Loe raamatut: «Bartenders' Manual», lehekülg 2





FROM 1 TO 56.

1. How to attend a bar

2. How a Bartender may obtain a Situation

3. The Mutual Relations of Employer and Employee

4. Rules for Bartenders in entering on and going off duty

5. First Duty in opening a Bar-room in the morning

6. Why Bartenders should have their own Union for Protection and Association

7. Getting your Money when busy or in a rush

8. Hints about training a Boy to the business

9. Treatment of Patrons – Behaviour towards them

10. How to improve the appearance of Bar and Toilet-Rooms

11. To know how a customer desires his drink to be mixed

12. Hints from the Author

13. The Opening of a New Place

14. Having a complete Price-List

15. To keep Ants and other insects out of mixing bottles

16. Handling of Champagnes and other wines

17. Cleaning Silverware, Mirrors, etc.

18. How Corks should be drawn from wine bottles

19. Glassware for Strained Drinks

20. The Ice Box in your Basement or Cellar

21. How to handle properly Liquors in casks or bottles

22. A few remarks about Case Goods

23. A Tip to the Beginner – How to make money

24. Keeping Books in a simple manner

25. A Restaurant in connection with a Café

26. In connection with the Check System

27. Concerning the High-Proof of Liquors, Whiskies, Brandies, etc.

28. Some remarks about Mortgages

29. A few remarks about Cashing Checks

30. Rules in reference to a “Jigger”

31. A few words regarding Lager Beer

32. How Lager Beer should be drawn and served

33. About bottled Lager Beer

34. About Cleaning Beer and Ale pipes

35. Relating to Punch Bowls

36. The proper style in opening and serving Champagnes

37. Purchasing Supplies

38. Handing Bar-Spoons to Customers

39. How to keep Cellar and Store-Room

40. How to Clean Brass and other Metals

41. Keeping of Glassware

42. How to handle Ice

43. The purchase of an old Place

44. The opening of Mineral Waters

45. How Drinks should be served at tables

46. How Claret Wines should be handled

47. Treatment of Mineral Waters

48. In reference to Free Lunch

49. How to handle Ale and Porter in casks

50. Cordials, Bitters and Syrups

51. How Ale and Porter should be drawn

52. Decorating Drinks with Fruit

53. How to handle Fruits, Eggs and Milk

54. Covering Bar Fixtures with Gauze in the summer

55. Cigars sold at the bar and elsewhere

56. Last but not Least


FROM 57 TO 70.

57. Complete List of Utensils, etc. used in a Bar Room

58. List of Glassware required in a Bar Room or Café

59. List of different Liquors that are required in a Bar Room

60. List of principal Wines

61. List of principal Cordials

62. List of Ales and Porter

63. List of the principal Mineral Waters

64. List of principal Syrups

65. List of principal Bitters

66. List of the principal Fruits used in a Café

67. List of principal Mixtures

68. Sundries

69. The principal Stock of a Restaurant

70. The principal Stock of a Café


FROM 71 TO 337.


