Loe raamatut: «God Surprise», lehekülg 6


An elderly man who was afraid of death was a blessing to his relatives 1993

Now I will talk about a man who has worked all his life at the mine in Bykovo. In fact, there was no such person in the village who did not know uncle Kim Sang Soo. He was a highly respected person, literate and kind by nature.

He was greatly praised for his dedication to work and was well received at the mine! Even the chairman of the village council was familiar and maintained good relationship with him. In addition, among the Korean communities of Bykov, he was recognized as a decent, always giving a good example in all respects. When the vote for the candidacy of the chairman of the Korean diaspora took place, the entire community voted for him. As a result, he was appointed to be chairman of the Korean community. He was always ahead of other people when it comes to a big event.

I remember when we didn’t have a place for worship service; he helped us to get it through the village council. At that time we did not have our own place, so we had to rent temporary premises. As soon as he found out that we were renting it, he introduced us to the chairman of the village council, with whose help we got our own premises. And he himself occasionally, once or twice a month, dropped in on us during the service, but he did not have faith as such. Moreover, he did not believe in the existence of heaven and hell. Now many people go to church, but in their hearts they do not attach special importance to this.

My wife, as a missionary, was responsible for the church in the village of Bykovo. Accordingly, she was very strict and principled when it comes to the holiness of the church. If believers behaved in an inappropriate way, for example, there was a scandal between believers, they walked sulky, we had to visit them in order to reconcile. Although my wife was younger than them, she could make a harsh reprimand to them. Thus, she tried to keep the church clean and holy.

This man never smoked or drank strong beverages in our presence. He did it all in secret. We would often go to visit their house; he treated us generously and wholeheartedly. His wife was a member of our church. Once we met by chance near his house, he was standing and smoking. Then my wife jokingly tells him: "Grandpa, if you smoke, you will not go to heaven." In response to this, he aggressively attacked her and said: "Show me a person who has ever been to paradise!" To which she replied: "We go to heaven by faith." Then he added: "What difference does it make to you if I smoke or drink." She said: "Grandpa, don't be offended by me, I'm just worried about your health." He took the joke seriously. And then we went our own way. After that we did not go to visit them, and he avoided meeting us.

It has been several weeks since we last met with him. However, a rumor reached us through someone that he was in the hospital and was seriously ill. We were just about to visit him when his wife called us. Since she was a friend of my mother, she called me Kisu. The day she called me and repeated my Korean name, it meant that we were not strangers, but familiar. She asked to come to the hospital as soon as possible. She also said that doctors had diagnosed her husband with cancer and that her husband had recently been to heaven. At first I took it as a joke and did not believe it. Despite this, we put everything aside and drove to the hospital in a car.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, in the room in which he was, there was no one around except him and his wife. As soon as they saw us, they joyfully received me and my wife. His face shone and it is clear that he was filled with joy. Immediately on the face it is noticeable that he experienced something unusual.

In general, he is a little dark by nature, and maybe because he smoked a lot, but that day his face shone brightly. Before Christ, I knew him very well, because this family is my friend's relatives. When I was a godless, his son and I often played cards at weddings or funerals.

According to his wife, all the relatives went home before our arrival. Just recently, before we arrived at the hospital, the assembled relatives, sitting next to him, mourned that he had died. As soon as we crossed the threshold of his room, his wife was glad to see us, but a little saddened by the news that her husband has cancer. However, the most surprising thing was that he behaved calmly, and his wife asked us to listen to him. He was sitting on the bed, staring at me, and so confidently said:"Kisu, I will probably live another twenty years." Where did he get such confidence and what is the basis for the statement of the fact that he will live another twenty years?

Then he began to talk about his experience of being in paradise. For the first time in my life, I heard from a person about paradise, from the person who said: show me the one who was in paradise. According to him, he suddenly found himself at the foot of paradise; the gates of it could be seen from afar. He saw, as in reality, green meadows, and there was a clear river nearby. On the other side of that river, one believer stood, who had gone ahead of him. She waved her hand and said, Uncle Kim Sang Soo, why did you come here so early? It's not time yet, go back. He felt so good that he did not want to go back. This woman was Vera's mother, where we started the church, because she went to heaven unexpectedly. She will also be discussed in the next story. Her husband experienced a miracle and, filled with joy, went to heaven.

