Maht 30 lehekülgi
The Mad Moon
This is a science fiction short story that revolves around Grant Calthorpe. Set in the 22nd century, Grant Calthorpe is a former sport hunter collecting ferva leaves for the Neilan Drug Company owned by Gustavus. He lives with a parcat named Oliver. To avoid stinging palms in the Ionan jungle, he gives loonies chocolate in exchange for collecting ferva leaves for him. Calthorpe falls ill, suffering from the native «white fever» and experiencing hallucinations. He goes to visit Lee Neilan, the daughter of the owner of Neilan Drug, who is also affected by the fever. He restores her health and she falls in love with him. He then confirms her report of a newly built slinker settlement, at which point he rescues her from the local slinkers. He learns that she had crashed-landed an aircraft against the Idiots' Hills while attempting to reach Herapolis.