Absinthe Cocktail

American Style of Mixing Absinthe

Apple Jack Sour

Ale Sangaree

Arf and Arf

Absinthe Frappé

Apple Jack Cocktail

Apollinaris Lemonade

April Shower

American Glory


Brandy Crusta

Brandy Shamparelle

Brandy Punch

Baltimore Egg Nogg

Brandy Fix

Brandy Flip

Bowl of Egg-Nogg for a New Year’s Party

Brandy Scaffa

Beef Tea

Brandy Daisy

Blue Blazer


Brandy Fizz

Burnt Brandy and Peach

Brandy and Soda

Brandy Straight

Brandy and Ginger Ale

Black Stripe

Brandy Shrub

Brandy and Gum

Bombay Punch

Bottle of Cocktails for Parties

Brandy Sangaree

Balaklava Nectar

Bottled Velvet

Bishop à la Prusse

Brandy and Mint

Brandy Split

Brandy Smash

Brandy Julep

Bijou Cocktail

Brazil Cocktail

Black Thorn

Bradford à la Martini


Champagne Cocktail

Curaçao Punch

Champagne Julep

Champagne Cobbler

Champagne Sour

Claret Punch

Claret and Champagne Cup à la Brunow

Champagne Velvet

Claret Cobbler

Columbia Skin

Claret Cup for a Party

Crimean Cup à la Marmora

Cold Brandy Toddy

California Sherry Wine Cobbler

Cold Ruby Punch

Currant Shrub

Cold Whiskey Sling

Coffee Cocktail

Cincinnati Cocktail

Chocolate Cocktail

Champagne Cup

Claret Flip

Champagne Punch

Coffee Cobbler

Champagne Frappé

Crème de Menthe

Col. Brown Punch

Claret Lemonade


Duke of Norfolk Punch for Bottling

Duke of Norfolk Punch


Egg Nogg

East India Cocktail

Empire Punch

Egg Lemonade

Egg Milk Punch

English Bishop

English Royal Punch

English Curaçao

Egg Sour

Eye Opener


Fancy Whiskey Smash

Fancy Brandy Cocktail

Faivre’s Pousse Café

Fancy Brandy Smash

Fine Lemonade for Parties

Fancy Brandy Sour



Golden Slipper

German or Swiss Style of Mixing Absinthe

Golden Fizz

Gin Fizz

General Harrison Egg Nogg

Gin and Calamus

Gin and Milk

Gin and Wormwood

Gin Fix

Gin and Tansy

Gin Julep

Gin Cocktail

Gin Smash

Gin Toddy

Gin and Molasses

Gin Sour

Gin Rickey

Gin Daisy

Golden Thistle


How to Mix Absinthe

How to Mix Tom and Jerry

How to Deal out Tom and Jerry

Hot Spiced Rum

Hot Apple Toddy

Hot Lemonade

How to Serve a Pony Glass of Brandy

Hot Gin Sling

Hot Arrac Punch

Hot Scotch Whiskey Sling

Hot Milk Punch

Hot Whiskey

Hot Locomotive

Hot Irish Whiskey Punch

Hot Rum

Hot Brandy Sling

Hot Egg Nogg

Hot Brandy Punch

Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch


Hot English Rum Punch

Horse’s Neck

High Life


Italian Style of Mixing Absinthe

Imperial Brandy Punch

Irish Cocktail

Imperial Cocktail


Japanese Cocktail

John Collins

Jersey Cocktail

Jamaica Rum Sour




Kirschwasser Punch

Klondyke Cocktail



Little Egypt


Mint Julep

Morning Glory Fizz

Manhattan Cocktail

Martini Cocktail

Mississippi Punch

Milk Punch

Medford Rum Sour

May Wine Punch

Mulled Claret and Egg

Milk and Selters

Medford Rum Smash

Medford Rum Punch

Morning Cocktail

Maraschino Punch

Montana Cocktail

Marguerite Cocktail

Maiden’s Dream

Morning Daisy


Old Style Whiskey Smash

Orange Lemonade

Orgeat Lemonade

Orchard Punch

Old Tom Gin Cocktail

Orange Punch

Old Fashioned Whiskey Cocktail

Old Style American Punch

Oyster Cocktail

Olivette Cocktail


Pousse Café

Pousse L’Amour

Port Wine Punch

Prussian Grandeur Punch

Porter Sangaree

Punch à la Ford

Port Wine Flip

Port Wine Sangaree

Port Wine Cobbler

Peach and Honey

Punch à la Dwyer

Philippine Punch

Punch à la Romaine

Porter Cup for a Party

Parisian Pousse Café

Port Wine Lemonade


Roman Punch

Rhine Wine Cobbler

Rhine Wine and Selters

Raspberry Shrub

Rochester Punch

Rock and Rye

Remsen Cooler

Russian Punch

Reform Cocktail


Silver Fizz

Sherry Cobbler

Sherry Flip

St. Charles Punch

Selters Lemonade

Sauterne Cobbler

Santinas Pousse Café

Sherry Wine Punch

Saratoga Cocktail

Sherry and Egg

St. Croix Crusta

Soda Cocktail

St. Croix Rum Punch

Soda Lemonade

