881- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Chasm, The. S. E. P. Dec. 8.
Eagle Shannon Assists Mr. Sleed. Col. May 12.
Eagle Shannon Deals a Blow at Progress. Col. June 16.
Eagle Shannon Gives a Treatment. Col. Feb. 10.
Eagle Shannon Meets the Ivory Woman. Col. April 14.
*Faith. E. W. Dec. 31.
**Forever and Ever. Pict. R. April.
God's Laugh. Col. March 17.
*Hard of Head. E. W. Jan. 22.
Her Boy. E. W. Oct. 15.
*Her Countenance. Hear. Oct.
Love Is Love. E. W. March 12.

*Chirikov, Evgeniy.

***Past, The. Rus. R. Jan.

Cleghorn, Sarah N(orcliffe). (1876- .)

***"Mr. Charles Raleigh Rawdon, Ma'am." Cen. Feb.

*Clifford, Sir Hugh. (1866- .) (See 1916.)

**"Our Trusty and Well-Beloved." Sh. St. April.

*Clifford, Mrs. W. K. (See 1915.)

Quenching, The. Scr. Jan.

Closser, Myra Jo.

**At the Gate. Cen. March.

Cloud, Virginia Woodward.

Boy Without a Name, The. Bel. June 30.
Her Arabian Night. Bel. Aug. 11.

Cobb, Irvin S(hrewsbury). (1876- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Boys Will Be Boys. S. E. P. Oct. 20.
***Cinnamon Seed and Sandy Bottom. S. E. P. June 9.
*Ex-Fightin' Billy. Pict. R. June.
***Family Tree, The. S. E. P. March 24.
*Garb of Men, The. S. E. P. Jan. 20.
*Hark! From the Tombs. S. E. P. April 14.
Kiss for Kindness, A. S. E. P. April 7.
***Quality Folks. S. E. P. Nov. 24.

Cocke, Sarah Johnson.

**Men-Fokes' Doin's. S. E. P. Oct. 27.
*Rooster and the Washpot, The. S. E. P. June 2.

Cody, Rosalie M. (See Eaton, Jacquette H., and Cody, Rosalie M.)

Cohen, Inez Lopez. (See "Lopez, Inez.")

Cohen, Octavus Roy. (1891- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) (See also Cohen, Octavus Roy, and Levison, Eric.)

**Fair Play. Col. Nov. 24.
Lot for a Life, A. E. W. Jan. 1.
Oil and Miss Watters. I. S. M. July 8.
*Partners. Col. May 5.

Cohen, Octavus Roy (1891- ), and Levison, Eric.

*Pro Patria. Ev. July.

Collamore, Edna A.

*Those Twin Easter Hats. Del. April.

Collins, Dorothy.

Honest Mind, An. Pag. March.

Colton, John.

**On the Yellow Sea. E. W. Nov. 26.

Comfort, Will Levington. (1878- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Lempke. S. E. P. Nov. 3.
*Lit Up. E. W. July 30.
*Pale Torrent, The. Touch. June.
*Plain Woman, The. S. E. P. Nov. 24.
**Respectable House, A. Touch. Aug.
*Shielding Wing, The. Hear. April.

**Woman He Loved, The. Touch. Nov.

Condon, Frank. (See 1916.)

Five, Six, Pick Up Sticks. S. E. P. Nov. 17.
Ne Coco Domo. S. E. P. April 7.
Nothing But Some Bones. Col. Oct. 20.
This Way Out. S. E. P. March 10.
Water on the Side. Col. April 28.

Connolly, James Brendan. (1868- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Breath o'Dawn. Scr. Sept.
*Bullfight, The. Col. Feb. 10.
Strategists, The. Scr. July.

Connor, Brevard Mays. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Desert Rose, The. Sun. Sept.

Connor, Buck. (See Bower, B. M., and Connor, Buck.)

Connor, Torrey.

*"Si, Señor!" Sun. March.

*"Conrad, Joseph." (Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski.) (1857- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Warrior's Soul, The. Met. Dec.

