Raging Hearts

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Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Toya loved it when Kyoko rode on his back but he would never tell her that. It made him feel good when she clung to him in an effort to hold on. Sometimes he would go even faster just so she would have to hold tighter, with her legs bracing against him and her arms around him. He’d never shown his wings around her for this reason.

Sometimes, she would lay her cheek against his back and he could sense that she also enjoyed it as much as he did. His mind turned back to the forest in the east. The Guardian Heart Crystal was already half collected and Hyakuhei had most of it at this point. Things were getting very dangerous and he would have to stay on guard.

He felt he had to protect Kyoko with his life, especially when there was danger everywhere they went. The demon he’d fought yesterday had been a wakeup call. Toya sped up, hoping to run into Suki and Shinbe on their way back to camp, so they could hurry and get to the east before Kotaro and Kyou did.

High above them, Kyou flew across the sky without expression, as if an apparition of a deity. His clothing floated around him as he scanned the east in the distance. So the eastern forest is where the presence of Hyakuhei had disappeared. This is also where Toya and the priestess were headed. His lips curved upwards in the barest hint of a smile.

"Yo!” Toya called out when he caught a flash of movement in the distance. Leaping down from tree to tree and branch to branch, he landed gracefully in front of Shinbe and Suki.

Kyoko slid off Toya’s back and quickly walked to them, smiling at her friends. "We just got word that the east forest is where we should be heading,” Kyoko informed them.

Shinbe’s head snapped up looking over at Toya. "Oh, yeah? What’s happening in that area?" He asked moving closer to Toya to discuss the matter. Kamui stepped from the edge of the forest to join the guardians with the planning, nodding when Kaen showed up from nowhere, as he often did just when the time was right.

Kyoko whispered to Suki, pulling her to the side and away from the others, “But anyway, how was your visit?" She cocked her head to the side, grinning.

Suki rolled her eyes in the direction of Shinbe. "Can you believe that idiot tried to kiss me?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared daggers at the wayward amethyst guardian.

Toya twitched with his exceptional hearing. He’d heard Suki's remark and when Kyoko heard it she had looked directly at him, locking eyes with him. She turned her face away to hide the blush that was creeping across her cheeks but not before Suki and Shinbe both took note of it.

Shinbe leaned toward his brother keeping his voice low. "What happened between you two while we were gone, Toya?” he felt a bolt of jealousy shoot threw him but tried to ignore it knowing it was a lost cause. Kamui also took a step closer waiting to hear the answer.

Toya's eyes widened and the small fine hair stood up on the back of his neck, making him back up from them with a guilty look. “Heh, nothing happened," He crossed his arms and glared at them, daring them to call his bluff.

Suki grabbed Kyoko's arm and pulled her a good distance away from the guys this time. "Okay, spill it. What’d I miss?" She asked with her lip twitching with barely hidden mirth. For as long as Suki had known Kyoko, she felt like she had known her forever. She loved her like a sister, and right now she could tell something was up.

Kyoko wouldn’t meet Suki's eyes, and her face was still high in color.

"Kyoko, give,” Suki pleaded.

Kyoko looked up at her best friend who was at least a couple inches taller and shrugged. "Okay, I have now been kissed, that’s all,” she quickly rolled her eyes trying to play it off as no big deal.

Suki glanced at Toya. "So, he finally kissed you, did he?” Turning back to Kyoko, she smiled a knowing smile until she saw the shake of Kyoko's head. Suki frowned. "It was Toya that kissed you? Wasn’t it, Kyoko?" she cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

Kyoko groaned. "It’s a long story, so I’ll make it very short. Three different guys have now kissed me and all within the time that you were gone. And no, I didn’t ask a single one of them to kiss me. So again, it’s No Big Deal!" She put emphasis on the last three words.

Suki's lips parted as she stared at her friend. Meanwhile, Toya had tensed up hearing Kyoko say it was no big deal. ‘Well, now I know what she thinks,’ Toya thought to himself with a frown as he turned back to his brothers and concentrated on telling them what he knew about the area of the east forest.

Suki finally found her voice but kept it low, "Kyoko, who kissed you?" Seeing Kyoko's lips press together, Suki sighed. "Okay, I want to know who kissed you first."

Kyoko squeezed her eyes shut. "Kyou was the first."

"Kyou!” Suki yelled then snapped her hand over her mouth cringing.