St. Croix Fix

Soldiers’ Camping Punch

Saratoga Brace Up

Sherry Wine and Ice

Shandy Gaff

Sherry Wine Egg Nogg

Sherry Wine and Bitters

Stone Wall

Stone Fence

Sherry Wine Sangaree

Soda and Nectar

Soda Negus

St. Croix Sour

Sherry Cocktail

Snow Ball

Saratoga Cooler

Star Cocktail

Silver Cocktail

St. Joseph Cocktail


Toledo Punch

Tip-Top Punch

Tom Collins

The Old Delaware Fishing Punch

The American Champagne Cup

Tom and Jerry (cold)

Trilby Cocktail

Tea Punch for the Winter

Tea Cobbler

Turkish Sherbet

Thorn Cocktail

Tenderloin Reviver

Tuxedo Cocktail

Turf Cocktail


Vanilla Punch

Vermouth Cocktail

Virgin Strawberry Ice Cream


Whiskey Daisy

Whiskey Rickey

White Lion

Whiskey Crusta

Whiskey Julep

Whiskey Cocktail

Whiskey Sour

Whiskey Cobbler

Whiskey and Cider

Whiskey Fizz

Whiskey Fix

Wine Lemonade

White Plush

Wedding Punch for a Party

Whiskey Smash

Widow’s Kiss

Wines with a Formal Dinner


The General Appearance of the Bartender, and How He Should Conduct Himself at All Times When on Duty.

The author of this work has, after careful deliberation, compiled the following rules for the management of a saloon, and would suggest the advisability of following these instructions while attending a bar. He has endeavored to the best of his ability to state them in perfectly plain and straightforward language, as the work must be conducted in the same systematic and proper manner as any other business. When waiting on customers, at any time, it is of the highest importance for a bartender to be strictly polite and attentive in his behavior and, especially, in his manner of speech, giving prompt answers to all questions as far as lies in his power; he should be cheerful and have a bright countenance. It is absolutely necessary to be neat, clean, and tidy in dress, as that will be more to the interest of the bartender than any other matter. He should be pleasant and cheerful with every one, as that will not only be gratifying to customers, but also prove advantageous to the bartender serving them.

It is proper, when a person steps up to the bar, for a bartender to set before him a glass of ice-water, and then, in a courteous manner, find out what he may desire. If mixed drinks should be called for, it is the bartender’s duty to mix and prepare them above the counter and allow the customers to see the operation; they should be prepared in such a neat, quick and scientific way as to draw attention. It is also the bartender’s duty to see that everything used with the drinks is perfectly clean and that the glasses are bright and polished.

When the customer has finished and left the bar, the bartender should clean the counter well and thoroughly, so that it will have a good, renewed appearance, and, if time allows the bartender to do so, he should clean, in a perfect manner, at once, the glasses that have been used, so as to have them ready again when needed. Regarding the bench which is an important feature in managing a bar properly, it is the bartender’s special duty to have it cleared up and in good shape, at all times, for it will always be to his advantage if done correctly (see illustration, plate No. 2.).

Other particular points are the style of serving and the saving of time. Whenever you have to mix drinks which require straining into a separate fancy glass, such as cocktails, sours, fizzes, etc., make it a rule to place the glass of ice-water in front of the customer, next to it the glass into which you intend to strain the drink, and then go to work an mix the drink required; try to place your glassware on the counter all in one row or straight line. As to the personal style of the bartender, he should stand straight, carry his head erect and place himself in a fine position (see illustrations, plates Nos. 1 and 3.).



