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CHAPTER 3. How to write posts as an Instagram Star. Charismatic texts. The charisma of a personal brand on Instagram

In this chapter, my dearest kings and queens, we will talk about our leaders message. What do we remember when we communicate with people as a leader on Instagram? We know very well that people have needs. We need to appeal to these needs when we communicate with people as a leader, in order to lead them, in order for them to listen to us. And if it is not clear what your words and your communication are appealing to, then most likely these words will not find a response in the hearts of the audience and, accordingly, the audience will not listen to you.

To what needs of the audience can we appeal? First of all to experience and empathy. Experience and empathy are one of the main human needs, one of the basic qualities of human nature. It’s natural for a person to empathize, it’s natural for a person to identify himself with you, with the hero! Do you remember that?

You still are a superhero!

People associate themselves with the hero of the post, with the hero of the movie, with the hero of your YouTube video and so on. Fix these moments in your mind, for this understanding to be built into you strongly, and you will no longer need to think about how to apply all this. This will be applied automatically in your posts from this very moment. Because the subconscious mind generally accepts all the information that comes. And even if it seems to you that you accidentally missed a thought, in fact your subconscious mind reads everything. Our consciousness, this external mind, with its rigid framework, asks for some narrow patterns. But subconscious knows and gets everything.

What else can we use when we lead people? What else can you bet on? On well-being. This is one of the basic human needs. We always care about who we are, how we look, what others think of us. A person suffers from comparison, but comparison is comforting people too. When a person communicates with you, in the process of communication he makes up for something that does not exist in his life – something that has not yet arrived.

What other needs do we have? Naturally, the need for knowledge. Why do you always come to my broadcasts with such pleasure, listen to my podcasts and DAOtations, read my books? You get knowledge from me. And we are born inquisitive, we love knowledge. And from the first days to the last days, we are interested in the world. We are interested in problems. We are looking for answers to questions. And if you communicate with people and keep an appeal according to this desire – then you fill in some kind of gaps in people, some kind of «lack of knowledge», this will give people the opportunity to look into something unknown through you.

What else can we appeal to? Of course, to the spiritual. It has always been difficult for a person to determine this desire, but nowadays people revealed their spirituality. Over the past several years, people have very easily perceived conversations about spirituality, people admitted that there is something above vanity, some kind of superstructure. It is a need in people to join in something that cannot be felt. And when you talk to people about these topics, people intuitively understand you.

What else can you always talk openly with people? About self-awareness. By appealing to the desire to become aware of yourself, you can inspire a large audience. Why? Because the moment of self-awareness is very abstract, and for each person it is extremely individual.

Self-awareness is the search for one’s place in life. Whatever you do to solve a person’s problems it will always be good for him. This is a topic where we cannot do harm. Because a person’s subconscious mind will ignore knowledge harmful to him. I am sure you did not expected to read such kind of things in Instagram book – but during all my trainings I speak much wider than the declared program. I believe that I can talk with you much deeper. You see this depth in all of my books, in all of my articles. And since we are talking about articles, then…

Charismatic texts.

How to create texts that people will fall in love with? Really charismatic texts that allow you to be a leader through your blogging?

As a writer, as a person who studies the writing and texts so deeply that even has her own unique author’s teaching method, I always wonder when I see articles on the Internet: «How to write a good text», «How to write an article», «How to write a book». I think that beginning authors, teenagers and people who want to write a book are brutally deceived by those articles. Texts should not be like someone else’s template. I don’t believe in copywriting, especially in Instacopywriting. I always ask the students of my writing course – do not depreciate my knowledge, my many years of experience, do not take any parallel courses on copywriting when you come to study with me. Can you imagine what kind of audience will come to you when you use banal methods used by literally everyone on Internet? You will compete with thousands of bloggers – and become one of that army. No face. No individuality

In fact, the topic of copywriting was outdated at the dawn of its birth. And now they are introducing neurocopywriting, Instacopyrating – it is all rubbish, a dead topic by definition. What is neurocopywriting? It is a text that supposedly affects the brain. But! Any text written by a good author affects the brain. Remember the most favorite fairy tales from childhood, Harry Potter story may be… You lived the whole life with the heroes of your favorite books! This was long before the advent of any copywriting.

