A Guardian's Possession

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Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Being able to share this torture with the priestess had turned this weakness into a weapon.

Hyakuhei held the mirror of souls within his angry fist. Seeing only his reflection peering back at him, he demanded to know the whereabouts of the missing priestess. The mirror only showed him the image of twisted branches and stormy weather. Why would Kyou take the priestess to a place that seemed covered in despair? He knew the possessed mirror could only tell the truth but at the same time… Hyakuhei knew it lied unknowingly.

He mentally called to several of his demonic servants to do his bidding … sending them in search of her true hiding place since they were expendable. He knew Kyou’s fortress lie somewhere within the northern lands. The castle had disappeared from existence during the war between him and his brother Tadamichi. The demons he sent into that area would wreak havoc on villages and draw out the guardian lord.

He would allow Kyou to unknowingly lead him to the priestess he was shielding. As he peered into the tainted glass the reflection changed… but not by his control. Hyakuhei’s eyes hardened as a vision of multihued dust covered the looking glass in warning.

“So… Kamui, what will you do?” he asked just as Kamui came into focus within the mirror. The boy’s eyes turned to look directly at him as if he knew he was being watched. “Are you looking for me? Be careful what you wish for… son.” Hyakuhei warned.

“No father… It is you that should be careful,” Kamui hissed in retaliation.

“So… you have given into the memories?” Hyakuhei held the glass closer to his face as the corners of his lips turned up in a dangerous hint of a smile. “Kamui… if you really want to keep your priestess, then you should join me. Take your rightful place beside me and we will make her forget the other guardians together.”

Kamui stopped in midair knowing exactly what his father had meant. “I am nothing like you or your monsters. One day the demons you thrive on will turn on you father… you think it is you in control of them. You lie to yourself even when you are losing.”

They both could hear the echo of laughter as the dream master fought its restraints. Kamui knew its powers bordered on mystical and that was something that could not be controlled… even by Hyakuhei.

“You belong to me… not them,” Hyakuhei hissed at the image. “That is a truth even you cannot bury forever.”

“I will never betray my friends!” Kamui screamed as he broke the link between him and his father.

Hyakuhei tossed the mirror into the fire when it exploded from Kamui’s anger. The fragments became like liquid silver and slithered over the burning wood. They gathered into a puddle and slowly formed back into the familiar shape, hardening into the enchanted mirror… as if it had never broken.

Hyakuhei lay back on the dark fur as traces of colorful glitter shimmered within the cave. “So, your powers have grown. We shall see Kamui… we shall see.”


Kyou leaned against the balcony, staring down into the hot springs that he had enclosed within the center of his castle. His eyes were still locked on his lost and found priestess. She looked happy for the moment and it dawned on him… she belonged here. He felt his blood begin to heat when Kyoko started disrobing. He watched her firm breast rise as she pulled her shirt over her head… his eyes began to glow liquid gold.

His knuckles turned white as his grip tightened on the banisters. He closed his eyes for a brief moment trying to press down the urge to go to her. When he opened them again, he nearly growled. What was she thinking? She was completely naked.

Kyou watched as she stepped into the warm water. She intrigued him with her innocence. Why did she have this effect on him when no other human did? None had ever turned his head but here he stood … craving a human and only Kyoko would do. How could one be so pure and unconsciously seductive at the same time?

She was beauty incarnate all wrapped into one tiny human package. He growled low in his throat. What if one of the servants that lived within his castle walked in on her? She had unknowingly exposed herself to any of the men servants who happened by. Kyou sent a silent message to all within his castle to avoid the hot springs or they would suffer his anger as a result from disobeying. If he learned that any had spied on her prior… there would be no escape from his wrath.

She should not have come to the bathing room without his permission. Sure, it was true that the servants within his castle stayed hidden, for he did not like to see them unless he called for them. Still, he would have Kyoko’s body seen by no one but him. He would have to teach her to behave. A ghost of a smile chilled his lips as he watched.