Toya's hand curled into a fist at his side in an effort to restrain his anger. He turned and gave an evil look in Kyoko's direction before quickly closing the distance between them, not liking the turn of the conversation. "We don’t have time for this shit!" He huffed, glaring at the girls. "We need to go find the talismans before the enemy gets his hands on all of them."

Kamui nodded, "Yeah, Kotaro came to the camp and said he was on his way to the same area right before he kissed Kyoko on the cheek and took off."

Toya cuffed Kamui in the back of his head with a quick growl.

"Oww, what’d you do that for? I didn’t do nothing,” Kamui rubbed the knot that had formed on his head, his big, stardust eyes watering. It was a show obviously, because inside he was in the middle of laughing his ass off at the look that had crossed Toya's face.

Suki's eyes rounded. "Kotaro, too!" she jerked her head in Kyoko’s direction wondering what in the world was going on.

Shinbe slid toward Toya. "So what’s the big deal?"

Toya just glared at him as if daring him to say another word.

Suki grabbed Shinbe’s arm and pulled him away from Toya before he wound up like Kamui, with a lump on his head.

Toya turned his glare on Kyoko.

She bristled and glared back. "What’s your problem? And don’t hit Kamui!" She yelled, stepping in front of the guardian as if to protect him. She didn’t have a clue that Kamui now stood behind her, smirking at Toya as if he had just gotten one over on him.

Suki knew there was going to be a fight. Grabbing Kyoko's hand, she started dragging her up the path. "Come on Kyoko, walk with me for a while,” Suki didn’t give her time to argue as she pulled her along.

Not feeling so safe being left there within Toya’s reach, Kamui took off with the girls, leaving Toya staring at their retreating backs.

Once far enough away from Toya, Suki turned to Kyoko. "Now, would you please tell me what the hell happened? Why did Kyou kiss you?” Suki nearly shouted, eyeing her friend with concern. The thought of Kyou kissing anyone was just… disturbing.

Kyoko shrugged. "I haven’t the foggiest idea why he did it. I was swimming. He floated down and scared the hell out of me. Before I knew what he was doing, he was kissing me, then he left without saying a word."

Kamui felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach. He quickly stepped behind Kyoko, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. “Kyoko, did he mark you?" He asked in a strained voice.

Kyoko frowned. Spinning around, she pinned Kamui with a confused look. "Toya asked the same thing. What does that mean? Mark me? How?"

Kamui's lips thinned. "For Kyou to kiss you out of the blue like that, it means that he’s thinking about making you his life mate."

"What!” Kyoko yelled putting her hands on her hips. “You have got to be joking.”

"No joke… with that kiss, Kyou has already started laying his claim on you.” Shadows entered Kamui's eyes as if lending affect, “Now he will stalk you, little by little, ‘til he marks you and makes you his.” He let is hand fall from her shoulder. “I guess you would think of it as dating."

Suddenly understanding more then he wanted to, Kamui whistled through his teeth. "That’s why Toya is so upset, and then Kotaro comes blowing in and kisses your cheek. That’s the same thing. He’s dating you, too."

Kyoko didn’t know what to say. She just stood there for a minute. Then looking over Kamui’s shoulder, she noticed Toya and Shinbe trailing behind them, still lost in planning their next move as they headed east.

Suki pulled Kyoko's attention back. "Okay, you said three, Kyoko. So, Toya kissed you too, right?"

She nodded then shook her head. "But Toya didn’t really want to kiss me. It was kind of… an accident.”

Kyoko glanced over her shoulder again, noticing the others were catching up. "We got into a fight with a demon and Toya lost his daggers and his demon blood took over. He killed the demon and I ran for one of the daggers but he caught me just as I reached it. I thought he was gonna kill me, but instead… he kissed me. Then the contact with the daggers sealing spell changed him back."

Suki looked over her shoulder at Toya, then back to Kyoko. "Wait, you mean he changed back while he was kissing you?" she cocked an eyebrow when Kyoko nodded.

Kamui smiled, "I knew it! He really does like you. That’s why in his other form he kissed you instead of killing you. He did it because it felt right to him.” Kamui stepped back from them knowing Toya was now within hearing range.

"Well, let’s keep them company." Suki decided to follow Kamui's example and let it drop for now… to bad Shinbe wasn’t that smart.