When my wife and I started a church in the village of Bykovo, it was opened so that we could get together and share the word of God. She always looked forward to us, preparing dinner. We had to travel from one church to another by bus. We didn't have a car then. You have no idea how inconvenient it was to travel from one service to another. We went there by bus, and returned home late, and besides, by two types of transport. Thank God, and then the Lord gave us a car, seeing how it was inconvenient for us running back and forth. We worked actively, and therefore God gave us a car.

We went there twice a week to attract many young people to Christ. In the village, we constantly stayed with this woman, who was waving her hand on the other side of the river. Her house was the first to receive us. The house became the foundation of our church. In the beginning, there were only old and elderly people in the church, and we had to attract the youth by studying the Korean language. They were interested in this language.

A lot of young people came to our lesson. I myself did not really know the Korean language, and I also taught them. Thus, young people appeared in our church. As for the elderly, in order to attract them to the church, the wife used a medical device operating on a piezoelectric element and treated backache. Many elderly people liked this device because it helped to get rid of backache and other diseases, and they spread a rumor throughout the village that a doctor came from Korea. At first they came from curiosity, and then they became members of our church. The husband of this mistress also suffered from cancer and suffered a lot, and believed in God. Good strategy, isn't it?

A little about the woman that Kim Sang Soo's grandfather spoke about.

One day her daughter called us and told us that her mother had a dream, as if the angels had come to visit her. My wife and I, as usual, rushed to her house in a car. When we arrived at the house, her daughter and she were sitting on a bench. Seeing us, she was delighted and said to me:"Kisu, it seems to me that I will live a long time, and do not worry about me." Her face was shining, it was difficult to determine from her appearance that in three hours she would go to heaven.

We prayed for her and returned home. However, somewhere around 4 pm, her daughter called us again to inform that her mother had died. As soon as we heard that her mother had died, we immediately postponed all our affairs and went to her house. By that time, people gradually began to gather near her house. And as soon as we appeared there, her daughter met us and told an interesting story about her mother, how she painlessly went to the Lord. She was surprised at the news that her mother had gone to heaven so calmly, so unexpectedly.

Before going to heaven, Vera's mother asked her daughter to bring her something tasty to eat and hug her tightly. When her daughter returned with sweets to hug her, she was already cold. She very calmly and painlessly went to heaven. When I was convinced that her mother had left peacefully, I thought that God was taking His children away without any torment, moreover, calmly. After this incident, my faith became even stronger than it was before.

After this woman left, a few months later her husband followed her. His story is also very interesting. More and more I was convinced that God does not take believers without the assurance of salvation, but necessarily gives confidence that He is, and then only takes them. Therefore they so calmly leave for eternity.

And so grandfather opened his eyes and saw that all those gathered were crying like at a funeral. He asked,“Why are you crying? I'm alive!"They tell him in response that they had only recently seen the doctor; he said to prepare for the funeral. Then he says to them: go home.

A few days later he was transferred from Bykovo to Dolinsky hospital. That was in 1993, when I was attending seminary. Before going to seminary to study, I visited him in the hospital. I remember when I entered his room; he met me with tears in his eyes with joy and said: "Soon I will go to heaven." Then he asked to say hello to my wife and apologize to her on his behalf. He continued to say: “Now I understand why your wife bothered me, and what she meant, and she was right! I am saved from eternal destruction! "Hearing these words, I was moved to tears, but I could not imagine that he would leave so early, because he was positively disposed to fight further. But his wife, being next to her husband, saw how he was tormented by the procedures.

As a human being, I can't just imagine how he endured such torment when his stomach was washed with water by a tube. He suffered more not from cancer, but from the washing procedures. Eventually, he went to heaven. However, his death did not become a stumbling block for unbelievers, on the contrary, the daughter-in-law became convinced that he was in heaven, and then she herself believed in God. Looking at everything that happened, my faith grew, and the doubt that people would go to heaven disappeared. Every day I praised the Lord our Savior, falling on my knees, and imagined green meadows and a clear river, which he talked about.