Once Hiroki was finished with his bathing, the little boy wanted to help Kyoko wash her hair. So, Kyoko let him. She had to lower herself in the water up to her neck so he could reach the long auburn strands. The sensation of his small fingers rubbing her hair and scalp sent her into a very relaxed state. Hiraru soon joined them and Kyoko tried not to laugh as they argued over who was going to rinse.

Finally, Kyoko solved their argument by dunking under the water. When she came back up she was greeted with adorable whining noises. She giggled again and they smiled brightly before starting a splash war with one another. Kyoko moved to the other end of the spring and sat down on a rocky outcropping under the water to watch them.

Her mind was at ease for a short time as she listened to the echo of the children’s voices while they played within the water. Realizing what she was doing instead of staying focused on what was really going on, she quickly washed herself. When she turned around and started rinsing off Kyoko noted the twins getting out of the water.

The little boys had strange looks on their faces as if they were concentrating on something. Little did she know they were listening to Kyou’s silent command. She bit her lip when they nodded as if answering someone.

”We have to go get dressed now." Grabbing some oversized cloths from a pile, they quickly wrapped the soft material around themselves.

"It’s time to eat." Hiraru yelled over his shoulder as he grabbed Hiroki’s hand and the small twins skipped from the room.

Kyoko stood in the water in shock as she felt little needles of fear start to climb her back and she squeezed her eyes shut, a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. Somewhere she knew the gods were laughing at her.

She should have known better than to just follow the children here without asking questions. Kyoko started for the side of the spring hoping to make it back to her room before ‘Mr. Double personality’ noticed her gone. She needed to hurry, her fragile ‘security blankets’ were gone and she was unprotected.

As she stepped from the water and started for the huge towels, she heard a low growl directly behind her. The next thing she knew… hands from nowhere wrapped around her naked ribs and she was pulled back against a silk covered chest as her feet left the floor.

Kyoko instantly looked up to see Kyou’s face. Instead of the anger she had expected to see, his face was calm… almost too calm. She looked down at the floor watching it get further away from them. Yep, the gods were having an all-out laugh fest over this one.

Her lips parted as she glanced back up seeing he was taking her to a balcony. He didn’t even land but glided in through the opened doors and back to the room she had started out in. He finally stopped once they were over the huge pillow she had woken up on.

Kyoko waited to be dropped but he did not release her, nor was he hurting her by holding her too tight. She noticed his hands were soft as they touched her bare skin. Kyoko’s eyes widened. Her bare skin! Oh… how could she have forgotten so quickly? She was still naked from bathing.

Her arms instantly crossed over her chest self protectively and she felt all her muscles tense up, waiting as he held her as if undecided on what to do with her. She could give him a big fat hint if he wanted and that would be to PUT HER THE HELL DOWN!

Kyou’s eyes almost slid shut as he felt her softly rounded curves pressed against him creating havoc on his senses. He noticed when she tensed up and it brought his mind back for a moment... But still he did not release her. He had always prided himself on control and here would be a good chance to test his control of her and teach her another lesson at the same time.

"Did I give you permission to leave this room?" His voice was cold and unyielding.

Kyoko’s eyes widened as her heartbeat thumped in her chest, kicking against her ribs so hard she knew he could feel it. Thinking quickly, ‘what would be the best answer?’ she said in a small voice, "I don’t know the rules." She cringed knowing that playing dumb would be the best option at the moment.

She knew for a fact that right now was not the time to fight for her rights because of her lack of clothing. It wasn’t that she would win if she tried. She just wanted down and him gone so she added in a soft frightened voice, "I’m sorry.”

When he heard her soft sweet voice, it engulfed him, making him inhale as sensations pooled in his nether regions. This would be dangerous if he pushed the test too far. He felt the rage of her disobedience leave him but the rage of his want remained tenfold.

"The first rule is you never go anywhere without my permission unless you want to be punished," His voice softened to take the sting from his words, but still he felt her flinch.


Kyoko's throat went dry. "Punished?" She didn’t mean to whisper the word. It just slipped out and she felt her heart start to flutter in fear. She instantly deleted the picture of Kyou spanking her from her deranged mind not wanting to even know where the insane flash had come from.