Shinbe turned to Kyoko, hearing Kamui’s last statement. "So that’s why he’s so testy!" He grinned wondering if he should add his kiss to Kyoko’s dating line before it got to long.

Toya turned on them, scratching his neck. "Will you guys quit talking shit about me, damn it!"

His neck was already red and Kyoko giggled. She knew when Toya’s neck started itching like that, he thought someone was talking about him behind his back and it irritated him to no end.

Toya's fingers twitched as he heard Kyoko giggle. It sent a jolt of pleasure through his body and made him wish she’d do it more often. He glanced around noticing everyone had finally stopped chatting. Satisfied no one was talking about him anymore, he dropped his hand.

"Come on. We don’t have time to play around. We have to stop Hyakuhei and collect the talismans before he does." Toya leaned down in front of Kyoko. "Come on, let them find their own way and you ride with me. It’ll be faster." He waited for Kyoko to climb on. At least this way he wouldn’t have to hear about his rivals.

Kyoko smiled and climbed on. Then she put her arms around him and gave him a gentle squeeze to let him know she was ready.

Facing away from everyone so no one could see, Toya closed his eyes as he savored the hug he’d just gotten. Opening his eyes back up, silver lights glittered within his golden irises and he took off at a speed that would rival his wind brother Kotaro.

Chapter 3 ‘Wicked Kisses”

The breeze was growing colder by the minute and Toya slowed down noticing an evil aura in the distance. Kyoko's blood ran cold as the unnatural feeling overwhelmed her. Toya leapt down from the high branches, coming to a skidding stop at the top of a hill. She slid to the ground as the others quickly appeared behind them looking into the distance.

Kyoko watched as an ominous cloud loomed over the area. "I feel a talisman." She shook her head. "Not just one, there’s more," She said breathlessly. “The evil surrounding the fragments is stifling.”

Suki walked up behind Kyoko, adjusting her weapon across her shoulder for easier access in case of battle. "I wonder if it’s Hyakuhei you’re sensing?" She glanced at Shinbe as he walked up beside them, his trench coat and long midnight-blue hair blowing in the wind that was now picking up.

Toya’s eyes narrowed and change to molten silver. Sensing danger close to them, he glanced to the left and slung his arm downward. The metallic blade of a dagger flashed to life within his palm. "Come out you bastard, I can smell you!" Toya growled, stepping in front of Kyoko and the others to protect them. The hillside and valley below held the heavy stench of evil.

A form wearing a billowing, black robe materialized out of nowhere, right in front of them with a wicked tilt to his lips. "So, you have answered my summons."

Kyoko shuddered when his dark eyes met hers. The memory of the dream she had the night before slammed into her, giving her the creeps. She took a step back, hiding behind Toya and peeking around him at Hyakuhei. She had a bad feeling that the only reason he was there was her and the talismans she carried.

Toya noted Hyakuhei’s attention was centered on Kyoko and he felt a mental snap. He growled, gripping the handle of his dagger and flinging himself forward to slash at the enemy. The black cape fluttered to the ground as expected. He’d known it was only one of Hyakuhei’s puppets anyway.

“Will you ever have the guts to truly face me!” Toya raged.

"The priestess’s powers will be mine, so… come to me…” Hyakuhei’s cold voice slowly blew away in the wind.

Kyoko felt chills creep up her spine from the words Hyakuhei had spoken. “Come to him? Is he nuts?” she whispered feeling the coward inside rear its frightened head.

Toya came to stand beside her. He knew that the guardians were in charge of keeping the crystal out of the hands of evil but he didn’t like the fact that it put Kyoko in harm’s way. Hyakuhei had killed many innocents for the talismans. He’d be damned before he let Kyoko become one of the casualties of this war.

He would protect her. His need to protect Kyoko was so strong, it had become his sole purpose for existence and right now, he had a very bad feeling. He could hear Kyoko’s heartbeat speeding and could smell the fear coming from her in waves. Toya watched in amazement as she turned to him with a frozen smile.

“Well, shall we go collect another talisman?" Kyoko lifted her chin in defiance of the fear she was feeling and straightened her shoulders.

Toya looked behind her and could see that the others were also ready. The others… the only people he’d ever trusted.


Hyakuhei gazed into the mirror his underling Yuuhi held up for him. The mirror of souls that enabled him to watch Kyoko’s every move. This girl was his focus for the moment. She alone held the power to control the Guardian Heart Crystal and he needed that power.