Converse, Florence. (1871- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Culprit, The. Atl. Jan.

Conway, Norman.

*Cleansing, The. Masses. June.

Cook, Mrs. George Cram. (See Glaspell, Susan.)

Cooke, Marjorie Benton. (See 1915 and 1916.)

"It Might Have Happened." Scr. April.
Morals of Peter, The. Am. Aug.

Cooper, Courtney Ryley.

*Congo. Ev. Nov.
Ship Comes In, The. Pict R. Nov.

Corbin, John. (1870- .)

Father Comes Back. Col. June 23.

Cornell, Hughes. (See 1916.)

*Holbrook Hollow. L. A. Times. June 23.

Cornish, Reynelle G. E., and Cornish, Evelyn N.

*Letter of the Law, The. Outl. July 4.

Costello, Fanny Kemble. (See Johnson, Fanny Kemble.)

Couch, Sir Arthur T. Quiller-. (See Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur T.)

Cowdery, Alice. (See 1915.)

***Robert. Harp. M. Feb.

Crabb, Arthur.

Decision, The. S. E. P. Sept. 8.

Third Woman, The. S. E. P. Sept. 15.

Crabbe, Bertha Helen. (1887- .) (See 1916.)

*Lavender Satin. Y. C. Nov. 29.
***Once in a Lifetime. Bel. April 21.

Cram, Mildred R. (See 1916.)

*Not Quite an Hour. S. S. Aug.
**Statuette, The. S. S. May.

Crawford, Charlotte Holmes. (See 1915.)

**Daughter of Nish, A. Col. Jan. 20.

Crissey, Forrest. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Pretender, The. Harp. M. May.

Curtiss, Philip Everett. (1885- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Colonel Volunteers, The. Harp. M. Oct.
Gods and Little Fishes, The. E. W. Oct. 29.
"Overture and Beginners!" S. E. P. Oct. 13.
Pioneers, The. Harp. M. Aug.

Curwood, James Oliver. (1878- .)

*Fiddling Man, The. E. W. April 16.


Daly, Alice F.

*Aunt Virginia's Box. Y. C. Nov. 22.
*Heirloom, The. Y. C. Dec. 6.

Davies, Marion.

Runaway Romany. I. S. M. Sept. 16.

Davis, J. Frank.

*Almanzar's Perfect Day. E. W. Aug. 27.
White Folks' Talk. E. W. June 25.

Davis, Jacob.

*Striker, The. Mir. July 27.

Davis, Rose B.

Bremington's Job. Sun. March.

Dawson, (Francis) Warrington. (1878- .)

**Man, The. Atl. March.

Delano, Edith Barnard. (See 1915.)

Social Folks Next Door, The. L. H. J. Nov.

*Delarue-Madrus, Lucie.

***Death of the Dead, The. Strat. J. Dec.
Godmother, The. N. Y. Trib. Sept. 23.
Godmother, The. (II.) N. Y. Trib. Oct. 14.

Derieux, Samuel A. (See 1916.)

*Destiny of Dan VI, The. Am. March.

Dickson, Harris. (1868- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Jigadier Brindle, The. Col. July 14.
*Jigadier's Drum, The. Col. Sept. 29.
*Left Hind Tail, The. Pict. R. Feb.
Redpate the Rookie. Col. July 21.
War Trailer, The. Col. Sept. 15.

Divine, Charles.

*Last Aristocrat, The. S. S. April.
*Mrs. Smythe's Artistic Crisis. S. S. March.

Dix, Beulah Marie. (Mrs. George H. Flebbe.) (1876- .)

(See 1915 and 1916.)

**One Who Stayed, The. Harp. B. Sept.

Dobie, Charles Caldwell. (1881- .) (See 1916.)

***Empty Pistol, The. Harp. M. Dec.
***Gift, The. Harp. M. Aug.
***Laughter. Harp. M. April.
***Our Dog. Pict. R. Nov.
*Sign Language, The. Harp. M. July.
**Where the Road Forked. Harp. M. June.

Dodge, Henry Irving. (See 1916.)