"Yes, I will punish you." The palm of Kyou’s hand caressed her flat stomach and slowly made its way down as his knee came up on the inside of her thigh to spread her legs. In a movement to fast for her to try and deflect… the palm of his hand cupped her womanhood as his powerful blood tried to take over.

"Like this,” His fingers massaged her bundle of nerves right above her entrance and the shock of it had her instantly arching away from him, with a soft cry she bucked against him trying to evade his hand.

The sensual movement was almost his undoing and he hissed in her ear. "If you do not stay still… I will have to punish you more." He could feel himself growing hard and was relieved when she strained away from him but stayed still, her fear of what he would do keeping her from fighting him.

Kyoko’s eyes closed. She thought he had meant to hurt her when he said punished but this was almost as bad. Did he not realize he was more disturbed than Hyakuhei? This made her lose control of her body and took her will from her as all her heat pooled to where his fingers were working their magic. She didn’t want this regardless of how her body reacted but couldn’t help her reactions to it.

He was still holding her in midair with her back pressed against him and his fingers were working back and forth, stimulating her so much that she almost wished he would have spanked her instead because this was creating a different kind of pain… delicious pain that gnawed hungrily at her. She gasped and a moan slipped out as his fingers slid between her lips to push one up inside her.

She groaned when he slid it in only to take it back out again. She felt the liquid heat pool around his finger as he thrust it back inside her tightness making her cry out. Her eyes started burning with the familiar sting of tears but she held them back. In the back of her mind she was screaming at herself to stop acting like she was enjoying Kyou’s punishment even though she was.

The scream became louder and finally she couldn’t ignore it anymore. "Please, please stop, I can’t take it anymore."

Kyou listened to her cry and he knew she was in pain with need of release. Her virgin body, so new to this pleasure, it wouldn’t take much more to bring her over the peak. He watched her head arch back against him as he pumped his finger into her hot tightness in rhythm.

He leaned his head forward and licked the arc of her neck… tasting her. He felt the rush of the instinct to bite her and make her his forever. He satisfied that feeling for a moment by sucking some of her soft skin into his mouth to leave a slight red mark on her. She tasted so good. He could smell her scent all around him as he pressed his swollen hardness against her soft thigh.

Kyou growled in defeat… He knew he was the one losing this battle.

Kyoko felt his hand leave her and she slid down his body to the pillow below. She was still whimpering and squeezed her thighs together trying not to rock. Her senses were so alive that it was almost painful. She grabbed one of the smaller pillows and hugged it close, trying to hide her body from him. She was afraid to look up at him. Afraid he would be able to see the need her body was crying for.

Burying her face in her arms, she rolled so she was lying half on her stomach as though to hide from him further.

He watched her try to hide from him and the loss of her in his arms was cooling his raging blood. He realized he had no control over this and remembered what had been written within his father’s scrolls.

Tadamichi had warned that guardians were different from humans when it came to choosing a mate… that the guardian’s highborn blood would do the choosing and there would be no stopping it. His father, Tadamichi, had been talking about his and Hyakuhei’s rivalry over the same mate at the time but Kyou had understood the underlying meaning. The warning pertained to every guardian… not just the twins.

That had been the last scroll written by his father but the humans trapped within this realm had continued the story.

His uncle had turned to the dark side because he had been separated from the one whom heaven had fated to be his soul mate. The young Priestess the maiden statue had been made in the likeness of… the same maiden statue that mimicked the priestess lying below him at this very moment. They could have very well been the same woman… but time proved they were not.

They were identical in looks proclaiming Kyoko as a direct descendant of the priestess his uncle had chosen for his life mate. Were he and his uncle so different? Had Hyakuhei’s powerful blood been his downfall in the end? Was Hyakuhei now mistakenly placing Kyoko in the place of his lost love? He wouldn’t allow that.

Kyou floated closer to her, dipping his lips to her ear. He didn’t want her to fear this. He wanted her to want it. What he used as punishment now was only kindling the fire that would keep her with him… forever.

He reached out stroking her hair lovingly. "In order to keep you safe from the demons… from Hyakuhei, you have to obey me Kyoko. I do not want to hurt you so I will punish you like this… and more if you do not behave."