Why did I give you this little prologue? Up to 5,000 subscribers, classic methods like copywriting, content plan, Instagram templates really work. But if we create something new, fundamentally our own we need to be authentic. We need to write from our soul. In general, the ability to write is inherent in a person, as I believe, by nature, by birth. Just as we can all speak comfortably, we can express our thoughts in written form. When we speak we don’t think about how we do it. But when it comes to writing, stupor arises. But you can talk, so you can write. What difference does it make to convey words?

Before you start writing, you need to ask yourself the right questions. You do not need to check each of your texts. This information will simply be embedded in you, and everything will be better for you than yesterday, better than before reading it. Suppose you wrote a post, and before you post it, ask yourself a series of questions. I recommend you ask them to probe your text, analyze it.

Do you like your text?

Would you recommend this text to friends and colleagues?

Does this text look easy, gentle and airy like a feather?

Here, according to my observations, people are divided into 2 categories: some love their texts (It’s me!). I am ready to repost them all and share. The second category says: «I will never show my texts to anyone.» And then I ask: «How can you not show this to anyone if you show everyone on Instagram?» They reply: «I have no friends here, I have other people here.» You see? Other people! They don’t even consider their followers to be their friends, their audience, their team!

Can your text affect people?

Will your text change anything in their life?

I’m not talking about global changes now, it’s difficult, probably, to change the life of people radically with one post. I’m talking about momentary changes. About mood changes. A man in a sad state read your text – and smiled, his soul somehow brightened. It is momentary change that the subconscious vividly tracks. A person will not understand why his mood changed, but he will fall in love with your blog with his subconscious. And that explains why we all love humorous films. We smile and do not connect it with the film, we connected the genre – laughter. We are then attracted to this. And the cleaner, the more informative, the more mildly humorous our blog is, the easier it is for us to motivate our audience, to lead it along, to be a leader for the audience.

I urge you to monitor your posts whether this is a leadership post or not. And that is important. For example, I know very clearly what I want people to carry, and I monitor my posts whether they really convey my idea or not.

You can still ask yourself – does your post bring something new to the reader? Will the reader learn something new from your post, from your material? And of course, the key here is honesty. I know many people lead their Instagram using content plan. They have beautiful but totally lifeless blogs. There is no life in posts from the content plan. There is no energy. They are old and seem to even smell of musty. For example, one hour on Sunday or Monday morning a person creates posts for a week. A series of posts – and freedom for the whole week. But there is a very important point that these people do not think about.

How much energy you give on Instagram, so much comes back to you.

And this is true of all things in our lives. If you love your Instagram, clean every point, put heart for each subscriber, it will return to you. And how will it come back to you? The gifts, offers of collaboration, some kind of invitations to interesting places, etc. I’m discussing this with you not as an Insta-blogger, but as a shaman and energy practitioner. I see a huge return from my Instagram. Gifts are constantly sent to me, they call me to chic places, they listen to my opinion, I am a leader of opinions, trendsetter – and why? Because I give the cleanest and highest quality energy there.

Do not think that now we will create something only grandiose, out of the ordinary. In most cases, in the pursuit of grandeur, people create a very abstract text. A beautiful candy wrapper that is replete with stamps. If we try to make the text too grand to win over our audience, we get a very beautiful but empty candy wrapper. Unfortunately, I see this more often than I would like on Instagram – posts that are full of stamps and emoji. And when we write posts as a leader, charismatic posts – our task is to write as simple, accessible, elegant and as clear as it’s possible.

Grace, beauty is simplicity.

This is not only in the texts – it is in everything. Elegance that goes beyond time, which is always appreciated and very simple. Simple silhouettes of phrases. You know, the combinatorics of colors of world’s masterpieces of painting is also very simple. In the texts – the same. The simpler – the better. Do not write as a writer, do not write as a homegrown comedian. Write from the heart.

Before we write something, before we post something on Instagram, we focus, close our eyes to open our inner eye, to release our energy. And we ask:

Do I really want to say this now?

Or do I need to say this because I am spurred on by a content plan that I invented myself or downloaded?

Who is limiting me?

If I really want to say this, have I already said it or not?

Because if you write about something that you know very well, everything is simple and obvious to you. But for the audience this is not always clear.