When a bartender is looking for a position or an opening, it is of great importance for him to present a neat, clean appearance. It is also proper for him, as soon as he approaches the proprietor, to be careful in his speech and expressions, not say too much, but wait until the prospective employer asks him questions to which he should reply promptly. Have good recommendations with you, if possible, or, at least, be able to prove by references that you are reliable and capable. In entering an office or restaurant, it is proper to take off your hat and, especially, while talking to the proprietor – a much-neglected act of courtesy. Many people believe that they lower themselves by lifting their hats, but this is a mistaken opinion, as it is only a matter of etiquette and shows proper respect. When the proprietor is a gentleman, you will find he will do the same, even before you have; perhaps, to show that he has the proper knowledge of what etiquette demands.

A bartender inquiring for a position should be clean-shaven, with clothes well-brushed and shoes blacked; and should not speak to the proprietor with a cigar in his mouth and neither should he spit on the floor, be chewing a toothpick, use slang or profane language or indulge in other bad habits. All his answers should be short and in a polite tone of language.

When the question of wages is introduced, you must know yourself what you are worth and every good bartender should demand good wages. Of course, it’s much better to demand the proper salary, at once, than to accept small wages at the beginning and then attempt to have it increased later, as this method generally creates an ill-feeling between employer and employee, especially if the desired “raise” is refused. It is advisable for the bartender to ask the proprietor or manager, in a gentlemanly manner, what hours he is to work, whether by day or night, whether entitled to meals or not, what privileges are to be given him, what is demanded of him and obtain information of all the particular rules and regulation governing the place of business. If everything is satisfactory to both and you have been engaged, at once leave the place, in a proper manner and do not linger about, trying to occupy the proprietor’s time more than necessary and not give the bartender, who is going to leave or to be discharged, an opportunity to know what the business talk has been, or stop and chat to any possible acquaintance, who may be present, about what you are going to do.

I try to impress on every bartender’s mind that he should study his business as much as possible, in every way, so that he be entitled to the highest salary paid; for I do not believe in cheap bartenders. It is much better for the proprietor to pay high wages to those fully understanding their business than to hire “shoemakers” who have but little if any knowledge of the business. Cheap men, as a rule, are worthless.



It is important that the proprietor of a hotel, restaurant or saloon should try his best to get good help, the best to be obtained in his line of business, for the reason that the more skilled assistance he has in his employ, the easier it is to conduct the business, and the more successful he will be. After having secured a good set of employees, it is the proprietor’s duty to pay them well, every one according to his position; treat them all with politeness and set a g good example by his own manner for them. For example: - When the proprietor enters his place of business in the morning, or at any other time, he should salute his people properly by bidding them the time of day, saluting with a pleasant nod and create a genial feeling among them all by approaching and speaking to some one or more of them, calling them by name, as he may address them casually or on business. By doing this, he will create good feeling between the help and himself and even in his absence his employees will do their work correctly and promptly. But, otherwise, by not treating them kindly, it cannot be expected that the help will take any particular interest in the business or do more than is absolutely necessary to retain their situations. This indifference will naturally be detrimental to the business of the place. It is plainly apparent that when the help are not treated right, the proprietor acting harshly or with an overbearing manner, never having a “good word” for anyone, lacking the commonest politeness of even saying “good morning!” he will fail to make a success; for his employees, instead of caring for his interests, will be antagonistic to him, caring little whether his business runs down or not. The fact is, that employers and employees, should be in harmony with one another, in every direction, the proprietor looking upon his help as friends, regarding them with a family feeling, while they should have the proper respect for him as an authorized boss, but with no fear and, certainly, with no idea of treating him familiarly.