“Then let me go,” She whispered. “You say you don’t want to hurt me but you treat me no better than he has. I’d rather have him touch me knowing that he would kill me after, than you touch me not knowing.”

“My dear Kyoko, I have no desire to kill you. As your guardian I could not… it would go against all I stand for. You are meant to be protected by the guardians and I am a guardian. To let you go would only send you away without a guardian’s protection. That I cannot allow. The punishment stands.” He gripped her head between his hands to keep her still and pressed his lips against the top of her head before turning to leave her to think about her punishment.

“Hyakuhei is also a guardian,” Kyoko whispered defiantly knowing he could hear her even if he didn’t acknowledge it.

Part of him knew she was right but he wasn’t about to admit that to her. He wanted to fly into a rage at the mere thought of Hyakuhei touching her as he just had, but refrained. He needed to put space between them in order to keep his own passion under control. He turned his attention to the window.

He could feel demons closing in on his lands from all sides. Had Hyakuhei found out where he was keeping the priestess? No… he had only sent them in search of her. He gazed back at Kyoko not wanting anything to interfere. He would stop them before they came any closer to his possessions.

Kyou moved almost too fast for the human eye and when Kyoko peeked up at him… he was gone.

Chapter 5 “Black Wings”

Toya looked to the north as he flew. His translucent silver wings danced in the light of the moon, the seemingly delicate feathers fluttering slightly. He needed to find Kyoko as quick as he could. He scanned the area wondering where to search first when the rising smoke in the distance caught his attention.

“A village?” Toya turned in that direction wondering why Kyou had allowed human’s to even live on his lands.

‘Kyou hates all humans’… Toya’s thoughts skidded to a stop… ‘Kyoko is human.’ His lips thinned with the debatable point.

As he neared the village, he noticed there was too much smoke to just be coming from cooking stoves. The village was in trouble. He quickly scanned the area sensing demons in the midst of the flames he was now seeing.

‘What were demons doing in Kyou’s territory?’ Spreading his senses out beyond just the village, Toya realized demons where crossing the boarders of the northern lands in several places… not just here. The color of his eyes shattered into molten silver.

“Hyakuhei… he knows Kyoko is here somewhere,” Toya spat the words angrily as he heard the human’s scream below him. “Damn it! I don’t have time for this,” He growled even as he drew his daggers intending to rid the small village of the beasts before they could do any more damage.

Toya flew over the village and abruptly pulled his wings in close… the feathered appendages vanishing as he landed on one knee in the center of what appeared to be the village square. Lifting his head, he snarled at the demons closing in around him.

“Looks like most of the human population hightailed it,” He growled and stood up, twirling the daggers between his fingers. “Come on you bitches. Let’s see how you stand up to me!”

Toya smirked when two demons came at him from opposite sides. He waited until the last moment before ducking out of the way forcing the two of them to run into one another, bashing their foreheads in their excitement to catch him. Placing his hands on the ground, Toya kicked his legs straight up, nailing each in the chin to send them sprawling.

“Just as stupid as always,” he murmured already bored. A hideous looking demon swooped in from above and Toya rolled away, barely missing its sharp talons in his back. Rising to his feet, he leaned back just in time to miss the claws of another demon… losing several strands of hair and getting his shirt ripped in the process.

He plunged his ice dagger into the demon’s chest and felt a surge of satisfaction when the monster turned to ice with the weapon’s power. A hot burning sensation inflamed his left side making him cry out in pain and anger. The flying demon had returned and dug its claws in just below his ribs. Pulling the dagger out of the frozen one’s body, he tapped the fire dagger against his lips and turned to the demons that didn’t realize it had just signed its death warrant.

His lips parted slightly reminiscent of a kiss and fire burst from his mouth torching the winged demon. Spinning gracefully on one foot, Toya’s right foot came around striking the frozen demon… shattering it.

“That’s gonna be messy when it thaws out,” Toya said with a touch of pride.