The next day, his body was brought home. On the door, as usual, it was written in hieroglyphics that he had reposed. This was a tradition among the Koreans in Sakhalin. Every day endless streams of people, including Russians, came to say goodbye to him. When they saw that he quietly left, everyone was surprised at! Everyone said he was asleep. As a result of this, his last journey turned not into sadness, but joy, as if not a funeral, but a wedding. His last journey became proof that God lives. My wife was in charge of preparing the body for the funeral. Seeing how she touched him without fear, I stood aside and just marveled at her courage. Where does she get so much courage! I would not dare to do this.

After he was buried, they found a letter under the mattress that he had written at the hospital to his children, whom he writes: "I am going to heaven, if you want to come where I am going, obey Missionary Choi." His funeral turned into a joyous gathering. As a result, many relatives accepted Christ.

And his wife lived in the hope of seeing him in heaven. Ecclesiastes 7: 2. Better to go to a funeral than to a wedding, Solomon suggests that we go to a funeral because there is a message for all of us.

I saw off three or four believers on their last journey, including my stepfather. As for the stepfather, the doctors themselves were surprised at how calmly he went to heaven. I remember they said that my stepfather left so calmly that they didn’t have time to blink an eye when he fell asleep forever.

The fact that my brothers and sisters go into eternity calmly could not but affect me positively. Someday we will all go there too, it's a matter of time. Now I hate the word "death", instead of this word I prefer the word "eternity" or "the end of earthly life." Thanks to miracles, my faith grew by leaps and bounds, like a plant being watered. Although I have another story about a person who experienced a similar situation, I think this is enough to be strong in the Lord, to resist the values of this world.

His youngest son has not yet come to God, for some reason he still avoids me. I recently met a sailor who works with him and knows him very well. They are on the same ship "Aniva".When the sailor came to the seamen’s club again, we got into a conversation, and I learned from his story that he works with the youngest son of grandfather, Kim Sang Soo.

I asked him to send my regards to him. And he did as I asked him. However, being not far from our club, he did not dare to come to visit us.

God revealed Himself through the rainbow. 1995

What does a rainbow mean to you? God showed the first rainbow to Noah and said: this is the covenant made between Noah and all living creatures. And God promises that he will no longer punish the earth with water. This covenant still remains in force, but in addition to this, there is a covenant to be made between the individuals.

One fine day, my wife and I got together to go to the office to be discharged from the housing registration book. When we left the village, on the way a huge beautiful rainbow appeared in front of us, it was so close that we were stunned by the sight of this unusual beauty. We saw for the first time at such close range!. Usually a rainbow appears far, more over after the rain, but that day there was clear weather and it was five steps away from us, because the very reflection of the rainbow on the tree spoke for itself. From feelings of trepidation and joy, I pull over. For a second we froze to admire it, but for me it was a special message that God will always be with us whatever happens! And so it was, as had been expected.

Unlike my wife, as for me, whenever I have a particular phenomenon, I attach some special meaning to it. The rainbow we have seen has a special meaning for us.

This happened a few days before we had left for Korea in 1995. As had been expected, things went well after that covenant made by God.

In a short period of time, with the help of the Lord, we were able to solve a problem in three days, which cannot be done in a month! We managed to check out and make an extract from the housing registration book, and we gave the apartment to another missionary.

However, we didn’t expect to experience another problem at the Kimpo airport, Seoul, Korea.

On that day, there was joy and peace in my soul that the Lord is always with us!

Here we are standing in a line and waiting for our turn to go through passport control and customs inspection. Then there were no scheduled planes, but a charter flight, which was very rare at that moment..