I want to talk with you about a personal brand, because when we talk about leadership, we inevitably touch on the topic of a personal brand. We cannot ignore this topic. I am convinced that many of you have heard of your personal brand. I think that many of you intuitively understand that carriers of a personal brand are lucky guys. Those who have a name are bombarded with good deals, gifts and proposals. 10—15 years ago people bought goods from companies, from corporations, from trademarks, now they buy from people. And there is an official definition of a personal brand – an official, serious one. But I do not like it. It is boring. I have my own definition of a personal brand, which I myself derived – I use it in my activities, through it I convey the essence to students and clients. And they really like it.

A personal brand is an instant and very stable image that arises in the minds of people when someone mention your name. In other words, this is a stable energy-informational layer of reality that you first created, formed and then compacted to get the maximum of it.

Do you understand how non-trivially I approach this personal brand? Because I know how it works. I have been advising large companies and private clients on strengthening their personal brand for several years, and they are achieving good results.

A personal brand is a sustainable energy-informational layer of reality. And we form it. Since it is energy-informational, we form our energy and collect information in space. We form what we already have inside and what we have outside. And we flatten it all with the power of our intention and we get the substance, the core of our personal brand, of amazing strength and power.

We can go this way, my way – but we can go the other way that I met on the Internet in articles on the topic «How to create a personal brand». What a nonsense. «Create a Facebook page, then Instagram page, pull up other social networks.» And people do not follow a person. People do not go in depth. Because there is no depth. Therefore, a personal brand is a dummy. It is important for us, charismatic leaders, to create a global brand named after ourselves, so that people trust us, see us!

I have already talked about the opportunities that a personal brand opens up. I always say this: if you have an audience that loves you, then other people begin to fulfill your wildest dreams. Just because you show this your desire. The most interesting thing is these are people not from your audience, but generally outsiders. This is not surprising to me. The energy-informational field in the Universe is the one. You show a desire – everything is clear.

The definer defines.

You are the definer! You defined yourself as someone, as a charismatic leader, as a brand, and you will be so. Just tell yourself: «I want to be the one brand, I want to be one of a kind». And define yourself. It is actually so simple. And for some people a personal brand makes it possible to travel with lectures around the world, be a real star but for other people it is not necessary and this is normal. And a person quite successfully conducts activities as a brand within his city or region.

Why do we, as leaders, need to create a personal brand? Because between two people with the same knowledge base, you are likely to choose the one with the largest audience. Because you find that his pitch is more powerful and brighter. And you will be right, and so it is. People feel this leader’s energy intuitively, and an audience of two people with exactly the same knowledge will go to the one who can give this energy to them.

Each of you has excellent knowledge. You just need to learn how to transmit them. And, of course, the theme of a personal brand is closely related to the image.

A new image is not just putting on new clothes or fake mask. No, it’s all much deeper and more subtle. This is a complex concept, which includes the creation of a unique lifestyle. And you broadcast this lifestyle to your audience. Create your own lifestyle, broadcast it. It doesn’t matter if it is trendy, brandy, if someone else does it or not. Be a trendsetter, do first, do what you like. At first, one person will be interested in this. One person in geometric progression will attract 10 and so on. This is how the brand is created.

So, you can create an image and a personal brand in two ways – now I will tell you both. These are my achievements as a person who studies this topic in depth from the energy point of view. First, you can define your target audience and understand what kind of person this audience wants to see. And then you become such a person. This is the least energy-consuming way, completely devoid of imagination, but working. But these are dummy brands. You see these people on the central television channels, on YouTube – for 2—3 months he glowed, then disappeared, and you don’t even remember about him in a year.

But there is a second way – it is more effective. Personally, I like him more. When you focus not on the consumer – you focus on yourself. And make yourself that person, that woman or man that you always wanted to become. And when you do this, the public will come to you.

Force of attraction.

We can say this: every strong thing or fact attracts us. This is a very serious topic. This is the law of physics – weaker objects are attracted to strong objects with a strong energy field. If you are a strong woman or man, if you’re just who you are, the audience will be attracted to you by itself. And this audience will be loyal to you, will remain with you for many years. Unlike the first method, where the audience stays with you until someone younger, more handsome or more accurately satisfying their momentary needs, appears. And the immediate need of people is, as a rule, banal entertainment. And of course you need to work to implement the second method. And of course, many people will say: «Oh nooo, work! I don’t want to hear I need to work again,» but I will remind you that you are reading this book in order to change something. And you really need to do it!