Turning toward the rest of the demons gathered, he brought the daggers up swiftly and dropped into a fighting stance. His senses were alive with the thrill of battle and he was getting some of his frustrations out. Each demon around him started to change and he was suddenly seeing Kyou standing in their place.

“Oh you are just LOOKING to royally piss me off!” he exclaimed.

The remaining demons attacked simultaneously as Toya crouched, readying himself for the onslaught. Claws and steel met resulting in a bloodbath that left Toya soaked within a few moments. His clothing was ripped as the enemy dug their claws into his flesh but Toya didn’t slow down.

Had anyone been watching, they would have witnessed Toya in his battling glory. Despite the wounds on his body and the blood spilled, he was beautiful to behold… when his silver wings shattered into existence, he became the essence of a lethal angel.

The attacks suddenly paused and Toya came to a stop. He was now kneeling on one knee with his arms extended out to the side… the daggers clutched tightly in his grip. His breathing was heavy and his ebony and silver hair fluttered in the breeze. Long bangs hung down over his intense silver eyes nearly hiding their intent.

After a few moments of silence, the remaining demons surged forward and Toya growled in frustration. It was time to end this… this was Kyou’s job to take care of his lands for crying out loud. Bringing the daggers forward, he crossed them in front of him. The combined power of the weapons swirled and writhed forming a glowing orb. The sphere began to grow and soon encompassed him completely.

The following explosion wiped out everything including what was left of the village. Toya lowered the daggers and slowly but gracefully rose to his feet. Tilting his head back, he stared up at the sky that was mostly obscured with dust and debris. Ignoring the stench of burning flesh around him, he walked across the now barren ground thanking whatever gods were up there that no humans had been alive upon his arrival.


‘This is what we’re reduced to,’ he thought sadly. ‘Destroying villages just to stop Hyakuhei’s sick and demented schemes.’

Toya sighed and his wings once more burst from his back, lifting him above the polluted ground and high into the night sky. Kyoko was waiting for him to rescue her and he was determined to find her. As he vanished into the night, a single silver feather floated to the ground and landed in the hand of a small child who had hidden and witnessed it all.

As the small fingers closed around the shimmering feather… it vanished.


Hyakuhei stepped from a void not far from the cave. It would not do to give his secret location away… unless it was Kyoko who joined him. He could feel Kamui coming and wondered if the boy would make it this far before realizing the effects of confronting his nightmares would have on him. If the boy noticed his innocence dissolving… would he still come?

His long midnight hair swayed in the cool breeze as the muscles within his body flexed. Knowing if Kamui did make it to him… he would have to fight his own.

“So be it,” Hyakuhei whispered darkly.


Kamui felt the icy chill of the wind cooling the fire that boiled within him. He could also see the black tips of his wings out of the corner of his eyes and it scared him. This was why he had buried those memories. The longer he held onto the dangerous memories… all the rage of the past… the harder it was to breathe.

The wind changed direction and a feather floated past him as he slowed his flight. Kamui’s eyes widened in terror. Black … the feather was solid black.

He turned in panic, looking for the black winged man that haunted him so. No one was there. His glittering eyes slowly turned to glance at his own wings and the breath left his lungs as if someone had kicked him in the chest. He had his father’s wings.

“No! I will not become you!” Kamui wrapped his arms around himself in denial. “I will not become you!” he screamed out just as he spotted Shinbe in the distance. “Make it go away, please… just make it go away,” he whispered not wanting Shinbe to see him with ebony feathers. Letting his body fall, he quickly became enveloped within the trees.

Landing hard on the forest floor, Kamui kneeled there for a moment before opening his eyes. The first thing his bright eyes fell on was his black wings. With an anguished cry, Kamui grasped one of them in a painful grip. He cried out in agony as he tried to rip the midnight wing from his very flesh.

Letting the feathery appendage go, he let his body fall exhausted on the ground. Tears fell from his eyes when he saw the grass around him hiss with the evil power he held deep within his very soul. It was leaking out of him like a plague that would kill everything it touched… hate, rage, jealousy, and untamed raw power. The one gift his father had given him was pure evil!