Here we are standing again with the documents in front of the border guards to go through passport control, and one of the border guards pushed my son aside Daniel, but let others go through. At first, I got angry at the border guard for his unacceptable manner, but later realized what he had done was appropriate. Naturally, I had to go out with my son, because my son did not have his entry visa. The border guard told me: Don't come without the entry visa of your son! As a result of my negligence, not only us but also all my family had to leave the waiting room again. Until now, I cannot understand how I could have forgotten to apply for my son's entry visa, which is of great importance. Frankly speaking I flew to the Korean embassy, which is in Vladivostok on purpose to get his visa as well..

Although many years have passed, it sticks to my mind, which makes me think over and over again why I had forgotten to get a visa.

At first sudden panic overtook me and began to rush around the airport. My wife began to grumble at me. The whole mood soured, I did not know what to do, because I had been driven into a dead end. My wife screams at me for my negligence, and I let go of my head. Then I sat down on a bench and began to pray for God’s guidance. All of a sudden the peace descended on me for no reason and I was confident that everything would go as planned. This was the providence of God. And I was one hundred percent sure that God would solve this problem out in no time and in an amazing way.

On the one hand, it seemed that I was out of my mind, or God orchestrated specially to show a miracle so that he would be glorified. On the other hand, I was just inattentive. Anyway, what happened happened.

When my wife found out that it was my fault, she got angry with me. I had been trying to reassure her, convincing her that everything would be fine. After all, we saw a huge rainbow, which was the sign that God would be with us even if we got into trouble. I told her that we do not need to be discouraged, no matter what obstacles await us on our difficult path we must trust our God. In such a situation, I looked like a fool in front of my wife. There was nothing I could do about in such a situation but pray to be guided by God's providence. Then I had the feeling that God heard my prayer, which was inside of me, and said everything will be fine, child! God was moving us in a direction from a worldly point of view that seems to be unimaginable.

If the other person were in my shoes, he would have frozen from despair. As I finished praying, the wisdom of the Lord came upon me that makes me act out. So I could no longer watch my wife grumble at me.

In order to act out I went outside, and took a taxi to go to the OVIR (department of visas and registration). I had only 40 minutes left until the office is closed. I made the taxi driver hurry, he drove as fast as he could that we got there in 20 minutes, and besides, there weren't many vehicles on the track that day. However, by the time we arrived in the department, it was 6 o'clock. It was the end of the working day!. But the door was still open, so I went in there, then a woman came up to me, waving her hand that the working day was over, come tomorrow. Despite this, I began to whine and beg her, but she did not want to hear me! Being frustrated and in despair as I was about to leave, but suddenly God prepared the woman I was familiar with. When she saw me, she recognized me at once and asked: What brought you at this hour? I explained to her everything that happened at the airport. She says: show me your passport! So I handed out my passport, which did not have my son's entry visa, she examined it carefully, and then she says: just a minute. She took it and wrote something on it by pen, put a seal, and said: now enjoy the trip! Having taken the passport with the temporary visa, I went to the airport as fast as possible, in the same way as we came but the time was late. Although I arrived in the airport late than I should have been, the flight was delayed due to technical problems. The moment I entered the airport, I found my wife and children, they were eagerly waiting for me. By the time I got to the airport, she calmed down and behaved properly. Thus far she knew nothing about the result of what makes me be absent. Apparently, she guessed from my face that the cases were resolved successfully.

The women have some senses we as man know nothing about. They are likely born police officers- don't try to cheat on them, they will find out in no time what you have done. No man can hide anything from them!

Then I showed her my passport with the handwritten visa.

Being convinced that we had our son's entry visa, we went successfully through passport control this time without any cavils.

And now we are on the plane. As soon as the charter plane took off by spreading its wings towards the sky. From a sort of a helicopter perspective, the beautiful panorama of the Sakhalin Island with all its glory is being opened below me. The more the plane climbed higher, the smaller everyone around became, and I could see the outline of the island, becoming smaller and smaller. Suddenly, tears began to well up in my eyes, but these tears were not tears of sadness, rather the tears of joy and assurance that God led us all the way. Leaving the island with open wide fields, and cars rushing back and forth, I felt so good in my soul, and forgot all the difficulties that I had to overcome with the help of the Lord.

However, we faced another serious problem with regard to passport and some other documents that were related to Korea law at the Kimpo airport, Seoul, Korea.