You need to change a lot, because you lived your whole life and were 100% unsatisfied with yourself, you were not happy! And you constantly thought that you will have at least a happy future – but it still didn’t come… You saw bloggers on Instagram, on Youtube who live the life of your dreams. And you understood that you also want this. And the moment came when you clearly understood that you did not want to exist in the same scenery.

I can tell you as a blogger that nobody shows you a huge internal and external work. The wrong side is hidden from prying eyes. They simply show you the result, and it’s not a fact that there is such a result.

But the day will come, and it will be very soon, when you will show people the result. And the scale is not important here: a district, a city, a region or the whole world – the methods of reaching an audience are the same.

And only the coverage of the target audience is changing. I always say we live in blessed times! We can at the touch of a button share our thoughts with hundreds, with thousands, even millions of people. There never was such a moment in history! Artists and poets died in obscurity because they didn’t have an opportunity to share… You have! And even in such paradise circumstances people complain that it’s unreal for them to get popularity!

You just need to press one button – so get ready to press this button.

Someone post reviews to receive gifts from sponsors, and someone posts for the entertainment of the public. But if we want to keep the audience for many years, if we really want to work with the audience deeply, then before posting each of our posts we ask ourselves mentally: «I said what I wanted? I want to say it today? And they need it today?»

We are the leaders. We calculate all the little things that bloggers do not calculate. There are leaders, and there are bloggers. And I think everyone here wants to be a leader. For example, Sunday evening – is it really time for typical bloggers to talk about philosophical things, or vice versa to make a note of entertainment. But I emphasized and will emphasize that if you are a sustainable energy field, your sustainable brand, you can post anytime and anything. The audience is loyal to you, it takes everything from you. Personally, I post articles without regard to the day of the week, calendar holidays and other nuances. And my audience always vividly takes and absorbs my knowledge.

You can see from my Instagram that sometimes I do 3—4 posting a day, when I have free time. And sometimes I have a period of silence, unforgivable for blogger – for 5—6 days. I have a very dynamic life, and I would like to be more visible on Instagram, but not always I have the opportunity. And then my charisma comes into game. I don’t care about constantly changing Instagram algorithms. They won’t lower me in the stream for my audience. Instagram does not affect my attitude to my audience. They will find me on Youtube, on Facebook, on Twitter… If they want to see me, they will see me. And I would like you to come to this. I ask you to remember that there is no place for two things in a personal brand: this is deception and blind copying. People very subtly feel at the level of intuition your discrepancy with what you want to show them.

Readers ask:

– Maybe I should come up with new terms and words for my articles?

– This is a great question! During the writing course my students created new words. But you don’t have to do it, you really do not need this technology, frankly speaking. Just use your own words, original words. So that your texts are as different as possible from what people see every day on Instagram.

– Is it necessary to clean old posts on Instagram? Now I am disappointed in them.

– I do not recommend cleaning old posts – people like to see your growth, your dynamics. People themselves want to grow, and they like to watch you come to success. It can inspire your audience.

– I do not have a personal brand. I do not want to create it.

The fact is that you already have a personal brand, regardless of whether you want it or not. This is good news for someone, bad for someone. Just know this – you already have an image and a personal brand. And it depends only on you whether you leave everything as it is – or take matters into your own hands. People see you every day – so make sure that they see the leader in front of them!

– It’s easy for you to say – you have a lot of subscribers. I would have at least 1000…

– Do you know Kevin Kelly? He said that you can conquer the world if you have only 1000 real fans. It’s so easy to get 1000 subscribers. I gained a lot of subscribers in one simple way. I went to the pages of popular bloggers and leave them comments. I didn’t leave spammy comments like «Wow! Cool! Cool! Awesome dress!» I left thoughtful reviews because it is easy. In each post each blogger asks a question to his audience. And is waiting for an answer. I wrote detailed competent answers so that people would become incredibly curious – who is this? Who is she? And they went to my profile – and stayed with me.

– Is it important to develop accounts in other social networks?

– I’ll tell you: Instagram replaces everything. This social network is doing everything to overshadow all others. Every month or quarter, Instagram adds new features – a few months ago I told you: «Remember my word, Instagram will copy the cool features of Tik Tok to overshadow it!» And today you see everything with your own eyes. My next prediction – Instagram will make its payment system!

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