Loe raamatut: «Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851», lehekülg 7



U. (E. B.) on Dutch martyrology, 479.

Ulm manuscript, 60. 191. 269.

Umbrellas, 37. 126. 482.

Uncumber and the offering of oats, 404.

Ussher's Works, on the completion of, 496.


V. on Tennyson's In Memoriam, 506.

–– on allusion in Trinitäll Hall's exequies, 252.

–– on the derivation of Voltaire, 329.

Vandyke's portrait of Lord Aubigny, 88.

Vane (Sir Harry) inquiry for his work, Of the love of God, 38.

Varro on the meaning of auriga, 188.

–– on the phrase "to speak in lutestring," 188.

–– on Gray and Burns, 206.

–– on an extract from Johannes Secundus, 135.

–– on Samuel Johnson and Gilbert Wakefield, 138.

Vavasour Family, 71.

Vaughan, Sir John, notices of, 223.

V. (E.) on Bogatzky, 478.

–– on the authorship of Groves of Blarney, 495.

–– on Handel's Occasional Oratorio, 426.

–– on the conversion of William Hone, 477.

Vegetable sympathy, 407.

Vegetating insects, 166. 398. 436.

Venables (E.) on origin of penny postage, 6.

Vendace, a fish, 301.

Venwell, or Venville, its meaning, 38. 152. 310. 355.

Verbum Græcum, 396.

Ventriloquist hoax, 406.

Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, 85. 426.

–– Poems, 85.

–– portrait wanted, 426.

Vertuous Woman, a poem from the Harleian MSS., 219.

Viator on vegetating insects, 436.

Villenage, when extinct, 327. 410.

Villiers Duke of Buckingham, 263.

Vincent (R.) on fest and sittings, 396.

Vineyard, the name of certain places, 470.

Vineyards in England, 341. 483.

Virgil, emendation of a passage in, 237. 357.

Vitus (St.), notices of, 241.

Volpe (Iovanni), particulars wanted, 188.

Voltaire, its derivation, 329. 433. 525.

–– epitaph on, 518.

–– Henriade, translation of, 330. 388. 485.

Volusenus or Wilson, 29.

Vox populi vox Dei, 288. 381.

V. (R.) on swearing by swans, 71.

–– on the division of the ten commandments, 230.


W. (1) on inscription on a clock, 430.

–– on the work Jartuare, 89.

–– on the residence of William Wallace, 59.

W. (A. C.) on epigram on a clock, 431.

Wages in the last century, 143. 285.

Waistcoat bursted, &c., 230.

Waldeby's (Archbishop) epitaph, 426.

Walcott (Mackenzie) on God's Acre, 380.

Wales, princesses of, 477.

Walker (Mrs. Elizabeth), a collateral relation to Shakspeare, 21.

Wallace (William), where did he reside? 59.

Walter (Henry) on Coverdale's Bible, 122.

Wanton's Delli Viaggi, its republication, 277.

Wardstaff, the Tale of the, 57.

Warming-pans, engraved, 84. 115. 290.

Warrant, an original one from the Surrenden collection, 220.

Waste-book, its meaning, 118. 195. 307. 465.

Wat the hare, 44.

Water-buckets given to sheriffs, 118.

Water, Welsh words for, 30. 152.

Way (Albert) on lammer beads, 100.

–– on the foundation-stone of St. Mark's, Venice, 147.

–– on Gloucestershire provincialisms, 204.

–– on the meaning of ramasshed, 347.

–– on a superstitious use of sacramental wine, 179.

–– on specimens of foreign English, 182.

Waylen on Lord Bexley's descent, 250.

–– on lady fights at Atherton, 143.

–– on sketches of Civil War garrisons, 142.

–– on meaning of rechibus, 302.

–– on Wither's Devil at Sarum, 142.

–– on battle in Wiltshire, 142.

W. (B.) on the word Bacon, 42.

–– notices of Herstmonceux castle, 28. 29.

W. (C.) on the authors of the Rolliad, 129.

W. (D. P.) on the phrase "by-the-bye," 229.

–– on obeahism, 150.

Weary Well at the World's End, a tale, 265.

W. (Edmond) on Traherne's Sheriffs of Glamorgan, 186.

Wedsecnarf on boiling to death, 153.

–– on dozen of bread, 153.

–– on anecdotes of old times, 275.

–– queries on costume, 88.

–– on Earl of Clarendon's daughter, 88.

–– on Friday weather, 153.

Weld (C. R.) on Judges' Walk, Hampstead, 4.

Well chapels, information wanted of, 478.

Welle (Robert de), notice of, 458.

Welsh history, illustrations of, 447.

W. (E. N.) on the first panorama, 526.

West Chester, why so designated, 353. 459. 460.

Westminster Abbey, fees at, 276.

–– library of the church of, 152. 230.

Westmoreland, Lady Jane of, 68.

Weston on going to Old Weston, 449.

W. (E. N.) on Friday being unlucky, 496.

–– on the arches of Pelaga, 522.

–– on Nicolas' History of the Royal Navy, 328.

–– on St. Olave's churches, 373.

–– on Robertii Sphæria, 467.

W. (G. W.) on a satirical medal, 240.

W. (H.) on the meaning of ratche, 265.

–– on "Sun, stand thou still upon Gideon!" 191.

Whale caught at Greenwich, 207. 285.

Wheeler's Theological Lectures, 39.

W. (H. H.) on inscription on the Bear's Bible, 329.

Whip (One Corporal) on records at Malta, 180.