Skinner's Big Idea. S. E. P. Dec. 15.

Dodge, Louis.

**Wilder's Ride. Scr. Dec.

Dodge, Mabel.

***Farmhands. Sev. A. Sept.

Doring, Winfield.

Boy's Night, A. L. H. J. Jan.

Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie. (See 1915.)

*Mutter, Die. (R.) C. O. May.

Douglas, David. (See 1915.)

Casey Gets a Surprise. McC. Feb.

Dounce, Harry Esty.

**Garden of Proserpine, The. Cen. Aug.

*Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. (1859- .) (See 1916.)

**His Last Bow. Col. Sept. 22.

*"Doyle, Lynn." (Lewis A. Montgomery.)

Compulsory Service in Ballygullion. Cen. April.

Draper, John W.

*Guilleford Errant. Colon. March.

Dreiser, Theodore. (1871- .) (See 1916.)

*Married. Cos. Sept.

Driggs, Laurence La Tourette.

Battle Royal, The. Outl. Nov. 21.

Bridge on the Oise, The. Outl. Oct. 31.
My First Submarine. Outl. Nov. 7.
Strafing Jack Johnson. Outl. Dec. 5.
Zeppelin Raid over Paris, A. Outl. Oct. 17.

*Dudeney, Mrs. Henry. (1866- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Feather-bed, The. Harp. M. Oct.

Duncan, Norman. (1871-1916.) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Little Nipper o' Hide-an'-Seek Harbor, A. Pict. R. May.
*Mohammed of the Lion Heart. Del. Aug.

*Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron. (1878- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***East and West. (R.) Mir. Jan. 19.

***Gifts of the Gods, The. (R.) Mir. Oct. 5.

***How the Gods Avenged Meoul Ki Ning. S. S. Nov.

*During, Stella M.

Top Floor Front, The. I. S. M. Feb. 18.

*Dutton, Louise Elizabeth. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Paradise Alley. Met. July.
Poor Butterfly. S. E. P. Sept. 29.
When the Half-Gods Go. S. E. P. July 14.

Dwight, H(arry) Griswold. (1875- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Emperor of Elam, The. Cen. July.

Dwyer, James Francis. (1874- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Land of the Pilgrims' Pride. Col. April 28.

Dyer, Walter Alden. (1878- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Annabel's Goose. Col. Dec. 15.
Mission of McGregor, The. Col. Feb. 10.

Dyke, Catherine Van. (See Van Dyke, Catherine.)

Dyke, Henry van. (See Van Dyke, Henry.)


Eastman, Max. (1883- .) (See 1916.)

**Lover of Animals, A. Masses. April.

Eaton, Jacquette H., and Cody, Rosalie M.

*Thankful. Y. C. Nov. 22.

Eaton, Walter Prichard. (1878- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Altitude. E. W. Sept. 24.
White-Topped Boots, The. E. W. May 21.

*Echegaray, José.

*Birth of the Flowers, The. (R.) C. O. Jan.

Edgar, Randolph. (See 1916.)

**Iron. Bel. May 26.

Edgelow, Thomas. (See 1916.)

Whimsical Tenderness, A. Scr. April.

Ellerbe, Alma Estabrook. (See 1915 under Estabrook, Alma Martin.)

*Brock. Touch. July.

Ellerbe, Rose L.

*Peasant's Revolt, A. Pear. Nov.

Evans, Ida May. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Brew of Ashes. McC. April.
End of a Perfect Day, The. Col. Sept. 1.
Great Little Old Understander, A. S. E. P. Oct. 20.
Ideal of His Dreams, The. S. E. P. March 10.
Kimonos and Pink Chiffon. McC. Dec.

Leaves of Graft. S. E. P. April 7.

Whither Thou Goest. S. E. P. May 26.
You Never Can Tell What a Minister's Son Will Do. S. E. P. Aug. 25.

*"Eye-witness." (See Swinton, Lieut.-Col. E. D.)


*Farjeon, J. Jefferson.

*Sixpence. (R.) Mir. Dec. 14.

*Farnol, Jeffery.