But… he also needed her to help him fuse the talismans back together. To do that, he would have to find a way to get her to come to him… willingly. He wanted her… not dead… instead, he wanted her on his side.

As if reading his master’s mind, Yuuhi spoke in the quiet, emotionless voice that belonged to a child. "You want the power the girl wields but she is pure and will not come to you willingly.” The ghostly-white form of the boy peered at Hyakuhei with black eyes that held the knowledge of thousands of years.

"To capture her is to capture a pure heart. To do that, you will need to snare her in a web of deception." The eerie boy gazed into the mirror, watching Kyoko with eyes the color of death.

Hyakuhei smiled a tainted smile. His unblemished, perfect body and face hid his malevolence. His long, dark hair cascaded around him in gleaming waves. He was very sensual, with slender muscles rippling under his skin with every movement. This priestess that the guardians protected held the likeness of the only one he had ever loved.

He knew Kyoko was a reincarnation of the one he had lost so long ago… the one taken from him without mercy.

His hand fisted as the memories tried to come back to him of another time. He pushed them away with a growl and focused back on the priestess before him. How could he make an untainted heart fall in love with him when he was pure evil? She had the power he’d given to her ancestor so long ago. This is what drew him to her, the thought of corrupting that kind of purity. First, he would have to ensnare her.

"I will call upon the magic of Tenshi to cast a spell on the priestess and she will fall in love with me." Hyakuhei then began to laugh but the sound held no humor. Closing his dark eyes, he summoned forth the angelic figure of one of the inner demons he had consumed within his body and now controlled.

This demon Tenshi could weave a spell around the girl, unknowingly making her fall in love with the one who has her in their possession. Also calling forth a demon of immense strength and a mass of flying evil spirits to keep Toya and the others at bay, Hyakuhei sent them to meet the group as he watched it all through the mirror of souls.


As Toya and the group closed in on the sinister aura within the valley, Kyoko stopped. Malevolence… she could feel it all around them but she couldn’t see it. “Something is here with us,” Kyoko whispered as she took a frightened step back. Her wide emerald eyes lifted to a hill in front of them just as an enormous demon rose from the ground as if climbing out of some unmarked grave.

Toya growled at the smaller demons also coming from the ground. It looked like someone had opened a gate from hell. The twin daggers quickly shimmered to life as Shinbe and Suki stood on each side of him. Kaen bared his fangs as Kamui darted over to Kyoko to stand in front of her incase some of the demons made it past the others.

Toya sprang forward yelling. “Kyoko! Do you see a talisman in the main demon?"

Kyoko looked at the demon hard and saw a soft glow coming from its forehead. "Forehead!" She yelled back at Toya while Suki started slashing at the wraiths that were flying toward them ahead of the main demon.

Kyoko watched Shinbe start to unwind the amethyst beads from around his hand to open the cursed void Hyakuhei had gifted him with as a child, the same void that could swallow him whole if its powers ever became out of control. The vacuum of the void would suck the demons into its depths in waves, making it one of their best and most dangerous weapons in the battle against Hyakuhei and his minion.

Kyoko saw a shadow fly past her and glanced above them. "Shinbe! Don’t do it! A changeling," She pointed and Shinbe glanced up, quickly closing the cursed void and nodded his thanks for the warning just as a swarm of demons came at them. The changelings were the voids solitary downfall.

Shinbe had almost died the last time he’d accidentally sucked in one of Hyakuhei’s changelings. Their power reflected within the void, spinning it out of control and putting Shinbe’s own life in danger of being consumed by the cursed vacuum.

Suki’s bayonet zoomed through the air at the last second, killing some of the advancing lowborn demons. Shinbe threw wards and cast spells at the rest that were attacking them.

That’s when everything started happening all at once, Kyoko watched as the group fought off a large swarm of ground imps. Airborne demons attacked Toya with movements too quick to track, giving the mammoth demon an opening to attack. Toya was thrown across the field only to rise back up and come at it again.

Kyoko raised her crossbow, intending to help as much as she could when something caught her attention… stilling her movements. An illumination descended around her, repelling Kamui as if he had been thrown away from her. It was so bright that Kyoko shut her eyes tight and threw her arm up in front of her to keep from being blinded.