When we arrived at the Kimpo airport, Seoul Korea, I did not think that I could be detained and interrogated for more than an hour without being allowed out.This was due to the registration of marriage, which was important for obtaining citizenship. I didn’t know that a lot of problems were expected in Korea.

I had already lost hope that they would eventually release me from the airport, because they thought my passport was fake, and my daughter is not our daughter she must have been kidnapped. In this case, I turned into a sandwich, I could not enter Korea nor could I go back. Therefore, if I begin to describe in detail everything that happened to me at the Kimpo airport, I think it will take a long time. So I have to let go of something a little and get to the point.

My wife had a picture of my daughter Deborah attached to her pasport, which were believed to be fictitious. Because of that, we were held detained at the airport. Although we were married in Russia in all respect, our marriage is considered to be illegal in Korea. In fact, even though we were married officially in Russia, in Korea this marriage is not accepted based on the Korea marriage law. It all boils down to the fact that my wife is a citizen of Korea, and I am nobody, because I did not have Russian citizenship nor Korean..

It turns out on the basis of the Korea law of marriage; the embassy employee had no right to attach my daughter's picture to my wife's passport, because my wife and I were not married under the Korean law of marriage. .

Then how was I able to enter Korea in 1994 with the same picture of my daughter being attached to my wife's passport without any hindrances!? Back then we came to Korea to find my parents' roots. Then the thoughts of my son's visa crossed my mind that forgetting about the visa was nothing but the grace of God.

If I applied for my son's visa, then everything could have come up to the surface of an illegal visa of my daughter in 1994. Here again the providence of God is traced behind the scene.

As I recall now, the customs service that held detained us immediately called the Korean Embassy to clarify the problems. It's good that the employee who issued the visa for me in 1994 turned up at the place, he picked up the phone, and the member of the customs service began to shout at him and question him. Do you remember that you applied for a visa for Moon Deborah last year? Suddenly there was silence, apparently he began to rummage through the documents, yet a year has passed, and he probably does not remember it. A few minutes later, the answer came from there: yes, I personally worked with this document. And the person from the customs service started shouting at him, how do you work that you don't check the documents!? Then he hung up and walked over to us.

He couldn't help but apologize to us. It's their faults not mine. It's good that there is a witness – this is my wife. She was also very worried about me when I was held detained by the airport authorities. Why am I writing all this so that no one dares to say that everything I write is fictitious! How can you deny the providence of God that he made me invisible in 1994 when I flew to Korea to find the remaining documents of my parents.

It seems that one problem has been solved and yet another is expected to appear. In the wake of this problem, the next problem arises; this is that my temporary certificate is considered to be fake..

Although they detained me, I was as calm as ever because I have a picture taken with the Korean embassy member after I was given this certificate at the Korean Embassy.

A few minutes later, a man comes up to me with honor and says: forgive us there is a small misunderstanding here! Now you can go. So we finally entered a country in which problem after problem awaited me.

In short, God made me invisible when I went through passport control at Kimpo Airport, Korea in 1994. Then I flew to Korea with my wife to find the roots of my father, though we could not find it. And then I got the idea that a year ago we went through passport control illegally, but due to the inattention of the South Korean airport authorities. From here, I concluded without any doubt that we crossed the border of South Korea illegally. (All documents saved if necessary)

We also had a lot of problems with an apartment on Sakhalin before leaving for Korea. People living in capitalist countries will never understand what it means to live in bureaucratic countries like Russia and other CIS countries. We had our own apartment, which we gave to another missionary as a gift. Although we gave our apartment to another person, no one had the right to move into this apartment until the problem in the management house was solved. (it was the Soviet reality)

Therefore, I repeatedly had to contact the control house. Being tired of this bureaucracy, all the way to the office, my wife and I saw a rainbow in front of us. I can tell the exact distance because the reflection of the rainbow was on the tree. Seeing such a sight, I was stunned, but my wife did not attach any importance to it. After we bumped into the rainbow, everything went as smoothly as clockwork. From this, I learned that this rainbow was a covenant made between God and me.