It is a sensible idea for the proprietor, from time to time, when doing a very successful business, to give his employees a little inducement in the shape of a raise of wages, proportionate to their different positions. This will cause them to strive more earnestly to benefit the business, and thereby benefit themselves. It is well also to be prompt in letting the employees go at the hour designated and not detain them unless they are to be paid extra. The employees, too, are to be just as precise in going to work at the exact minute specified. There should be a perfect system of working hours, the time of which is not to be disregarded by either party. If the proprietor is particularly successful and making plenty of money, it is advisable to give also an occasional extra holiday, in proper proportion, providing the help is worthy of it from long and earnest service, or, if possible, in the summer season, to let the employees have, at different times, a brief vacation, though this is naturally a difficult matter in our line of business.

When the proprietor sees the time is fit to reward anyone of the employees, to tender an extra present to some particular one, he should, if financially able, privately put a five or ten-dollar bill in the man’s hands without any comment, and without letting others see the action. There should not be any self-praise – such an action brings its own reward – and, in this case, it is not well to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. By such means, you will keep your good, faithful people with you and be sure they are working to the best of their ability. Where the proprietor is not in the position of being able to reward financially his employees, a pleasant look, cheery words, and friendly actions will go far with those who can appreciate and take, to some extent, at least, the place of a money gift. If the proprietor is successful, he should not display a pride of his own rise and imagine it’s all the result of his own brilliant mind, claiming entire credit for his financial progress, but acknowledge his indebtedness to his help, for without their assistance he would not have made such rapid advance on the ladder of success. Give encouragement to your help, but do not let them understand that it is by their efforts alone your business has prospered; for, if you flatter them too much, you can easily spoil the best of men in your employ. Never be bombastic or domineering, at any rate. It is very vulgar to be purse-proud. It is wise, under certain circumstances, to supply your help with meals and, when it is practicable, it should be seen that the employees have good, substantial food, well cooked and properly served and not have refuse or “leavings” given them, caring little when and how they get it. It is not necessary to furnish them with delicacies and luxuries, but food that will keep one in strength and proper physical condition, to the lowest as well as to the highest assistant in your employ. It is wise for the proprietor or manager to state the regulations of the house when hiring the help, insisting that they should be clean, energetic, sober, drink only a certain amount at meal time or between meals, as standard rules are more beneficial in their results and will retain people much longer in their situations than where there are no regulations and everyone is allowed to do more or less, as they please. After all the facts mentioned and noting suggestions offered, it will be found that they will give satisfaction to both, the one hiring and to those who hire out. The proprietor is to remember that here the golden rule, “Do unto others, as you wish them to do to you”, is of paramount importance.

In a large concern, where much help is employed, make it a rule that what are known as “officers” (the bartenders, cashier, assistant cashier, manager, headwaiter, etc.) are to be allowed to order from the bill of fare (where there is a restaurant attached) when they eat and specify in your rules a certain amount they are entitled to order in value, perhaps from 40 to 60 cents in price. When this is not done, many employees will ruin their stomachs and, consequently, their health by over-feeding and also create a bad feeling among themselves as well as with the other help, by taking special delicacies; the result being that the proprietor is ultimately forced to make the rule he should have had at first and thus makes it very unpleasant for all the employees.

It is absolutely necessary for the proprietor to protect his people from insults or wrongful accusations by the customers. It is often the case when a patron is a little intoxicated, he may think he has the privilege of calling the employees any sort of a name, but it is then the proprietor’s duty to step in and call the man to order. If the waiter is accused of wrong-doing, it is the proprietor’s place to ascertain which one of the two is in error, and if he finds out the employee is in the right, he must defend and support him, at any risk, careless of what the results may be to himself. It is also the proprietor’s or manager’s duty to see that the “officers” eat properly, conduct themselves quietly, especially if in the public dining-room, so the guests will not be annoyed by any exhibition of bad or vulgar table manners. The boss should look after these matters with the same care he would supervise the control of his own family.

It is not the intention of declaring absolutely that any and every proprietor should do as I have written, but, naturally, use his own judgment in connection with these suggestions.


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