Toya saw the light sphere descend on Kyoko. His heart thudded in his chest… his attention on her instead of the fight with the demon as he picked himself up from the ground yet again.

Finally opening her eyes, Kyoko gasped when she saw a man right in front of her. He was beautiful… with wings of light… just like in her literature books at school. They would have said he was an angel. This man was in no way an angel… she could feel it. She pulled back the string of her crossbow and a spirit dart formed as she remembered the story about the most beautiful angel being kicked out of heaven because he was evil.

Kyoko steadied her aim as she looked into the crystals that were his eyes but was unable to shoot. How could she hurt something so precious? With his long, white hair flowing around him, she’d never seen anything so lovely in her life. He slowly approached her, whispering words that she couldn’t understand.

Between Suki and Shinbe, they’d wiped out almost all of the free flying spirits and turned to help Toya with the enraged demon that was slamming him into the ground because he wasn’t paying attention to the fight. He was too busy trying to see what was happening to Kyoko.

Suki threw her weapon and it slashed across the demon’s cheek, getting its attention fixed on her. Shinbe grabbed her out of the way just as the demon attacked, sending debris flying as its claws missed and swiped the ground. He yelled to Toya. "You go help Kyoko. We’ll deal with this thing!”

Toya raced to the radiating light, seeing the image of a man with wings floating toward Kyoko inside the barrier. He ran to it but the barrier repelled him as it had Kamui. Small lightning bolts the color of black light sizzled across his skin. Flying backwards, he hit the ground with a bone-jarring thud. He lay there for a minute, stunned and trying to catch his breath.

Kamui stood on the other side of the sphere, franticly casting every magic spell he could think of to destabilize the barrier but it wasn’t working. He growled in frustration as he again tried to breach the shield and get to Kyoko. Placing his hands together in front of him, he chanted his most powerful spell and released it, only for it to reflect off the wall of the barrier and slam back into him, sending him skidding across the grass in irritation.


Kyoko was trying to fight the pull from the apparition-like form in front of her. She could hear him whispering enchantments and she could feel a strange sensation starting in her chest. It wasn’t painful… but still… it felt like it would burst. Not with pain… it was a loving feeling. She was still lucid enough to feel fear at the same time.

She tried to step back as he drew even closer and that’s when it dawned on her exactly what he was doing. This mischievous demon was casting a spell on her… and now it was too late. Kyoko blinked slowly. She felt the overwhelming feeling of being in love. She would do anything for that person but she didn’t know who that person was. Who was it she loved so much that it hurt?

She felt the ground shift under her feet and she began sinking into a void just as the alluring demon finally came within a hairsbreadth from her. His silky lips brushed across hers and her world turned black.


Hyakuhei gazed through the mirror and witnessed the spell being placed on Kyoko. He knew when she awoke, the person before her would be the one she loved. His eyes glowed a faint, crimson light as he opened a portal under the barrier sphere she was trapped in and started pulling her to him.

"Yes, come to me. I am the one you truly love.” His thoughts became distorted and he felt like she was finally coming home to him. “As it should be,” he whispered.

Yuuhi watched Hyakuhei without a flicker of emotion crossing his pale, young face. "She will not come, for Toya will stop her.”

Hyakuhei’s eyes narrowed on the boy before he turned back to the mirror.


Toya stood over the barrier-sphere that kept Kyoko from him. With his whole body shaking from fear and anger, he gathered his guardian powers and let it pulse into the twin daggers.

"You will not take her away from me!" His eyes instantly changed to molten silver as his powers surfaced, sending a shockwave out around him, causing his hair and clothes to flutter wildly from the blast. Holding the twin daggers together, the crossed blades turned a vivid blue as the Tenshi kissed Kyoko’s lips.

The demon looked up just as Toya descended. In a flash, the barrier shield disappeared and the blades made contact with the Tenshi, killing it in an instant.

Toya reached down and grabbed Kyoko around the waist, pulling her up out of the void that had formed under her. He jumped clear of the void just as the massive demon Suki and Shinbe were fighting tried to attack him again.

Seeing that Kyoko was unconscious and not knowing what the winged demon had done to her made Toya see red. Raising his fire dagger with a furious growl, he felt the heat build within his guardian blood and released it back on the advancing demons, blasting them to smithereens.


Yuuhi lowered the mirror of souls from Hyakuhei, who had looked away in disappointment.