Curling up into a tight ball, his body started to glow and shimmer with every heartbeat as that power formed a tight cocoon around him. If he broke free of the bondage, would he be evil incarnate?

“Don’t let this happen to me?” he begged quietly as he fought with every breath. “Don’t let me become the nightmare my father wants me to be.”

Shinbe’s lips thinned feeling Kamui dead ahead. He could sense Kamui’s power becoming unstable and it didn’t bode well. “Come on Kamui, pull it together… Kyoko will need us.” Something black floated by him and he quickly snatched it from the wind.

A midnight feather… but it wasn’t Hyakuhei’s. Shinbe’s troubled gaze darted around the vicinity in search for the true owner… for Kamui. “You don’t want to do this Kamui.” His voice held a hint of fear. “If you open the door to such destruction… we may never get it closed again… please.”

The forest below him was shimmering with a strange life force and Shinbe quickly headed straight for it. A large blue sphere rested in a small clearing lighting up everything around it in a vibrant blue hue. Landing beside it, Shinbe felt the dangerous conflict raging within the sphere. His amethyst eyes showed his sadness as he took in the ebony feathers that still littered the ground.

“Kamui?” Shinbe whispered as he reached out and gently touched the swirling color on the surface of the orb.

The second his hand touched the sphere, the conflict inside stabilized for a moment… turning pure. Shinbe’s eyes slid closed as he took Kamui's essence inside him, letting it build. All of Kamui’s pure love and innocence… all his concealed malice, also the untamed power he drew from those feelings.

Kamui opened his eyes feeling someone there, but all he could see was the cage he had built around himself. Through the thick walls, he could see an amethyst aura and knew Shinbe was there. “Don’t look…” He whispered as he lowered his head, “…I don’t want you to see the truth.”

He could hear Kamui’s heartbreaking request. While the link between him and Kamui was so strong, Shinbe used his telepathic power to reach out to him through the barrier. He laid his forehead against the shield and pressed his palms on each side… making his muscles push and pull at the same time.

Sending his voice inside Kamui’s barrier, Shinbe tried to reason with him. “Kamui, let it go… you do not need to fight Hyakuhei on your own. Not like this. We will do it as brothers… together. But right now there is someone who needs us more. Kyoko needs you Kamui.”

“Kyoko? But… I am not a true brother,” Kamui cried from inside his cell. He could see his own reflection and it was disturbing as black eyes stared back at him. “I’ll never be that… regardless of how much I want it… need it. You don’t know what’s inside me trying to come out. What if I hurt her?”

Shinbe’s amethyst eyes watered in understanding. “Let it go Kamui. That knowledge has been buried and forgotten for a reason. You had a choice and you chose us. You are my brother… a guardian to Kyoko. We protect her with everything we are… even if we have to forget where we come from.”

“But… it’s a lie!” Kamui cried out then became shock still as he heard Hyakuhei’s voice taunt him from afar. ‘You belong to me… child. So does your priestess.’

Shinbe could hear Hyakuhei’s voice within the barrier and it angered him. “Do you want him to put those same chains on Kyoko that you once wore!?” Shinbe yelled, trying to make Kamui listen to reason. “Fight the memories for her sake. Bury them deep inside and never look back. You can choose your own destiny! You do not have to become him! Think of Kyoko damn it.”

“Kyoko?” A tear fell from Kamui’s cheek as he looked down and watched it shatter with its glittering color. If he was truly his father… his tears would be black as night or crimson even … not the shattering array of light he saw now. He envisioned Kyoko struggling against Hyakuhei and knew what had to be done. The only way he could ever win against such an evil was to become evil… but he would never betray his priestess that way. He loved her too much.

Shinbe took a step back from the sphere as it started to rise several feet off the ground. The blue aura surrounding it glittered like diamonds as the light within became so bright it overpowered it.

“You cannot have me or her. Once again Hyakuhei… I deny you,” Kamui whispered just as the sphere shattered.

Several miles away, Hyakuhei’s eyes flashed red in anger as he heard Kamui’s words and he answered, “You cannot conceal the truth for long boy… you and I are the same.“