*Absentee, The. Wom. W. June.

Fawcett, Margaret.

Pursuit of Peter, The. Met. June.

Ferber, Edna. (1887- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Cheerful—By Request. Col. Nov. 24.
***Gay Old Dog, The. Met. Oct.

Ferris, Eleanor. (See 1915.)

*Coup de Grâce. Cen. Oct.

Ferris, Elmer Ellsworth. (1861- .) (See 1915.)

*Helping Out Olaf. Am. April.

Ferris, Walter. (See 1916.)

Matter of Quality, A. Ev. Sept.

Finn, Mary M.

Bentley's Adventure in New York. Am. Sept.

Flower, Elliott. (1863- .) (See 1915.)

*Point of View, The. Harp. M. Aug.

Folsom, Elizabeth Irons. (1876- .) (See 1916.)

***Kamerad. Touch. Oct.

**When the Devil Drives. Pag. July-Aug.

Ford, Sewell. (1868- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

All the Way with Anna. E. W. Nov. 12.
And Wilt Thou, Torchy? E. W. Jan. 15.
At the Turn with Wilfred. E. W. Nov. 19.
Back with Clara Belle. E. W. July 9.
Carry-On for Clara, A. E. W. Oct. 22.
Even Break with Bradley, An. E. W. Jan. 29.
Flicketty One Looks On, A. E. W. Jan. 1.
Little Sully's Double Play. E. W. June 11.
On the Gate with Waldo. E. W. Aug. 6.
Qualifying Turn for Torchy, A. E. W. April 30.
Recruit for the Eight-Three, A. E. W. May 28.
Ringer from Bedelia, A. E. W. Aug. 20.
Showing Up Brick Hartley. E. W. Feb. 26.
Switching Arts on Leon. E. W. May 14.
Time Out for Joan. E. W. March 26.
Torchy and Vee on the Way. E. W. Feb. 12.
Torchy in the Gazinkus Class. E. W. June 25.
Vee Goes Over the Top. E. W. Dec. 10.
Vee with Variations. E. W. March 12.
When Torchy Got the Call. E. W. July 23.
Where Herm Belonged to Be. E. W. April 16.

Foster, Maximilian. (1872- .) (See 1915.)

Dollar Bill, The. S. E. P. June 16.
Fifi. S. E. P. July 7.
Last Throw, The. S. E. P. Feb. 24.
*Wraiths. S. E. P. April 7.

Fox, Edward Lyell. (1887- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Man and the Other Man, The. I. S. M. March 18.

Fox, John (William), Jr. (1863- .)

*Angel from Viper, The. Scr. May.
*Battle-Prayer of Parson Small, The. Scr. April.
*Compact of Christopher, The. Scr. Feb.
*Courtship of Allaphair, The. Scr. Jan.
*Goddess of Happy Valley, The. Scr. Oct.
**Lord's Own Level, The. Scr. March.
*Marquise of Queensberry, The. Scr. Sept.
*Pope of the Big Sandy, The. Scr. June.

Fox, Paul Hervey.

**Remembered Hour, The. Bel. June 2.

Frank, Waldo. (1890- .) (See 1916.)

***Bread-Crumbs. Sev. A. May.
***Candles of Romance, The. S. S. Feb.

***Rudd. Sev. A. Aug.

Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins-. (1862- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Boomerang, The. Pict. R. March.
Both Cheeks. S. E. P. Nov. 17.
***Cloak Also, The. Harp. M. March.

**Cross Purposes. (R.) I. S. M. Nov. 25.

*Liar, The. Harp. M. Nov.
***Ring with the Green Stone, The. Harp. M. Feb.
*Thanksgiving Crossroads. W. H. C. Nov.

*Freksa, Friedrich. (1882- .)

*"Le Châtelet de Madame." N. Y. Trib. Jan. 14.

Fuessle, Newton A. (See 1915 and 1916.)

Legal Mind, The. Mir. Nov. 23.

Fullerton, Hugh Stewart. (See 1916.)

