Loe raamatut: «Train in Space»


© Rita Fe, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4498-5573-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Train in Space


In the house…

Mom cooks soup in the kitchen.

Harry, a little boy, comes up to his mother and asks:

(Harry: red hair, 8 years old)


– Mom, can I go to the camp too, where the ostriches fly?

Mom turns to him and says:


– I can not let you go, you are still small.

Dan comes into the kitchen with a backpack on his back. Dan walks over to the chair, knocks the backpack on a chair.

(Dan – 17 years old, brown hear, looks – German, Swiss, handsome guy)

Mom looks at Dan.

– Well, are you ready?
Dan looks at mom and says:
– Yes, Mom, the guys should pick me up.


Mike and Nick are standing on the sidewalk, they are looking at the girl, Mia, who is approaching them.

(Mike – red hair, 17 years old, thin)

(Nick – black hair, beautiful face, 17 years old, with glasses)

(Mia – btown hair, very smart – looking, beautiful, 17 years old)

Mia comes close to them.


– Mia, are you going with us?


– Yes, I’m going with you. Now father will bring my suitcase.

Behind them, Mia’s father comes up and gives the red suitcase to her. Mia takes the suitcase in hand.

In the open trunk, Mia, Mike and Nick dump their bags. Charlie walks over and closes the suitcase.

(Charlie – african, tall, 17 years old)


A car pulls up to Dan’s house. Behind the wheel – Charlie, Mia, Mike and Nick are sitting in the cabin.

Dan comes out of the house, he puts his backpack in the trunk and gets into the car.


The car pulls up to the station.


– Seems not to be late. You can not rush.

Nick with glasses sits in the car and ziva. Dan sits next to him and pushes Nick in the side. The door from the side of Nick herself opens and Nick falls to the ground, glasses fly off him.

The train arrives and stops.

The train is red, beautiful, new, it is one of those that go to Switzerland.

Mike, Mia, Nick, Dan and Charlie run up to the last car and enter it. Anxiety.

The girl, Susan, gets off the train and walks over to her boyfriend, Willie.

Susan is a beautiful blonde, looks – model, affectionate, 17 years old.

Willie – tall, handsome, athletic body, 19 years old.

– I can’t take this train
Susan looks back at the train.


– I’ll sit on the other.

Willie looks at the train and says.


– What do you dislike about this train?

Susan (alarm in voice):

– I want us to leave here.

Willie is looking at Susan.


– Did you feel something.


Dan walks through the car, Charlie walks behind him, Dan looks at the beautiful girls who are sitting in the car and says:


– Oh, what girls are here, it’s not for nothing that we sat down here.

Charlie looks back at Mia, who goes far behind and says:


– And you look at Mia, she is also nothing!

The train runs along the rails, dark, evening.

Mike stands and looks out the train window.

A passenger passes by – a man (32 years old, with glasses), he stops near Mike, opens a window and says to Mike:


– Very hot, let it be open.

The passenger leaves.

Dan, Mia, Nick and Charlie are sitting next to each other in the carriage.

Mia sits and looks at Dan, Dan sits opposite Mia.


– Why did you push him in the car?


– Are you going to camp with us?


– Yes, we all eat at the «Ostriches» youth camp.


– Let’s be friends?


– Do you think we will be friends?


– No, what did you want to be my girlfriend?

Dan approaches and kisses Mia on the lips, Mia jerks back and pushes Dan away.

The train beeps and drives into the tunnel.

A scream is heard coming from the front cars.

Mike hears a scream from the front cars, screams and jumps out of the window into the dark.

The train beeps and disappears into the tunnel. Cries are heard reaching the train.


Mike comes out of the tunnel and goes back along the rails towards the station.

Tasuta katkend on lõppenud.

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