Hyakuhei’s voice remained calm. “No matter, the spell will only last a couple of hours since the Tenshi was destroyed." There was no regret, for he would have many more chances and he would capture the priestess. He opened the palm of his hand revealing the small fragments of crystal that would eventually bring her within his grasp.

"She will still come to me." He said in a seductive voice as Yuuhi looked back into the mirror.


Toya was so upset that he didn’t even notice the dark clouds had disappeared and the sun was once again shining its late day rays. He reached out, pulling Kyoko closer so that her head rested on his thigh as he knelt. He couldn’t see any wounds but the fact that she had passed out was scaring the hell out of him. He paid no attention to the others as they crowded around him.

Kamui knelt by Toya's side. "Is she all right?” He gazed down at Kyoko with a catch in his voice. “I was supposed to protect her,” He whispered as he reached out and touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “Kyoko, please wake up… for me… come on… why won’t you wake up?” The quiver in Kamui’s voice gave away the guilt he was feeling for not saving her.

Shinbe was the one to answer. "I recognized the lovely demon that was with her. I studied its secrets a while back. It’s called Tenshi. It’s very weak in physical attacks and can be destroyed easily. Its real power is a deceiving love spell." He directed his next question toward Toya. "It didn’t kiss her did it?”

Toya nodded, remembering the flash of jealousy that had shot through him when the beautiful male creature dared to kiss Kyoko.

Shinbe sighed and smacked his hand over his eyes before peeking through his fingers, "Then we may have a problem when she wakes up.”

Toya felt his stomach quiver at the thought of Kyoko being hurt somehow. "Shinbe, what’s wrong with her? What kind of spell was it that the bastard put on her? Is there any way we can help her? An antidote or something?" He asked calmly, never taking his eyes from her for fear of her breath stopping. He’d never felt so numb in his ageless life.

"Well, the Tenshi put a love spell on her when he kissed her. That much I know. He was probably going to take her to Hyakuhei when they started down into that void that had opened up. But since you killed the demon, the spell shouldn’t last very long.” Shinbe cast a worried glance at Toya, hoping his studies had been accurate… for all their sakes.

Toya frowned as he moved a couple inches away from her and stood up. His heart kicked up its tempo as he asked, "What kind of spell is a love spell and why would Hyakuhei want Kyoko under it?" Then it dawned on him what Hyakuhei’s intentions had been. His hands balled into fist as his eyes widened then instantly narrowed, "Damn that bastard! I’m gonna kill him!"

He sat down hard on the ground beside Kyoko. "Well, what’s gonna happen when she wakes up now that Hyakuhei's not here?" Toya tried to hide the fury he felt at the thought of Hyakuhei wanting Kyoko.

Shinbe leaned over her. "Let’s find out." He tapped Kyoko on the cheek softly. "Kyoko, sweetie. Wake up." He smiled when her eyes started to flutter. Suki sat down beside him waiting for Kyoko to focus, waiting to see if she was all right.

Kyoko's vision was blurry as she opened her eyes. Her chest hurt. She raised her hand, putting it over her heart and squeezed her eyes shut for a second. Then she heard Shinbe.

“Kyoko, are you alright?" Shinbe leaned over her, now coming into focus as she gazed up at him.

Kyoko stared at him for just a moment, feeling every nerve in her body come to life. God, Shinbe was beautiful with his long, midnight blue hair hanging down around his perfect face. His eyes looked like amethyst crystals as he watched her. "I’m fine." Kyoko pushed herself up into a sitting position and wrapped her arms around his neck wanting closer to him. "Oh, Shinbe. I love you so much."

Shinbe’s eyes flashed pure joy as Kyoko pressed herself against him. Forgetting everyone was watching, he smiled back at her and asked, "Kyoko, darling. Will you have my child?"

Kyoko smiled, "I would love to." She waited as Shinbe started forward with his amethyst gaze on her lips. About that time, Suki's weapon landed on Shinbe's head making him dizzy. He gasped in pain as he passed out.

Kyoko frowned as Shinbe landed in a heap beside her. In slight confusion she turned to look at Suki who was laying her weapon back on the ground with a smug look. "Aaah, Suki," Kyoko crawled toward her, smiling sensually the whole time. Reaching out, she cupped Suki's cheek with the palm of her hand. "You are so beautiful.”