Bingles and Black Magic. Met. May.
Old Ambish, The. Am. July.
Runarounds, The. Col. April 14.
Severe Attack of the Gerties, A. Am. Oct.
Taking a Reef in Tadpole. Am. April.
World Series—Mex., A. Col. Oct. 13.

Futrelle, (L.) May (Peel). (Mrs. Jacques Futrelle.) (1876- .) (See 1915.)

Late Betsy Baker, The. Ev. May.


Gale, Annie G.

Out of Tophet. Sun. July.

Gale, Zona. (1874- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

*Arpeggio Courts. Harp. M. Dec.
Deal, The. E. W. Jan. 1.
*When They Knew the Real Each Other. L. H. J. May.

*Galsworthy, John. (1867- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***Defeat. Scr. Aug.
***Flotsam and Jetsam. Scr. Dec.
***Juryman, The. G. H. Sept.

Gambier, Kenyon.

Huge Black One-Eyed Man, The. S. E. P. June 23-30.

Ganoe, William Addleman.

*Ruggs—R. O. T. C. Atl. Dec.

Garrett, Garet. (1878- .)

Gold Token, The. S. E. P. Jan. 6.

Gates, Eleanor. (Mrs. Frederick Ferdinand Moore.) (1875- .)

Tomboy. S. E. P. Jan. 27.
**Waiting Soul, The. Harp. B. June.

Gatlin, Dana. (See 1915 and 1916.) (See also Gatlin, Dana, and Hately, Arthur.)

Full Measure of Devotion, The. McC. Nov.
In a Japanese Garden. McC. Jan.
Let's See What Happens Next! McC. Sept.
Lovers and Lovers. Col. March 3.
Orchids. McC. Dec.
Rosemary's Great Wish. Am. April.
*Spring Mischief. Met. April.
Where Youth Is Also. Col. March 31.
Wild Roses. McC. June.

Gatlin, Dana, and Hately, Arthur.

"Divided We Fall." McC. July.

Gaunt, Mary.

Cyclone, The. For. March-April.

Geer, Cornelia Throop.

***Pearls Before Swine. Atl. Oct.

*George, W. L. (1882- .)

***Interlude. Harp. M. Feb.

**Water. (R.) Mir. Dec. 7.

Gerould, Katharine Fullerton. (1879- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

***East of Eden. Harp. M. Dec.
***Hand of Jim Fane, The. Harp. M. Aug.
***Knight's Move, The. Atl. Feb.
***Wax Doll, The. Scr. May.
***What They Seem. Harp. M. Sept.

Gerrish, Josette.

Would-Be Free Lance, The. Met. May.

Gerry, Margarita Spalding. (1870- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Berenice's First Dance. L. H. J. April.
Flag Factory, The. L. H. J. Oct.
Her Record. Pict. R. Feb.
*Midwinter-Night's Dream, A. Harp. M. Dec.

*Gibbon, Perceval. (1879- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Plain German. S. E. P. Sept. 29.

*Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson.

***News, The. Poetry. Jan.

Giesy, J. U.

Strategy of Desperation, The. Del. Nov.

Gifford, Franklin Kent. (1861- .)

Along Came George. L. H. J. March.

Gill, Austin. (See 1916.)

Introducing the Auto to Adder Gulch. Col. Jan. 6.

Gillmore, Inez Haynes. (See Irwin, Inez Haynes.)

Glasgow, Ellen (Anderson Gholson.) (1874- .) (See 1916.)

***Dare's Gift. Harp. M. Feb.-March.

Glaspell, Susan (Keating.) (Mrs. George Cram Cook.) (1882- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

Everything You Want to Plant. E. W. Aug. 13.
***Hearing Ear, The. Harp. M. Jan.
***Jury of Her Peers, A. E. W. March 5.
***Matter of Gesture, A. McC. Aug.

Gleason, Arthur Huntington. (1878- .) (See 1915 and 1916.)

**Irishman, The. Cen. Oct.

Goetschius, Marie Louise. (See Van Saanen, Marie Louise.)

Golden, Harry.

End of the Argument, The. Sun. July.

Goldman, Raymond Leslie.