White (A. Holt) on the mistletoe and oak, 462.

–– on Thanksgiving book, 481.

–– on carved ceiling in Dorsetshire, 481.

–– on old Rowley, 28.

–– on a tye, 263.

–– on Tanthony-bell at Kimbolton, 429.

White Rose on crucifix of Mary Queen of Scots, 517.

Whiting (Richard), his watch inquired after, 352.

W. (H. P.) on Moore's Almanack, 263.

Whychote of St. John's, 302.

Widow of the Wood, historical notice of, 13.

Wilde (G. J. de) on Etty the artist, 496.

–– on the author of Peter Wilkins, 13.

Wilkes' MSS. and North Briton, 241.

Wilkinson (T. T.) on Lancashire folk lore, 55.

William ap Jevan's descendants, 372.

William the Conqueror, his sword, 24. 66.

Williams (Archbishop), his portrait, 8. 75. 152.

–– (Sir C. Hanbury), ballad ascribed to him, 59.

Wiltshire, battle in, between Rupert and Skippon, 142.

Windebank (Sir F.), his elder son, 373.

Window tax, its origin, 447.

Wines, home made, 328.

Winifreda, a song, 27. 108. 155.

Winkel, its etymology, 138.

Wisby, Gothland, 75.

Witchcraft, instances of, 444.

Witches' prayer, an epigram, 118.

Witham (H.) on Defender of the Faith, 94.

–—, whether the queen can make a gentleman? 88.

Wither (George) the poet, a printer, 36.

–—, Haleluiah, 330.

–—, Devil at Sarum, 142.

Witte van Haemstede, his descendants, 209. 396.

Wmson (S.) on the right divine of kings to govern wrong, 494.

–– on "Marriage is such a rabble rout," 263.

–—, notices of Zacharie Boyd, 500.

W. (J.), notice of Miss Elstob, 497.

–– on the daughters of the sixth Earl of Lennox, 243.

W. (J. K. R.) on Richard Standfast, 192.

–– on "sixes and sevens," 425.

W. (J. R.) on Athelney, 478.

W. (J. S.) on Shakspeare's use of captious, 65. 430.

Wobbles (Colly) on Stanbridge earls, 518.

Wodderspoon (J.) on St. Thomas's onions, 252.

Wolsey (Cardinal), particulars of his son, 303.

Woman, lines on, 143.

Woman's will, lines on, 285.

Wood engraving, account of a large, 277. 436.

Words, small and low, 309.

W. (R. E.) on Cranmer's descendants, 188.

W. (R. M.) on the etymology of suem, 212.

Writing-paper, its present inferiority, 181. 397.

W. (T. C.) on notices of Harris the painter, 329.

W. (W.) on the hand giving the blessing, 509.

W. (W. E.) on the phrase "A regular mull," 449.

W. (W. H.) on the meaning of harrisers, 252.

W. (W. M.) on the meaning of slums, 224.

Wyndowe (O. T.), notice of Mrs. Tempest, 11.


X. on Carling Sunday, 449.

X. (A. L.) on Chaucer's "fifty wekes," 252.

Xavier (Count) de Maistre, 227. 467.

X. (D.) on the word benedicite, 468.

–– on Bassenet of Eaton, 495.

–– on Handel's occasional oratorio, 480.

–– on the birth of Spenser, 510.

–– on registry of dissenting baptisms, 370. 524.

–– on Verbum Græcum, 396.

X. (X.), enquiry respecting Abp. Bolton, 39.

–– on deans being styled Very Reverend, 352.


Y. on an answer to Cowley's poem on drinking, 55.

Yale (J.) on Tu autem, 436.

Yankee, derivation of, 260. 437. 461.

Y. (D.) on Denarius Philosophorum, 168.

–– on the line "Sees God in everything," 168.

Y. (D. A.) on Lady Bingham, 156.

Y. (E. H.) on Countess of Desmond, 341.

–– on the bonny cravat, 351.

–– on Northege family, 425.

–– on the arms of the Emiott family, 478.

–– on the genealogy of the Talbots, 39.

–– on the use of M. or N., 323.

–– on the phrase, "Under the rose," 300.

Y. (E. H.) on the sword of William the Conqueror, 66.

Yeowell (James) on Verstegan's Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, 85.

–– on Verstegan's poems, 85.

Y. (J.) on catalogues of coins of Canute, 525.

–– on north sides of churchyards, 333.

–– on Dutch church in Norwich, 340.

–– on errors in Dibdin's Library Companion, 405.

–– on Dr. Owen's unpublished sermons, 435.

–– on Pontoppidan's Natural History of Norway, 526.

Y. (J. F.) on portrait of Rev. S. Clarke, 284.

Yorke (Charles), lines attributed to him, 43. 72.

Young's (Dr.) Narcissa, 422.

Y. (V. X.) on mounds, munts, &c., 413.

Y. (Y.) on portraits of bishops, 8.


Z. (A.) on the memoir of George Steevens, 119.

Zeteticus on early notices of the resurrection, 374.

Zoll-verein, its meaning, 451.

Z. (X.) on swearing by swans, 192.

–– on by-and-bye, 193.

–– on "Cum grano salis," 253.

–– on the King of Nineveh burning himself, 408.

–– on Shakspeare's Antony and Cleopatra, 139.

–– on a passage in Tennyson's In Memoriam, 10. 227.

–– on pillgarlick, 150.

Z. (Z. X.) on Cardinal Allen's declaration, 11.

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